Lecture Notes Binary Trees and Bsts
Lecture Notes Binary Trees and Bsts
Lecture Notes Binary Trees and Bsts
Introduction to Trees
In this segment you learnt about the structure of trees which can store non-linear data with various data points having
specific relation with each other. You learnt that trees naturally convey the information concealed within a data set.
All this was discussed with the help of few examples. One of the examples that was discussed was a decision-making
tree representing the criteria used to grant loan to a bank customer.
Components of a Tree
Here you learnt the following
• Nodes of a Tree - Each data point in the tree with some value is the node of a tree
• Root Node – A node which does not have any parent is called the root node of the tree
• Leaf Node – A node without any child/children is the leaf node
• Internal Node – Any node which is not the leaf node is internal node
• Edges – The connection between 2 nodes. An edge connects one node to another node
• Definition of a tree –
o It should have only one root node
o A node should have exactly one parent
o No cycles are allowed in a tree
Binary Trees
In this segment, you learnt about a special variant of trees called Binary Trees. You learnt that a tree with a degree 2 is
called a Binary Tree. Degree is defined as the maximum number of child nodes a node can have. So, a tree where a node
can have maximum of 2 child nodes is called a binary tree. We also discussed that unlike lists, trees do not have any
natural ordering within its nodes. So we had to define certain traversal techniques based on which we could allot some
ordering within the nodes of a tree
Next, we moved onto a traversal technique called Depth First Traversal. Before learning what DFS is, we defined Depth
of a Tree as the maximum level a node can have.
In the image above, nodes 3 and 4 have the maximum level in the tree which is 3. So the depth of this three is 3.
The basic ideology of Depth first traversal (DFS) was explained with the help of the following image
It was discussed that if the node n is visited and its sibling node n’ and its child nodes n 1 and n2 are not visited, then
before visiting n’ n1 and n2 are visited. We move along the depth first and then the breadth is traversed.
Following example was used in the video to explain the same
The DFS for the tree comes out to be 1,6,2,5,4,3,8.
Variants of DFS
Depending upon at which of these stages the action is performed on a node, we defined the particular variant of DFS.
When the action is performed during the stage 1 we call it Pre Order Traversal
When the action is performed during the stage 2 we call it In Order Traversal
When the action is performed during the stage 3 i.e. once the right child has been taken care of we call it Post Order
The next traversal technique that was discussed was Breadth First Traversal (BFS). You learnt that in BFS, also known as
Level Order Traversal, all the nodes of a level are visited first before we move onto the next level.
In the figure above, all the nodes of Level 1 are visited first. Then we move onto level 2 where all the nodes i.e node 2
and node 3 are visited before moving onto Level 3 where nodes 4,5,6 and 7 are visited.
The Java implementation of BFS was discussed using Queues. Following was the pseudocode discussed.
API Of Binary Abstract Data Type
To conclude the session, we discussed the API of Binary Abstract Data Type as can be seen in the image below.
In this session, you learnt about a special variant of Binary Trees called Binary Search Trees or BSTs. The following
constraints make Binary Tree a Binary Search Tree
• The values of all the nodes in the left subtree are less than the root node.
• The values of all the nodes in the right subtree are greater than the root node.
Search in a BST
You learnt that searching in a BST is a log2N operation. This is because every time we move onto the next node, we
conclusively ignore the remaining half of the tree from our search space. Following was discussed
Adding a node to a BST in principle is very similar to the search operation. You learnt that while adding a node to a
BST, you first must figure out the position at which the node can be added. It was discussed that a new node can only
be added as a leaf node. So, adding a node with a given value is like finding the node with this value in the binary tree.
Since this node does not exists in the tree, you will end up at a leaf node where you can add this node. This gives a fair
intuition as to why adding a node is also a logN operation.
Next, you learnt about deleting a node from a BST. You learnt that the deletion of data from binary search
1. If the node to be deleted is a leaf node, it is directly removed from the tree.
2. If the node has one child, the node itself is deleted, and its child node is connected to its parent
3. If the node has two children, you find its successor to replace it. The successor node is the minimum
node in the right subtree or the maximum node in the left subtree.
Balanced BSTs
Here you learnt that given a data set different BSTs can be created from it. It all depends on the sequence in which the
elements are inserted. One such example can be seen in the image below.
If the elements are inserted in the increasing order of their values, the tree essentially becomes a list and all the
operations viz. adding a node, deleting a node or searching for an element become O(N) efficient.
Thus, to make sure that the operations are efficient the tree should be balanced i.e. the number of nodes in the left
subtree should be comparable to the number of nodes in the right subtree. Ideally this number should be equal for
both left and right subtrees.
So, pre-processing of data can improve the search efficiency of binary search trees.
Hence, the sorted data can be stored by choosing the median of all the elements as the root of the tree and
iterating the same for all the subtrees, as shown in the figure below.
Here, 8 is the middle element. So, 8 is selected as the root of the BST. The middle element of the left part of
the array is 3. So, 3 is the root of the left subtree. The elements 1 and 5 will become its left and right
children, respectively. Similarly, 14 will be the middle element of the right part of the array, or the root node
of the right subtree. Similarly, 12 and 16 will become its left and right children, respectively.
Storing the data in this way will always produce balanced binary search trees and, in turn, will enhance the
search process efficiency as it reduces the number of comparisons required in the trees. You can read more
about creating balanced BSTs from the data given in this link.
Additionally, you can read about self-balancing BSTs that will attempt to balance itself when new nodes are
added to the tree. Find more information about self-balancing trees in the links provided below.
• Red-black trees
• AVL trees