TT - Be - 6th-Semt CBCS

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B.TECH. Sixth Semester (C.B.C.S.

) SUMMER 2023
( 140 TO 152 )


Time: 02.30 P.M. To 05.30 P.M.
Sr. Name of Day Monday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday
No. Branch Friday
Date 26/05/2023 29/05/2023 31/05/2023 02/06/2023 05/06/2023 07/06/2023

1 Civil Engineering Estimating & Costing Construction Engineering & Water Resource Engineering Elective-III Open Elective-I
Management 1. Prestressed Concrete 2. Soil 1. Environmental Engineering
Dynamics3. Environment Management
4. Repair Rehabitation of Civil
Engineering structures
5. Water transmission & Distri. System
6. Urban Transportatio n Planning
2 Mechanical Engineering Automation in Energy Conversion-II Dynamics of Machines Elective-I Elective-II
Production 1.Mechanical Vibrations 1.Tribology2. Tool Design
2. Synthesis of Mechanism 3. Advanced Manufacturing
3. Operation Research Techniques
4. Production Planning & Control 4. CNC & Robotics
5. Convective Heat Transfer 5. Design of Heat Exchangers
6. Power Plant Engineering 6. Advanced I C Engines
3 Electrical Engineering Engineering Computer Applications in Switch gear & Protection Open Elective –I Professional Elective – II
Economics & Power System 1.PLC&SCADA Systems2.Solar PV 1.Advanced control System
Management Systems3.Organizational behavior 2. Optimization Technique
3.Electric Drives & their Control
4.Num.Maths.& Probability Usign m
4. Electronics Telecommunication Computer Internet of Things (IOT) Wireless Sensor Network Program Elective-II Open Elective-I Effective Technical
5. Engg/ Electronics Communication 1. Computer Architecture 2. 1. Consumer Electronics 2. Communication
Network Database Management Systems 3.
6. Communication Engg/ Industrial Electronics
Antennas & Wave Propagation 4.
Electronics Engineering Control System Engineering
7 Computer Science & Engg. Compiler Design Elective-II Elective-III Open Elective – I Economics of IT
1.Machine Learning 1.Data Science 1.Linux Fundamentals industry
2.Internet of Thing 2.Dist.Operating Systems 2.Android Appli. Development
3.Cluster & Cloud Computing 3.Human Comp. Interaction 3. Block chain Technologies
8 Computer Technology Compiler Design Data Warehousing and Elective-II1.High Perform. Comp. Elective – III1.Embeddded System Open Elective – I Economics of IT
Mining Archite.2.Software Test.& Qua. 2.Mobile Appli. & Development 1.Digital Image Processing industry
Assu.3.Adv. Microprocessor & computing 2.Adv. Web Technologics
Inter facing 3.Multimedia & Animation
Sr. Name of Day Monday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday
No. Branch Friday
Date 26/05/2023 29/05/2023 31/05/2023 02/06/2023 05/06/2023 07/06/2023

09 Information Technology Data Base Management Artificial Intelligence & Elective-II Elective-III Open Elective – I Economics of IT industry
System Machine Learning 1.Cluster & Grid Computing 1. Cloud Computing 1.Data Science
2.Blockchain Technology 2.Internet of Things 2.Computer Animation Comp.Network 3.Soft.Test.& Qua. Assurance
10 Computer Engineering Design & Analysis of Elective-II Elective-III Open Elective – I TCP / IP ---
Algorithms 1.Human Computer 1.Distributed Computing 1.Digital Image Processing
Interaction 2.Machine Learning 2. Mobile Computing
2.Internet of Things 3.Data Warehousing &
3.Soft Computing Mining
11 Aeronautical Engineering Aircraft Design Space Technology Open Elective – II Elective – II ---- Effective Technical
1.Design of Machine Element 1.Aircraft Mecha.Anaysis & Communication
2.Finance and Accounting Synthesis
3.Renewable Energy Sources 2.Flight Dynamics
4.Industrial Safety & 3.Principals of Combustion
Environment 4.Aero.Desi.of Comp. & Tur
12 FIRE ENGINEERING Fixed Fire Fighting Paramedics Fire Modelling Fundamentals of Industrial Fire Codes and Standards Fire and Life Safety Audit
Installations Safety and Heath
13 Artificial Intelligence& Data Computer Deep Learning Digital System Design Using Elective-II Open Elective – I
Science Communication Verilog 1.Web&Soc.Media Analytics 1.corrent Trends & Tech.
Network 2.Block Chain & Cyber Secur. 2.Industry 4.0
3. I.S. & Instrumentation
4.Robotics & Intelligent Syst.
14 Artificial Intelligence AI in Natural Language Deep Learning Digital System Design Using Elective-II Open Elective – I
Processing Verilog 1.Web&Soc.Media Analytics 1.corrent Trends & Tech.
2.Block Chain & Cyber Secur. 2.Industry 4.0
3. I.S. & Instrumentation
4.Intelligent Transport Syst


The name of the College Centre is already Printed on the Admission Card of each Candidate. However, it is notified for general information of the Candidates that: -
The seating arrangement for the Centre will be notified separately seven days prior to the Commencement of the written examination at the respective College / Centre, The Candidates concerned will also be
able to get the necessary information from that chart of seating arrangement sent to the concerned College by University
Date: 10-04-2023 (Dr. Prafulla M. Sable)
Board of Examination & Evaluation
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj University, Nagpur

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