The Heat of Neutralization of Acetic Acid 1
The Heat of Neutralization of Acetic Acid 1
The Heat of Neutralization of Acetic Acid 1
The importance of an accurate determination of the heat of neutraliza-
tion of acetic acid and its significance in calculating the heat of formation
of water from its ions has been emphasized in a recent paper by Richards
and Gucker.2 In that investigation data were obtained from which the
heat of neutralization a t various concentrations could be calculated pro-
vided the heat of neutralization a t any one concentration was known.
The data hitherto available for the heat of neutralization of acetic acid
were inadequate3 to accomplish this with a degree of accuracy comparable
to that of strong acids and bases previously investigated by Richards
and Rowel4for which recalculated values have been presented in a paper
In this paper are presented accurate data for the heat of
of this ~ e r i e s . ~
neutralization of acetic acid and its change with concentration. From
these data, together with those of strong acids and bases, a more probable
value for the heat of formation of water from its ions is obtained.
Method and Apparatus
The apparatus was that used by Richards and Gucker for the determi-
nation of heats of dilution, modified slightly to make it suitable for the
larger temperature changes involved.
The small bottom valve holes (designated a,b, by Richards and Gucker)
were enlarged to a diameter of 2.5 mm., while the diameter of the large
central valve (designated as c) was reduced to 6 mm. Platinum baffles
were soldered over the small valve holes, a,b, in order to deflect the solu-
tion from the bottom of the calorimeter into the paths of the stirrers in
the annular space.
On account of the death of Professor Richards on April 2, 1928, the work here
described was completed and the manuscript was prepared by the junior author under
the general direction of Dr. Lawrence P. Hall.
Richards and Gucker, THIS JOURNAL, 51, 712 (1929).
Thomsen, “Thermochemische Untersuchungen,” Leipzig, 1882, Vol. I, p. 271,
gives the value 13.40 Cal. for the heat of neutralization of HCtH8Op~200H20a t 20°, and
Mathews and Germann, J . Phys. Chem., 15, 75 (1911), give the value 13.23 Cal. for
N / 4 acetic acid. These values are probably low. Thomsen’s results for strong acids
are about 2.5% lower than those of Richards and Rowe, while Mathews and Germann
used unstandardized thermometers and a Dewar flask as a calorimeter. They disclaimed
high accuracy.
Richards and Rowe, THISJOURNAL, 44,684 (1922).
Richards and Hall, ibid., 51, 731 (1929).
The experiment was performed by opening the two small bottom valves
(a,b)) the central valve c about thirty minutes later when mixing was
about three-quarters complete and finally five minutes later the side valves.
By this procedure the presence of a hot layer on top, with the deleterious
effect produced by distillation of water from the solution t o the submarine
lid was avoided. The temperature difference between the outer bath
and calorimeter was well within 0.01' during most of the experiment but
rose t o 0.04' for about thirty seconds after the central valve was opened.
This approach t o true adiabacity with the air gap in question was adequate
to obtain an accuracy of 0.001 ' in the measurement of temperature change.
Corrections for the temperature drift were applied and the temperature
rise was calculated from the resistance change as described by Richards
and Gucker.
The heat capacity of the apparatus (76.4 mayers) was calculated from
the sum of the heat capacities of its constituent parts in the manner de-
scribed in the previous publicatioa2
Preparation and Analyses of Solutions
The sodium hydroxide solution was purified and protected from carbon
dioxide in essentially the same manner as that previously employed in
this I , a b o r a t ~ r y . ~ .Titration
~ with pure standard hydrochloric acid,
using weight burets, showed its concentration to be NaOH.100.99H20.
The acetic acid solution was prepared from crystallized glacial acetic acid
and by comparison with standard sodium hydroxide proved t o be of the
concentration HC2Hs02.100.36H20.
HC2HaOt.100.36H20 f NaOH.100.99H20
Heat Total heat
Weight, g.
ca . incl.
cal. kayers) AT Final T
610.638 4.1338 ..... 3.627 19.98 -18413 -56331
610.78B 4.0537 5076.54 3.627 20.02 -18413 -56331
..... .... ..... 3.625 20.06 -18403 -56300
..... .... ..... 3.627 20.06 -18413 -56331
Average ( A H ) corrected to 20.00' = -56324
' A slight excess of sodium hydroxide was used throughout to avoid as far as
possible errors which result from the presence of sodium carbonate.
Ah refers t o the heat absorbed by the quantity used in the actual experi-
ment, while AH refers to molal quantities. A and B stand for weights
of solutions of acid and base, respectively; the rest of the table is self-
The specific heats of the solutions were computed from the values a t
18" given by Richards and Gucker2 for solutions containing exactly 100
6 Richards and Gucker, THISJOURNAL, 47,1882 (1925).
moles of water per mole of acid or base by correction for the additional
water they contained, with the aid of the Person-Kirchhoff equation.
The heats of neutralization of acetic acid with changing concentration
are shown in Table 11. The results were calculated from the heats of dilu-
tion of factors and products4with the aid of the well-known thermochemi-
cal equations.
Moles of HzO
I n factors 50+50 lOO+lOO 200+200 400+400 800+800
I n products 101 201 401 801 1601
HCtH302 + NaOH 55975 56324 56539 56659 56714
ranging from 56.78 to 57.40 kj. Since the reaction a t infinite dilution be-
comes merely H+ + OH- = H20, these curves should approach a com-
mon value. Consequently, extrapolation to a point of convergence proba-
bly gives a more trustworthy value than the average of the independent
extrapolations. Since the curves approach the zero concentration axis
from different angles, extrapolation to a point of convergence is less un-
certain than was the case with strong acids alone, in which all approached
the zero concentration axis from the same direction. A graphical extrapo-
lation to the most probable point of convergence yields the value 57.07
kj. or 13.65 Cal. for the heat of neutralization a t infinite dilution.
The authors take pleasure in acknowledging their indebtedness to the
Carnegie Institution of Washington and to an anonymous benefactor of
this Laboratory for essential financial assistance in carrying out this re-
The heat of neutralization of acetic acid and sodium hydroxide was
found to be 54,324 joules a t 20" a t concentrations of HC~H3O2~100Hz0
and NaOH.100Hz0. The heat of neutralization a t other concentrations
is calculated with the aid of thermochemical data presented in previous
publications. By extrapolation, upward for acetic acid and downward
for strong acids, the heat of reaction H + +
OH- = HzO was found to be
57.07 kj. or 13.63 Cal. a t 20".
Within the past few years the thermochemical behavior of aqueous so-
lutions of many strong electrolytes has been investigated in this Labora-
tory.2 The present investigation is a continuation of that work, par-
ticularly with weak electrolytes. Heats of dilution a t 16 and 20" of aque-
ous solutions of citric acid, sodium citrate and the acid citrates were meas-
ured and from these values the heat capacities of the resulting solutions
calculated by means of the Person-Kirchhoff equation.2d The heats of
neutralization of citric acid and its acid salts were also measured and from
the heats of dilution of factors and products the heat of neutralization a t
various concentrations was calculated. The significance of such measure-
ments in connection with solution theories needs no explanation. The
heats of dilution and resulting heat capacities will be considered first.
Apparatus and Method
The apparatus and experimental procedure have been adequately de-
scribed elsewhere.2dve The large absorption of heat on dilution of the
citrates] however, necessitated one minor modification. A reservoir for
ice and water, supported four feet above the apparatus] was connected
to a circular rose in the outer bath. The rose, made out of glass tubing
with small apertures three inches apart, encircled the "submarine" and
1 On account of the death of Professor Richards on April 2, 1928, the work here
described was completed and the manuscript was prepared by the junior author under
the general direction of Dr. Lawrence P. Hall.
* (a) Richards and Rowe, THISJOURNAL, 42, 1622 (1920); (b) 43, 771 (1921);
(c) 44, 684 (1922); (d) Richards and Gucker, i b i d . , 51, 712 (1929); (e) Richards, Mair
and Hall, ibid., 51, 727 (1929).