The Origin of Fulton's Condition Factor - Setting The Record Straight
The Origin of Fulton's Condition Factor - Setting The Record Straight
The Origin of Fulton's Condition Factor - Setting The Record Straight
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accurately reflect the true relationship noted that the ratio varied with species, loca- Fulton (1904) was unaware of these activities
between length and weight in fish. tion, and season. He suggested that the ratio and these results. Johnstone (1912) noted
To trace the origin of “Fulton’s condition varied due to reproductive state and the gen- that Henking and Heincke (1907) adopted
factor,” citations to Fulton’s condition factor eral “conditions of nutrition” brought about the formula given by D’Arcy Thompson. This
and the use of condition factors in general in by seasonality or “other circumstances” in the exchange of ideas and applications was also
fish biology and fisheries were located using environment. The reference to “conditions of recorded separately by Hecht (1916) when he
electronic bibliographic search tools. The pur- …” could be construed as the first reference reported that Heincke and co-workers
pose of this listing was to determine the source to a measure of “condition” of a fish but adopted the cubic relationship, based on sug-
of the earliest mention of Fulton’s condition Fulton’s meaning here is not clear. gestions by D’Arcy Thompson, and used it for
factor—who first attributed K and its equa- Johnstone (1912) reviewed the develop- all their work on plaice.
tion to Fulton. Given that neither Fulton ment of the weight to length cubed formula in Heincke (1908) also published the
1904 nor Fulton 1911 specifically mention a fish studies. He pointed out that Meek (1903) length-weight formula but additionally
condition factor, a further search was con- was the first to show a cubic relationship described the variability in the length-weight
ducted directly through the writings and between length and weight. According to relationship over seasonal cycles and in rela-
bibliographic citations of Fulton and his con- Johnstone (1912), the formula: tion to the spawning cycle. Significantly, he
temporaries. Original published documents (Length(cm))3 goes on to define K as a measure of the nutri-
Weight(g) = K •( )
from the period 1890–1925 were consulted, 100 tional condition of a group of plaice caught at
and the focus of the research was the use of was first proposed by D’Arcy Thompson for the same time and location. Heincke was
the weight-length relationship as an index of fisheries investigations. During the previous probably the first to link K with fish condi-
condition in fish. decade other fishery biologists were busy tion, and stated that the better the condition
Fulton (1902, 1904) explored the rela- studying the seasonality of fish growth, and of the fish, the higher the value of K. Thus, it
tionship between length and weight of a exploring the relationships between increases was probably Heincke (1908) who first intro-
number of different fish species. In the 1904 in length and increases in weight. They prob- duced K as an index of “condition” of fish
paper he studied fish growth through mea- ably were able to measure fish length with into the literature.
sures of length, volume, and weight but opted greater precision and accuracy than fish Johnstone (1911) commented on the
in the end to primarily use the weight of the weight, especially at sea. An understanding of dependence of the value of a (normally
fish, because it was easier (more “satisfac- weight-length relationships would allow fish referred to as K) on season and that this was
tory”). He went on to say on page 142: length to be converted to weight for the study the only “convenient index of condition” of
“According to the well-known law, that the of growth. However, the relationship between plaice inhabiting a particular fishing ground
volume of similarly-shaped bodies of the same weight and length was not stable. For exam- (in this paper he wrote the word condition in
specific gravity vary directly as the cube of ple, Johnstone (1905) reported on weights quotation marks). However, Johnstone
corresponding dimensions—a law which was and lengths of Irish Sea European plaice (1912) gave a fully developed description of
brought prominently forward by Herbert (Pleuronectes platessa), and referred to Fulton’s fish condition. This was probably the first
Spencer in his Principles of Biology—a fish (1904) comment that the weight tended to comprehensive definition of the “condition
which has doubled its length should have increase more rapidly with length than the index.” In this paper the equation
increased its weight eight times.” Spencer cubic law would suggest. This inconsistency K = W3
(1884:123) wrote that doubling of size results probably provided the basis for the concept of
was called the Meek-D’Arcy Thompson for-
in an organism being eight times more heavy; condition.
however, he did not specifically refer to fish Hecht (1916) also reported on the devel-
Thompson (1917) utilized the formula
here. Fulton considered this “law” conve- opment of the condition factor idea. He stated
nient for considering growth rates of fishes as that Hensen (1899), at the suggestion of K = W3
all that is required is that one calculates the Reibisch (1899), “divided the weight of a and illustrated the change in K of plaice with
relationship between weight and one of the series of plaice by the cube of the length, in an length (in this case K decreases after sexual
dimensions (linear) at a particular size and attempt to get some weight-length relation- maturity) and seasonal changes in K with
then calculates the ratio between that dimen- ship.” He also pointed out that Meek (1903) spawning season. Thompson (1942) showed
sion and the weight at different sizes. Fulton found a relationship between weight and the that the relationship between K and length
(1904) made observations on a number of cubic function of length and expanded on this varied seasonally due to spawning, e.g., prior
species at different times of the year, and in Meek (1905). Hecht (1916) suggested that to the spawning season the value of K
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