BUS230 - Lecture 4 - Qualitative Research
BUS230 - Lecture 4 - Qualitative Research
BUS230 - Lecture 4 - Qualitative Research
• While polling and other quantitative approaches are useful for examining
how large numbers of people view a certain issue, only qualitative
methodology can allow us to understand why they view things the way
they do
Interviewer Responsibilities
• Recommends topics and • Prepares research tools
questions • Supervises transcription
• Controls interview • Helps analyze data
• Plans location and facilities • Draws insights
• Proposes criteria for drawing • Writes report
• Recruits participants
Unstructured interviews
• Unstructured interviews rely on developing a dialog between interviewer and
participant. Without this dialog and comfort between the two people, the
interview will not result in valuable data.
• Because the researcher is seeking information that the participant may not
be willing to share or may not even recognize consciously, the researcher
must be creative.
• Interviewer skill is necessary to extract more and a greater variety of data.
• Interviewer experience and skill generally result in greater clarity and more
elaborate answers.
Focus Groups
Focus Groups
• The researcher gathers information about attitudes, opinions, and
preferences of selected groups of participants
Group size 8 – 12
Select a Moderator
• But even then the description would be biased because you may prefer
to describe some things and not others.
The Mountain (continued)
• Some months there may be snow on the mountain but not at other
times, so we would want to look at different times of the year.
There is a name for reducing bias by using different ways to study the
same thing. It is called TRIANGULATION. We do this in qualitative studies
by using team members with different experiences and perspectives.
• We sometimes say that we trust a person. With this we mean that his/her
behaviour is predictable in that similar behaviour is expressed at different
occasions and we believe that the person is not lying. A trustworthy
person is someone who tells us the “truth” and does so consistently.
2. How applicable are our result to other subjects and other Transferability
3. Would our findings be repeated if our research were Dependability
replicated in the same context with the same subject