Module 5.1

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Module 5

Energy saving measures in buildings

While commercial buildings have one of the highest energy needs in the market, they also
account for significant wastage. On average, commercial buildings waste 30% of their energy.
That translates into colossal costs, lowered efficiency, and reduced ROI in the long run.
Fortunately, there are a couple of things you can do to bring down energy costs and make your
building energy-efficient. Let’s look at ten proven ways that could give you a great head start

Engage Occupants in your Building

Saving energy is not a one-man initiative. You need to engage the occupants of your building
and encourage them to embrace energy efficient solutions. The reason for this is that how
occupants use energy impacts on the energy efficiency ratings of your building. As the owner
or building manager, take the initiative to share energy goals and give incentives to encourage
occupants to rethink their energy use. By engaging occupants and educating them on energy-
efficient strategies, you can save up to 10% or more on energy use and transform your building
into an energy-efficient structure.

Energy-Efficient Bulbs & Lighting Fixtures

While lighting fixtures are key requirements of any building, they also contribute tremendously
to wastage. You can find yourself paying more for electricity than you had actually intended.
Whether you are the owner or a building manager, consider replacing incandescent light bulbs
with energy-saving LED bulbs and retrofit the building with energy-efficient fixtures. It’s
highly recommended to use Energy Star approved fluorescent bulbs as they are more durable
and cost 75% less to maintain.

Install Light Sensors

It’s not enough to use energy-efficient bulbs; you need to have a lighting control mechanism
in place. It’s highly recommend that you encourage occupants to install sensors that turn lights
on and off automatically. The reason for this is that light sensors are relatively cheap and highly
reliable in controlling lighting and minimizing wastage. When you install and use switch plate
sensors in strategic locations, you can gain quick savings and improve the energy-efficient
ratings on your building.

Sun-Proof your Building

Does your building face direct sunlight? Here’s what you should know. Buildings that face
direct sunshine heat up quickly and require more energy to keep cool. To keep temperatures
low, block direct sunshine from shining through windows. Consider insulating climate-
controlled areas of the building and improving insulation with solar films, solar screens, and
awnings. Don’t forget to check for leaks on doors and windows, as they impact on internal

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Regulate Heating with Thermostats

Sometimes, occupants tend to use more energy on heating than is required. Such wasteful
habits, whether it’s heating water or heating rooms, has the potential to increase energy costs
in a building substantially. You can keep costs in check and increase energy efficiency by
encouraging responsible heating. The easiest way is to install and use thermostats. When used
constantly, thermostats can slash heating costs and improve your savings.

Rethink your HVAC Systems

Like it or not, commercial HVAC systems account for a considerable percentage of energy
consumption in a building; you need to rethink how you use the HVAC system. To get the
most out of your HVAC, fine-tune it to be more efficient. Delay using the HVAC unit during
the day and instead, use fans to aerate and cool rooms. Minimize air conditioning hours and
use programmable thermostats when heating. Inspect the HVAC system for leaks and replace
air filters regularly. And if you’re HVAC is old, it’s prudent to replace it with an Energy-Star
Qualified model.

Make Efficiency Upgrades

As we have seen, commercial buildings use and waste more energy than other buildings. The
costs can be tremendous and shrink the margin on your ROI. You can reduce wastage and save
up to 35% on energy by making efficiency upgrades to your building. Efficiency upgrades
allow you enjoy clean energy at a much lower cost. Energy Star provides a 5-stage approach
to upgrading buildings and maximizing energy savings. We also recommend that you switch
to Centria panels as they can help you attain greater thermal efficiency and moisture control.
They also up the aesthetic value of the building. To get the most, ensure that you perform an
energy audit to discover opportunities and areas for improvement.

Energy-Star Qualified Products

Conventional appliances and electric products make life easier, however, they have the
potential to raise the cost of electricity. When shopping for lighting fixtures or appliances, it’s
advisable that you go for products with manufacturers’ energy efficient ratings. Models with
high EER ratings or Energy star labels use 15% less energy than conventional products. That
puts you in a good position to save energy and enhance the efficiency of your building. Besides
that, EER qualified products make you eligible for energy rebates from your utility company.

Plug Leaks in your Building

Do you suspect the presence of a leakage in your building? Get a home inspector to check for
leaks. The reason is that leaks of any kind make it difficult to control internal conditions. You
may find yourself using more energy to heat rooms than you would in normal conditions. If
you are certain your building has leaks, we recommend weather stripping & caulking. Both can
help you control your ventilation, improve indoor air quality, and keep heating costs in check.

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Bottom Line:

Powering commercial buildings is a costly affair. If you’re not proactive, you can find yourself
spending a lot more on energy than you intend. To keep costs low, you should embrace cost-
effective strategies and implement solutions that can help you reduce waste and increase
efficiency. Simple things such as replacing incandescent bulbs with fluorescent bulbs,
retrofitting your building with energy-efficient fixtures, and rethinking how you use your
HVAC can lower energy costs and enhance the efficiency of your building. Plugging leaks,
using solar screens, and making efficiency-upgrades will also help you slash energy costs.

Consider Renewable Energy

You seriously need to think about how you power your building. The world is shifting from
non-renewable to the cleaner and sustainable renewable energy. Commercial non-renewable
energy is not only costly but also less eco-friendly. Embracing renewable energy can help you
lower energy costs and make your building more energy-efficient. Instead of using electric-
powered hot water heaters, use solar heaters. Take advantage of state subsidies and incentives
to transform your building into an energy-sufficient and efficient model.

Strategies to Save Energy in Commercial

As a business owner or someone who manages a building or office, you know all too well how
energy consumption costs reduce your bottom line. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) estimates that there is roughly a 33% waste of energy usage in the average
building. That can be a frightening thought to any building manager. The good news is that
there is typically a lot of room for improvement!

Did you know that your HVAC system accounts for 50 to 60-percent of building energy
costs? As a result, many of the most effective strategies for saving energy involve your HVAC
system. See the tips below for more details.

1. HVAC maintenance: an easy way to save energy in buildings

Why is regular HVAC maintenance so important to reducing energy use in buildings? Regular
visits from an HVAC professional make your system more efficient and help prevent costly
repairs. Clogged filters, dirty ducts and coils, debris and dust laden vents and fatigued parts
will make your system work harder and longer to get to set temperatures. If you have a
preventative maintenance contract, an HVAC technician will thoroughly inspect and clean
different parts of your system to ensure system efficiency.

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2. Insulation saves energy
Adding insulation is another easy way to save energy. It’s fairly inexpensive. According to the
EPA, you can save 10-percent of your energy bill by installing proper insulation and sealing
your building. Don’t just look at the obvious places: windows and walls. It is important not to
overlook pipes, HVAC ducts and electrical outlets.

3. Teach employees to turn off electronics

Well, we might sound like our parents, but that’s okay. Work places make up 50-percent of our
country’s energy usage. So, it’s sensible to teach employees the importance of shutting off
lights and equipment. Train employees how to save energy in buildings.

4. Utilize smart building technology

The latest controls and programmable thermostats should be part of your strategy to reduce
energy consumption. Doesn’t it make sense to reduce or turn off lighting, heat and air
conditioning when your building is not in use? Smart building controls eliminate the human
forgetfulness factor of failing to turn off or down lighting and HVAC settings.

5. Change or retrofit your HVAC system

A retrofit can be a stop-gap before you have to replace your system entirely. Retrofits, which
can include replacing the system’s compressor, adding condenser fan controls, adding demand-
controlled ventilation and adding air side economizers, can boost your comfort and reduce your
energy bill. The Department of Energy has estimated that a retrofit can equate to an energy
savings of up to 35 percent. That makes a retrofit an attractive option when you’re thinking
about how to save energy in buildings. While a retrofit might not be a good fit in all instances,
a large well–maintained, but energy –guzzling system might be a good candidate for a retrofit.

If you do decide to change your HVAC system be sure to look at energy ratings. The Seasonal
Energy Efficiency Rating (SEER) calculates the energy efficiency of air conditioners based on
a seasonal temperature average. Today’s more efficient systems have ratings as high as 21,
while older models may be rated between a 5 and 10. What does this mean to your wallet? A
system with a 16 SEER rating costs roughly half to operate as a system with a SEER rating of

6. Don’t throw money out the window

Your space might have old windows that are not very energy efficient. Though new windows
are a big investment, new windows can produce tremendous energy savings. Also, look at your
windows when assessing how to save energy in buildings. Your old roof can also waste energy
by leaking air conditioned and heated air.

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7. LED lights can result in simple savings
Often businesses use up a lot of energy through lighting. According to the EPA, Energy Star-
rated bulbs use 75-percent less energy than incandescent bulbs. They also last up to 10 times

8. Get energy efficient appliances

Your old office refrigerator, water cooler and vending machines use a lot of power. Replacing
older models with newer energy-efficient ones will help you reduce energy use in buildings.

9. Get the right size HVAC system when figuring out how to reduce energy consumption
in buildings
Are you are choosing a new HVAC system or replacing older building air conditioning? Don’t
be tempted to get an overly robust system because bigger is not always better. The first thing
you want to do is ensure that the load calculation is accurate. A properly-sized system is
designed for your building. An oversized system can result in increased upfront, maintenance
and energy costs.

10. Do an energy audit

Most of these steps often begin by performing an energy audit on your facility to determine
potential areas of improvement. An energy audit can be a good idea for both your business
and your home. The audit can be completed yourself or by hiring a consultant to audit your
energy usage.

A good place to start when trying to get a handle on your energy usage is to review your bills.
Also, look at your service, repair and maintenance records. You should conduct a full
inspection of your HVAC and lighting fixtures to determine overall condition and efficiency.
You might find that you can reduce energy consumption by taking care of problems that cost
nothing or next to nothing to solve such as moving furnishings that block vents.

How to Save Energy in Commercial Building

To commemorate Earth Day and bring awareness to the importance of energy conservation in
commercial buildings, The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International
released its top ten ways for building owners and managers to reduce energy consumption.
These no- or low-cost strategies are part of the nationally recognized BOMA Energy Efficiency
Program (BEEP) that offers commercial real estate professionals’ strategies for reducing
energy consumption by as much as 30 percent.

“The built environment accounts for 48 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in this country,”
says Kurt R. Padavano, RPA, CPM, FMA, SMA, BOMA International chairman, and chief

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elected officer and chief operating officer of Advance Realty Group of Bedminster, New
Jersey. “The good news is that there are many low- and even no-cost strategies that are proven
to save energy and reduce emissions, and they are easy to implement and often reduce building
operation costs.”

“Saving energy is fundamental to all aspects of our lives,” adds Gary J. Bases, president of
BRIL, Inc., author of The Bril Book (a complete guide on brick, refractory, insulation, and
lagging systems), and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) instructor.
“Thermal insulation is one of man’s first inventions and illustrates the need for energy
conservation. Today’s conservation needs are increasingly important, and BOMA’s energy-
efficient strategies address those needs.”

In addition to these ten areas, hot air ducts, ventilation, and cold air systems are vital
components to all commercial buildings. How they are insulated depends on many factors and
needs. Here are some examples:

• Insulation with a factory-applied vapor barrier may be required to prevent the

penetration water vapor and condensation from corroding the duct and fan system.
• The thickness of the insulation and application requirements must be considered to
prevent hot or cold air from leaving the system.
• Insulation used as an absorbent filler can reduce tonal and broad band noise coming
from the fans.

1. Check that equipment is functioning as designed.

Regularly inspect all equipment and controls to ensure they are functioning as designed.
Double-check Energy Management System (EMS) programming to make sure that operations
are optimized. One firm changed an EMS software programming error from “and” to “or” and
saved $3,700 annually. “You must remember that the equipment is the first place that raw
energy is turned into useful work in the facility,” says Sam Schell, consulting engineer with
SESCO, Inc. “A loose fan belt requires more energy to run the fan than a properly adjusted

2. Consider your cleaning options. The following cleaning options can be used to save the
most energy for a particular commercial space:

• Team cleaning: Janitors go through the building—floor by floor—as a team, and the
lighting is turned on and off as they progress through the building.
• Occupancy sensors: Motion sensors can be installed to automatically turn lights on
when janitors are cleaning and turn them off when the floor is vacant.
• Coordinated effort: Janitors can coordinate with the security crew to walk through the
building and turn off equipment that was inadvertently left on by tenants.
• Day cleaning: Why not have the janitors clean during the day while the lights are
already on?

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3. Encourage tenants to turn off equipment. During off-hours, make sure to power down
everything, including copiers, kitchen equipment, and task lights. Use cleaning and security
personnel to turn off miscellaneous items like coffee pots, kitchen equipment, and individual
office lights.

4. Use high-efficiency light-emitting diode (LED) exit signs. Replace inefficient exit signs
with high-efficiency LED exit signs. LED exit signs operate 24-7 and have lower maintenance
costs due to their extended life.

5. Institute an energy awareness program. Create promotional items, posters, and news
releases—tell everyone about your commitment to energy savings. Use your company
newsletter, as well as company and building announcements, to keep tenants informed about
your energy-savings goals, and how they can both help reach them and benefit from them.

6. Install monitor power-management software. In U.S. companies alone, more than $1

billion a year is wasted on electricity for computer monitors that are left on when they shouldn’t
be. You can avoid those wastes by installing power-management software for computer
monitors, central processing units (CPUs), and hard drives.

7. Change incandescent lights to compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) and high intensity
discharge (HID) lights. CFLs use less energy, have a longer lamp life, and produce less heat,
reducing heat load. Also, check the lighting in rest rooms, closets, server rooms, and common
areas. Thanks to the 2005 Energy Bill, lighting retrofits and upgrades that meet energy-
efficiency requirements may be tax deductible, up to 60 cents per square foot (psf).

8. Harvest daylight. Locate work stations that require high illumination adjacent to windows.

9. Evaluate after-hours usage. Talk to tenants to find out if they are actually using their spaces
during the lease-required operating hours. Adjust building operating hours to reflect actual
tenant usage.

10. Adjust ventilation. Reduce exhaust and outdoor-air ventilation rates within codes. Take a
look at the fans and adjust ventilation in unoccupied and low-density areas to reduce the
ventilation to a practical, yet comfortable level.

Water audit
Step 1: The Water Use Inventory.

It is important that facility executives develop an understanding of exactly how and where their
facility uses water. To do this, an inventory of all water use points in the facility with flow rates
must be developed.

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Start with a walk through of the facility, identifying every point in which water is used. For
items such as toilets and faucets, the inventory should include the item, its location and its flow
rate. If the facility has low-flow fixtures or if flow restrictors have been installed, identify them
on the inventory.

Don’t overlook building mechanical systems. Mechanical systems account for approximately
25 percent of the total water use in an average building. For example, cooling towers and boilers
are large users of water. Both systems require that a certain quantity of water be bled off and
replaced in order to control the level of solids suspended in the circulating water or steam.
Check the blow down system for cooling towers and boilers to determine the rate at which
make up water is being added.

Refrigeration units that use once-through cooling systems also can be very large users of water.
The inventory should include the type of system installed, its location, its capacity, and the rate
at which it uses water for cooling. In some cases, the owner’s manual will identify the water
flow rate. However, it may be necessary to use a stopwatch and a bucket to determine the actual
water flow rate.

Irrigation systems also can be a significant water user. The inventory should include the number
of systems, the number of sprinkler heads attached to each system, the flow rate of the systems
and types of controls installed. Note if each system is equipped with ground moisture sensors
to prevent activation during or immediately following a rainfall.

In addition to identifying all water use points and flow rates, the inventory should identify if
the water being used is hot or cold, or if it undergoes special filtering or treatment. Reducing
water use in applications that use hot or treated water will produce savings that go beyond
solely the cost of the water.

When completing the inventory, pay attention to any unexplained water flow. As piping
systems are modified over the years, it is easy to lose track of what piping serves what
equipment. Don’t be surprised to find water flowing from equipment that is no longer used or
even installed.

Step 2: Metering.

Unfortunately, most facilities only have a single, master water meter. Readings from master
meters will provide an indication of how a facility compares to other facilities, but it will not
show where to look for areas where water use can be reduced, particularly if the facility is large
or complex. Narrowing use down to possible areas where use can be reduced requires

Where and how submeters are installed depends to a great extent on the design of the water
system serving the facility. Ideally, submeters would be installed on individual zones or floors
of the facility. Equipment with large water use rates, such as cooling towers and process cooling
equipment, would each have separate submeters.

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Each meter should be read at least monthly. If there are suspicions that the readings for a
particular meter are high, or if the readings for a meter suddenly increase, it will be necessary
to read that meter more frequently; even on a daily or twice-daily basis. Meter readings taken
while the facility is closed and processes are shut down is one way to narrow the search for
leaks and losses. All meter readings should be logged and reviewed on a regular basis for
unexplained changes.

Tracking water meter readings will provide a baseline of water use for the facility. Just as
energy use for different types of facilities was tracked on a use-per-square-foot basis to allow
comparison between similar facilities, so can water use. However, other measures than square
footage will likely be more meaningful. For example, in hotels, use can be tracked on a per-
occupied-room basis. For restaurants, it could be on a use per-meal-served basis. Office
facilities may use a square-foot basis or per-building-occupant basis.

Again, the key to gaining useful information from submeters is to have the meters read on a
regular basis, and as frequently as possible. Frequent readings help to quickly identify and
locate leaks.

Step 3: Review Maintenance Practices.

If water conservation has not been a priority in the past, chances are no one individual or group
has the overall responsibility for conserving water. And as with many things in the world of
facility management, if no one individual has responsibility for an item, then it is not a priority
for anyone. As a result, specific water use related problems may have been seen by a number
of people but not really noticed or acted upon.

Preventive maintenance programs have long been recognized as effective tools for improving
system performance while reducing overall operating costs. With water use historically being
an ignored or low priority item, chances are few preventive maintenance steps have been put
in place to specifically address water use. How often are restrooms checked for faucets that
don’t fully shut off or flush valves that leak or stick on? Does anyone ever test once-through
cooling systems to determine that they are operating at the proper flow rate? How often are
cooling towers and boilers checked to see that the make-up water systems are operating

When maintenance issues occur within the facility, there is a system established whereby
building occupants can report the problem. Does that process include water-use related issues?
Do building occupants even know that they can and should report instances of excessive water
use or waste?

Finally, what mechanism is in place to review water using items that are being purchased for
use within the facility? For example, refrigeration systems that use once-through water cooling
are less expensive and easier to install than closed loop systems. Closed loop systems however,
have minimal water requirements. Is there an established procedure that reviews equipment
purchases that addresses the issue of water use?

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Step 4: The Water Efficiency Plan.

Once information has been gathered on how water is being used in the facility, an action plan
can be established for reducing water use. The plan should identify who will take responsibility
for implementation. It should make certain that individual has the authority and support needed
to implement the plan.

The plan should set specific water use reduction goals for the facility. Those goals must be
measurable, achievable, and realistic. The plan must also identify a mechanism for periodically
reviewing the success of the program in meeting those goals.

The water audit should have identified a number of areas in which water savings can be
achieved. The water efficiency plan should set the priorities for implementation based on costs,
benefits and available manpower.

The Benefits

Reducing water use in a facility is a win-win situation. Using less water means lower utility
costs. It also means reduced chemical treatment costs in systems such as boilers and cooling
towers. Finding and eliminating long-standing leaks can create a better work environment for
building occupants, as well as reduce damage to building components.

Reducing water use can also enhance the public image of a facility. Facility executives should
publicize the program’s successes and give credit to those involved. Even something as simple
as installing moisture sensors on an irrigation system can improve the facility’s image.
Consider how many times you have seen an irrigation system operating in the rain. What
impression of the facility did it leave you with?

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