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Integral University, Lucknow

Department of Commerce and Business Management

Study and Evaluation Scheme
Program: BBA FS Semester- I

Per Hr./Week/Sem Evaluation Scheme Attributes

S. Course Type of Sub. Total

Gender Equality
Environment &

Human Value

No. code Course Title Paper Total Credit Credits



BM110 Principle of Business Core
3 1 0 40 20 60 40 100 3:1:0 4     4,8,9,16
1 & 18

BM111 Applied Macro Economics Core 3 1 0

40 20 60 40 100 3:1:0 4     7, 8 & 9
BM112 Introduction to Core 3 1 0 4,8,9&
40 20 60 40 100 3:1:0 4   
2 Organizational  16
Basic Automobile Core 3 1 0
40 20 60 40 100 3:1:0 4 4
Technology 
3 LN104 Essential Professional Core 3 1 0
40 20 60 40 100 3:1:0 4  4
4 CS103 Introduction to Computer Core 2 1 0 4,9
40 20 60 40 100 3:1:0 3 
5 CS104 Introduction to Computer Core 0 0 4
40 20 60 40 100 0:0:4 2  4,9
Total 17 6 4 280 140 420 280 700 25
Integral University, Lucknow

Effective from Session: 2020-21

Course Code BM110 Title of the Course Principle of Business Management L T P C
Year I Semester I 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite NONE Co-requisite NONE
Course Objectives To enable the students to understand the principles of management thought and applying the same in practice

Course Outcomes
CO1 To demonstrate management which combines the features of both science and art
CO2 To enable the students to learn various function of management
CO3 To explain the various which laid the foundation of management.
CO4 To examine the importance of the planning process
CO5 To form a business entity in the light of the legal and regulatory framework in India

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Introduction and Nature of Management, Definition & Meaning-By P. F. Drucker, Koontz
Introduction to O’ Donnel, S. George, Management as an Art, Science and Profession, Distinction between
1 CO1, CO2
Management Administration and Management, Importance & Functions of Management 10
Evolution of Management- Thought, Pre Scientific Management era, Scientific Management
Evolution of & Contribution of F. W. Taylor, Process Management & contribution of Henri Fayol, HR
2 CO3
Management movement - Hawthrone experiments, Contributions of Behavioral scientists- Abraham 10
Maslow, Peter Drukker, Douglas Mc. Gregor.
Nature & Definition of Planning- Koontz o’Donnel, Hart, Alfred & Beaty, Importance and
limitations Planning process, Types of Plans- on the basis of use, functions, time (meaning 10
Planning and
3 only), Meaning of Decision making, Steps in decision making, Types of decisions CO2,CO3
Decision Making
Programmed-Non-programmed; Strategic-tactical, Individual-Group, Policy-Operation,
Meaning & Definition- Koontz O’Donnell & McFarland, Organizing - Nature, Purpose &
Principles, Types of Organization (Formal & Informal), Types of Authority relationships-
4 Organizing & 8 CO4
Line, Functional, Line& staff, Committees, Meaning and types of Departmentation,
Departmentation Centralization and De-centralization (Meaning Only)
Elements of Meaning & Importance of Directing, Leadership: Meaning &Styles, Motivation: importance
Directing, & Theories (Maslow, Herzberg. Mcgregor), Communication Meaning, Objectives &Types 7
5 CO5
Coordination and of communication, Meaning, Principles and techniques of Co- ordination, Meaning, Need &
Control steps in Controlling.
Reference Books:
Gupta C.B.; Management Concepts and Practices, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, Latest edition 2018.
Koontz Koontz & O'Donnell & Weirich, Essentials of Management,: Tata McGraw HillJames Stoner Publishing Company, Latestedition 2019.
VSP Rao, V Hari Krishna- Management Text and Cases, Excel Books, Edition, Latest edition. 2021.
Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert Jr. ; Management Prentice Hall of India New Delhi, Latest edition .2019.
e-Learning Source:

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)


CO1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 - 2 1 1
CO2 1 2 1 1 2 2 - 1 - 2 2
CO3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3
CO4 2 - 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
CO5 - 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1

1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation

Name & Sign of Program Coordinator

Sign & Seal of HoD
Integral University, Lucknow

Effective from Session: 2020-21

Course Code BM 111 Title of the Course Applied Macroeconomics L T P C
Year I Semester I 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
The objective of this course is to make the students aware of crucial macro-economic variables like the level
of income, employment, prices, investment, consumption, money supply and trade. It also aims to equip the
students with a fundamental knowledge of the macroeconomics on the basis of which policy decision can be
analyzed and business decisions can be made.

Course Outcomes
CO1 To demonstrate the understanding of the concept of macroeconomics, evaluate and analyze national income.
CO2 To demonstrate the understanding, application and analysis of public finance and budget.
CO3 To demonstrate the understanding, application and analysis of inflation, monetary and fiscal policies.
CO4 To demonstrate the understanding, application and analysis of multipliers, BOP and Business Cycle.
CO5 To demonstrate the understanding, application, analysis and evaluation of various national and international institutions,
foreign exchange and foreign capital.

Unit Title of the Contact Mapped

No. Unit Content of Unit Hrs. CO
Classical Vs. Modern Economic approach, Micro and Macro Meaning, Circular flow
Approaches to of Income- Concept of National Income: GNP, NNP, GDP, NDP, PI, DPI, PCY,
1 Macroeconomics National Income at factor cost and Market price, Estimation of National income- 9 CO 1
Product-Income- Expenditure Met, Difficulties of Estimation, National income and
economic welfare
Public Finance: Budget – Types, Public revenue - Tax and Non-tax, Public
2 Expenditure- Heads of expenditure, Public Debt: Classification, Deficit financing - 9 CO 2
Finance Taxable capacity - factors influencing taxable capacity
Macroeconomic Meaning of Inflation - causes and effect, Cost push and demand-pull inflation,
3 Environment Deflation – Meaning and causes, Phillips curve- stagflation- M1 and M3, Measures to 9 CO 3
control inflation - Role of Monetary policy, Fiscal policy Instruments.
Balance of Meaning- Difference- Types, Component of BOP- Current and Capital Account,
Payment and Unfavorable BOP- causes, Monetary and Non- Monetary Measures, Business cycle:
4 9 CO 4
Business Meaning- definition, features, Stages of Business Cycle, Effects and Measures to
Cycle control cyclical fluctuation
Role of External Trade in Economic Development, Terms of Trade: NBTOT –
Business &
5 GBTOT, Exchange rate- spot and forward exchange rates, Foreign capital – Role of 9 CO 5
Institutions foreign aid and their types.
Reference Books:

DeLong, J.B., Macroeconomics, Burr Ridge: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Latest edition. 2020.
Dwivedi, D.N., (2010). Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy,Latest edition, Mc Graw-Hill.2018.
Dornbusch, R., Fischer, S. and Startz, R., Macroeconomics, Latest edition, New York: McGraw- Hill, 2019.
Mankiw, N.G., Macroeconomics, Latest edition., New York: Worth, 2018.
Ackley, G., Macroeconomic Theory, New York: Collier-Macmillan, 2018.
e-Learning Source:

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)

1 2 1 2 - 2 1 1 - 2 -
2 2 2 - 1 3 - 2 - 3 3
3 - 1 2 3 - 1 - 2 1 1
3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 3
2 1 - 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 1

1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation

Name & Sign of Program Coordinator Sign & Seal of HoD

Integral University, Lucknow

Effective from Session: 2020-21

Course Code BM112 Title of the Course Introduction to Organizational Behaviour L T P C
Year I Semester I 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
To familiarize and acquaint the student with basic concepts, theories and techniques in the field of human behavior at the
Course Objectives individual, group and organizational levels in the changing global scenario.

Course Outcomes
CO1 To understand the various issues related to organizational behavior, would be able to know perceptual effects.
CO2 To understand understanding of cognitive , affective and psychomotor components, would be able to establish link
between different components of attitude.
CO3 To understand a description of motivational theories, would be able to explore alternate description and implementation using various
CO4 To understand all the aspects affecting the organization, would be able to know the real cause and analyze the reasons for the
nonperformance in the organization.
CO5 To understand an overall view of the functioning of the organization, would be able to investigate the reasons of the ego states.

Unit Contact Mapped

No. Title of the Unit Content of Unit Hrs. CO
What is O.B., Nature and Structure and Structure of O.S. approaches to O.B. behaviorists
frame work, social learning frame work. Need for Organizational Behaviour, Challenged and
1 Introduction 10 CO1, CO2
opportunities for Organizational Behaviour , Organizational Behaviour Model.
Learning and its theories attitudes, personality: meaning, self concept, self- esteem, major
2 Learning determinants of personality organizational development: concept of OD, phases of OD and 10 CO3
OD interventions, limitations of OD interventions ,concept of morale and job satisfaction .
Concept, functions, socialization; creating and sustaining culture, importance of psychological
Organizational process of motivation, salient motivation tools, motivation; types of motivation, theories of 10
3 CO2,CO3
Culture work motivation, managing Conflict-sources, types, process and
resolution of conflict, managing across cultures; empowerment and participation.
Group dynamics, types of groups, stages of group development, theories of group formation;
Group behaviorin
4 Group Cohesiveness, Stress: Causes, Stages and effects, building and managing effective CO4
organization 8
teams, dynamics of managerial leadership: leadership styles.
Organizatioal Management of change, organizational development Process, team building, inter- personal
5 Development behavior in organization: johari window, transactional analysis, types of transactions, life 7 CO5
Process positions, ego states.
Reference Books:
DeLong, J.B., Organizational Behaviour, Burr Ridge: McGraw-Hill Higher Education -Latest edition.2019.
Prasad, L.M.; Organizational Behaviour, Sultan Chand & Sons -Latest edition.2018.
Stephen P., Robbins; Organizational Behaviour; "Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.", New Delhi- Latest edition.2020.
Luthans, Fred; Organizational Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi- Latest edition. 2019.
e-Learning Source:

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)


CO1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 - 2 1 1
CO2 1 2 1 1 2 2 - 1 - 2 2
CO3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3
CO4 2 - 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
CO5 - 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation

Divesh Dutt
Name & Sign of Program Coordinator Sign & Seal of HoD
Integral University, Lucknow

Effective from Session:

Course Code Title of the Course Basic Automobile Technology L T P C
Year I Semester I 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
Course Objectives

Course Outcomes
CO1 Introduction to Automobile
CO2 Engine System and Front Axle & Steering System
CO3 Suspension system and Transmission & Braking System
CO4 Wheels and Tires and Air conditioning fundamentals
CO5 Introduction to Emission and Safety Equipment

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Introduction to automobiles, their utility and classification. Main components of an automobile and their
1 Introduction to functions, Various mechanisms and systems in an automobile, Scheduled and preventive maintenance,
Automobile servicing of a vehicle, electrical system. Types of chassis layout with reference to power plant locations
and drive, Vehicle frames. Load acting on vehicle frame due to different systems.
Engine System: Automobile engine, its main components, construction and working. Types of engines –
2 two stroke/ four, Introduction to Engine cooling system and lubrication system. Introduction to Concept of
Engine System and Front Knock & detonation.
Axle & Steering System Front Axle & Steering System: Types of front axles, Front wheel geometry viz. Castor, Camber, King pin
inclination, Toe. Wheel Alignment. Steering geometry. Ackerman and Davis steering system
Suspension system: Need of suspension system, Types of suspension, Constructional details and
3 characteristics of leaf, coil and torsion bar springs, Independent suspension, Rubber suspension, Pneumatic
Suspension system and
suspension, Shock absorbers.
Transmission & Braking
Transmission & Braking System: Working of single and multi-plate clutches. Construction, function and
working of a gearbox. Introduction to Manual shifting and automatic transmission. Function and principles
of braking system, working of various brakes (mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, ABS System
Wheels and Tires: Types of wheels (wire spoke, disc solid and split type, alloy type, offset etc),
4 denomination of rim, types of tires, materials, structure, denomination and function of tires, effects of tire
Wheels and Tires and Air
pressure on tire performance. Tire wears patterns and their causes.
Air conditioning fundamentals: Basics of vehicle air conditioning system, Schematic layout of air
conditioning component in a car (like compressor, condenser, fan blower, expansion device expansion
valve calibration, evaporator pressure regulator, low- and high-pressure switch).
Introduction to Emission: Pollutants, sources, formation of HC and CO in SI engines, NO formation in SI
5 and CI engines, Particulate emission from SI and CI engines, Smoke Emission in CI engines. Emission
Introduction to Emission
system and standards (Bharat IV and Bharat VI).
and Safety Equipment
Safety Equipment: Seat belt, regulations, automatic seat belt tightener system, air bags, electronic system
for activating air bags, ABS with EBD, ESP, bumper design for safety, hill assist control
Reference Books:

e-Learning Source:

1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)


CO1 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3
CO2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
CO3 2 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 1 3
CO4 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2

Name & Sign of Program Coordinator Sign & Seal of HoD

Integral University, Lucknow

Effective from Session: 2022-23

Course Code LN104 Title of the Course Essential Professional Communication L T P C

Year I Semester I 3 1 0 4

Pre-Requisite 10+2 Co-requisite

Developing the art of communication and learning language though literature .Knowledge of Professional, cultural and
cross-cultural communication .Basic concept of structural and functional grammar; meaning and process of communication,
Course Objectives verbal and nonverbal communication .Knowledge of reading and comprehension of general and technicalarticles, precise
writing, summarizing, abstracting .Basic concepts of group discussion, organizing seminars and conferences . Development
of Reading and Writing skills

Course Outcomes
CO1 Basic Understanding of Communication and Professional Communication
CO2 Basic knowledge of structural and functional grammar. Learning Language through literature
CO3 Basic tools of communication and improvement in communicative competence
CO4 Understanding the basic grammar and basic structure of language
CO5 Enhancement of writing skills in English i.e. writing application, report and various types of letters

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Professional Communication: Its Meaning and Importance, Essentials of Effective
Professional Communication, Barriers to Effective Communication. The Cross Cultural Dimensions of
1 8 1
Communication Professional Communication.
Language through Essays: 1. The Effect of Scientific Temper on Man by Bertrand Russell, 2. The Aim of Science
2 Literature and Humanities by Moody E Prior. B. Short Stories: 1. The Meeting Pool by RuskinBond, 2. 8 2
The Portrait of a Lady by Khushwant Singh
Euphemism, One-word Substitution, Synonyms, Antonyms, Homophones, Idioms and
Basic Vocabulary
3 Phrases, Common Mistakes, Confusable Words and Expressions, Portmanteau Words, 8 3
Foreign Words and Expressions.
Basic Grammar Articles, Prepositions, Tenses, Concord, (Subject-Verb agreement), Modal Auxiliaries,Verbs:
4 8 4
its Kinds and uses, Degrees of Comparison, Punctuation
Report Writing: What is report? Kinds and Objectives of reports, writing reports, Business
5 Basic Composition Letter writing; Introduction to Business Letters, Layout of Business letters, Letters of 8 5
Enquiry/Complaint Proposal writing
Reference Books:

Books recommended: 1. Kumar, Sanjay and PushpLata., Communication Skills. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2019.
Raman, Meenakshi, and Sangeeta Sharma Technical Communication: Principals and Practice. Second Edition, Oxford University Press, 2019.
Raina , Roshan Lal, IftikharAlam, and Faizia Siddiqui, Professional Communication. Himalaya Publication House 2018.
Agarwal, Malti. Professional Communication. Krishna’s Educational Publishers. 2019.

e-Learning Source:


Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)


CO1 2 3 5 4 3 5 6 7 6 5 3 5 4 5 6 4 3 6
CO2 4 5 6 5 7 4 3 8 7 5 3 2 4 5 7 5 3 2

CO3 5 4 6 8 5 3 5 6 8 3 2 1 5 7 8 5 4 3

CO4 7 6 4 3 7 4 2 3 5 7 6 8 5 4 2 5 6 3

CO5 4 5 7 3 4 6 2 3 8 7 6 3 2 4 5 2 6 7

1.Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation

Name & Sign of Program Coordinator Sign & Seal of HoD

Integral University, Lucknow

Effective from Session:

Course Code CS103 Title of the Course Introduction to Computer L T P C
Year 1 Semester 1 2 1 0 3
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
Course Objectives To gain the knowledge of basic computer and computer program uses to the building manager’s

Course Outcomes
CO1 To understand the fundamental of computers and its feature.
CO2 To understand the elementary knowledge of DOS command.
CO3 To understand the basic knowledge of windows and DOS operating system.
CO4 To understand the MS-Word and its use in management.
CO5 To understand the MS-Power Point Presentation (software) and its use in management.

Unit Contact Mapped

No. Title of the Unit Content of Unit Hrs. CO
What is a computer? Components of a computer system. Classification of computers. Typesof
1 computers. Brief history of evolution of computers and generation of computers. 3 1
Fundamentals Computer hardware and software. Input/Output devices.
Elementary knowledge of DOS commands DIR, CLS, DATE, TIME, MD, CD, RD,RENAME,
2 DOS 2 2
Difference between windows and DOS. Basic Features - Date, Time, Time Zone, Display,
Screen saver, Fonts, Mouse, and mouse pointers. Using accessories such as calculator, paint
3 Windows 3 3
brush, CD player, etc. Use of Windows Explorer for moving and copying files. Introduction
to MS-Office and its integrated nature.
Starting Word, new documents, entering text, changing text, aligning, underlining, and
justifying text. Use of tabs. Tables - creation, adding rows and columns, splitting, and
4 MS-Word combining cells, Borders. Saving, closing, and operating documents. Adding headers and 3 4
footers. Print preview, and printing a document. Mail merge: creating main document and data
source. Adding and removing fields
Basic concept of presentation software. Standard, Formatting, and drawing tool bars in power
Power Point point and their use. Creating and opening a presentation. Creating, deleting, opening, and
5 Presentation copying slides .Closing and saving a presentation. Use of slide sorter, adding header/footer. 3 5
(Software) Use of master slides and color box. Use of animation features. Inserting
pictures, re-sizing pictures. Inserting organization chart. Use of auto content wizard
Reference Books:
A first Course in Computers: Saxena, Vikas Publishing House, 2019.
Dr. Suresh Singh Computer and Organization.PHPublication2020.
Dr. Dinesh Thakur. Computer Corporate: Jingle publication; 2019.
Dr. Saheba Husain: A Computer Education: Vinod Publication.2021.
e-Learning Source:

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)

CO1 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2
CO2 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 3 1 2
CO3 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 2 1
CO4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
CO5 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 2 1
1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation

Name & Sign of Program Coordinator Sign & Seal of HoD

Integral University, Lucknow

Effective from Session:

Course Code CS104 Title of the Course Introduction to Computers Lab L T P C
Year 1 Semester 1 0 0 4 2
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
To familiarize and acquaint the student with basic concepts and usage of computers in day to day life and enable them to
Course Objectives enrich their potential professionally in modern world.

Course Outcomes
CO1 To be able to use various DOS commands.
CO2 To understand to be able to use the various basic features of Windows
CO3 To be able to create, modify and format documents using MS Word.
CO4 To be able to send multiple mails to intended recipients at one go using mail merge.
CO5 To be able to create, modify and format spreadsheets using MS Excel.

Unit Contact Mapped

No. Title of the Unit Content of Unit Hrs. CO
1 DOS commands 7 CO1
Windows Basic Date, Time, Time Zone, Display, Screen Saver, Fonts, Mouse pointers, calculator, Paint
2 9 CO2
Features Brush
New document, Entering & changing text, Aligning, Justifying, Bold, Italics, Underline.
3 MSWORD Borders& Shading. Table- Creation, Adding rows & columns, splitting & combining cells. 10 CO3
Headers & Footers
4 Mail Merge Creation of main document & data source, Adding & Removing fields from data source 10 CO4
MSPOWERPOIN MS Creating presentation, Adding slides. Applying design templates. Master slide. Adding
5 9 CO5
T special effects.
Reference Books:
A first Course in Computers: Saxena, Vikas Publishing House,2019.
P.Subbarao Computers and managers. Sahitya Bhawan Publication 3rd Edition 2018.
Dr.Suresh Singh Computer and Organization. PH Publication 2020.
Dr.Dinesh Thakur. Computer Corporate: Jingle publication 2019.
e-Learning Source:
MS Word Tutorial - W3schools.bloghttps://www.w3schools.blog
Word Tutorial – Tutorialspointhttps://www.tutorialspoint.com
Word for Windows training - Microsoft Supporthttps://support.microsoft.com
Learn MS Word Tutorial - Javatpointhttps://www.javatpoint.com

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)

CO1 1 1 1 1 - - - 1 1 -
CO2 2 2 - - 2 2 - 2 2 2
CO3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 2
CO4 1 1 2 1 2 3 - 1 1 2
CO5 3 3 2 2 2 3 - 2 3 1
1-Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation

Name & Sign of Program Coordinator Sign & Seal of HoD

Integral University, Lucknow
Department of Commerce and Business Management
Study and Evaluation Scheme
Program: BBA FS Semester- II

Per Hr./Week/Sem Evaluation Scheme Attributes

S. Course Type of Sub. Total

Gender Equality
Environment &

Human Value

No. code Course Title Paper Total Credit Credits



3 1 0 40 20 60 40 100 3:1:0 4    
Basics of Financial  8,9
BM113 Accounting Core & 17
Introduction to Marketing 3 1 0 4,
1 40 20 60 40 100 3:1:0 4
BM114 Management Core    8,9,16
& 18
BM115 Micro Economics Core 3 1 0 4,8,9&
40 20 60 40 100 3:1:0 4   
2 17
ES115 Fundamentals of Core 3 1 0
40 20 60 40 100 3:1:0 4 6,13,14
Environmental Science 
& 15
3 MT115 Statistical Methods in Core 3 1 0
40 20 60 40 100 3:1:0 4  4
4 BM156 Logistics and Supply Chain Core 3 1 0 4,8,9&
40 20 60 40 100 3:1:0 4   
Management  17
5 Maruti Products & Core 3 1 0
Services 40 20 60 40 100 3:1:0 4
     

Total 21 7 0 280 140 420 280 700 28

Integral University, Lucknow

Effective from Session: 2020-21

Course Code BM113 Title of the Course Basics of Financial Accounting L T P C
Year I Semester II 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
The primary objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the basic accounting principles and techniques of preparing
Course Objectives
and presenting the accounts for user of accounting information.

Course Outcomes
CO1 To get the in-depth knowledge of the concept of accounting and its applicability in general and practical life.
CO2 To interpret the accounting principles, standards and accounting terminology.
CO3 Preparation of financial statements in accordance with appropriate standards.
CO4 To understand Depreciation accounting and its usage in the basic accounting arena.
CO5 To be able to prepare final accounts with needed adjustments.

Unit Contact Mappe

No. Title of the Unit Content of Unit Hrs. d CO
Basic Accounting Need for Accounting, Development of Accounting, Definition and Functions of Accounting
1 Concepts Limitation of Accounting, Book Keeping and Accounting, End User of Accounting Information 8 1
Branches of Accounting, Difference between Management Accounting and Financial Accounting.
Accounting Meaning of Accounting Principles, Accounting Concepts, Accounting Conventions, Systems of Book
Principles& Keeping, Systems of Accounting, Introduction to Accounting Standards Issued by ICAI Accounting 7
2 2
Standards Equation, Basic terms- Capital, Income, Expenditure, Expenses, Assets, Liabilities
and application to problems.
Journal, Ledger Journal, Rules of Debit and Credit, recording of entries in journal with narration; Compound
3 and Trial Balance Journal Entry, Opening Entry Ledger -Posting from Journal to respective ledger accounts. Need 3
and objectives; Application of Trial Balance. 10
Depreciation Concept of Deprecation, Causes of Depreciation, Basic Features of Depreciation, Meaning
Provisions & of Depreciation Accounting, Objectives of Providing Depreciation, Fixation of Depreciation Amount,
4 Reserves Method of Recording Depreciation, Methods of Providing Depreciation, 10 4
Depreciation Policy, AS-6 (Revised) Depreciation Accounting, Provisions and Reserves, Changeof
method of Depreciation (by both current and retrospective effect)
Final Accounts Final accounts: meaning, need and preparation, Concept of adjustment; Application of Trading 10
5 Account and Profit and Loss Account to get Gross Profit and Net Profit; Application of BalanceSheet 5
with Marshalling; Application of final accounts problems.
Reference Books:
Maheshwari S N, Maheshwari SK & Maheshwari SK, An Introduction to Accountancy, Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, New Delhi 2018.
Arora, M.N, Accounting for Management, 2017, Himalay Publishing House pvt ltd, India 2019.
Grewal T.S., introduction to Accountancy, 2016, S.chand and co., New Delhi. 2019.
Tulsian, P.C., Financial Accounting, 2015,Tata Macgraw Hill,New Delhi. 2018.
Sharma DG, Fundamentals of Accounting, 2014, Taxmann' Publication, India. 2018.
e-Learning Source:

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)

CO1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
CO2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
CO3 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2
CO4 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1
CO5 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
1-Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation

Name & Sign of Program Coordinator Sign & Seal of HoD

Integral University, Lucknow

Effective from Session: 2020-21

Course Code BM114 Title of the Course Introduction to Marketing Management L T P C
Year I Semester II 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite NONE Co-requisite NONE
The objective of this course is to impart in depth knowledge to the students regarding the theory and practice of Marketing
Course Objectives

Course Outcomes
CO1 To evaluate the Consumer Needs, Wants, and Consumer Insights.
CO2 To analyze the effective use of Market Targeting, Target Market Strategies, Product Positioning.
CO3 To examine the reasons behind implementation of influencing pricing decisions and Pricing Strategies.
CO4 To determine the best methods of Advertising and Public Relations, Personal Selling and Sales Promotion, Sales Promotion.
CO5 To analyze the effective use of alternatives in Type of Marketing Channel implementation of different trends in the area of

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Introduction – Meaning and nature of marketing management, objectives and importance of
marketing management, marketing concepts. Consumer Needs, Wants, and Consumer
Introduction to 8
Insights: Introduction, Needs and Wants, Using Needs/Wants Insight in Marketing, Benefits
1 Marketing CO1
Sought By Consumers, The Impact of Emotional Benefits, Consumer Insight, Possible
Sources of Insights, Using Insights, Finding and Developing an Insight , The Role
of an Insight in Product Development and Marketing
Segmentation Market Segmentation and Product Positioning: Introduction, Market Segmentation, Market
2 Targeting and Targeting, Target Market Strategies, Product Positioning and Differentiation, choosing a 8 CO2
Positioning (STP) Differentiation and Positioning Strategy, Changing the Product Positioning, USPs.
Products and Services: Introduction, Levels of Product and Services, Classifications, Product
and Service Decisions. Branding, New Product Development and Product Life Cycle (PLC), 9
Marketing Mix:
3 Services Marketing: The Nature and Characteristics of a Service, Marketing Strategies for CO1,CO3
Productand Price
Service Firms. Pricing: Introduction - factors influencing pricing decisions and Pricing
Marketing Communication, Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), and Promotion
Mix Strategies – Push and Pull Strategy. Advertising and Public Relations, Personal Selling
Marketing Mix: 10
4 and Sales Promotion, Sales Promotion - Trade Shows, Trade Sales Promotion, Consumer CO4
Sales Promotion. Publicity and direct marketing - Direct Marketing, Benefits of Direct
Marketing, Direct Marketing Channels, Public and Ethical Issues in Direct Marketing.
Distribution Channels: Introduction, Type of Marketing Channel, Channel Motivation,
Marketing Mix:
Importance of Channel of Distribution, Multiple Channels Distribution, Retail, Levels of 10
5 Place (Distribution CO5
Service, Corporate Retailing, The New Retail Environment. New trends in the area of
channel) marketing.
Reference Books:
Kotler, Philip and Armstrong. (2020). Principles of Marketing. New York: Pearson Education.2019.
Ramaswamy and Namakumari. (2018). Marketing Management.Macmillan.2019.
Arun Kumar and Meenakshi. (2020). Marketing Management.Vikas.Publication ( Latest Edition) 2020.
Lamb, Hair and Danniel. M. C. (2017). Marketing. (7thed.).Thomson Publishings ( Latest Edition) 2019.
e-Learning Source:

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)

CO1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 - 2 1 1
CO2 1 2 1 1 2 2 - 1 - 2 2
CO3 1 1 - 1 - - 2 2 1 1 -
CO4 2 - 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 - 1
CO5 -
Integral University, Lucknow

Effective from Session: 2020-21

Course Code BM115 Title of the Course L T P C
Year I Semester II 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite NONE Co-requisite NONE
The objective of this course is to equip the students with the methodology of decision making using the It aims to make the
Course Objectives
students aware of the working of the markets, the determination of prices and the techniques

Course Outcomes
CO1 Know the meaning and nature of economics and understand the basic concept of economics.
CO2 Understand the theoretical concept of demand and use forecasting of demand in practice.
CO3 Understand the concept of cardinal and ordinal utility approaches analysis of utility and use their applications indecision making.
CO4 Understand the concept of cost and production that helps in determination of price and output as a firm.
CO5 Understand the different form of markets and their implications.

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Microeconomics: meaning nature and scope. Basic concepts of economics: Static and
1 Introduction dynamic approaches, equilibrium, utility, opportunity cost, marginal and incremental CO1
principles, Microeconomics and Business.
Nature of demand for a product, Law of Demand -Factors affecting this Law, Exceptions
Individual demand, Market demand, Determinants of demand,Elasticity of demand -Price 9
2 Theory of Demand CO2
Income, Cross and Advertising elasticity of demand, Determinants of Elasticity of demand,
,Demand as multivariate function.
Concept of utility, Cardinal utility, Law of diminishing marginal utility, Law of Equi-marginal
Theory of Consumer
3 utility, Indifference curve analysis, Marginal rate of substitution, Budget line, Consumer' 8 CO3
equilibrium, Applications of indifference curves.
Theory of The concept of production function, Production with one and two variable inputs, Law of
4 Production and variable proportion, Law of Return to scale, Optimal input combination, Theory of cost in CO4
Costs short run and long run, Revenue function. 8
Breakeven analysis, Pricing under perfect competition, Pricing under monopoly, Price
Market Structure &
5 discrimination Pricing under monopolistic competition, Selling cost, Pricing under oligopoly: 10 CO5
Pricing Theory Cournot's model, Kinked demand curve, Price leadership.
Reference Books:
Koutsoyiannis A, Modern Microeconomics, 2nd ed., Macmillan, 1979. Latest edition 2019
Marshall, A., Principles of Microeconomics, 8 th ed., Macmillan & Co., London, 1920, Latest Edition 2018
Salvatore, D., Principles of Microeconomics, Prentice-Hall, 2018
Ackley, G., Macroeconomic Theory, New York: Collier-Macmillan, First Edition 1966, Latest Edition

e-Learning Source:

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)


CO1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 - 1 1 1
CO2 1 2 1 1 2 2 - 1 2 1 2
CO3 - 1 2 1 1 - 2 1 1 1 1
CO4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 -
1 - 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
CO5 1

1-Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation

Name & Sign of Program Coordinator Sign & Seal of HoD

Integral University, Lucknow
Department of Economics (Humanities & Social Sciences)

Effective from Session:2022-2023

Title of the
Course Code ES115 Course Fundamentals of Environmental Science L T P C
Year I Semester II 3 1 0 4
10+2, any stream with
Pre-Requisite minimum 45% marks Co-requisite
This course provides students with a working knowledge of concept of environment and the relation between human and its
Course Objectives relation with the

Course Outcomes
CO1 Gain knowledge about environment and ecosystem.
CO2 Students will learn about natural resource, its importance and environmental impacts of human activities on natural resource.
CO3 Gain knowledge about the conservation of biodiversity and its importance.
CO4 Aware students about problems of environmental pollution, its impact on human and ecosystem and control measures.
CO5 Students will learn about increase in population growth and its impact on environment.
Unit Contact Mapped
Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Environment, its components and segments, Multidisciplinary nature of Environmental studies
Introduction to
Scope and Importance, Concept of Sustainability and sustainable development, Environmental
1 Environment 8 CO1
movements (Chipko and Bishnois etc.), Ecosystem, Structure, Function and types, Energy flowin
the Ecosystem, Food chains, Food webs, Ecological Pyramids and Ecological Succession.
Energy Resources: Renewable and non renewable energy sources, Soil erosion and
desertification, Deforestation its causes and impacts, Impact of Modern Agriculture activities
2 Natural Resources on Environment, Impact of Mining Activities on Environment, Water: Use and over 8 CO2
exploitation of surface and ground water, Impacts of large Dams ( Advantages and
Disadvantages), Case studies.
Levels of biological diversity (Genetic, Species and Ecosystem diversity), Hot spots of
biodiversity (Indian /Global), India as a Mega Diversity Nation, Endangered and endemic species
Biodiversity of India, Threats to Biodiversity: Habitat Loss, Poaching of Wildlife, Man-Wildlife Conflicts,
3 8 CO3
and Conservation of Biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity, Ecosystem and
Conservation biodiversity services ( Ecological, Consumptive, Productive, Social, Ethical,
Aesthetic, National and Option values).
Environmental pollution: types, causes, effects and controls, Solid waste management (urban and
industrial waste), Ill effects of fireworks, Climate change, Ozone layer depletion, acid rain and
Environmental impacts on human communities and Environment, Environmental Laws: Environment Protection
4 Pollution, Policies Act, Air (Prevention & Control of pollution)Act, Water (Prevention & Control of pollution)Act, 8 CO4
andPractices Wildlife protection Act, Forest conservation Act, International agreements: Montreal and Kyoto
protocols and convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Tribal rights,
Human wildlife conflicts in Indian context
Human Population Human population growth: Impacts on environment, human health and welfare, Resettlement
and the Environment and rehabilitation of project affected persons, case studies, RR, EIA, Environmental ethics: Role
5 8 CO5
Population and the of Indian and other religions and cultures in environmental conservation, Environmental
Environment communication and public awareness, case studies.
Reference Books:
Agarwal, K.C. Environmental; Biology, Nidi Pub. Ltd. Bikaner.2019.
Bharucha Erach, The Biodiversity of India, Mapin Pub. Pvt. Ltd., Ahemdabad-380, India.2018.
Brunner R.C. . Hazardous waste incineration, Mc Graw Hill. 2021.
e-Learning Source:

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)


CO1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1

CO2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1

CO3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1

CO4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1

CO5 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1
Integral University, Lucknow

Effective from Session:

Course Code MT115 Title of the Course Statistical Methods in Business L T P C
Year I Semester II 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite None Co-requisite None
Course Objectives The objective of the course is to teach the learner basic statistical concepts with emphasis on business applications.

Course Outcomes
Describe and discuss the key terminology, concepts tools and techniques used in business statistical analysis
CO2 Analyze statistical data using measures of central tendency and dispersion
CO3 Understand the principles of linear regression and correlation, including least square method, predicting a particular value of Y for a given
value of X and significance of the correlation coefficient.
CO4 Understand the concept of Index number and time series with its components
CO5 Use the basic probability rules, including additive and multiplicative laws, using the terms, independent and mutually exclusive events
Understand the most common discrete and continuous probability distributions and their real-life applications

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Basic Ideas Definition, Function & scope of statistics, Collection and presentation of data,
1 Classification, Frequency distribution, Diagrammatic and graphic presentation of data. 8 CO1
in Statistics
Central Central tendency: Arithmetic mean, Weighted A.M.,Median, Mode, Geometric and
2 Tendency and harmonic means and their merits and demerits, Arithmetic, Quartiles, Deciles, Percentiles; 8 CO2
Dispersion Dispersion: Range, Quartile deviation, Mean deviation, standard deviation, Root meansquare
deviation, co-efficient of variation.
Correlation and Correlation: Karl Pearson's and Spearman's methods, Methods of studying Correlation for
3 Regression grouped and Ungrouped frequency distribution; Regression: Equation of regression lines 8 CO3
for grouped and ungrouped frequency distribution, standard error estimate.
Index No. Index numbers: Meaning and significance, Types and methods of their construction(Weighted
and and Un- weighted), Base shifting, Splicing and deflating of Index numbers,
4 Business Consumer price index;Time series: Components, Significance, Linear and non-linear trend, 8 CO4
Forecasting Seasonal variations andirregular variations and their measurements.
Basic Concepts in Theory of probability: Classical, Relative frequency and Subjective approach; Probability
5 Probability rules; Bayes' theorem; Theoretical distributions: normal, binomial and Poisson. 8 CO5
Reference Books:
Levin, Richard & Rubin, David, Statistics for Management, (First Indian Reprint 2018), Pearson Education, New Delhi 2018.
Hogg, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, (International Edition), Pearson Education, New Delhi. 2019.
Aggarwal, R. S, Arithmatics (Subjective and Objective) for Competitive Examination, (2008), Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi. 2019.
VSP Rao, V Hari Krishna- Mathematics, Excel Books, Edition, 2017.
e-Learning Source:

CO1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1
CO2 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1
CO3 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2
CO4 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 1
CO5 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2
1-Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation

Name & Sign of Program Coordinator Sign & Seal of HoD

Integral University, Lucknow

Effective from Session: 2020-21

Course Code BM156 Title of the Course Logistics and Supply Chain Management L T P C
Year I Semester II 2 1 0 3
Pre-Requisite NONE Co-requisite NONE
To introduce the fundamental concepts and familiarize with the issues in core functions in logistics and supply
Course Objectives

Course Outcomes
CO1 To evaluate the view of a supply chain-cycle and push pull view.
CO2 To analyze the effective use of Unconventional channels - Channels for Consumer goods, IndustrialGoods & Services –
Integrated Marketing
CO3 To examine the reasons behind selecting Supplier Selection, Tendering, E-Tendering, Negotiation
CO4 To determine the ABC Analysis - (Numerical expected on Basic EOQ, EOQ with discounts & ABC)
CO5 To analyze the effective use of Supplier Relationship Management, E-Business and the Supply Chain.

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Concept, objectives, significance , Process view of a supply chain-cycle and push pull view
Supply Chain
1 ,Drivers/components of supply chain – Facilities, Inventory, Transportation, Information, CO1
Management 9
Material Handling, Achieving trade-off between customer service and cost
Definition, Importance, participants in physical distribution process, Marketing Channels –
Definition and Importance, Different forms of channels - Unconventional channels -
Physical Channels for Consumer goods, Industrial Goods& Services – Integrated Marketing
2 9 CO2
distribution Channels– Horizontal, Vertical, Multi-channel, Functions of Marketing Channels , Channel
Management – Channel Selection Process &criteria, Performance appraisal of
Channel Members - Channel Conflicts& Techniques to resolve channel conflicts
Supplier Management, Management Supplier Selection, Tendering, E-Tendering,
3 Procurement Negotiation; Warehouse and Dispatch Management - Types of Warehousing, Warehouse CO3
Layout Docking and Marshalling, Warehouse Safety Management
Need and Types of Inventory - Costs associated with Inventory– Basic EOQ Model –
4 Inventory EOQ with discounts; ABC Analysis - (Numericals expected on Basic EOQ, EOQ with 9 CO4
discounts & ABC), Stacking and Racking Systems. LIFO, FIFO
Current trends in Green Supply Chain Management, Role and Future of IT in the Supply Chain, Customer
5 Supply chain Relationship Management, Supplier Relationship Management, E- Business and the CO5
management Supply Chain; E-Business in Practice
Reference Books:
Supply Chain Management by Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl& D.V.Kalra ( Latest Edition) 2020
Inventory Management by L.C.Jhamb ( Latest Edition)2019
Principles and Practices of Costing by Sunita Pokharna, Success Publications,Pune ( Latest Edition) 2019
Sales and Distribution Management by Krishna K. Havaldar&Vasant MCavale ( Latest Edition)2020
e-Learning Source:

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)

CO1 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
CO2 1 - 1 2 2 2 - 2 1 1 2
CO3 - 1 2 1 1 - 2 1 1 1 1
CO4 2 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 - 2 1
CO5 - 1 - 1 1 1 1 - 2 1 1
1-Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation

Dr Saurabh Bajpai
Name & Sign of Program Coordinator Sign & Seal of HoD
Integral University, Lucknow
Effective from Session:2020-21
Course Code BM Title of the Course Maruti Products & Services L T P C
Year Semester II 3 1 0 4
Pre-Requisite NONE Co-requisite NONE
Course Objectives

Course Outcomes
CO1 Products & Car Finance & Insurance
CO2 Extended Warranty & Loyalty Program & Accessories & Customization
CO3 Car Exchange & Driving School
CO4 Sales Process
CO5 Grooming & Behavioural Skills

Unit Contact Mapped

Title of the Unit Content of Unit
No. Hrs. CO
Introduction, Models & Variants, Dimensions, Specifications, Demonstration, Competition
Products & Comparison, Role Plays, Activities, Recap and Quizzes.
1 Car Finance and
Insurance Need, Benefits, Terms, Documents, Approval Process, EMI Calculation, Rejection/Delay, Vehicle
Insurance, Terms/Forms, Role Plays, Activities, Recap and Quizzes.
Extended warranty & Types, Need, Benefits, Objections, Reward Programs & its benefits, Tiers and
Extended Warranty & schemes, Enrolment, Points accumulation & Redemption, Role Plays, Activities, Recap and Quizzes.
Loyalty Program
Accessories and Accessories, Need of Accessories, Types of Accessories, Benefits of Accessories, Accessories Products
Customization and car customization process, Role Plays, Activities, Recap and Quizzes.

Car Exchange and Introduction, Benefits to Sellers, Benefits to buyers, Tools, Car exchange process, Evaluation, Driving
Driving School Courses & Benefits, Role Plays, Activities, Recap and Quizzes.
Importance of Process, Introduction, Importance of preparation, How to prepare, Importance of
Welcome, Probing, Listening, Importance of FABing, Demo, Test drive, Objection handling, Buying
4 Sales Process signal, Negotiation, Closing techniques, Deal Closure & Finance, Document Collection, Vehicle
Delivery, Sales App: Feature and Functionalities and Dos & Don’ts, Role Plays, Activities, Recap and
Quizzes, Role Plays, Activities, Recap and Quizzes.
Importance of Grooming, Impression, Attitude, Knowledge, Skill, Essentials of grooming, Personal
Grooming & hygiene, dress-up, Behavioural Skill, Communication skill, Types of communication, Aggressive,
Behavioural Skills assertive, passive, Verbal non- verbal, Listening skill, Body language, Email Etiquette, Role Plays,
Activities, Recap and Quizzes.
Reference Books:

e-Learning Source:

Course Articulation Matrix: (Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs)

1 1 2 2 1 1 - 2 1 1
CO1 1
CO2 1 2 1 1 2 2 - 1 - 2 2

CO3 1 1 - 1 - - 2 2 1 1 -

CO4 2 - 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 - 1
CO5 -

1- Low Correlation; 2- Moderate Correlation; 3- Substantial Correlation

Name & Sign of Program Coordinator Sign & Seal of HoD

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