International Journal of Scientific Research: Astrology

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ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPER Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018 | PRINT ISSN No 2277 - 8179



K.Madhusoodanan MA, MPhil(Astro), Research Scholar-Astrology, PRIST University, Thanjavur 613403
Dr. P A HoD- Sanskrit& Astrology, PRIST University, Thanjavur 613403. *Corresponding
Subramanian* Author
According to the Nakshastra Namawali the 19th one is Moola and its cluster of Stars are divided in to nine parts for the nine planets. The meaning of
the word Moola is root and its symbol is apportioned by the Rishis is a clump of roots which denotes some restricted actions, as root has its
limitation to go or the motion is finite. Most of the Moolam natives are self-made, without having any monitory support from the parents, but may
have unexpected progress after the marriage. They are truthful, humble and earnest in the society with an inquisitorial mind to explore the truth and
the root and lead a snooping religious life. They are loved by many opposite sex, but fail in sexual satisfaction. Meanwhile there is a customary
belief available among the people that Moola is much maligned in nature especially in marriage related activities. The bride hail from Moola will
be injurious to her Mother-in -Law first and secondly the husband's younger brother, thirdly the elder brother and finally her Father in Law. Some of
the narrators are of opinion that when it come as a beginning point of birth star, will make bad results for the relation of the life partner and same
result have been attributed to the male also. As per fundamental texts,those who are undergoing NakshstaraSandhi (Meeting position of two Stars)
of some Nakshastras at the birth are harmful either to the family members or the partner.
Moola, The root, Nakshatrasandhi,Nirurithi, Prajapathi, forign travel
Introduction:- Seed Sounds:Ye, Yo, Bha, Bhe (see Padas of Moola)
Also related to Planets:Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, is connected to
transformation and expansion

The nakshatra Moola is represented by the tail of the Scorpion, which The Four padas of moola star
includes the nine stars: Epsilon, Mu, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa,
Upsilon and Lambda Scorpionis. This nakshatra is located at the left of
our Galaxy, which is indicative of the nature of Moola. A person born
मूलरोगी मूलनाशी : सदा पशुकृत् सदा रोषी मदो म ो मलादौ जायते नरः ।
under this star will have an inquisitive mind that enables them get to the
left or the root of things. The person may skilled at literally handling
roots and herbs and medicine. This star supports research, MoolaNakshatra I Pada - It effects the native towards material world.
investigation and exploration. The ruling deity, Goddess Nirriti, brings Natives born in this quarter are proud and selfish and they are more
the energy of loss and destruction to this nakshatra. At the deepest worried about material growth and self-respect in society etc. Natives
level, this destructive force can be used for surrender and have fair complexion, shining teeth, piercing eye, hostile talking, big
transformation. and beautiful nose. They generally have small testicles.
MoolaNakshatra I pada name first letter is "yay”
Moola Nakshatra born characteristics and features
Moola 0-00 to 13-20′ Sagittarius प डतः ू रगा व ा स यवाचकः ु ोगी म तमान् साधु तीयांशे तु जायते ।
Names start with : yE, yO, baa, bi
MoolaNakshatra II pada - This quarter can make the native a good
General Characteristics: Possess a deep philosophical nature and an
astrologer. It makes the native soft and hardworking and very
inquisitive mind that enjoys exploring the roots of any subject.
particular about their material growth. They may have above average
Haughty, rich, happy, not inclined to injure others, Firm and fixed
height, broad chest, heavy legs especially above knee and slightly
opinions, live in luxury.
longer chin. MoolaNakshatra II pada name first letter is "yo”
Translation: The root ु क मरतः कामी व यः यदशनः शोककृ छोककता च ुतीयांशे तु जायते ।
Symbol: Tied bunch of roots or a lions tail.
Animal Symbol: Male dog MoolaNakshatra III pada - This quarter makes the native highly
Ruling Planet: Ketu. knowledgeable in material plane. Such natives are much balanced in
Nature: Rakshasa (demon). nature and can devote equal time to spiritual activities as well worldly
Presiding deity: Nirriti – goddess of destruction who lives in the activities. It does not promote material estensity. They spend lot of
kingdom of the dead – goddess of dissolution. time in reading classical texts and are highly educated. They are highly
skilled, mature, and funny and never compromise their ideals in life.
Presiding Deity: Nirriti, the Goddess of destruction and dissolution MoolaNakshatra III pada name first letter is "Bhaa”
Controlling Planet: Ketu ब ल ो नपुण साधु: का ठरोगी महाम त: श ुतापी जत ोधो मूला ये जायते नरः ।
Ruling Deity of Ketu: Ganesha
Nature: Rakshasa (demon) MoolaNakshatra IV pada - It makes the native emotional, hereafter
Mode: Active creating further difficulties in taking firm decisions. Such natives find it
Number: 19, (indicates beginning and ending) difficult to direct their goals and they are the most unfair people of this
Gender: Neuter Nakshtra. They are brainy, knowledgeable, skilled, and joyful and
Dosha: Vata have above average height. They will have reddish-white complexion
Guna: Tamasic and beautiful hairs. MoolaNakshatra IV pada name first letter is
Element: Air "Bhee”
Disposition: Sharp and Dreadful
Bird: Red Vulture All other details about Moola
Strength: Faces adversity with composure; skilled at persuading or
Tree: manipulating people to serve their needs; good politicians; careful;
Common Name: Anjan, Kammara clever; able to live a comfortable life; determined to succeed; learned;
Botanical Name: Hardwickia binate good speaking skills; spiritually inclined; generous; jovial; successful;

16 International Journal of Scientific Research

Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018 PRINT ISSN No 2277 - 8179

determined; fortune in foreign lands; peace loving; adventurous; Family life: Excepting a few cases, it is seen that Moola born cannot
brave; explorers. have any benefit from his parents whereas he is all self-made. His
married life will be more or less satisfactory. He gets a spouse with all
Weakness: Creates own insecurities; lacks appreciation for others; the requisite qualities expected from a good wife.
overly focused on goals; not trustworthy; arrogant; self-destructive;
stubborn; sabotages their own achievements; has many unsuccessful Health: Probable problems he will be affected with are tuberculosis,
affairs and/or marriages; low tolerance for boredom; indecisive; fickle isnophelia, paralytic attack or stomach problem. Whatever may be the
at relationships; arrogant; selfish; lust and anger; low boredom nature of disease it will not be visible in his appearance or face as even
threshold; takes lot and gives very little back. when he is critically ill, his expression and the attraction of the face will
not change. Normally it is seen that the native is not in the habit of
Professions: Business, sales, doctors, pharmacist, philosophers, taking care of his own health. With the result, some severe health
public speakers, debaters, preachers, writers, lawyers, politicians, problems can be noticed in his 27th, 31st, 44th, 48th, 56th and 60th age.
spiritual teachers, healers, herbalist, dentists, medicine men, Once he is addicted to any drug it will be very difficult to control such
psychotherapists, ascetics, police officers, investigators, soldiers, addiction. Hence it must try to keep away from any material of
genetic researchers, astronomers, mortician, rock musicians, tantric intoxication.
studies, treasure hunters, mining industry, destructive activity
Female Natives born under Moola Nakshatra
Famous Moolas: Dalai Lama, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Al Gore, Judy Physical features: Medium complexion -neither black nor white or
Garland, Billy Graham swarthy in hot countries. Reddish colour in cold countries. Her
principal teeth will not be close with great distance, wealthy sign.
Favorable Activities: Getting down to the root of the matter,
Gathering knowledge, Administering Herbs and Medicines, Planting Character and general events: Mostly these natives are pure hearted.
and Gardening, Agriculture, Designing, Oratory activities, However, obstinacy cannot be ruled out. Even on small matters she
Forcefulness, Dynamism, Laying foundations for houses, will be very much adamant. Since she lacks knack of dealing she quite
Construction, Buying and Selling homes, Expressing sexuality, often lands into problems.
Contemplation and Meditation, Initiation into study of science and
astrology, Adventures Education, sources of earning/profession: Mostly, Moola born
females do not acquire much education. These females don't show any
Unfavorable Activities: Activity involving balance, tact or interest in studies. Most of these females spent more than two terms in
diplomacy; Initiations or Beginnings; Marriage Ceremony, Borrowing the same standard or class. Ultimately they leave further education.
or Lending money; Financial transactions The only exception is that if Jupiter is placed in opposition i.e. aspects
or placed in Magha Nakshatra, the native may be a doctor or employed
Sacred Energy Vortex: Mappedu Graceful Singesswarar Temple.The in an envious position i.e. such females will have excellent academic
Graceful Singesswar Temple is located in Mappedu on the Thakkolam record and reach to the top.
route near Chennai, India. This sacred temple vibrates with the energy
of Moola nakshatra and has great significance for those born under this Family life: Females born in this Nakshatra, unlike the males, cannot
star. The sounds of the Tamil alphabet are closely associated with the enjoy full conjugal bliss. she will have a separated life, mainly due to
Mappedu Temple. the death of her husband or divorce. This result cannot be blindly
applied as other planetary positions of favorable nature will, blindly
Male Natives born under Moola Nakshatra applied as other planetary positions of favorable nature will, to a
Physical features: He has good physical appearance. He will have certain extent, nullify the bad effects. There may be delay in the
beautiful limbs and bright eyes. He will be the most attractive person in marriage and also some hurdles. If the position of Mars is unfavorable
his family. she will have to face a lot of problems either from her husband or from
Character and general events: He has a very sweet nature and is a
peace loving person. He has a set principle in his life. There is a general Health: She is prone to rheumatism, lumbago, hip or back ache
fear about the persons born in Moola Nakshatra. It isn't like that combined with pain in arms and shoulders.
always. He can stand against any adverse tidal wave. He has the
capacity to penetrate that wave and reach the destination. Positive Traits: Proud, good-looking, skillful in persuading or
He is not bothered about tomorrow nor he is very serious about his own manipulating people to serve their needs, politician, careful, clever,
matters. He keeps all the happenings in the hands of god and become able to live a comfortable life, good fortune, determined to succeed,
prey to optimism. learned, public speaking skills, spiritual advisor, generous, successful,
determined, fortune in foreign lands, likes to live well, peace loving,
Education, sources of earning/profession: He does not keep control adventurous, brave, explorer, face adversity with composure.
of the balance of receipt and payment resulting in debt. He is the type of
person who renders advice to others but not capable of keeping the Negative Traits: Insecure, others do not trust them, too goal-focused,
same principles for his own use. This peculiar characteristic generally does not genuinely care about others, arrogant, self-destructive,
fits them for the profession of financial advise or religious advice. headstrong, sabotages their own achievements, has many affairs
and/or marriages that don't work out, low tolerance for boredom, create
Since he is skilled in several fields there will be frequent changes of own insecurities, indecisive, fickle in relationships, arrogance,
profession or trade but stability in this direction seems to be a very rare selfishness, lust and anger, low boredom threshold, takes and give little
phenomenon. Because of this inherent quality of frequent changes he back, accommodating to other people to get what they want.
is always in need of money. Moola born have a peculiar characteristic
of mixing with his friends. It is quite natural that when expenditure is Career Interests: Public Speakers, writers, philosophers, spiritual
more than income and the native is not ready to earn anything by illegal teachers, lawyers, politicians, doctors, pharmacists, business and
mode the balance will always be in the negative. sales, healers, florist, ministers, officers, investigators, researcher,
contrarians, orators, politicians.
Out of all the 27 Nakshatras, one can arrive at a conclusion that these
are the people who devote their entire energy with utmost sincerity to Compatibility and Incompatibility : The compatible nakshatras with
their employers as also to any persons who have kept faith or trust in the natives are Hastha , Sravana ,Revati and Pushyami while the
Moola born. A deep study of the life of these persons has revealed some nakshatras of Swati and Magha are known to be incompatible.
facts about their separate entity than other Nakshatra born i.e. some
sort of internal force or some external force is briefing the natives in all Conclusion
the work they undertake.He earns his livelihood in a foreign place. It is Having called Moola as Root Star, the natives belonged to are
advisable that he must, as far as possible, try to get an opportunity passionate and investigagtive nature. They feel bound and trapped by
either in the professional field or in the business field in a foreign land the circumstances of thier life and can caught up in blaming others and
or country as he cannot have good luck in the native place; whereas he the environment. They may be extremely reversal in thiewr life span
can have much better success in a foreign land. with utter loss very often. They will show cruelty, pain and sharpness
International Journal of Scientific Research 17
Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018 PRINT ISSN No 2277 - 8179

and material fortunes seem to be stripped away in the absence of

personal attachment and self-realization. Accordingly the resentment
and betrayal becomes common. Knwoing the dafaults and ups and
downs attributed in the horoscope, Moola natives can tide over the
crisis in thier life all along. Graha Shanti, Swayam shanti, Navagraaha
Shanti, Shanti Pooja, chanting, offerigs, submission and prayers will
bestow all the benedictions at the time of malific star efects. The
ultimate requirement warranted is to know the causes and effects in the
correct time to adopt vedic remedies to safeguard the life of the natives.

1. HoraSastram
2. ManaSagari
3. JathakaParijatham
4. Jathakabharanam
5. Role of Nakshtras in Astrology by Raj kumar Lt. col retdsagar publications.
6. Astrological fundamentals writeen by DrPadurSubramaniasastrigal
7. TheNakshtras written by Komilla Sutton author of essentials of vedic astrology,
8. wessex
9. PuliyoorP.S.P.Nampoodiri (2008) BrihajjaatakaPadhatiS.T..Reddiar and Sons, Quilon.
13. Published Paper:
14. Published Paper: vol2issue1/PartA/1-1-7-131.pdf
16. The book of Nakshatra And various primary and secondary sources.

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