Art As Geographic Tool For Landscape Explanation Article
Art As Geographic Tool For Landscape Explanation Article
Art As Geographic Tool For Landscape Explanation Article
Roger Balm
Rutgers University
Department of Geography
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8045
ABSTRACT: Although geography is often proclaimed as a discipline with visuality at its core, the relative
disregard of how visual artists respond to landscape suggests otherwise. This paper points out some points of
intersection between art imagery and geography and then goes on to discuss applications of those points of
intersection in the context offieldwork in England and Wales where drawings and paintings were made to record
the last remains of heavy industry on the landscape. It is argued that full use of art images and art methodologies
entails a dual engagement with both objective landscapes offact and the expressive and subjective landscapes of
feeling. This dual engagement is described in the context of industrial landscape as a transition from mimetic
picture-making to the construction of visual substitutions that incorporate references to fossil excavation and
associated concepts of memory and preservation. To produce fuller explanations of landscape geographers may
profitably use two common components of contemporary art imagery: expressive selectivity and visual
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."
Marcel Proust in Remembrance of Things Past.
ART AND GEOGRAPHIC INQUIRY into an early involvement with multi-scopic ways of
knowing. Consequently, they are generally ahead of
geographers in the variety of their responses to
Debate continues over whether pictures landscape. At various times over the past 50 years,
embody pure visual meaning or whether they are, however, congruencies between art practices and
after Wittgenstein, propositions in the logical sense geography have been notable. For example, Curnow
and thus variants on the spoken and written word (see characterizes the emergence of Conceptualism in the
Elkins, 1999). It is argued here that art images are mid-1960s and early 1970s with its rapacious
sites where meaning is constructed in two forms: as appropriation of material and spatial elements, as
imaginative geographies (Schwartz, 1996; Gregory, art's" spatial tum" (Curnow, 1999, 258).
1994), and as virtual witnesses of real-world Beneath these periodic convergences,
conditions (Shapin, 1984). Both forms of meaning however, .lies a more fundamental congruency.
can be, indeed often are, constructed simultaneously Conventional data are made meaningful through
and this paper demonstrates how one form of ordering and contextualizing. Visual art images
construction is interlinked with the other. Thus, embody information through ordering and
discussion employs both the language of positivism contextualizing. Thus, art images may be considered
and that of relativism; privileging in tum the forms of data. Pictorial information differs little from
objective landscape of fact and then the landscape of other forms of encoded data once we accept that the
mood and feeling. Full engagement with art images universe of signs is a single entity and that within a
requires the extraction of geographic relevance from broad semiological universe, signs and signifiers
abstract work of late modernism that is often work across disciplinary boundaries (Bryson, 1991).
considered semantically difficult, as well as from Metonymy, the linking of contiguous details, is
representations structured upon Cartesian frequently the mechanism by which pictorial
perspectivalism and that we often [md easier of information is conveyed in art images (Nochlin,
access. Full engagement with art methodology 1972). Metonymy works in combination with the
requires expressive response to physical and cultural repetitive inclusions of motifs and signs. These
landscape, invocation of genius loci, and a step back insistent signifiers are largely what sets painting and
from the more neutral stance that geographers are drawing apart from photography in terms of making
perhaps more comfortable with. statements about physical and cultural landscape. As
This is an auspicious time for geographers Sontag concludes, photographs acknowledge rather
to add art imagery and methodology to the tools they than explain (Sontag, 1979). Geographers, being
already use for engaging with landscape. explainers rather than mere acknowledgers, stand to
Geography's rootedness in cartography, a scriptive gain much from an art-based approach. The legacy of
rather than visual tradition (Curnow, 1999) is now Romanticsm is that art has been endowed with
weakening in line with what Jay describes as a special status as cognitively autonomous (Gandy,
cultural tum towards "denarrativization of the 1997) and able to convey information that cannot be
ocular" (Jay, 1993, 51; see also Evans and Hall, coded in any other way (Gombrich, 1982). The case
1999). In addition, geographers have argued for such exclusivity has not, I believe, yet been made
persuasively in recent years that systematic erasures persuasively, which is all to the good because it
are part of the warp and weft of the representational means that art images and art methodology remain
fabric of supposedly objective data (Rose, 1993). In usable by the many rather than the few in explaining
pointing out such biases, the universe of objective the world around us.
data is simultaneously destabilized and aligned with
the universe of images where multi-scopic
approaches to explanation have progressively SUBJECT AND PROJECT
undercut notions of a monolithic reality through
individual reiterations of eye and hand in personal
response to place and space. Certain developments To indicate points of intersection between
within the history of science in the twentieth century, visual art imagery and geography I will tum now to a
such as the invention of photography, forced artists specific piece of ongoing fieldwork in the UK. The
Middle States Geographer, 2000, 33.·1-9
Traces-ofIndustry Project involves drawing and beach. In many locations the demolition and leveling
painting some of the last remains of heavy industry in of the old surfaces of heavy industry is the most
England and Wales. Over the last 30 years the marks striking element of the scene, not only in mining
of heavy industry (particularly coal mining) have districts but also in the shipbuilding and ship-repair
been aggressively erased from the English and Welsh locations along the rivers Tyne and Tees in
landscapes, profoundly transforming highly northeastern England. Figure 4 is a watercolor sketch
individual cultural landscapes constructed over of demolition work in progress in Wallsend on the
extended periods of time (Figure 1). The fundamental northern bank of the River Tyne, near Newcastle.
reasons for that erasure lie in a complex intertwining
of economic restructuring and class antagonisms, full
discussion of which would divert us from the VISUAL SUBSTITUTIONS
immediate objectives of this paper. The outward
(physical) form of the erasure is an impressive
transformation of landscape, and it is on that I will Field recording forms a prerequisite for
focus. subsequent interpretive treatment of subject material.
I used field drawing during the project This interpretive treatment marks a transition from
within the broad traditions of geography, as a form of the representation of one mode of landscape to that of
mapping, and means of ordering evidence regarding another; from the landscape of fact to the landscape
terrain and land use. Most of the work was done in of feeling. It also marks a tum towards creative
economically depressed former mining areas with the manipulation where the role of the art image's
cooperation of site owners and managers. Of specific producer becomes decisive. An image, as a signifier,
interest were three types of relict features on the has the potential to project itself across space and
landscape coexisting at a range of spatial scales. All time between the two historical horizons of past and
three types were fugitive because of the rapid pace of present provided the image is sufficiently evocative
land clearance and redevelopment. In many cases all (Bryson, 1991). The art images reproduced here may
traces of old works (Figure 1) have been erased and fall short in this regard. However, even if they do I
replaced with new enterprises such as light am hopeful that the validity of the broader issue, that
manufacturing and service-sector businesses. First of is to say, the utility of translating the landscape of
the three types of features was the infrastructure of fact into the landscape of feeling for purposes of
industry, including pit-head winding machinery, deeper geographical explanation will remain intact.
hoppers, conveyors and lifting gear of various kinds In responding to the three types of relict
such as that shown in Figure 2, a drawing produced industrial form described above the visual analogy
at Tower Colliery in Hirwaun, South Wales.' Second that I find most compelling and unifying is with
were the human-built landforms that were the fossils and the associated paleontological references
cumulative result of industrial activity over time,
to the remains of past life. In this case the remains
particularly the depositional features created by the
relate back to the past industrial life of a place. I
dumping of spoil. Many old tips have now been
worked the motifs derived from the relict features to
stabilized and reclaimed.? Although these spoil heaps
suggest fossil forms, including the rock matrix in
are associated primarily with coal mining,
which such forms are commonly found. I treated the
spectacular examples have also resulted from the
topographic transformation produced by the dumping
mining of china clay in southwestern England
of mining waste as a sedimentary addition to the
(Figure 3). Third, and finally, were the debris fields
physical landscape and subject to an array of
left behind from the demolition of old industrial
geomorphological process, but incorporating into its
workings. These were patterns of ridges and mounds
composition the memory of human toil. The working
created by the .. choreography" of bulldozers and that
up of a deeply textured surface, sometimes
often contained eloquent remains such as machine
incorporating debris found on site, serves as a
parts, masonry and discarded raw materials. The
reference to the embedding of remains and the task of
name I have coined for these debris fields is
excavation, for example in Figure 5, Fossil Series:
"demolition berms." One can comb the deposits for
China Clay, which is an adaptation of the china clay
interesting objects just as one can the berms on a
tip illustrated in Figure 3. I produced Fossil Series:
Art As A Geographic Tool
Figure1 (top). The Rhondda Valley, South Wales, circa 1920. Photograph: Rhondda Heritage Park.
Figure2 (below). Pithead, Tower Colliery, Hirwaun, South Wales. Pencil drawing: Roger Balm.
Middle States Geographer, 2000, 33. /-9
Figure3 (top). China clay waste tip, near 81. Austell, England. Photograph: Roger Balm
Figure4 (below). Dockland demolition, Wallsend, England. Watercolor: Roger Balm.
Arr As A Geographic Tool
FigureS (top). 'Fossil Series: China Clay.' Mixed media: Roger Balm.
Figure6 (below). 'Fossil Series: Rhondda Valley Excavation.' Mixed media: Roger Balm.
Middle States Geographer, 2000, 33']-9
China Clay with a mixture of acrylic paint and china of visualization in geographic explanations of
clay spoil. The use of on-site materials is, of course, landscape. These approaches are interconnected and
an act of physical appropriation / incorporation of the concern themselves with the process of visual sorting
site into the image and it enables a sense of place to (with expressive selectivity) and visual display (with
be literally embedded in the art work as memento visual reconfiguration).
mori. I used grid symbols in some of the paintings
since they are evocative of archaeological and
geographical search and survey techniques, mapping Expressive Selectivity
coordinates and GIS pixelization. An example is
shown in Figure 6, Fossil Series: Rhondda Valley
Excavation. In this piece the grid and the components A process of expressive selectivity
of the grid squares carry a reference to the fugitive deliberately incorporates omissions, erasures,
nature of the industrial remains and the fact that now, repetitions and bias, those accusations often leveled
because of reclamation and landuse change, one has at supposedly objective data (Rose, 1993). Selectivity
to search hard to find the remains of the tips that extends beyond issues of what is framed and what is
were once ubiquitous. I worked the Fossil Series with not, to include characterization, emotional tone and
a dark palette using this tonality as a combined mood. This extension takes us effectively beyond the
referent to literal subterranean space (such as realm of the visible and into the realm of notional. So
abandoned mine shafts) and to the spectral inferences applied, selectivity can inform geographic inquiry m
that accompany concepts of interment and important ways through process of reiteration of key
disinterment. These inferences are implicit in the visual elements, the" insistent signifiers" mentioned
work since the industrial landscapes of Britain and towards the beginning of this paper. Effective ways
the associated memories will eventually be gone of knowing through visuality incorporate a fuzzy
completely. logic of cognition. Fuzzy logic may be defined as a
theory of approximation that may be usefully applied
in contexts of complexity and uncertainty (Yen and
CONCLUSIONS Langari, 1999). Forms of fuzzy logic are implicit in
much of modernist visual art and are applicable
within geography in cases of vague gradation where
Faulty theorizing is often resorted to by
clear distinctions among classes or qualities are not
geographers in order to prevent art images from
readily apparent. In such cases subjective individual
boring into and weakening carefully carpentered
perceptions must be trusted to assign plausibility and
notions about unambiguous data. MacEachren
meaning to an image.
(1992), for example, claims there is a difference
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The author thanks the management and staff of Cornell University Press.
Tower Colliery, Hirwaun, Mid-Glamorgan (Wales)
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