4-12-23 Ela 3

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Name: Date: Lesson Start and End Time:

Ashlynn Young 4-12-23

Academic Area: Grade Level: Co-op initials with date:

ELA 3rd
Pre-Instruction Planning
Topic Poetry, parts of speech, irregular nouns
PA Anchor/Standard or Standard - CC.1.4.3. L
Eligible Content
Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the
conventions of standard English grammar, usage,
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
Lesson Objectives TSWBAT: When given a noun that doesn’t follow the normal
plural rules, write the plural version of the word with 80%
Materials Smartboard, index cards, pencils, notebooks, sheets with
irregular nouns on it, teacher’s manual.
Planning for Learners Differentiation: I will be differentiating the product in the wrap-
up by allowing them to write whatever they want as long as it is
appropriate and rhymes.

Modifications/Accommodations: I will allow extra time for my

students with IEPs and 504s extra time. A few of them will have
extra assistance from myself, the teacher and/or the
Lesson Presentation
Introduction 1. Ask the students what makes a hero?
Approx 10 Minutes 2. Follow up by asking what kinds of actions can be heroic.

3. Write all of their responses on the board and have them

copy them into their notebooks.
Sequence of activities 1. Read the poem “There For Me”. The first time through,
including assessments don’t stop, but then read it a second time and pause to do
the think aloud prompts.
Approx 75 Minutes
2. Have the students take turns reading pages 166 and 167.
Then have them do the turn and talk prompt on page 166

(With a partner, discuss how poetry is different from
historical fiction). Then make a t-chart (one side
historical fiction, the other side poetry and fill it in (the
students should be giving the differences they discussed.

3. Do page 185 together as a class. Have a student read the

top parts that discusses and defines parts of speech
before moving on to identifying parts of speech in the
bottom half.

4. Ask the students how you make a noun plural (or more
than one). Explain that not all nouns follow the rule of
simply adding s. model this by having them say leaf and
tooth but just adding an s. Explain that these are called
irregular nouns.

5. Have the students give examples of words that don’t

follow the rule. Write them on the board (singular and
plural versions) and have them copy them in their

6. Put a singular word on the smartboard, have the students
write the plural version on their whiteboards and hold
them up.

7. With the time that remains, have the students engage in

their silent stamina reading.
Lesson Wrap-up 1. On an index card, have the students write a two-line
poem that rhymes.
Approx 5 Minutes


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