A Whole System Approach To Fender Performance

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A Whole System Approach

to Fender Performance
A Whole System Approach to Fender
Performance: Why it Matters
With larger vessels, increased cargo THE FOUR ELEMENTS OF Contents
volume, improved safety awareness A WHOLE SYSTEM APPROACH
and tougher environmental regulations,
A high level of technical expertise and experience
today’s ports face significant challenges.
is required to select the most suitable fender system
To accommodate regional compliances to safeguard berths, vessels and port operations. TO FENDER PERFORMANCE
and the rapidly changing nature of There are four key elements that are needed for
the shipping industry, ports must find Application Engineering 3
a best-practice fender system. Suppliers should
ways to upgrade and future-proof their have a proven track record in all of these elements, Detailed Fender System Design 7
infrastructure, doing so safely, efficiently, in order to guarantee enhanced safety and efficiencies.
Fender Production and
cost-effectively and sustainably. Quality Control
ı Application Engineering

Fender systems are a critical part of port ı Detailed Fender System Design Installation, Operations 13
infrastructure. The systems are mission-critical and Maintenance
ı Fender Production and Quality Control
equipment, and are essential to the safety and
efficiency of port operations, protecting vessels ı Installation, Operations and Maintenance
and terminals alike. Taking a whole system
approach ensures high-quality fender systems This whitepaper discusses these four elements
optimize vessel throughput and port operations and the role each plays in a superior fender system.
efficiently and safely over the long term. That’s
because a whole system approach to fenders –
one that includes engineering, design,
manufacturing and maintenance – will reduce
construction costs, downtime and operating
expenditure. This is in addition to contributing to
more efficient berthing operations by improving
turnaround times, while improving overall
operational efficiencies and reducing operational
safety risks.
In short, a fender system that lasts longer and
offers enhanced reliability − and that requires less
maintenance − is both a better investment and
better for the environment.

1 2
A high level of technical expertise and A fender in arctic conditions, operating at -30°C, DETERMINATION OF BERTHING ENERGY Temperature factor (TF)
application engineering is required when behaves and performs very differently to one in Different locations experience significant temperature
the United Arab Emirates at +50°C. Taking these All of the following berthing factors need to be
it comes to the design and selection of variations throughout the year. The constant exposure
factors into consideration is critical to designing considered during the selection of a fender, and of fenders to temperature affects their hardness,
fender systems, which must be able to and manufacturing a fender system that will data should be backed up with testing documents and for example, at a low temperature, a rubber fender
protect modern ports and terminals, a wide perform optimally once installed. published in a catalog. Applying the right performance will become hard, while at a high temperature,
range of vessels and high-value cargo. correction factors is vital to overall fender performance a fender will become soft – both variations directly
Accommodating a wide range of vessels and enhances the lifetime of the fenders, reduces impact fender performance. TF must therefore be
FUNCTIONAL AND OPERATIONAL A port and its fender systems must also balance the
maintenance costs and lowers operational risk. accounted for during fender selection.
REQUIREMENTS OF FENDER SYSTEMS berthing needs of a wide range of vessels with different
hull configurations − such as maximum allowable hull Angular factor (AF)
During application engineering, information such pressure, different hull angles, freeboard variations and Fender energy absorption capacity depends on
as berthing data, site conditions and environment flat hull to belted hull. Each kind of vessel or configuration how the fender mass is compressed – parallel or
needs to be collected. These are assessed alongside has its own challenges which need to be considered when angular. There are many factors affecting fender
other design criteria − such as local standards, designing a fender system. compression, including vessel hull angle and berthing
desired service life, maintenance cost and frequency approach angle. Angular compression can lower the
− to determine a project’s unique requirements. energy absorption capacity of a fender. It is important
APPLYING PERFORMANCE to correct the base energy considering the worst fender
compression angle to avoid damages to vessels
Functional requirements CORRECTION FACTORS
or structures.
A fender system’s main function is to ensure the
Once all the functional and operational
safe berthing of a vessel and protection of port
infrastructure. It must be able to absorb the kinetic design parameters are determined, accurate
energy of all specified vessels under all possible and comprehensive application of berthing
site environmental conditions, in order to prevent energy calculations, along with performance
structural or vessel damage. correction factors, should be made to
engineer the best-fit fender solution.
Operational requirements
The kinetic energy of a berthing vessel needs to be
Berth frequency absorbed by a suitable fender system. To ensure the
Operational requirements of a port include facilitating fender system absorbs the required amount of energy
frequent berthing as efficiently as possible to in actual conditions, the fender performance correction
prevent downtime and to make sure all arrivals and factors should be considered.
departures occur as seamlessly as possible. When it comes to fender selection at the application
engineering stage, there are two fundamental criteria:
Environmental conditions
Berthing occurs in a wide variety of operating ı The energy capacity of the fender under the worst
conditions, including extreme weather such as operating conditions must be greater than the
heavy wind and tide action – as well as different abnormal design berthing energy.
temperatures. These environmental factors
can significantly affect the performance of a ı The reaction force exerted by the fender onto a
fender system. vessel/structure must be less than the vessel’s hull
pressure limit and fender mounting structure capacity.

3 4
Velocity factor (VF) BEST-PRACTICE SPECIFICATION Meeting current guidelines
Velocity factor is key in the selection of fenders.
VF at normal design berthing speeds affects fender To ensure fenders are fit for purpose, British Standard BS6349
performance characteristics (reaction force and they must be produced in accordance The British Standard recently launched the
energy absorption), as well as the design of fender BS6349-1-4 providing clear guidance on material
with the specifications of a project.
system components, such as frontal frames, wharf requirements for all relevant fender components,
structure, chains and anchors.
When supplying fenders for a project,
such as the rubber, steel panel and UHMW-PE-
a range of application details and facing steel panels.
When comparing catalog figures from different
fender component information, such as
manufacturers, it is essential to ensure VFs are
accurately applied to calculate the performance
panels and chains, must be specified. PIANC Guidelines
at the designed berthing speed. Fender specification should be carried PIANC working group WG211 is currently updating
out right at the very start of a project the PIANC’s 2002 Guidelines for the Design of
VF, TF and AF should all be considered in the
fender system design process to ensure that
to ensure that the right fender system Fender Systems. We expect the updated guidelines
is selected – one that will function as to be published in the near future.
the fenders are safe and efficient.
required in its intended environment.
Manufacturing tolerance
The installation of fender systems should also
Tolerance is a defined range of measurements A data-driven approach be considered early in the design process. This
or limits in which a fender system can function
Taking a data-driven approach to fender design is because the accessibility for maintenance, wear
properly. The industry standard tolerance is
can improve accuracy, reduce costs and enhance allowances and protective coatings will all affect
+/-10% of a fender’s catalog performance level,
port safety. Combining internal data on fenders the design and selection of the final fender system.
but it is important to consider how different
levels of tolerance impact fender selection and and external data from the ports, such as berthing
the fender system design process. speeds, gives port authorities, terminal operators
and consultants a clear view of how to improve the
To guarantee fenders perform as intended, they design of marine structures.
must be independently tested to ensure the
required tolerance level is met, so that the safety of
the berthing structure is not at risk. And while it is
possible to produce fenders under tight tolerance,
manufacturers should be consulted if less than 10%
of manufacturing tolerance is needed for projects. A GOOD SPECIFICATION SHOULD COVER:
ı Design conditions and requirements
ı Wharf and vessel details
Providing this information at the outset
of the project ensures the best fender ı Energy requirements or clear requirements
for energy calculations
solution for its intended environment
is developed. A supplier with proven ı Use of correction factors
application engineering expertise ı Material and testing requirements
will establish a dialogue at this stage, ı Supplier qualifications
identifying missing information and
making recommendations to ensure
all relevant data is captured.

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Detailed Fender
System Design
OPTIMIZATION OF Front panel design The dimension and angle of installation – as well as Fender system architecture
A FENDER SYSTEM DESIGN The front panel is a crucial part of a fender system the chain material – are critical for effective design. A fender’s design should follow manufacturers’
that withstands and transfers loads from vessels to Chains are also often supplied with compatible recommendations as typically published in their
Fender panels are just as important as the rubber
energy absorption units. Front panels and rubber units accessories like tensioners, shackles, brackets catalogs to ensure the fender performs as intended
units on high-performance systems. That’s why every
are equally important, and their design should consider and U-anchors. and avoid early failure of the system. At first glance,
panel is purpose-designed using structural analysis
programs and 3D CAD modeling for optimum strength. many factors. These include how a vessel will make different manufacturers’ fenders might look similar,
contact with the panel (such as full-face contact or Fastening system but in reality there are significant differences among
Fender panels distribute reaction forces to provide double contact), critical stresses (such as bending, Fender systems must be properly fixed to perform the fenders in overall dimensions and rubber compound
low hull pressures and to cope with large tidal shear and torsion loads), rubber fender and chain as intended. The improper design of a fastening used. Manufacturers typically provide guidance on
variations. They can also be designed to resist connections, maintenance and more. system may not only lead to the failure of an entire clearances, minimum concrete edge distance, weight
line loads from belted ships, or even point loads
Once the detailed design is complete, all relevant fender system, but it can potentially damage a fender support (and the need of chains) and suitable fender
in special cases. Optional lead-in bevels reduce
design checks should be done. These include system’s mounting structure. Improper selection orientation. For example, some manufacturers do
the snagging risk, while brackets (where required)
bending of the panel, local buckling of the inner webs, of fastening material could lead to corrosive threads not recommend cone fenders to be installed in the
provide highly secure connection points for chains.
shear and weld checks. Compliance with local design during the service life of a fender system. Corroded reversed direction (with the smaller diameter oriented
Once a fender has been selected, the detailed codes such as the EN1993 (Eurocode 3) for Europe, fasteners make replacing the fender system a very toward the structure), whereas others take the
design of the system must be executed and optimized AS4200 for Australia or AISC for America should challenging task. The concrete in which the anchoring approach that installing a cone fender in the reversed
by the fender supplier. This is an essential part of the also be ensured. system is positioned should also be checked direction can result in significant savings on the
four-step whole system approach. Key considerations to avoid concrete failure due to anchor pull out. structural costs. With the right cone fender design and
in best-practice design are: Low-friction facing pads the right compound composition, fender performance
Corrosion protection and durability will not be compromised.
Maximum reaction force Low-friction facing pads reduce friction during vessel
Fender systems usually operate in corrosive
berthing operations and provide a wear function,
To ensure an optimal fender system design, it is critical environments – sometimes made worse by high
which helps to determine the lifetime maintenance
to find out the maximum design reaction force of a temperature and humidity. Corrosion of fender
costs of a fender installation.
fender. Maximum reaction force considers (national) accessories can be reduced with specialist paint
design codes for partial load factors and performance The quality and thickness of the materials are coatings, by galvanizing or with selective use of
correction factors like AF, TF, VF and manufacturing important, and the right material selection of facing stainless steels. ISO EN 12944-5:2019 and ISO
tolerance. pads is essential to ensure spark-free contacts with EN 12944-9 are widely used international standards
low abrasion and high impact strength. UHMW-PE defining the durability of corrosion protection
Fender components is the best material available for fender systems systems in various environments.
Suppliers must understand that all the components, as it uniquely combines low friction, impact strength,
including accessories, in a fender system are equally non-marking characteristics and resistance to wear. Design checks
important in ensuring optimal performance. All It is important that once the fender system design is
components in a fender system are designed based Restraining chain design complete and has been checked by the supplier, it is
on the reaction force created by the compression Some fender systems need chains to help support also externally reviewed by an independent third party
of the fender during berthing operations. heavy components or to control the deflection and or the commissioning design engineer. This ensures all
shear during impact. Chains are important components the correct design checks have been performed to the
As with the berthing energy calculation and fender
in fender systems as they restrict the excessive standards specified – with no shortcuts such as lighter
selection process, globally standardized design
displacement of a fender and ensure hassle-free panels and accessories or less welding – to make sure
guidelines for fender systems are available, but they
serviceability. When an improperly engineered the fender system meets all requirements and in turn,
are not always complete or adopted. The final design
chain is applied to a fender system, the chain performs over its intended lifetime.
of a fender system depends on the designer’s
system is at risk of a catastrophic failure.
experience, data input and the load cases
considered during the design process.

7 8
and Quality Control
If the right fender system is selected during application Similarly, manufacturing low-friction fender panel facing
Building and curing
engineering and correctly designed during detailed pads from virgin UHMW-PE will increase the life of the
engineering, the fender that is procured will need facing pads due to increased resistance to wear Building and curing processes have a significant impact on the
to meet the expectations that have been set. and tear. final performance of rubber fenders and therefore the overall fender
system. It is important to determine a manufacturer’s expertise
This means all parts of the fender system must be Understanding how the material composition impacts
and capabilities in these areas and to understand how the different
produced according to their relevant manufacturing the quality and durability of a fender system is critical.
processes affect fender performance.
standards to ensure the fender system performs If poorly designed or made from low-grade materials,
in its intended environment. the performance and longevity of the whole fender
system will be compromised, including the fender,
Fender systems should be tested in accordance
the front panel, the low-friction pads and accessories.
with PIANC guidelines 2002, the ASTM F2192 or
Comprehensive materials testing is therefore needed to
the British Standard Code of Practice for Maritime
ensure the accuracy of compounds used throughout the
Structures: BS 6349, and be subject to performance Building
manufacturing process.
and material verification testing, as well as fatigue/
durability tests, where applicable. These tests The building process is dependent on the type and size of the
ensure design criteria are met and that a fender Accurate compound testing fenders, and the application they will be used in. For example,
system and its components will perform as intended. large cone fenders are produced through the wrapping process,
As a best-practice approach to product verification,
whereas small cone fenders are produced by extruding the rubber
the manufacturer should perform Thermo-gravimetric
compound into the mold. The building process used to manufacture
analysis (TGA) testing/FTIR/Ash analysis during the
BEST-PRACTICE MANUFACTURING the fender will significantly impact the properties of the rubber
production of a rubber fender system.
AND QUALITY ASSURANCE compound and subsequently the performance of the final fenders.
TGA test results of rubber compound samples and
Most fenders are produced either by extrusion into a mold, by filling
To guarantee the performance and durability samples drawn from the final fender product should
up molds with rubber blanks, or wrapping of a rubber sheet on a
of a fender system over a lifetime, there are be compared to identify if the right material is used.
mandrel. Filling up the mold with extruded block or wrapping process
three crucial factors that must be considered This provides the customer with guarantees around
provides better performance than direct extrusion into the mold.
in relation to production: product quality and batch consistency. The TGA test
also enables consultants to verify that the chemical
ı Quality of materials composition of the rubber compound they have
specified is actually supplied to their clients in the
ı Manufacturing process final product.
ı Independent quality and performance verification FTIR is a simple and rapid test to prove the identity of Curing
polymer or rubber chemicals. It is useful to determine When the building process is complete, curing is the next step in
HIGH-QUALITY MATERIALS the type and percentage of polymers in a rubber fender manufacturing. It is a critical step as curing is the process
fender. Ash analysis, meanwhile, could be used to
Choice of materials impacts performance that converts raw compounded rubber to a finished, usable fender
determine the amount of ‘fillers’ used in a rubber for the application it is designed for. The sulfur to accelerator ratio
The quality and composition of the materials used product, which are inorganic materials that can be selected in the formula impacts fender performance and should
in the manufacturing of fenders and accessories added to a rubber product, causing a negative effect be adjusted based on the local environmental factors and system
have a significant impact on the performance and on durability and performance. requirements of each project. It is therefore important to be aware
longevity of the fender system. For example, fenders
Accurate compound testing also ensures that the of the curing process and how ingredients impact the strength and
manufactured from rubber compounds with no recycled
rubber components meet the required standards durability of the final fender.
rubber have a lifespan of almost 10 times longer than
according to BS6349-1-4.
those made with a high content of recycled rubber.

For more detailed information on the manufacturing process,

read our Manufacturing Methods Matter whitepaper here.

9 10
selection, read our Mixing It Up
With the critical role that fenders play in port whitepaper here. Panels UHMW-PE
operations, it is essential to verify the authenticity A fender panel is a critical component in a fender UHMW-PE is often a first-choice material for facing
and performance of fenders with independent system. The panel might be well-designed, but it steel fender panels and other heavy-duty applications.
testing. However, suppliers are often responsible may experience catastrophic failure or may not Various grades of UHMW-PE with different molecular
for the current testing protocols which may result reach its intended design lifespan if the panel is weights are available in the market with significant
in unreliable data and flawed practices. not fabricated properly. differences between wear resistance and impact
strength, resulting in significant differences
Performance verification testing Fender panels must be manufactured according to
in expected operational lifetime.
the project’s requirements and design specification.
Performance verification testing is usually performed
The steel panel manufacturer should be ISO9001- The manufacturer should be ISO9001-certified.
in a large press or test frame with either load cells
certified and have certified welding processes A detailed, project-specific ITP – as well as regular
or pressure transducers measuring load, and a
in place as per relevant international standards audits by specialists – should be in place to accurately
displacement transducer measuring deflection. There
(i.e. EN1090 and ASME). A detailed steel fabrication verify that the required UHMW-PE material properties
are, however, a limited number of publicly available
specification and inspection and test plan (ITP) are met.
test frames around the world that are capable of
should also be available at the pre-production stage
testing rubber fenders. This means performance The recently published BS6349-1-4 provides
(ready for the client’s approval), and should describe
verification testing is almost always performed at the recommendations for relevant material specification and
every critical step in the process, including how the
manufacturer’s facility, and this is unreliable as the testing. The standard refers to relevant well known ISO
project requirements are achieved and controlled
data is not independently certified. test methods of which density, wear resistance, Charpy
during fabrication.
impact strength and melt flow index can be easily tested
Unreliable testing practices Special attention should be given to the painting on the pads by the fender system supplier, or by the
process. A fender panel is mostly used in seawater, client with help of a third-party testing laboratory.
The industry has commonly relied on factory testing with
and as a result, a badly applied paint system will
witnessing by either a third party or a consultant involved
reduce the panel’s design life drastically. A dedicated Accessories
in the project’s specifications. However, there is no easy
and conditioned paint workshop with qualified workers
way for witnesses to verify the results independently to Quality assurance checks on other parts of the fender
working strictly according to the ITP is essential.
prove the manufacturer’s claim. The inspection agencies system including plates, chains and fixings as well as
For the ITP inspection, points for surface preparation
are not in any way guaranteeing the validity of the data any welding should be conducted. ITPs should also
such as degreasing, surface cleanness, blasting,
they are endorsing. Supplier results and certificates be put in place for accessories, and should include
dedusting, surface profile and soluble salts should be
based on factory testing, even if witnessed by a third measures to ensure that material certificates meet the
considered. For paint inspection, the environmental
party, should therefore not be accepted as design requirements, while spares should be procured
conditions, dry film thickness and visual testing
truly independently verified. for randomized testing, for example, HDG thickness on
should be covered, and additionally a holiday
fixings and shackles.
detection and pull-off test can be considered.
True independent testing
These measures prevent the pitfalls of poor fender
Fender system projects involve sizable contracts
panel performance such as weld failure, severe
and budgets – there is too much at stake to allow
corrosion, extreme wear due to poor quality, paint failure
manufacturers to serve as their own regulators.
and panel bending – which all contribute to operational
In order to ensure objective, trustworthy results for
downtime, increased maintenance and shorter overall
marine fenders, performance verification testing must
product lifetimes.
be conducted in an independent laboratory or by an
independent company with its own testing equipment,
which works independently of the manufacturer.
This will remove any uncertainty from the results and
enable end users to have confidence that the lifecycle
and performance of the fenders meet the specification,
and that the fenders are therefore fit for purpose.

11 12
Installation, Operations
and Maintenance
Installation and commissioning Sustainability matters
Making sure that the fender system is installed Sustainability is an increasingly important
properly is critical in ensuring that it performs consideration. A low-cost fender – made from
as intended. When installation is considered low-quality materials – will have a shorter lifespan
early – as part of a whole system approach to than a high-quality fender. Since rubber is still hard
fender design – fender systems can be produced to recycle, the selection and design of rubber fenders
to perform optimally in a specific environment. can have a significant environmental impact on a
This increases the lifetime of the fender system, port’s sustainability credentials. High-quality products
reduces downtime and maintenance and supports with a longer lifetime significantly reduce replacement
safe, continuous operations. and recycling to support sustainability.
Installation and commissioning support
should be provided by the fender supplier. After-sales support
This includes installation, training, manuals, To help address the challenges of the demanding
oversight and supervision. environments, in which fender systems operate, the
supplier should offer clients a full range of after-sales
Operations and maintenance services. High-quality after-sales support incorporates
repair services, tailored inspection and maintenance
Inspection and maintenance guidelines should be
programs, access to spare parts, timely technical
provided by the supplier, as part of a best-practice
support, on-site service and even customized training
approach. These guidelines determine the maintenance
programs that enable ports to invest in their people.
scope of the installed fender system and must include
detailed inspection points and intervals.
Suppliers may have the experience and skills to Trelleborg provides a
provide support with on-site supervisions, as well
commissioning service
as regular fender system inspection, if requested.
and certifies fender
Trelleborg is able to carry out regular inspections system installation.
and make recommendations on maintenance.
Regular inspection and maintenance increases
a fender’s longevity, reduces operating expenditure
and ensures the fender system performs
as intended over its full product lifetime.

13 14
Effective and reliable fender systems are
Trelleborg AB has made every effort to ensure that
mission-critical equipment. They have a direct
the technical specifications and product descriptions
impact on the safety, efficiency and sustainability
in this whitepaper are correct.
of port operations.
Trelleborg’s fender systems are designed and The responsibility or liability for errors and
manufactured based on a deep understanding omissions cannot be accepted for any reason
of every aspect of the port ecosystem, providing whatsoever. Customers are advised to request
you with a solution tailored to your environment a detailed specification and certified drawing prior
that guarantees quality, performance and longevity. to construction and manufacture. In the interests
of improving the quality and performance of our
Our end-to-end solution includes research and products and systems, we reserve the right
development, expert fender design, high-quality to make specification changes without prior notice.
materials, manufacturing, testing, stringent All dimensions, material properties and performance
quality control and after-sales services. values quoted are subject to normal production
We apply industry-leading thinking in fender and testing tolerances. This whitepaper supersedes
systems to develop the most effective, efficient the information provided in all previous editions.
and safe solution for our customers – no matter how
demanding the working and environmental conditions. If in doubt, please check with Trelleborg Marine
and Infrastructure.
Take a look at our proven track record and discover
how our fender systems are protecting port and © Trelleborg AG, PO Box 153, 231 22
marine infrastructure across the world. Trelleborg, Sweden.

This whitepaper is the copyright of Trelleborg AB and

may not be reproduced, copied or distributed to third
EXPLORE CASE STUDIES parties without the prior consent of Trelleborg AB in
each case.

15 16
Trelleborg is a world leader in engineered polymer solutions
that seal, damp and protect critical applications
in demanding environments. Its innovative solutions
accelerate performance for customers in a sustainable way.


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Trelleborg Marine and Infrastructure

Email: marine_infra@trelleborg.com

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