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b) A system need to be designed using 8051 for taking account of number persons
entering a factory per day. The counting pulses need to be fed to pin T1. Program the
8051 (11.0592MHz clock) for counter 1 in mode 2 to count the number of persons on
a daily basis and send the state of the TL1 count on P2. [5
5. a) What are the benefits gained by the system designer and the manufacturer by using
the I2C bus protocol? [2
b) What is arbitration? How is it achieved in a multi-master I2C bus? [3
c) Explain the different types of data transfer and packets supported by the USB
protocol. [4
6. a) What are the basic functions of a real-time kernel? Explain with suitable
hierarchical diagram. [2
b) Describe at least six criteria for selecting a RTOS for use in Embedded System. [3
c) Illustrate the software compilation process in the development of embedded
systems. [3
d) Give two examples of RTOS. [1
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