Science5 LayersOfTheEarth

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1. Identify the layers of the earth.
2. Differentiate between the size of each layer.
3. Create their own model of the layers of the earth from the colored papers/cartolina and label the
layers accordingly.


A. Concepts
1. The earth composed of the crust, mantle (upper mantle, lower mantle), and the core
(outer core, inner core).
2. The earth’s crust is the thinnest layer of the earth.
3. The earth’s core composes of two parts, the outer core and the inner core.
4. The mantle composes of two parts, the upper mantle and the lower mantle.

B. References
1. Science 5 Learning Module K-12
2. http. //volcano text

C. Materials
Globe Colored papers Compass
Cartolina Scissors Pencils
2 hard-boiled eggs Glue

Bread knife Marking pens

A. Preliminary Activities

Good afternoon class! Good afternoon, ma’am!

Before we start with our lesson, may you please lead a AGREED!
prayer ___________.

Thank you!

May I know who is absent today? None ma’am.


B. Lesson Proper


Focusing on the globe and asks: A globe teacher!

Does anyone know what is this?

(Discuss the globe as being model of the earth). Then An egg teacher.
hold up an egg and asks:

Does anyone know what is it?

Class, does anyone from you have an idea on what are About the globe ma’am?
we going to discuss today?
By simply looking at these things (a globe and an

Our topic for today is all about the three layers of the

Do you know what are the three layers of the earth?

Yes ma’am/No ma’am

The three layers of the earth are the crust, mantle,

and core, wherein the mantle compose of two parts;
the upper mantle and the lower mantle and the core
also compose of two parts the outer core and the
lower core.

Supposing this egg is the earth.

We are going to identify the layers of the earth using

this egg as our model.

I have here a half of an egg and using this we will be

able to determine the different layers of the earth.

Who among you has an idea of where the layers of the

earth are being located using a half of an egg as our
model of the earth.

The Earth is made up of many layers like an egg

Let us now see what does each layer of the egg

The SHELL – represents the crust of the earth.

CRUST is the outermost layer of the earth. It is the

home to life on earth.

 It is the thinnest among the layers of the earth.

 At the scale of the planet, that’s less than the

skin of an apple.


The DRY LAND of the continents consists

mostly of granite and other light silicate
minerals, while the ocean floors are made up
mostly of a dark, dense volcanic rock called

1. CONTINENTAL CRUST averages some 25

miles (40 km) thick, although it can be thinner
or thicker in some areas.

2. OCEANIC CRUST is usually only about 5

miles (8 km) thick. Water fills in low areas of
the basalt crust to form the world's oceans

The rocky layer of the earth made up of O2, Si, Al,

Fe, Ca, Na, K, and Mg.

The EGG WHITE - represents the mantle of the

The mantle of the earth is a layer of the earth between
the CRUST and the CORE.

It is made up of rock containing Si, Fe, Mg, Al, O 2 and

other minerals.

The entire mantle is about 2,900 km. (1,802 miles)


The earth’s mantle makes up about 84% of earth’s


The earth’s mantle is divided into two:

1. UPPER MANTLE – starts below the crust and
goes down to a depth of around 200 miles to
the boundary of the lower mantle.
• Temperature ranges from 900oF near the crust
to as high as 7000o near the core.
• Thickness is between 200 to 250 miles.
• It is said to be viscous, with both solid and
plastic characteristics.

2. LOWER MANTLE – is the region inside the

Earth that resides beneath the upper mantle.
 There is much greater pressure than in the
upper mantle, so the lower mantle is less
 The lower mantle alone comprises roughly
55% of the volume of the Earth.
 Approximately 410- 1,796 miles (660 to 2,
891 km) deep.
 Its composition consists of iron-rich
PEROVSKITE, a ferromagnesian silicate
mineral that is most abundant silicate mineral
on earth.

Perovskite fig.

 But scientists now think that perovskite exists

in different states depending on the
temperatures and pressures in the lower
EGGYOLK - represents the earth’s core.

Now class, who has an idea about the earth’s core?

CORE – is what we call the Center of the Earth.

Earth's , core is deepest hottest layer, and it's made
up of the two layers itself:

a. The outer core which borders mantle

 The outer core is
about 1,400 miles
(2,200km) thick, and it's made mostly of a
combination (called an ) of iron and allo
nickel, along with small amounts of other y
dense elements like gold, platinum, and

 These metals can be found on the surface of

Earth in soli form.
 In the outer , cor they're in a very hot
form, liquid e between 7,000-9,000º F.

b. The inner , which

cor is a ball-shaped layer made
almost entirely e of metal.

 It makes up19% of the earth’s total volume and

30% smaller than the moon.

 The solid, inner , cor which is about 760

miles (1,220km) , is e made . thick
primarily o iron
 Although f in the inner core the is
hotter (10,000º F or more — as hot as the core
surface of the Sun!) than the outer , the
intense pressure iron from the rest of the
planet is so great that the cannot melt.

 It is believed that the inner core is a solid and is

mainly composed of iron.
Okay class, do you have any questions about our None ma’am.

This time, I will divide the class into 4 groups.

I have here with me some materials, you will be using

these for your activity.

Inside the envelope also is the direction or instruction

on what you are going to do.

DIRECTION: Make your own model of the

earth’s layer using the provided materials.

 5-7 activity
 a representative of each group will present the
 Cooperation is a must.

 Cooperation - 25%
 Discipline - 25%
 Presentation/Outcome – 50%

Are you all done? Yes, ma’am!


To see if you really have learned something. Bring out

a ¼ sheet of paper for a 10 item quiz.
Encircle the correct answer.
1. Which layer of Earth do plants and animals live on?
a. inner core
b. outer core
c. mantle
d. crust

2. Earth's thin outer layer, the __________, is made almost entirely of light elements.
a. Core
b. Crust
c. Mantle
d. Surface

3. Which is the thickest layer of Earth?

a. Inner Core
b. Crust
c. Mantle
d. Outer core

4. What is the Earth's hottest layer?

a. inner core
b. outer core
c. mantle
d. crust

5. Put the layers of Earth in order from outside layer to inside layer.
a. mantle, crust, core
b. core, mantle, crust
c. crust, mantle, core
d. mantle, core, crust

6. Like the white of a hard-boiled egg, the _______ is the thickest layer of Earth.
a. Lithosphere
b. Mantle
c. inner core
d. outer core

7. What are the layers of Earth from the center out?

a. inner core, mantle, outer core, crust
b. inner core, outer core, mantle, crust
c. lithosphere, asthenosphere, mantle, crust
d. crust, mantle, outer core, inner core

8. This layer is composed of mostly iron, with some nickel.

a. The Core
b. The Mantle
c. The Crust
9. The __________ is the largest layer of Earth.
a. Crust
b. Mantle
c. outer core
d. inner core

10. Which layer is made up of liquid metals, including iron?

a. Crust
b. Mantle
c. outer core
d. inner core

In connection to our topic, research on the following:
 Lithosphere
 Asthenosphere
 Volcanoes
 Relationship of volcanoes to the earth’s mantle

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