In Partial Fulfillment
Smart farming technology trends economic and environmental effects labor impact and
Adoption readiness
Critique Paper
Submitted by:
Romelyn P.Estorco
Smart Farming Technology Trends: Economic and Environmental Effects, Labor Impact, and
Adoption Readiness
Author’s:Athanasios Balafoutis
Spyros Fountas
1.)Institute of Bio-Economy & Agro-Technology, Centre of Research & Technology Hellas, Dimarchou
Georgiadou 118, 38333 Volos, Greece
2.)Agrosystems Research, Wageningen University & Research, P.O. Box 16, 6700 AA Wageningen, The
Farming faces challenges that increase the adverse effects on farms’ economics, labor, and The
environment. Smart farming technologies (SFTs) are expected to assist in reverting this situation.In
this work, 1064 SFTs were derived from scientific papers, research projects, and industrial Products.
They were classified by technology readiness level (TRL), typology, and field operation, And they were
assessed for their economic, environmental, and labor impact, as well as their Adoption readiness
from end‐users. It was shown that scientific articles dealt with SFTs of lower TRL than research
projects. In scientific articles, researchers investigated mostly recording Technologies, while, in
research projects, they focused primarily on farm management information Systems and
robotic/automation systems. Scouting technologies were the main SFT type in scientific Papers and
research projects, but variable rate application technologies were mostly located in Commercial
products. In scientific papers, there was limited analysis of economic, environmental, And labor
impact of the SFTs under investigation, while, in research projects, these impacts were Studied
thoroughly. Further, in commercial SFTs, the focus was on economic impact and less on Labor and
environmental issues. With respect to adoption readiness, it was found that all of the Factors to
facilitate SFT adoption became more positive moving from SFTs in scientific papers to Fully functional
commercial SFTs, indicating that SFTs reach the market when most of these factors Are addressed for
the benefit of the farmers. This SFT analysis is expected to inform researchers on Adapting their
research, as well as help policy‐makers adjust their strategy toward digitized Agriculture adoption and
farmers with the current situation and future trends of SFTs.
Agricultural performance in terms of productivity led farming practices after the Green Revolution of
the 1950s, with limited attention paid to the respective impact on sustainability. however,
conventional farming practices are at a point where agricultural inputs are overused, labor Is no
longer in abundance, and the energy demand is continuously increasing [1]. New opportunities Are
emerging in farming, as a result of the rapid development of communication networks and the
Availability of a wide range of new remote, proximal, and contact sensors [2–6]. In the agricultural
context, these technologies help capture and transmit geo‐localized real‐time information at low cost
[7–10]. Once gathered, processed, and analyzed, these data can assist in determining the state of the
Agro‐environment (e.g., soil, crop, and climate) and, when combined with agro‐climatic and Economic
models, technical interventions can be applied at the field level by either conventional Means or
automated/robotized solutions [11]. All these aspects are under the concept named “smart farming”
that represents the application Of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) into
agriculture [12–14]. These include Variable rate applicators [15–17], Internet of things (IoT) [18,19],
geo‐positioning systems [20,21], big Data [22–24], unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, drones) [18,25],
automated systems, and robotics [26,27]. Smart farming is based on a precise and resource‐efficient
approach and attempts to achieve Higher efficiency on agricultural goods production with increased
quality in a sustainable basis [28]. However, from the farmer’s point of view, smart farming should
provide added value in the form of More accurate and timely decision‐making and/or more efficient
exploitation operations and Management [29]. Smart farming technologies (SFTs) can be divided into
three main categories: farm management Information systems (FMIS), precision agriculture (PA)
systems, and agricultural automation and Robotics. FMISs represent mainly software systems for
collecting, processing, storing, and Disseminating data in the form required to carry out a farm’s
operations and functions. Significant Research work was carried out in this area in the last 20 years
[30–33] and this development assisted In having many commercial products already on the market
that, in many cases, show significant Economic, environmental, and social benefits [28]. PA refers to
the farming management concept aimed at optimizing input use based on recording Technologies to
observe and measure inter‐ and intra‐field spatial and temporal variability in crops, Aiming to improve
economic returns and reduce environmental impact [34]. PA is able to increase Input efficiency for
maintaining or even increasing production rate [35–37], using remote sensing Technologies for data
gathering with either satellite platforms for space imagery [38–40] or Aircrafts/UAVs for aerial
applications [41–43], combined use of sensors for ground data acquisition 44], wireless networks for
interconnecting them [4,10,45,46], geospatial data analytics coming from Different sources [47],
decision support systems (DSSs) for optimized farming decision‐making [48,49], and others. Reacting
technologies are based on agricultural automation and robotics that are separate, but Closely related
ICT sectors. In the case of open‐field agriculture, they are interconnected to cover the Process of
applying automatic control, artificial intelligence techniques, and robotic platforms at all Levels of
agricultural production. Automation technologies in agriculture found high research Interest with
machine learning being thoroughly used for agricultural purposes [50–52], as well as Computer vision
and artificial intelligence [53,54], three‐dimensional (3D) imagery [55], and Navigation systems for off‐
road agricultural vehicles [56]. Based on these developments and on the Industrial robotic state of the
art, agricultural robots of all types were applied in recent years [26,57– 59] with specific tasks, such as
weed control [60], harvesting [61], etc.
Attention toward smart farming is growing rapidly, and several studies of the current status of SFT
development and adoption rate among farmers worldwide were released. The most known, due To its
continuous bi‐annual release from 1997 until today, is the CropLife/Purdue Precision Ag Survey That
deals with adoption rates of certain SFTs in the United States (US) and Canada, based on retail Crop
input dealers regarding their smart farming services. The last version (2019) [62] showed the
Increasing use of data for crop management decisions, with sensing technology services (soil
Sampling, satellite/UAV imaging, yield mapping) and variable rate services being significantly
Increased in comparison to the previous edition (2017), presenting the continuous SFT adoption
Increment in the US. In Europe, where smart farming is less diffused than North America, SFT uptake
is less explored, While most studies are country‐specific [63]. However, recent SFT adoption research
was conductein In different European countries to also observe geographical and cultural causes of
reduced adoption Rates [29,63,64]. Particularly, Barnes et al. (2019a) [63] considered machine
guidance and variable rate nitrogen technologies as the most significant SFTs for arable farming and
conducted an empirical Examination of uptake in five European countries. They showed that farm size
and income reflect the Most important barriers to adoption for all countries under investigation;
furthermore, in countries With small farms of low income, subsidy and taxation were considered the
main positive drivers of SFT uptake. Barnes et al. (2019b) [64] also identified incentives for SFTs to be
adopted in Europe using Data from the same five countries as in Reference [63], and it was found that
current SFT adopters are Divergent from non‐adopters, while the first adopters are influenced by
economic and informational Interventions. Increasing adoption is constrained by skepticism toward
economic returns and that European Union (EU) policy does not recognize complexity across domains
to enable uptake. Kernecker et al. (2020) [29] also worked on the adoption of technological
innovations in agriculture By conducting a survey in seven European countries and in four cropping
systems, and they showed That adoption increases with farm size in arable farms. Farmers perceive
SFT as useful, but they are Still not convinced of SFT potential. On the other hand, experts seem to be
more convinced of SFT Assets and expect a lot from SFT future development. Country specificities
should be considered to Improve SFT diffusion. Even if adoption rates can be increased through
optimization of SFT results and related policies And incentives, SFTs comes with the risk of rebound
effects of their use in agricultural practices. This Is because, even if smart farming is expected to
considerably contribute to environmental and Resource protection (as stated above using PA
techniques), the occurrence of potential rebound effects For agricultural land, water, fertilizers, and
plant protection products is highly probable [65–67]. It is evident that smart farming evolves
technologically at a fast pace in both research and market Domains, but its adoption from end‐users
does not follow the same footsteps. If an evaluation of the Promising positive impact of SFTs
accompanied by an adoption readiness analysis would be Available, then the uptake of such
technologies would possibly increase. Hence, a thorough Assessment and comparison of SFTs from
research (scientific papers), innovation (research projects), And market (commercial products) could
assist in better understanding the evolution of SFTs and How this evolution affects factors of adoption
readiness and related economic, environmental, and Labor aspects within a farm. Based on this need,
the objective of this study was (i) to map the existing Research and commercial SFTs with regard to
their technological readiness level, type, and the field Operation they are used for; (ii) to identify the
ease of SFT adoption; and (iii) to provide the main Impacts of SFTs on farm economics, environment,
and labor. This work is expected to contribute to The literature with a global perspective of various
SFTs developed from research to innovation and Then to the market, as well as show the differences
in their impact and adoption readiness.
This work focuses on open‐field production; hence, we considered SFTs used in arable (including
fodder production) and horticultural (fruit and vegetable production) farming. A review Of such SFTs
was conducted based on scientific literature, current and past EU research projects, and Commercially
available products. The economic and environmental challenges that SFTs face were Determined by a
set of key performance indicators (KPIs) (Section 2.1). For the selection of the SFTs, A systematic
search procedure was developed for scientific papers, research projects, and commercial Products
(Section 2.2). Finally, information about the identified SFTs was collected by developing a
Questionnaire to record data for each SFT’s adoption readiness and its performance regarding the
Selected KPIs (Section 2.3). Several authors proposed grouping indicators to measure the performance
of agricultural Systems. In a study in the United Kingdom (UK), indicator clusters (e.g., biodiversity,
energy, value Chain) were defined, with measurable parameters for each cluster (e.g., number of
species on the Farm, energy balance, total value of production) [68]. In another study, the literature
on agricultural Sustainability was surveyed, and indicators were identified and grouped in a three‐
level hierarchy [69]. An in‐depth review of indicator construction is also available [70]. Indicator sets
were also proposed by public organizations, such as the European Environmental Agency (EEA) [71]
and the Organization for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD) [72], as well as private
Organizations, such as The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) [73] and Global Reporting Initiative GRI)
[74]. All these indicator sets are different and have slightly different purposes. There is not one Single
set of indicators that suits our current purpose betterthan all the others. We used the published
Indicator sets for our study. We examined the published indicators and derived challenges in
agriculture that could be Possibly addressed by SFTs. In Table 1, these challenges are listed along with
SFTs that can be used To address them.
This section provides the final number of SFTs identified in scientific papers, research projects, And
commercial products through our search. These SFTs were presented and compared in terms of
Technology readiness level (TRL1–9), type (recording, reacting, guiding, FMIS, and
Robotic/automation), and field operations addressed (tillage, sowing, transplanting, fertilizing,
Weeding, crop protection, irrigation, harvesting, scouting). This was used to present some perspective
Trends of the current situation in SFT development. The factors that were expected to affect adoption
Readiness of SFTs were also described, while the effect on farm economics, the environment, and
Labor was given, in order to identify the most impactful categories of SFTs within the inventory of This
work.The number of articles describing an SFT is growing rapidly (Figure 1), showing the trend of
Research to transfer conventional agriculture based on the Green Revolution concept (agricultural
Mechanization, uniform input application) to a modern smart agriculture (ICT interference in
Agricultural machinery for increased precision and specified input application). In total, 13,251
scientific papers were found in the citation database Scopus with the query Described in Section 2.2,
and the manual selection resulted in a small fraction of these scientific papers (531 or 4% of the total)
being selected based on the deployment of a prototype tested in field Conditions, which can be
directly useful to farmers. This low percentage of the total number of Scientific papers indicates that
most research presented mainly immature concepts that require Several steps before they can be
beneficial for everyday agricultural practices.Temporal evolution of published scientific articles on
smart farming technologies (SFTs) on A yearly basis (for the period 1981–2017) identified through a
Scopus query (as of 18 July 2018). The Query selected articles that contained keywords related to
technology (sensor, decision support, DSS, Database, ICT, automat*, autonom*, robot*, GPS, GNSS,
information system, image analysis, image Processing, precision agriculture, smart farming, precision
farming) and to open‐field farming (agricult*, crop*, arabl*, farm*, vineyard, orchard, horticult*,
vegetabl*). ICT—information and Communication technologies; GPS—global positioning system; GNSS
—global navigation satellite System. The European Commission CORDIS online database with a search
for funded projects resulted In 94 research projects from FP7 and H2020 funding frameworks directly
related to SFTs, while the Search for industrial SFT solutions concluded 439 products that are available
on the market for Farmers to purchase. In total, 1064 SFTs were selected for this analysis for all
categories (Table 3), for Which the questionnaire was completed. Table 3. Total number of smart
farming technologies (SFTs) identified by the search conducted in Available scientific papers, research
projects and industrial products.
Smart farming is an advanced technology-aided way of planning, cultivating, and harvesting crops and
managing livestock. Smart sensors monitoring temperature, land chemistry, and other vital
environmental components will allow farmers to efficiently decide with precise and real-time data.
Beyond just monitoring, data can be utilized through artificial intelligence (AI) to automate farming
activities. Through AI, farms can perform several tasks, such as watering, through robotic machinery
and do well-calculated crop and machine management to reduce costs and increase production
A large number of SFTs (1064) derived from scientific papers (531), research projects (94), and
Commercial products (439) were collected and analyzed in this work. They were accompanied by
Additional information about their type and field operation used for, as well as in relation to their
Adoption readiness expectations and their economic, environmental, and labor impact. Scientific
Papers mainly focused on recording technologies, while research projects focused on high‐end FMIS
Translating the collected data to valuable decisions. Commercial products were more balanced
Between SFT types, with recording and FMIS again receiving the highest attention, with reacting and
Robotic/automation technologies also highly represented, as farmers require executable solutions for
Their everyday operations. The collected SFTs of scientific papers were mainly used for crop and soil
Scouting, and the research projects were mostly related to fertilization, while commercial SFTs were
Directed toward the three most crucial agricultural practices for most crops, namely, fertilization,
Crop protection, and irrigation. The factors affecting adoption readiness of SFTs showed a constant
trend of change. SFTs from Research projects and commercial products were indicated as a significant
replacement of existing Solutions, but not bringing major changes in existing agricultural systems.
SFTs in scientific papers Were indicated as requiring less learning from the end‐users than in research
projects and even more So in commercial products. Finally, data from SFTs in scientific papers were
difficult to interpret into Useful information, while research projects and especially industrial products
provided clearer Information to the end‐user. The economic, environmental, and labor effects of the
inventoried SFTs were different in Scientific papers, research projects, and industrial products.
Scientific papers did not provide specific impact statements, while benefits or drawbacks of SFTs in
research projects were highly investigated, As this is required by research funding agencies;
commercial SFTs were also declared to have Adequately high impact. Regarding farm economics,
commercial SFTs were indicated as having the Highest expected increase in productivity, revenue, and
quality, while, for input and variable costs, Crop wastage, and energy use, SFTs from research projects
promised higher impacts than commercial Products and scientific papers. As for the environmental
impact, the most influenced environmental Aspects in all categories were agricultural input reduction
(fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation Water). On the contrary, the least affected aspects were gaseous
emissions of all types. In terms of Labor, working time and farmers’ stress were the most affected
aspects, while work heaviness was Also declared to be reduced; injuries/accidents were not affected
to a high extent. From this work, it was revealed that research is slowly shifting from recording
technologies to Actuation technologies, while the share of scientific papers on reacting and
robotics/automations increasing (albeit from a low base). However, recording technologies still
occupy the majority of SFTs With many new (types of) sensors and measurement methods found,
especially in scientific papers. This seems to indicate that there is a knowledge gap between, on the
one hand, measuring the Status of crop and soil and, on the other hand, using that information to
make practical decisions in Farming. Therefore, research is needed to provide the knowledge that will
allow recording SFTs to be Applied in practice. In particular, more research is needed to provide
optimized algorithms, easily Calibrated sensor/application equipment, and higher application
precision for variable rate pesticide Or fertilizer application, as well as variable rate seeding and
tillage. It is expected that Robots/automation for weed control and other operations will deliver large
benefits in reducing labor Demand and input use; however, at present, few SFTs can be classified as
such. Therefore, research Should also be directed toward these technologies, a trend that was also
shown by our work. Finally, only a few SFTs identified in our inventory explicitly addressed issues
related to data Management, such as ownership, data transfer, sharing, security, and privacy. This is
not surprising Because these issues are, to a large degree, organizational issues that cannot be solved
by a technology Alone. It is clear that technical, social, and legal barriers related to collecting, storing,
and transferring Data hinderfarmers’ transition to smart farming, and data security and privacy
implications resulting From a security breach are a major concern for the digitization process of
agriculture. It was concluded that the inventory of SFTs described in this study is important in the
sense that it provides researchers with existing SFT developments to seek new research challenges,
policy‐ Makers with information on the current status of SFTs to design incentives for higher adoption
rates And farmers with an opportunity to acquaint themselves with the SFTs that are available.
However, This work also identified the fact that researchers and SFT providers in most cases did not
produce Quantitative impact results with the use of their SFTs, which makes our study still indicative
about The impact of SFTs, as we analyzed mainly qualitative criteria. In addition, this inventory should
be Updated regularly as the technology is moving fast and new farmers are getting more aware of the
Available SFTs on the market. Therefore, a follow‐up to the present study would be beneficial in
Creating an inventory also including data‐related technologies, practices, standards, and agreements,
As well as numerical results of SFT impact in real conditions.
The IPCC only models the “thing-thing” relationship but does not consider the topic relevance
between user needs and object features. Although MF maps both the user and the object to a
common space, it does not make full use of the fine-grained implicit relationship between user
requirements and object description information in texts. PUIPCC integrates the similarity information
between users and objects simultaneously [45]. However, in terms of taking advantage of user
information, it only involves the level of service information between similar users and does not fully
take advantage of the massive amount of valuable textual information. Moreover, it does not
comprehensively absorb the potential relationship and connotation of text information and
ORTJ not only combines the user’s previous intelligent object selection with the smart object text
description to form an overall requirement profile but also enhances the dimension of
recommendation filtering through the inner attribute association between intelligent objects, which
consequently further improves the recommendation relevance and accuracy. The thing-thing
relationship value and the potential influence from topics and features also matter considerably in
understanding the real relation between users and smart objects.
Comparison of Precision & Recall values: Next, it can be seen in Fig. 3, Fig. 4 that as the scope of
recommendation target selection gradually expands, the precision values of all recommendation
algorithms decrease accordingly, while their recall rates steadily increase. In other words, more
focused demand spans lead to higher recommendation precision. In contrast, broad requirement
bounds inevitably lead to the recommended smart objects and services not being what users need
most. However, regardless of what the top-N range is based on, ORTJ always maintains the leading
position in precision and recall, proving that it has better prediction performance under different
conditions in the same reference frame.
The principle underlying this effect may be that ORTJ expands the sampling dimensions of topics and
features from internal attributes of the smart objects to be selected, which increases the information
density of the matching related contents between requirements and alternatives, finally reducing the
number of false results and missing reports in the prediction. As ORTJ considers a wider range of
recommendation-related elements and covers more measurement information sources, the in-depth
mining ability of information is obviously dominant compared with other approaches. This distinctive
trait of ORTJ is reflected in the prediction effect, that is, higher precision and recall values.