Duty Manager Report
Duty Manager Report
Duty Manager Report
8) Interact with one waiter and note menu knowledge especially special of the day YES
9) Check that department checklist is in use and updated YES
1) Clean and free from debris and wet floor YES
2) All equipment in proper working order YES
3) No burners burning un attended or running water taps YES
4) Note the deep freezer temperatures YES
5) Note the temperatures on all fridges YES
6) Dustbins not over full and tidy YES
7) Kitchen staff aware of occupancy, and dinner/ breakfast figures YES
8) Receiving area clean and free from garbage YES
9) Check that department checklist is in use and updated YES
10) Staff food available Yes
1) Attend to any guest complain or any unusual occurrence YES No complain at all.
2) Do a property walk about and ensure all areas are well attended, clean and in DONE . HQ=Emerald Hall it’s under repair.
good repair
3) Compile a report with all key occurrence of the day and any guest requests or DONE
complaints received department wise
4) Changing room cleaned YES Cleaned
BY Almachius Athanas-Night manager