❖ Student Name:
1. Sonje Vrundavan Satish
2. Khairnar Bhavesh Pankaj
3. Shewale Chetan Jibhau
❖ Abstract:
The insurance company needs to keep track of details of its target companies,
agents, policyholders, their premium payments and the various products that are available
with it. Hence it is under tremendous pressure maintaining their day-to-day activities, which
is currently being done manually.
❖ Introduction:
❖ Aim:
1. The actual process of the organization can be modularized into three different
independent views agent view,policy view,policy holder view and system
administrator view .
2. The agent at any time can view the required information whether it is policies
or customers at the click of a mouse and instance of second.
3. If Planned in an organized manner the customers can be provided an online
terminal where they can access the information at their own hands without the
basic intervation manually.
4. The customers or policy holders’s reaminder can be generated by lightening
speed just by query for the specific customers
5. The information while it is collected can referentially by segrated into their
respective databse from single window ,saving the time of multiple data
6. The customers policy payment status can be viewed in a systematized manner
by the agents and cross verify the defaulters.
7. The claim status raised by a specific policyholder can be tracked very clearly
in transparent manner by the Agents and cross verify the defaulters.
8. The claim Status raised by a specific policyholder can be tracked very clearly
in transperante manner,and checked until the claim is settled.
9. Above all the overall System can at any time Provide Consistent and Reliable
information authenticated upon its operations.
❖ Methodology:
The main objective of the developed system is to allow admin users to register
insured persons with their name, date of birth, residence address, medical history and also
policy details.
After giving registering all the insured persons, website should provide management
facilities like delete unwanted persons’ data. And also should provide awareness to the
visitors about insurance through articles.
❖ Software Requirements:
❖ Hardware Components:
• Processor – i3
• Hard Disk-256 GB
• Memory – 2GB RAM
❖ Features:
1. Agents can Crerate Clients .
2.Agents can only Edit and delete info of the Clients they Created.
3.Master Agent can Crreate ,Update ,Delete all Clients and Agents
4.payment records and nominees can be added and managed by
❖ Conclusions:
❖ References:
1. for problem solving