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Unit 1 Poziom podstawowy Test B

Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________________ Klasa: ____

1 Track 01 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią
nagrania. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.
Tekst 1.
1 The speaker wants her students to consider
A the damaging effects of negative emotions.
B the possibly useful role of all emotions.
C the ways emotions change our behaviour.

2 What does the speaker say about over-eating in relation to emotions?

A It may be the result of ignoring one’s feelings.
B It is often caused by negative feelings.
C It is less common amongst happy people.

Tekst 2.
3 What does Joan Trent NOT mention as a reason for hiding feelings?
A Wanting to appear strong.
B A desire to act like other people.
C A wish to avoid embarrassment.

4 When are the most serious negative effects of ‘bottling up’ emotions visible?
A When many different feelings are involved.
B When feelings are hidden for a long time.
C When feelings involve people we don’t know well.

Tekst 3.
5 What has Tim’s brother done to disappoint him?
A Failed to keep a promise.
B Neglected to return a phone call.
C Given some incorrect information to a friend.

6 Natalie describes her sister as

A extremely reliable.
B too direct.
C lacking compassion.
___ / 6

2 Przeczytaj tekst. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A–F) do każdej oznaczonej części tekstu (1–4). Uwaga:
dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu.

1 ___
‘Sustainable fashion’ may sound like a contradiction as sustainable goods are both responsibly made – from
ecologically and morally responsible sources – and meant to last a long time. Fashion, on the other hand, tends
to be based on temporary trends and ‘statement’ outfits that are often worn only once or twice before ending
up at the back of the wardrobe.
2 ___
But there are ways to be both sustainable and fashionable. One of the simplest approaches is to ask yourself
before any purchase how often you will wear an item of clothing. If you are sure you will wear it at least thirty
times – and if it’s a brand that produces responsibly sourced, ethically made products – then you ought to feel

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good about buying it. However, if you’re considering a ‘statement’ item for a single occasion, it’s better to give
it a miss.
3 ___
And if you do need that ‘statement’ piece, why not rent it? It is a shocking fact that 300,000 tonnes of
unwanted clothes go into landfills every year. But if you hire an outfit, you can have the satisfaction of showing
it off in high style for that special occasion, and other people will have a chance to wear the same item after
you. This generates far less waste, and more wardrobe space too!
4 ___
One of the most sustainable practices, and one of the most generous, is donating clothes you no longer wear.
The shame that was once associated with wearing second-hand clothes has pretty much disappeared, and
knowing that something you rarely wear will become the highlight of another person’s wardrobe can make you
feel you are doing your bit in more ways than one.
___ / 4

3 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 You have to be careful of what you say to David because he’s very careless / sensitive / worried when it
comes to criticism.
2 Susan, who is very patient / honest / polite, will always tell you exactly what she thinks.
3 It is normal for students to feel skinny / pierced / stressed when it’s time for the end-of-year exams.
4 She never wears clothes made with denim / silk / fur because she opposes cruelty to animals.
5 With her ginger / spotty / freckled hair and pale skin, many people assume she is Irish.
___ / 5

4 Complete the text with the correct words in the box. There are two extra words.
unsociable good-looking helpful patient tolerant narrow-minded imaginative
When our teacher asked us to write an essay about someone we look up to, I began to wonder what qualities
make me admire certain people. I think the main thing is that a person is (1) __________, which means they
accept all sorts of people, instead of being (2) __________ and judging everyone by their own strict standards.
I don’t mind if someone is a bit (3) __________ and prefers not to mix with a large group, so long as they are
open and honest in their one-on-one relationships. I don’t pay much attention to whether a person is
(4) __________ or not, because appearances don’t really matter, but I do care whether or not they are
(5) __________ towards people who are less fortunate than they are.
___ / 5

5 Complete the sentences with the correct words. Some letters have been given.
1 The lady in the photo must be quite old. She’s got lots of w _ _ n _ _ _ s on her face.
2 John is a very r _ _ i _ b _ _ person – you can always count on him to keep his promises.
3 Joan often gets in a bad m _ _ d if anything goes wrong.
4 He’s currently d _ v _ _ c _ _, but he’s planning to marry for the second time next year.
5 I’m often too e _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ d to ask someone for help.
___ / 5

6 Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie
poprawny tekst. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.
One of my least favourite relatives is my aunt Judy. She’s in her late forties and she’s (1) ___, as her husband
died in a car accident many years ago. She’s quite plump, but she wears extremely bright colours because she
likes to stand (2) ___ from the crowd. When my mum tells her she should (3) ___ for darker colours in order to
look slimmer, she feels hurt and doesn’t speak to my mum for a few days.
What I also dislike about Judy is that she is always (4) ___ other people, especially teenagers, which includes
me! I can’t (5) ___ listening to her when she is telling us about how polite and hard-working she used to be
when she was a teenager. Even if the stories are true, she must have changed a lot since then!

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1 A divorced B widowed C married
2 A off B out C along
3 A take B go C choose
4 A criticising B criticise C to criticise
5 A stand B spend C take
___ / 5

7 W zadaniach 1–5 spośród podanych opcji wybierz tę, która jest tłumaczeniem fragmentu podanego
w nawiasie, poprawnie uzupełniającym lukę w zdaniu. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.
1 My little sister likes a lot of sports, but she ___ (naprawdę interesuje się) basketball.
A is really into
B is really hopeless at
C is really keen at
2 I think it’s good that you are ___ (trochę przybierasz na wadze) – you were too skinny.
A taking on some weight
B putting on some weight
C giving up some weight
3 Carol ___ (na ogół nosi) black clothes, so it’s a surprise to see her in something bright.
A is normally wearing
B wears normally
C normally wears
4 Stella was ___ (w złym humorze) for days after losing the competition.
A in a bad mood
B at a dark mood
C in the wrong humour
5 Kelly is a lovely girl – she always ___ (okazuje życzliwość) to her friends and family.
A shows kindness
B is showing kindness
C makes kindness
___ / 5

8 Uzupełnij poniższe minidialogi (1–5). Wybierz spośród podanych opcji brakującą wypowiedź.
Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.
1 X: You play tennis really well! 3 X: Why do you keep playing with your pen?
Y: Thanks! ___ Y: ___
A I’d like to take up a new sport. A I always fidget when I’m nervous.
B I spend hours practising. B No, it’s not mine.
C It’s not really my cup of tea. C Do you want to borrow it?
2 X: Do you want to come to our community 4 X: Your brother is hopeless at football, isn’t he?
discussion group? Y: ___
Y: ___ X: I suppose anyone can improve.
X: Oh, about twenty. A Yes, he’s captain of his team.
A How many people are in the group? B I think he’s made a lot of progress.
B Does it meet very often? C He’s not at all interested in it.
C Are you the leader of the group? 5 X: Isn’t it time you left for the station?
Y: What’s your hurry? ___
A My train leaves in ten minutes.
B My train hasn’t left yet.
C My train doesn’t leave for three hours.

___ / 5

TOTAL: ___ / 40

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