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ISSN: 2455-2631 © June 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 6


PG Scholar, 2Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration,
Sridevi Engineering College, Hyderabad, Telangana

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to determine factors that affect training on Amazon and how they affect employee
performance. The study shows how training needs are identified, how effective the banks' training methods are and what
impact they have on employee performance. The literature review found that training is one of the key elements in helping
employees gain knowledge and instill motivation and satisfaction. Training courses improve the skills and abilities of
employees. By training employees, they learn teamwork and integrity. On the other hand, along with other factors, it also
makes a positive contribution to the development of employee performance. The study conclusively found that training
affects employee performance at Amazon. This is indicated by the training framework that is intended to achieve the
organization's strategic goals. The data was collected by Amazon India Limited, Hyderabad. The random sampling method
is used by the researcher to collect responses from 100 employees via questionnaire. The analysis is carried out according
to the percentage method using tables and graphics. The research has shown that the training factors have a positive effect
on the performance of Amazon employees.

Keywords: knowledge, satisfaction, skills & abilities, motivation, training, performance.

Training is the process of increasing the knowledge, and skills for doing a particular job. It is an organized procedure by which
people learn knowledge and skill for a definite purpose. The purpose of training is basically to bridge the gap between job
requirements and present competence of an employee. Training is aimed at improving the behavior and performance of a person
and also it is a never ending or continuous process.
Today, Indian organizations have realized the importance of training as a tool to achieve their strategic goals. It is not viewed by
the organization as a longer, but as an investment on one of its most dynamic assets, namely, employees. Many organizations
consider training as a strategic employee retention tool. It helps the organization create a smarter force capable of meeting any
situation and challenges.
The main object of every organization is to improve its performance, but it can never be possible without the efficient performance
of employees. For the organization, training leads to improve profitability while cultivating more positive attitudes toward profit
orientation. For the individuals, training development and improve job knowledge while also helping in identifying with the goals
of the organization. Training and development is defined as the planned learning experiences that teach employees how to perform
current and future jobs. At its core is the improvement in the performance of individuals participating in training activities.
Training has an important role to play and it is expected to inculcate positive changes in knowledge, skills and attitudes. Employees
training tries to improve skills so that employee is better equipped to do his present job or to prepare him for a higher position with
increased responsibilities. Organizations should provide opportunities for continuous development of employees not only in their
present jobs but also to develop the capabilities for other jobs also. Organization must grow along with the employees, because
organization should adapt itself to the changing environment. Training programmes are necessary in any organization for improving
the quality of work of the employees at all levels particularly in a world of fast changing technology and environment.

Introduction of Training & development

Very much trained representatives are vital to a business success. It has been shown that the best and productive specialists are the
people who have gone through intensive training and progression. These bunches of labourers can be portrayed as the "cream of
the item" that often has the most grounded stake in an association's future.

Concept and Definition

According to Dale S. Beach training can be defined as the organised procedure by which people learn knowledge and skill for a
definite purpose. Training includes all the methods, sources, appliances and skills needed, for the teaching and learning activities
carried on for the primary purpose of helping members of an organisation acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, abilities, and
attitudes needed by a particular job and organisation.
According to Adwin Flippo, Training is the act of increasing the skills of an employee for doing a particular job Expert opinion
by Dale S. Shoreline states that- Training is the composed strategy by which individuals learn information and Improve ability for
a positive reason.
In the expressions of Michael J. Jucius, Training is a procedure by which the aptitudes, abilities and capacities of representatives
to perform particular employments are expanded.
In the opinion of Edwin B. Flippo, Training is the demonstration of expanding the information and aptitude of an employee for
making a specific showing.

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ISSN: 2455-2631 © June 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 6

In the expressions of Dale Yoder, Training is the procedure by which labour is filled for the specific employment it needs to
In part III (Protection of Employment) of the Labour Act 2003, Act 651 section 10 (Rights of a worker), it states that the rights of
a worker include the right to be trained and retrained for the development of his work and to receive information relevant to his
Methods of Training
There exists a mosaic of T&D methods. Choice of any particular method varies in different situations and businesses depending on
what kind of training needs and objectives need to be met in what given conditions. Training techniques are sub-classified as

I. On-the-Job Methods
Under this technique employees need to accomplished representative, who might be a unique educator or administrator. The
accomplishment of this kind of training predominantly relies upon the mentor. Typically training in artworks, exchanges, specialized
regions and so forth is given by keeping the unskilled or semi-gifted representative under the heading of talented authorities.
The growing work costs in industry have made it key that even a simplest vocation should be finished in the most saving way. In
this way, training in upgraded procedures can be given to the new agents.
The aptitudes requiring long extends of practice are given in this strategy. In work pivot the student is moved from employment to
work at specific interims, the occupations change in substance. Unique assignments are alternate strategies used to furnish lower-
level administrators with first-hand experience in taking a shot at real issues. The students deal with issues and discover answers
for them.
Followings are the types of on-the-job training
 Understudy: Here operator is set up by its official. Learner here gets connected with its upper class officer senior thus
himself is known as understudy or accomplice. As for instance, any person eligible and qualifying as possible head may
live-in couple of weeks as right hand with current chief.
 Job revolution: It insinuates advancement or forward movement by any labourer starting at a particular means of
livelihood, later keep changing it depending on time, season and situation.
 Uncommon projects: The understudies quality request that work on extraordinary attempts related with departmental
destinations. By this, the understudies will get the information of the committed work in addition comprehend how to
function with others.
 Experience: It proposes doing all things considered as to learn. It constitutes a leading champion when talking in terms of
most reliable on-the-job training. It is an extraordinarily persuading procedure but is phenomenally monotonous and
inefficient. As requirements are it ought to be trailed by other training strategies.
 Committee task: Here, the learner's gathering assembles to outline a virtual driving collection of trustees. The guiding
get-together is exposed about any matter for studying it in detail and then recommending suggestions.
 Coaching: Here the director behaves like a partner and instructor of the learner. It fuses extensive corrections with
tenacious vital judgements and amendments.

II Off-the-job Training
Such systems allow understudies to temporarily quit their work and become fully and wholeheartedly devoted in the direction of
their course of action. Thus, the procedures oblige understudies by segregating them from their workplace and devoting their
ultimate time and energy at the preparation destinations. In today‘s world of cut-throat competition, such off-the-job training
techniques reproduce happy ending in the light of limitations of the on - occupation training procedures, for instance, workplaces
and environment, nonattendance of social occasion examination and complete involvement between learners posing various
requests, etc. In the off-the-job procedures, the headway of learners is the crucial task, rest everything is optional. Now -a-days off-
the-vocation training strategies have twisted up doubtlessly and now they comprehended as an after effect of confinements of the
on-occupation training systems, for example, workplace ambience and its environment, non-appearance of get-together examination
and full support among the learners from various solicitations, and so on. In the off-the-job frameworks, the movement of
understudies is the vital assignment rest everything is optional .Following are the main ingredients of off-the-employment training

The Methods Employed for off-The-Job-Training are Explained Below:

 Special courses and lectures: They constitute basic elementary methods that are even eminent in the present scenario.
Unprecedented training schedules and programs are formed by the association or by the organization/capable educational
institutions. Organizations thereby motivate workers/ students under them for participating in these programmes. Such
courses are power-packed, refreshing, elemental ways to deal with any given information with a sea of students.
 Conferences and seminars: Here, people assemble and contribute their views, contemplations, suggestions giving
valuable recommendations. Attending these get-togethers and courses, learners gain a rainbow of valiant view-points
regarding any topic as people come from stem to stern of country to attend these programs.
 Selected reading: It comprises a self-change training procedure. Individuals pick up information and consideration by
looking at assorted exchange diaries and magazines. Most by a wide margin of the affiliations have their own particular
libraries. The agents change into the general population from the expert relationship to stay informed and upgraded
concerning recent advances in their specific fields.

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ISSN: 2455-2631 © June 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 6

 Case study method: Such tool originated from Harvard Business School, U.S.A. It is used as a supplement to address
procedure. A case is a made record out of a certified business situation/issue stood up to by an association. The case is
given to the understudies to talk and examination. Distinguishing proof and analyse of the issue is the purpose of matter
in this study procedure. Substitute methodologies are suggested from parts.
 Programmed instruction/learning: It refers to a controlled self-learning system in which the medium may be a course
book, PC or the web. This is an efficient method for indicating work aptitudes including showing request or substances
allowing the person to respond and giving the learner brief feedback on the precision of his or her answers.
 Brainstorming: It comprises of imagination training method, here various hombre, groups and gatherings join hands to
deal with issues in another and assorted way. In this framework, the learners are given the chance to deliver musings clearly
and with no apprehension of judgment. Input of any contemplation is not allowed with a specific end goal to diminish
subduing powers. Once a huge amount of musings are made then they are evaluated for their cost and achievability.
 Role-playing: Under such procedure, all learners have to face a particular situation, where they have to play in a
dishonestly made condition. Case in point, an understudy is requested to expect the part from a trade union pioneer and
another learner are required to play out the part of an HR chief. It is an effective means by which people tend to understand
the traumas and situations, the other party has to face.
 Vestibule schools: Vast associations every now and again give what are portrayed as vestibule schools a preparatory to
real shop experience. Beyond what many would consider possible, shop conditions are copied, however guideline, not
yield is significant target. A vestibule school is worked as a specific try by the faculty division. This training is required
when the measure of training that must be done surpasses the limit of the line director; a segment of training is developed
from the line and appointed to staff through a vestibule school. The benefit of a vestibule school is specialization.
 Apprenticeship training: Such sort of programs evolved during the medieval period when the individuals who needed to
learn exchange aptitude bound themselves to an expert skilled worker and worked under his direction. Apprenticeship
training is an organized procedure by which individuals get to be talented specialists through a mix of classroom guideline
and on-the-job training.
 In-basket exercise: Here students get foundation data regarding any reproduced firm and its items, and key staff. After
this, the students are given in-bushel of notices, letters, reports, demands and different records related with the firm. The
student must bode well out of this mass of research material and get ready reminders, make notes and delegate
responsibilities inside of a constrained time period.
 Business games: Such amusements incorporate gatherings comprising understudies. These gatherings discuss and separate
the issue and get in contact at decisions. Generally, issues related with inventories, bargains, R&D, creation process, and
so on are taken up for thought.
 Behaviour modelling: This is sorted out approach to show particular supervisory expertise. This relies on upon the social
learning speculation where the learner is given a particular role-play regarding a peculiar behaviour and thus is trained
beforehand how to handle such situations.
 Sensitivity (T-group) training: It is all together a different kind of practice where 10 to 12 students are moulded to
encounter an unpredictable circumstance. Everything is immediate and unplanned. Hence key destinations have more
openness with each other, extended listening capacities, trust, bolster, adaptability and sensitivity toward others. The
coaches serve a reactant part. Here social event happen in isolation without any structured arrangement. Individual
behaviour is given primary concern. Besides, mentor gives genuine however unfaltering contribution to people on how
they interfaced with each other.
 Multiple management: This method of training was initially presented by McCormick, President of McCormick and co.
of Baltimore in 1932. He suggested setting up some lesser governing body. Power is rendered upon lesser efficient board
individuals to talk about a particular which forms the discussion point in senior board and then they offer proposals to the
senior board. Imaginative as well as beneficial thoughts got to be accessible for senior board.
Benefits of Training:
 Economy in Operations: Trained personnel will be able to make better and economical use of materials and equipment’s.
Wastage will be low.In addition, the rate of accidents and damage to machinery and equipment will be kept to the minimum
by the well-trained employees. These will lead to less cost of production per unit.
 Greater Productivity: A well trained employee usually shows greater productivity and higher quality of work-output than
an untrained employee. Training increases the skills of the employees in the performance of a particular job. An increase
in the skills usually helps to increase both quantity and quality of output.
 Less Supervisions: If the employees are given proper training, the responsibility of supervision is lessened. Training does
not eliminate the need for supervision, but it reduces the need for detailed and constant supervision.
 Systematic Imparting of Skills: A systematic training programme helps to reduce the learning time to reach the acceptable
level of performance. The employees need not learn by trial and error or by observing others and waste time if the formal
training programme exists in the organization.
 Creation of Inventory of Skills: When totally new skills are required by an organization, it has to face great difficulties
in employment. Training can be used in spotting out promising men and in removing defects in the selection process. It is
better to select and train employees from within the organization rather than seek the skilled employees from outside

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ISSN: 2455-2631 © June 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 6

 Higher Morale: The morale of employees is increase if they are given proper training. A good training programme will
mould employees’ attitude to achieve support for organisational activities and to obtain greater cooperation and loyalty.
With the help of training, dissatisfaction, complaints, absenteeism and turnover can be reduced among the employees.
Employee Performance:
Recognizing the role of training practices, enable the top executives to create better working environment that ultimately improves
the motivational level as well as the performance of the workforce. A term typical to the Human Resource field, employee
performance is everything about the performance of employees in a firm or a company or an organization.
Performance = (ability) x (motivation)
Employee Performance = employee competency x training and development

The Relationship Between Training and Employees Performance:

Most of the previous studies provides the evidence that there is a strong positive relationship between human resource management
practices and organizational performance. According to Guest (1997) mentioned in his study that training and development
programs , as one of the vital human resource management practice, positively affects the quality of the workers knowledge, skills
and capability and thus results in higher employee performance on job. This relation ultimately contributes to supreme
organizational performance.
There might be various reasons for poor performance of the employees such as workers may not feel motivated anymore to use
their competencies, or may be not confident enough on their capabilities, or they may be facing work- life conflict. All the above
aspects must be considered by the firm while selecting most appropriate training intervention, that helps organization to solve all
problems and enhance employee motivational level to participate and meet firm expectations by showing desired performance. As
mentioned by Swart et al.(2005) this employee superior performance occur only because of good quality training program that leads
to employee motivation and their needs fulfillment.
However, implementing training programs as a solution to covering performance issues such as filling the gap between the standard
and the actual performance is an effective way of improving employee performance. Although the above literature provides the
evidences regarding the benefits of training and its positive influence on employee performance. when employees are well trained
organization can delegate responsibility and authority to them with full confidence of ensuring organizational success.

The paper presentation is undertaken to study the effect of training on employee performance in Amazon India Limited, Hyderabad
Branch, Telangana. This study shows the effectiveness of employees in Amzon.
 To determine the impact of training and development on employee performance and effectiveness.
 To explore the relationship between training and employee performance.
 To study the attitude of employees of Amazon regarding determinants of effective training and development provided to
 To suggest the strategies to improve employee performance through effective training.


Data Collection
Data collection is the method of collecting and evaluating the information or variables of interest, in an established systematic
manner that enables one to answer stated research questions, test hypothesis and evaluate outcomes.
In the present study primary data is collected with the help of questionnaires, discussions and observation. Questionnaire has been
filled by the employees of Amazon in Hyderabad, Telangana. The present study focused on employees of Amazon. The total
population of the employees of Amazon is about five Hundred. The present study includes both ―primary and secondary data
sources in order to gather significant information for the study.
Primary Data: With the wellspring of data been the tested representatives, the information gathering technique adjusted was the
organized survey by the respondents (chosen workers). The respondents to this polls were allowed to answer the inquiries as
indicated by their own still, small voice without been constrained to fulfil the specialist. Data from these surveys constituted the
essential information for the research.
Secondary Data: The sources of the secondary data included books, journals, articles and newspapers. Secondary data was also
collected from the websites of the National Thermal Power Plant. The secondary data which were collected from existing literature
formed the literature review of this study.
Sample Size: A sample of 110 respondents were selected to evaluate employee performance in Amazon India Limited.
 The study has been conducted in a very short span of time, it is difficult to understand the employees and their work
environment to a large extent.
 The information obtained from the employees and the answers to the questionnaire is assumed to be true.
 As this work should be taken up during the working hour of the college, sufficient time was not available to extend the

Hafeez. U. and Akbar. W. (2015) “Impact of Training on Employees Performance.” Workers are real resources of each
association. The achievement of the business relies on its representative execution. In this way, upper administration knows the

IJSDR2106031 International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR) www.ijsdr.org 209
ISSN: 2455-2631 © June 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 6

noteworthiness of cost in training for the benefit of enhancing worker execution furthermore puts them to face the difficulties of
the today‘s aggressive business environment. This examination additionally means to see the "Effect of Training on Employee
Performance in Pharmaceutical Industry in Karachi Pakistan", in which Training is considered as autonomous while subordinate
variables include - ―Worker Performance‖ having its Performance regions i.e.; showing cooperation, correspondence expertise,
client administration, interpersonal relationship and decreased non-attendance and its Developmental zones i.e.; work fulfilment,
representative inspiration, new advances, sophisticated procedures with developing techniques. This research reveals benefits of
training involved for increasing working capacity within workers. Four pharmaceutical organizations have been taken into
consideration. An overview of 356 workers through self-administrated survey taking assistance from arbitrary testing system leads
us reaction rate of 96%. Speculations that were thus produced were of two types that specifically stated examination problems.
SPSS19 was utilized for testing dependability, elucidating, relationship plus relapse investigation. This examination demonstrates
positive noteworthy relationship amongst them and the outcomes uncovers that the more the representatives get trainings, the more
productive their level of execution would be. Final segment closes alongside proposal to give rules for future examination.
Ahmad. N., Iqbal. N., Sohail M., Haider. Z., and Hamad. N. (2014) Impact of Training and Development on the Employee
Performance: “A Case Study from Different Banking Sectors of North Punjab.”The motivation behind this study is to discover the
effects brought by employee ―training and development on employee‘s performance. This precognitive research was carried out
to see the effect of Training and Development on worker execution, to watch the effect of occupational training on representative
execution and to see the effect of Delivery style on worker execution. The results show that noteworthy positive relationship exists
between worker training and representative execution. People of this study belonged to Banking Sector of northern Punjab which
covers 100 workers of 11 banks and data was assembled through a review. Relapse examination was used through "SPSS" for
information investigation. There are two determinants of worker training and improvement which are on vocation Training and
Delivery style. Results show Positive relationship between on occupation Training and Employee Performance besides there is the
Positive relationship between Delivery style and Employee Performance.
Raza. H. (2014) “Training and Development impact on Organizational Performance: Empirical Evidence from Oil and
Gas Sector.” Primary aim was looking the co-relation between the training and progression strategies, targeting their impact on
various levelled execution. To assess this relationship, key data has been accumulated. The backslide test procedure was implied
on delegates of oil and gas industry of Pakistan. The finding of the study revealed the situation of training and change in Pakistan
and showed that prevailing part of the specialists satisfied by the key T&D of the firm. The disclosures helped the organization to
think towards the T&D as to upgrade the required aptitudes of the agents which are fundamental for the definitive execution. For
driving the practical training results the study must be carried out more readily.
P. Akilandeswari, and Jayalakshmi. D., (2014) “A Study on Effectiveness of Training in Indian Banks.”In this research paper
efforts have been made to learn that training and development exist in banks and their impact to generate efficiency of employees
to cater the need of their customers. Fundamental targets were to study training and improvement programs embraced by banks for
their workers, to break down adequacy of training and advancement programs for representatives to release their obligations and to
concentrate how training and advancement programs accomplishes consumer loyalty. Essential information incorporates
information gathered through poll filled by the bank representatives. Optional information incorporates ―reference books, diary,
research papers and web. Irregular testing of 50 respondents from representatives from various banks like HDFC, ICICI, Vijaya
bank, Bank of Baroda, Repco Bank situated in rural regions of Chennai‖. Results inferred that private and open Indian banks embrace
training and advancement programs for their workers to expand their effectiveness. Banks give training projects to improve their
insight and abilities to fulfil the clients expectations. Development of keeping money area in India is the after effect of gifted labour
which is the result of training and improvement.
Singh. N., and Singh. B. N., (2014) “Recent Trends in Training and Developments in Indian Health-Care Sectors in the
Changed Economic Scenario.” The primary goal with which this research was undertaken was relative investigation of the changing
needs of the Training and Developments of the associations when all is said and done in social insurance administrations area
specifically in perspective ―of the post monetary liberalization of the nation uncommonly with the coming of MNC as Health -
Care Sectors in India‖. To be reasonable, one has acknowledged with completely receptive outlook that there is a sea hole between
the training and advancement and related HR methodologies for the customary agribusiness, producing parts and the most recent
up and coming administrations segment, whose commitment to the National Income and GDP is significant for any nation and there
is a blast for the administration areas (counting human services divisions) everywhere throughout the world.
Ugoji. C., and Mordi. C., (2014) ―Training evaluation: A case of employee training and development within the service industries
in Nigeria.” This study looks at the appraisal of training and progression inside the organization business wanders in Nigeria.
Fulfilling constructive result by training along with change ventures elevates enthusiasm among labourers. In like manner, present
research surveyed perspectives of training assessment from the perspective of the genuine three accomplices responsible for training
that is; the organization, tutors plus imperatively including individuals from preparations (pros). Current paper is indicating
revelations on training assessments depending on examination checking the survey showed on the data accumulated. Potential
matters analyzed here include; training needs examination, purposes behind training assessments focusing on Kirkpatrick four level
model of training assessment, and other review of composing relating to the possibility of training and change. Lastly, in perspective
of the after effect of the examination brought through overview systems for data amassing, this study will demonstrate the
examination and findings.

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ISSN: 2455-2631 © June 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 6


Options Frequency Percentage Options Frequency Percentage
MALE 76 69% 26-35 years 54 49%

FEMALE 34 31% 36-45 years 38 35%

TOTAL 110 100% 46-55 years 18 16%

TOTAL 110 100%



MALE 49%

This primary table 1 gives us basic information regarding the employee‘s profile who participated in this study. It has been seen
that male respondents (69%) were more than female respondents (31%). Majority of the respondents were in the age group of 26-
35 years (49%).

TABLE- 2 : Awareness of training by Amazon

Options Frequency Percentage
Yes 110 100%
No 0 0%
TOTAL 110 100%

AwarenessNoof training


INTERPRETATION : From the above table-2 it has inferred that opinion of selected employees of Amazon regarding the
awareness of training programs held on their organisation. It shows that 100% respondents aware about the training program.

IJSDR2106031 International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR) www.ijsdr.org 211
ISSN: 2455-2631 © June 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 6

TABLE – 3 : Training provided & Times of training provided

Options Frequency Percentage Options Frequency Percentage
Yes 110 100% Only once 14 13%
No 0 0% Twice 62 56%
TOTAL 110 100% Several times 34 31%
TOTAL 110 100%

INTERPRETATION: From the above table-3 Above analysis shows that 100% respondents had any form of training since you
joined Amazon. And 56% respondents say Twise they had any form of training, 31% say Several Times and 14% respondents say
only once.


Yes Twice
100% 56%

TABLE – 4 : Motivation & satisfaction

Options Frequency Percentage

Yes 89 81%

No 21 19%

TOTAL 110 100%


Motivation & Satisfaction



INTERPRETATION : Above table 4 has revealed the views of employees regarding motivated and satisfied with the training
programme of Amazon. It concludes that 81% respondents are satisfied in terms of motivation & satisfaction with the training
programme whereas only 21% respondents have negative perception with same factor.

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ISSN: 2455-2631 © June 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 6

TABLE-5 : Improvement in performance

Options Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 28 25%
Agree 42 38%
Neutral 18 16%
Disagree 14 13%
Strongly Disagree 8 7%
TOTAL 110 100%

Strongly Improvement in performance
7% Disagree Strongly
13% Agree

Neutral 38%

INTERPRERTATION: Above table - 5 inferred opinion of selected employees of Amazon regarding improvement in their
performance by training provided by Amazon find out by the researcher. It shows that 25% of employees strongly agree that the
training provided to them help to improve their working performance, 38% agree with the same, 16% are neutral, 13% of employees
disagree that the training help to enhance their efficiency and rest 7% employees strongly disagree with the same.

 69% were more than female respondents 31% Working in Amazon.
 Majority of the respondents were in the age group of 26-35 years (49%).
 100% respondents aware about the training program
 56% respondents say Twice they had any form of training, 31% say Several Times and 14% respondents say only once.
 81% respondents are satisfied in terms of motivation & satisfaction with the training programme.
 63% of employees agree that the training provided to them help to improve their working performance

The present research thesis is an attempt to study the Effectiveness of Training and Development on Employee Performance: A
Study of Amazon India Limied. The quest of the research was to find out the effectiveness of training and development on employee
performance in Amazon Anta and associate the different variables with the employee performance. The present research is efforts
to found out the key factor of effective training and employee performance and also give the suggestion to the Amazon that how
boost the motivation of employees with effective training. Present study concluded that the responses of employees of Amazon on
perception regarding determinants of effective training and their performance. In all the cases, high degree of positive correlation
existed between determinants of effective training and their performance. Moreover, it can also be concluded that in all the identified
determinants that are enrichment of excellence, improved delegation of authority, personal growth thoughts of employees is
sufficient enough to show their considerable importance in effective training.

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