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A final project report submitted in fulfillment of the requirement

for the award of the Degree of

Submitted by




Under the esteemed guidance of

Dr. P. SARALA M.Tech, Ph.D.


(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTU Kakinada)
Accredited with A Grade by NAAC and NBA Accredited

(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTU Kakinada)
Andhra Pradesh-522017, Ph: 0863-2286666, 2286777

This is to certify that the project report entitled “ ADVANCED FIRE EXTINGUISHER
ROBOT ” is the bonafide work of Mr. P.Purna Venkateswarlu (20JR5A0420), Mr. S.S
urya Vamsi (20JR5A0421), Mr. SK.MD.Asheed (19JR1A04H2), of final year B. Tech
which he/she has submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada in
fulfillment of the requirement of award of Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and
Communication Engineering branch during the academic year 2022-23.


Dr. N. Adi Narayana Dr. P. Sarala

M. Tech, Ph.D. M. Tech, Ph.D.



We declare that this project entitled “ ADVANCED FIRE EXITINGUISHER ROBOT ” has been
carried out by us and contents have been presented in the form of dissertation in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of technology in ELECTRONICS AND

We further declare that this dissertation has not been submitted elsewhere for any degree.


(20JR5A0420) (20JR5A0421)



We would like to express our profound gratitude towards Dr. P. Sarala M. Tech, Ph.D.
ENGINEERING, who played a supervisory role to perfection, enabled us to seek through our B. Tech
project and for guiding asan internal guide methodically and meticulously.

We are highly indebted to Dr. N. ADI NARAYANA, Head of the Department, Electronics
andCommunication Engineering for providing us all the necessary support.

We render our deep sense of gratitude to Dr. P. Babu, Principal for permitting us to carry out our
project work. We would also like to thank the Electronics and Communication Engineering staff for
lending us their time to help us and to complete our work successfully.

We would also like to thank our parents and friends for their enduring
encouragement andassistance whenever required.


(20JR5A0420) (20JR5A0421)


(Approved by A.I.C.T.E New Delhi|| Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada|| Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC
|| NBA Accreditation status for 4 B.Tech Programmes (CSE, ECE, EEE &Mech)) Vinjanampadu (Vil), Vatticherukuru
(Md), Guntur (DT), A.P-522017.

Institute Vision and Mission

To produce eminent and ethical Engineers and Managers for society by imparting
quality professional education with emphasis on human values and holistic excellence.


• To incorporate benchmarked teaching and learning pedagogies in curriculum.

• To ensure all round development of students through judicious blend of curricular, co-
curricular and extra-curricular activities.
• To support cross-cultural exchange of knowledge between industry and academy.

• To provide higher/continued education and researched opportunities to the employees of the

(Approved by A.I.C.T.E New Delhi|| Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada|| Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC
|| NBA Accreditation status for 4 B.Tech Programmes (CSE, ECE, EEE &Mech)) Vinjanampadu (Vil), Vatticherukuru
(Md), Guntur (DT), A.P-522017.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


• To develop high Qualitative, Technically Competent and Socially Responsible



To provide quality education in the domain of Electronics and Communication Engineering through

• Enriched curriculum for addressing the needs of industry and society.

• Effective teaching learning processes through congenial environment for lifelong


• Gaining contemporary knowledge through research and development, innovation and


Head of the Department

(Approved by A.I.C.T. E New Delhi|| Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada|| Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC
|| NBA Accreditation) Vinjanampadu (Vil), Vatticherukuru (Md), Guntur (DT), A.P-522017.

Program Specific Outcomes


PSO1: Professional Skills:

Apply Electronics, Communications, VLSI, Embedded systems knowledge to arrive cost
effective and appropriate solutions.

PSO2: Problem-solving skills:

Able to provide solutions and design Semiconductor Devices, Digital Systems, Microprocessor
and Signal processing for the fields of Consumer Electronics, Medical, Defense and Spacecraft
Electronics industry

PSO3: Successful career:

Able to use latest hardware and software tools like VHDL, MATLAB, MULTISIM, MENTOR
GRAPHICS along with analytical skills.

PSO4: Exposure for research and development:

To analyze latest trends in Communication and apply the knowledge for the improvement in the
present technology by doing research through higher education
(Approved by A.I.C.T.|| NBA AccreditationE New Delhi|| Permanently) Vinjanampadu Affiliated (Vil), to JNTUK, Vatticherukuru

Kakinada|| (Md), Accredited Guntur (DT),with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC A.P-522017.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Graduates of Electronics and Communication Engineering Shell

PEO1: Develop a strong background in basic science and mathematics and ability to use these tools
in their chosen fields of specialization.

PEO2: Have the ability to demonstrate technical competence in the fields of electronics and
communication engineering and develop solutions to problems.

PEO3: Attain professional competence through life-long learning such as advance degrees,
professional registration, and other professional activities.

PEO4: Function effectively in a multi-disciplinary environment and individually, with in a global,

societal, and environmental context.

PEO5: Take individual responsibility and to work as a part of a team towards the fulfillment of
both individual and organizational goals.

Head of the Department.

(Approved by A.I.C.T. E New Delhi|| Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada|| Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC

|| NBA Accreditation) Vinjanampadu (Vil), Vatticherukuru (Md), Guntur (DT), A.P-522017.

Program Outcomes
1. Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentalsandanengineeringspecializationtothesolutionofcomplexengineeringproble ms.
2. Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.

3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems

and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety and the cultural, societal and environmental
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research based knowledge and
research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and
synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

5. Modern tool usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
(Approved by A.I.C.T. E New Delhi|| Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada|| Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC
|| NBA Accreditation) Vinjanampadu (Vil), Vatticherukuru (Md), Guntur (DT), A.P-522017.

7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional

engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the
knowledge of and the need for sustainable development.

8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of the engineering practice.

9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or

leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary environments.

10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities

with the engineering community and with the society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentations and presentations and
also give clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding
of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a
member and as a leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary

12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability
to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological
(Approved by A.I.C.T.E New Delhi|| Permanently Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada|| Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC || NBA
Accreditation)Vinjanampadu (Vil), Vatticherukuru (Md), Guntur (DT), A.P-522017.

Project Course Outcomes

CO425.1: Analyze the System of Examinations and identify the problem.

CO425.2: Identify and classify the requirements.

CO425.3: Review the related Literature.

CO425.4: Design and modularize the project.

CO2425.5: Construct, integrate, test and implement the project.

CO425.6: Prepare the project Documentation and present the report using appropriate method.

Course Outcomes - Program Outcomes mapping

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3 PSO4

C425.1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

C425.2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

C425.3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

C425.4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

C425.5 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

C425.6 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Course Outcomes – Program Outcome correlation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PSO1 PSO2 PSO3 PSO4

C425.1 2 2 2 3

C425.2 3 2 2 2 2 3

C425.3 3 2 2 1 3

C425.4 3 2 1 3 2 3

C425.5 2 3 3 2 3

C425.6 3 2 2 3 1

3:High 2:Medium 1: Low

Note. In each row there should be only one PO have 3. Consult your Guides for filling this Table
CO-PO Mapping with Reasons:

1. CO425.1 is mapped with PO1, PO2 and PO4, PO6, PO7 as basic knowledge of
Engineering and problem Analysis activities are highly essential to conduct
examinations on existing systems which have been using in industries as a part of and
to define the problem of proposed system.
2. CO425.2 is mapped with PO1, PO2, PO4 and PO6, PO9, PO10, PO11 as for
identification, gathering analysis and classification of requirements for the proposed
system, basic knowledge of engineering and Analysis steps along with complex
problem analysis through the efforts of team work in order to meet the specific needs
of the customer.
3. CO425.3 is mapped with PO2, PO5 and PO12 as to conduct the literature review and
to examine the relevant systems to understand and identify the merits and demerits of
each too enhance and develop the proposed as per the need.
4. CO425.4 is mapped with PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5 and PO7, PO8, PO9, PO10
because modularization and design of the project is needed after requirements
elicitation. For modularization and design of the project, Basic knowledge of
Engineering, Analysis capabilities, Design skills and communication is needed
between team members as different modules are designed individually before
5. CO425.5 is mapped with PO3, PO5, PO7, PO9, PO11 and PO12 as to construct the
project latest technologies are needed. The development of project is done
individually and in groups with well-defined communication by using the
engineering and management principles.
6. CO425.6 is mapped with PO6, PO10 and PO12 because during and after completion
of the project, documentation is needed along with proper methods of presentation
through understanding and application of engineering and management principles,
which in turn needs well defined communication between the team members with all
the ethical values. Even the project development team defines the future
enhancements as a part of the project development after identifying the scope of the
CO-PSOs Mapping with Reasons:

1. CO425.1 is mapped with PSO1 as examining of existing systems and

identification of the problem is a part of Application Development activity
and identification of evolutionary changes in latest technologies.

2. CO425.2 is mapped with PSO1, PSO2 and PSO3as identifying and

classifying the requirements is a part of Application development and
evolutionary computing changes and also follows ethical principles.

3. CO425.3 is mapped with PSO1, PSO3 as review of literature is a part of

application development activity by recognizing the computing technologies
and their evolutionary changes.

4. CO425.4 is mapped with PSO1, PSO3 because modularization and

logical design is also a part of Application development and follows
computing changes using Deep learning technology.

5. CO425.5 is mapped with PSO1, PSO2 as Testing, Development and

Integration of project activities are part of Application development and
follows ethical principles.

6. CO425.6 is mapped with PSO2 as for project documentation and

presentation; the project team members apply the professional and
leadership qualities


This paper proposes a secure data transmission control method for electrical equipment of
automobiles based on the 5G communication technology using the Narrowband Internet of Things
(NB-IoT) module. With the increasing number of connected devices in automobiles, it is essential
to ensure the security and privacy of data transmission.
The proposed method uses the NB-IoT module, which provides low-power, wide-area connectivity
for IoT devices and supports the massive connection of devices. The method includes the use of
secure communication protocols, encryption algorithms, and authentication mechanisms to ensure
the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data transmission.
The method also includes the use of a secure key distribution scheme that generates and distributes
encryption keys to authorized devices, ensuring that only authorized devices can access and
transmit data. Additionally, the method includes a secure data exchange mechanism that ensures
that data is transmitted only to authorized devices and that the data is not modified or intercepted
during transmission.
Overall, the proposed method provides a secure and reliable solution for data transmission control
in electrical equipment of automobiles, ensuring the privacy and security of sensitive information.
The method can be applied to various electrical equipment, including battery management
systems, infotainment systems, and advanced driver-assistance systems, among others, improving
the overall safety and performance of automobiles. The use of the NB-IoT module further enhances
the scalability and efficiency of the proposed method.

List of Acronyms 1

Chapter 1 Introduction
1. 1. General Introduction 1
1. 2. Data Rate 2
1. 3. Objective and Abstract of Work 3

Chapter 2. Survey on 5G Communication

2. 1. Survey 5

Chapter 3. Data Transmission In Electrical Equipment

3. 1. Transmission In Electrical Equipment

3. 1.1. Advantages and Limitations 8
3. 2. Analysis 8
3. 2.1. Analysis Concerning 5G communication network channels of electrical
equipment 8
3. 2.2. Logical frame work for the transmission 9
3. 2.3. Frame work explanation 9
3. 2.4. Transmission control based on network coding technology 10
3. 3. Details of Requirements 11
3. 3.1. Data concurrent processor 11

3. 3.2. CAN protocol converter 11

3. 3.3. Historical Database 12

3. 4. Advantages of 5G data transmission 12

3. 4.1. High data rate 13
3. 4.2. Low latency 13
3. 4.3. . Improved connectivity 13
3. 4.4. Reduced interference 13
3. 4.5. Scalability 13
CHAPTER 4. Introduction to NB IoT Security module

4.1. Introduction 14

4.2. Hardware structure of NB IoT security module 15

4.2.1. NB IoT SoC 15

4.2.2. NB IoT security module 16

4.2.3. Data Terminal 16

4.3. Working of NB IoT SoC 17

4.4. Process of NB IoT Security module 18

4.5. Working of Data Terminal 18

CHAPTER 5. Secure Data Transmission using NB-IoT

5. 1. Introduction 20

5. 1.1. Process of Data Transmission 20

5. 2. Block Diagram 21

5. 2.1. Electrical equipment 21

5. 2.2. Sensors and Actuators 23

5. 2.3. 5G Modem 25

5. 2.4. Data Base 26

5. 2.5. Micro Controller 27

5. 3. Process of secure data transmission 29

CHAPTER 6. Analysis and Discussion

6.1. Introduction 31

6.2. Data transmission rate calculation 32

6.3. Encryption and Decryption process 36

CHAPTER 7. Conclusion and features

7.1. Conclusion 40

7.2. Future scope 40




1 Fig: 1.1 5G Specifications 2

2 Fig: 1.2 Data rate in 5G 3
3 Fig: 3.1 Considering vehicle 8
4 Fig: 3.2 Logical frame work 10
5 Fig: 3.3 Real time data base 12
6 Fig: 3.4 Can protocol uses 13
7 Fig: 3.5 Historical data base 13
8 Fig: 3.6 Representing high data rate 14
9 Fig: 3.7 Representing high connectivity 14
10 Fig: 4.1 Hardware structure of NB 15
IOT encrypted data
11 Fig: 4.2 NB IOT SOC 16
12 Fig: 4.3 Representing advantages of NBIOT 17

13 Fig: 4.4 Data terminal 18

14 Fig: 5.1 Block diagram for secure data 23
transmission using NB IOT
15 Fig: 5.2 Representing electrical 24
equipment in the vehicle
16 Fig: 5.3 Sensors and actuators in the 25
17 Fig: 5.4 Fuel level sensor 27
18 Fig: 5.5 5G modem 28
19 Fig: 5.6 Data base 29
20 Fig: 5.7 Structure of Arduino uno 30
21 Fig: 5.8 Pin description of ATMEGA 328P 31
22 Fig: 5.9 Specification of Arduino Uno 31

23 Fig: 6.1 Calculation process of database 34

24 Fig: 6.2 Comparison of the effective 36

throughput of the three
25 Fig: 6.2.1 The comparison of the bit error rates 37

26 Fig: 6.3 The comparison of the data 38

transmission delay of the three

27 Fig: 6.4 The success rate ofpacket 38

varying with the
proportion of packets

28 Fig: 6.5 The success rate of packet 38

transmission varying with the
of nodes.

29 Fig: 6.6 Encryption and decryption process 42



1 Specification of Arduinouno 31

2 The comparison of the bit 37

error rates
List of Acronyms

5G Fifth-generation technology

TLS Transport Layer Security

SSL Secure Sockets Layer

LPWA Low Power Wide Area

SoC System on Chip

DTE Data terminal equipment

OTA Over the Air

AES AdvancedEncryption Standard

ABS Anti– lock Breaking System

MODEM Modulation and Demodulation

SDK Softwaíe Development Kit

RTOS Real Time Operating System

DES Data Encryption Standard

eSIM Embedded SIM


1.1 General Introduction
5G technology is a breakthrough. The next generation of telecom networks (fifth generation
or 5G) has started hitting the market end of 2018 and will continue to expand worldwide. Beyond
speed improvement, the technology is expected to unleash a massive 5G IoT (Internet of Things)
ecosystem where networks can serve communication needs for billions of connected devices,
with the right trade-offs between speed, latency, and cost.

This makes sense if you think about what 5G has to offer.

5G technology is driven by 8 specification requirements:

Fig 1.1: 5G specifications

 Up to 10Gbps data rate - > 10 to 100x speed improvement over 4G and 4.5G networks
 1-millisecond latency
 1000x bandwidth per unit area up to 100x number of connected devices per unit area
(compared with 4G LTE)
 99.999% availability
 100% coverage
 90% reduction in network energy usage
 Up to 10-year battery life for low power IoT device

1.2 Data Rate
5G is 10 to x100 faster than what you can get with 4G.

Fig1. 2 Data rate in 5G

According to communication principles, the shorter the frequency, the larger the bandwidth.

Using shorter frequencies (millimeter waves between 30GHz and 300GHz) for 5G
networks is why 5G can be faster. This high-band 5G spectrum provides the expected boost
in speed and capacity, low latency, and quality.
However,5G download speed may differ widely by area.
According to the February 2020 issue of Fortune Magazine, average 5G speed measures
done in Q3/Q4 2019 range from:
 220 megabytes per second (Mbps) in Las Vegas,
 350 in New York,
 380 in Los Angeles,
 450 in Dallas,
 to 550 Chicago,
 and over 950 in Minneapolis and Providence approximatively.
That's 10 to 50 times more than 4G LTE

1.3 Objective and Abstract of work

The increasing sophistication of automobiles has led to the integration of various
electrical equipment in modern cars. These electrical systems often require remote control,
which can be achieved through 5G communication technology. However, this technology
also exposes these systems to various cyber threats. To address this issue, this project
proposes a Secure Data Transmission Control Method of Electrical Equipment of
Automobiles using NB-IoT security modules. The method involves designing a secure data
transmission protocol that ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of the

transmitted data. The protocol will be implemented on a 5G communication network using
NB-IoT security modules.
The effectiveness of the protocol will be evaluated based on its security,
reliability, and efficiency. This project aims to provide a comprehensive solution for
securing the remote control of electrical equipment in modern automobiles, thus enhancing
the safety and security of drivers and passengers.
With the rapid development of information technology, the functions of an
automobile have become increasingly di- verse, and automobile design has become more
humane. The continuous improvement of automobile performance has caused a sharp
increase in the number of electrical equipment installed in automobiles, which has,
however, led to connection and communication between devices being moredifficult.
Therefore, engineers in charge of automobileelectronics identify the problems
concerning the low communication quality and high data transmission delay as a priority
to be resolved when equipment exchanges data transmission.
Wireless transmission and a classification algorithm of multisource information of devices
based on compressed sensing were proposed to deal with the problems mentioned
previously with security.



2.1. Introduction:
The automotive industry has been rapidly evolving towards the integration of 5G
technology in order to support the growing demand for data transmission control systems that
ensure the safety and security of the electrical equipment in automobiles. In this literature survey,
we will review some of the recent studies related to secure data transmission control methods of
electrical equipment in automobiles based on 5G communication technology.

2.1.1. Survey 1:
"A Secure and Efficient Data Transmission Method for Electric Vehicles Based on 5G
Communication" by Y. Zhang et al. (2021)
This paper proposes a secure and efficient data transmission method for electric vehicles based
on 5G communication technology. The proposed method uses blockchain technology to ensure
the authenticity and integrity of the data transmitted between the electric vehicle and the cloud
server. The simulation results show that the proposed method can achieve high security and
efficiency in data transmission.

2.1.2. Survey 2:
"Secure Data Transmission Control for In-Vehicle Networks Based on 5G
Communication" by J. Zhou et al. (2020)
This paper presents a secure data transmission control method for in-vehicle networks
based on 5G communication technology. The proposed method uses a combination of physical
layer security and encryption algorithms to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability
of the data transmitted between the in-vehicle networks and the external communication network.
The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively protect the security
of the in-vehicle networks.

2.1.3. Survey 3:
"A Secure and Efficient Data Transmission Protocol for Connected Cars Based on 5G
Communication" by S. Wang et al. (2020)
This paper proposes a secure and efficient data transmission protocol for connected cars
based on 5G communication technology. The proposed protocol uses a lightweight
authentication scheme to authenticate the connected cars and encrypts the data using an advanced
encryption standard (AES) algorithm. The simulation results show that the proposed protocol
can achieve high security and efficiency in data transmission for connected cars.

2.1.4. Survey 4:
"A Lightweight Authentication Protocol for Secure Data Transmission in 5G-Enabled
Vehicular Networks" by M. Ali et al. (2021)
This paper proposes a lightweight authentication protocol for secure data transmission in
5G-enabled vehicular networks. The proposed protocol uses a group-based authentication

scheme to authenticate the vehicles and a hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) to
ensure the integrity and authenticity of the data transmitted between the vehicles and the base
station. The simulation results show that the proposed protocol can achieve high security and
efficiency in data transmission for vehicular networks.

The literature survey indicates that the integration of 5G communication technology in

the automotive industry has opened up new possibilities for the development of secure and
efficient data transmission control methods for electrical equipment in automobiles. The
proposed methods in the reviewed papers show that the use of blockchain technology, encryption
algorithms, and lightweight authentication schemes can ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of the data transmitted between the automobiles and the external communication
network. These methods can greatly enhance the safety and security of the electrical equipment
in automobiles, which is essential for the widespread adoption of electric vehicles
and connected cars.

Data Transmission in Electrical equipment

3.1. Transmission in Electrical equipment

Conflicts emerge when the data transmission occurs between electrical equipment in an
automobile. Hence, transmission delays appear as issues. For this reason, a method, called data
transmission control, for electrical equipment of automobiles based on the 5G communication
technology is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the wavelet feature decomposition was utilized to
partition the frequency spectrum, and thus the statistical characteristics of electrical equipment of
automobiles concerning the transmitted datawere obtained. Then, the high-order approximate
distribution method was adopted to construct a channel for a 5G network data transmission.
Afterward, the control logic structure of the data transmission was built, and the problem,
called the conflict of thedata transmission, was alleviated through concurrent data collection and
processing methods. On this basis, coding coefficients ofa constructed global coding matrix were
selected to encode and transmit source information. Also, the number of redundant datapackets
at each layer was adjusted. Finally, the data transmission control of the electrical equipment of the
automobile was realized through the linear combination of the network nodes. The simulation
results showed that the throughput of the proposed methodwas always higher than 7.7 MB/s, the
bit error rate was around 0 when the signal-to-noise ratio was lower than 3, and the transmission
delay was always below 0.5 s, which could provide a reference for the efficient and safe operation
of automobiles.

Fig 3.1. Considering vehicle

Wireless transmission and a classification algorithm of multisource information of
devices based on compressed sensing were proposed to deal with the problems mentioned
previously in . By constructing a model called multi hop information transmission, the
information transmission problem was converted into a compressed sensing problem of

multichannel measurement signals. Thus, the time-do- main feature, i.e., the total variation of
the vibration signal, was introduced, and the evaluation algorithm of the compensation distance
was used to verify the superiority of the time-domain feature index for the reconstructed signal.
The characteristic part and data part of audio and video files to form a sequence of encoded data
packets were divided basedon the theory of network data packet transmission in . Hence, the data
packets were reordered in sequence and transmitted to ensure the data transmission security of
audioand video files. However, the above-mentioned methods have their limitations and cannot
properly meet the requirements for low-latency transmission of electrical equipment data of
automobiles in the current 5G era.

3.1.1 Advantages and Limitations

 Less maintenance cost
 High data rate
 Low bit error rate
3.2 Analysis
3.2.1 Analysis concerning the 5G Communication Network Channels of Electrical
Equipment of n Automobiles:
To achieve the data transmission control for electrical equipment of automobiles using a
5G communication network, the network channel is first analyzed completely. there are a large
number of electrical equipment in automobiles, and different devices in the communication
network constitute different nodes. If you have M sink nodes to collect communication data, the
amplitude of the background noise signal in the network data transmission is denoted by Ac.
then, the coherent distribution source has P interference signals. The data transmission signal of
the equipment in the 5G communication network is denoted by x, and the characteristic sequence
of the initial input network communication data is described by
w(n) = [w(0), . . . , w(N − 1)]
where w(n) is a discrete network communication data sequence of finite length, 0 ≤ n ≤ N − 1.
then, the data transmission channel model of the electrical equipment’s 5G communication
network is defined.
where k takes a value of 0 ≤ k ≤Z − 1, denoting the communication data length of the
network, and the bandwidth of the network data transmission is denoted by Z =DFT{ } x . +e
signal is processed by a discrete orthogonal wavelet transform. In the discrete distribution
sequence a, a wavelet transform is utilized to complete the signal equalization of the 5G network
transmission, and the results of the spectral feature extraction are separated by the wavelet
feature decomposition to obtain the feature quantity of statistical information concerning the
data transmission, which is denoted by
B = [B(0), . . . , B(N − 1)].
In the network transmission channel, spectrum separation is utilized to obtain discrete
data sampling points j under different bandwidths, and the energy function for the data
transmission of the network communication is given. For the transmission channels with the
integer levels of N0 and N1, the control algorithm based on baud interval equalization is used to
obtain the spectral characteristic components of the transmission symbols denoted.

Since s(t), the transmission signal vector, and n(t), the noise vector, of the network
transmission data are independent of each other, only the fusion singular value decomposition is
needed to complete the channel separation. It is assumed that the data orders are denoted by N(j),
N(j) 0, and N(j) 1 with different network data transmission lengths, and Pj represents the power
spectral density of the network data in the energy accumulation range. If the real part is denoted
by nr(k) and the imaginary part is denoted by ni(k), the input noise signal, n(k), is called
independent Gaussian noise [8]. The passband of the network communication data transmission
is denoted by c(j), and the wavelet function decomposition is used to complete the channel
equalization, and the analytical output of the channel equalization formula is defined. +e
algorithm, called baud interval equalization, is used to determine the overall communication
network status of the device and to clarify the equalization index of the data transmission
channel, thereby providing a solid theoretical basis for subsequent transmission control.

3.2.2 Logical Frame work For The transmission:


Monitoring Historical
User client database


Can protocol Data concurrent Real time

converter processor database
Network data

Communication server

Fig 3.2. Logical frame work

3.2.3 Frame work explanation

The key to the data transmission control model of electrical equipment of automobiles is
to use protocol conversion and big data concurrency control method to complete the real-time
collection, analysis, and efficient transmission of instructions for the internal equipment data of
automobiles. the framework of the transmission logic is depicted in Figure. The logical
framework of the data transmission is composed of Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol
converter, communication server, monitoring client, and other parts. the communication server
is the central part of the model that is responsible for maintaining the connection between the
downstream socket of the CAN protocol converter and the upstream socket of the client and is
also responsible for data frame transmission control and analysis. the database saves the non-
current data stored in the communication server concerning the historical database. the client
extracts the real-time data of the device by calling the interface with the communication server
and uses the historical database to search for non-real-time data.
There are two types of data in the model, i.e., control instructions and monitoring data.
The control commands of automobile start and stop issued by the user will be assembled into a
CAN data frame through the communication server and then sent to the electrical equipment
using the protocol converter. the monitoring data contain the basic information of the equipment
of the automobile. these data adopt the active periodic transmission method. After being
packaged into protocol frames by the protocol converter, they are transmitted to the

communication server.
Then, the communication server calls different processing threads and queues according
to different data types, and the data frame is decomposed into application layer data that can be
understood by the monitoring client. In large electrical equipment, the communication server
needs to process, forward, and assemble tens of thousands of CAN data frames per second. Due
to cost and other factors, it is impossible to improve the hardware configuration to enhance the
data processing capability of the device. thus, a complete data processing dealing with the
concept of large-scale data concurrency control necessitates a theoretical base. Referring to the
framework of Figure 1 as a prerequisite, the data processing flow of the model is described as
For the characteristics of the CAN protocol data unit, a data sub model for an application
layer of a CAN protocol is constructed. thus, this model can complete the rapid transmission of
CAN data frames with different priorities and different data volumes. According to the
requirement to monitor timeliness, a socket-based data transmission sub model is employed to
present relevant data on the client in real-time.
Afterward, a concurrent data collection and processing method is established to effectively
alleviate the problem of data transmission conflicts and enhance the efficiency of data
transmission control based on the data sub model.

3.2.4 Transmission Control Based on Network Coding Technology:

Network coding is a new data transmission control mode in the communication field.
Network coding nodes can not only complete data forwarding and copying but also encode
information before transmission, which can maximize network throughput and robustness.
Dedicated short-range communications developed and tested by automotive technology
providers are under threat, and next generation 5G technology could be the final answer. In the
general network coding method, the coding node selects random values as the coding core, forms
a rectangular matrix through random numbers, and finally forms the global coding matrix of the
network coding.
Because the coding matrix has certain constraints, the receiving end can perform the
decoding functionality when a full-rank global coding matrix is provided, which only leads to a
higher probability of packet loss rate and delay interference in data transmission. is paper designs
a data transmission control method based on a special structure coding matrix to improve the
reliability of data transmission. the 5G communication network is regarded as a directed acyclic
graph G (F, H), where F is a set of network nodes and H is a set of directed edges. The directed
edges represent the directed links between nodes. The 5G communication network coding is
employed to limit the capacity channel of the coding unit. If the link capacity is higher than 1,
then it is divided into multiple capacity channels. the core concept of coding is that the
information characters forwarded by the output channel of each coding node are the linear
combination of all input information characters for this node in a finite field.
The set of input channels of the node f is denoted by In(f) e: tail(e) the set of output
channels is denoted by Out(f): head(e), and tail(e) and head(e) are the tail and head of the arc e,
respectively. After encoding the output channel e(e ∈ Out(f)) of the node f, the information
character operation and analysis formula forwarded by it is given.
where Y is the decoded data packet, L is the global coding matrix, and S represents the initial
information. When the database receives linear independent data, the global coding matrix needs

to be updated. When it has a full rank, the receiving node uses the Gaussian elimination to
decode, which is denoted by
S =L− 1 × Y
When network coding methods are generally utilized to complete data transmission control,
coding coefficients must be selected in the global coding matrix to perform the coding and
transmission of source information. +e global coding matrix formed by the coding coefficients
is represented.

3.3 Details of Requirements:

3.3.1 Real Time Database:
A real-time database is broadly defined as a data store designed to collect, process,
and/or enrich an incoming series of data points (i.e., a data stream) in real time, typically
immediately after the data is created. This term does not refer to a discrete class of database
management systems, but rather, applies to several types of databases that handle data that
streams in real time, including, in-memory databases, NewSQL database.

Fig 3.3. Real time database

s3.3.2 Data concurrent processor:

Concurrent processing is a computing model in which multiple processors execute
instructions simultaneously for better performance. Concurrent means, which occurs when
something else happens. The tasks are broken into sub-types, which are then assigned to different
processors to perform simultaneously, sequentially instead, as they would have to be performed by
one processor. Concurrent processing is sometimes synonymous with parallel processing.

3.3.3 Can Protocol converter:

The protocol converter can be a software converter, hardware converter, or an
integrated converter depending on the protocols. Some of the key applications are: Substation

automation Building automation Process automation The major protocols used in each area of
application are listed under List of automation protocols.

Fig 3.4. Can protocol uses

3.3.4 Historical Database:

The historical database is a group of up to 100 VSAM data sets store the data
collected by each PAS. A unique historical database exists for each PAS. As data is gathered by a
PAS's data collectors, the historical recorder writes data to the PAS's historical database. One set of
records is written by the historical recorder at the end of each interval.

Fig 3.5. Historical Database

3.4 Advantages of 5G data transmission:

3.4.1. High Data Rates:
The 5G communication technology offers high data rates that enable real-time
communication between the electrical equipment and control system of the automobile. This can
help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the automobile's operation.

Fig 3.6. Representing high data rate
3.4.2 Low Latency:
The low latency of 5G technology allows for fast response times, which is essential for
safety-critical applications in automobiles.
3.4.3 Improved Connectivity:
The use of 5G technology enables improved connectivity, which means that the
automobile can communicate with other devices and systems, such as traffic lights or other
vehicles on the road.

Fig 3.7.Representing high connectivity

3.4.4 Reduced Interference:

The use of 5G technology can help to reduce interference from other wireless devices,
resulting in a more reliable communication system.
3.4.5 Scalability:
5G technology is designed to be scalable, which means that it can accommodate a large
number of devices and sensors. This can help to accommodate future upgrades or expansions of
the automobile's electrical system.


Introduction to NB IoT Security module

4.1 Introduction
An NB IoT security module is a hardware component designed to enhance the security
of data transmitted over Narrowband Internet of Things (NB IoT) networks. It is typically
integrated into IoT devices and provides a range of security features, including encryption,
authentication, and secure boot.
One of the primary functions of an NB IoT security module is to protect against unauthorized
access to IoT devices and networks. This is achieved through the use of secure communication
protocols, such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which
encrypt data and prevent it from being intercepted or manipulated by hackers.
In addition to encryption, NB IoT security modules may also include features such as
secure boot, which ensures that only authorized software is loaded onto the device. This helps to
prevent the device from being compromised by malware or other security threats.
Other security features of NB IoT security modules may include tamper detection, which alerts
users if the device has been physically compromised, and secure key storage, which protects
sensitive data such as encryption keys from unauthorized access.
Overall, the use of an NB IoT security module can help to enhance the security of IoT
devices and networks, ensuring that data is transmitted securely and reducing the risk of
cyberattacks. This is particularly important in industries such as healthcare, finance, and
transportation, where data security is critical.

NB-IoT is a cellular, low power wide area (LPWA) technology that enables IoT devices
and services to communicate within existing GSM and LTE networks. It is a 3GPP standard that
was introduced in 2016 and classified as a 5G technology.

It is suitable for applications that require wireless transmission of small data volumes
over a long range at a low cost and with long battery lives. It does not require 'gateways'. It is
used in various domains such as smart meters, smart streetlights, smart home, smart mobility,
smart city services, and smart agriculture. By 2020, there were more than 100 million NB-IoT
connections across the globe.

4.2. Hardware Structure of NB IoT Security Module

Fig4.1. Hardware structure of NB IoT encrypted data

4.2.1. NB IoT SoC:

An NB IoT SoC (System-on-Chip) is a specialized hardware component that integrates

multiple functions onto a single chip for use in Narrowband Internet of Things (NB IoT) devices.
It combines the processing power of a microcontroller or microprocessor with other components
such as radios, sensors, and memory, enabling devices to connect to NB IoT networks.

NB IoT SoCs are designed specifically for low-power, wide-area networks (LPWANs)
and provide a range of benefits for IoT devices, including low power consumption, improved
coverage, and longer battery life. They typically include a radio module that operates on the NB
IoT frequency band, enabling communication between the device and the network.

In addition to the radio module, NB IoT SoCs may include features such as embedded
security, sensor interfaces, and wireless connectivity options such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Some
SoCs may also include hardware accelerators for encryption and decryption, which can help to
improve the security and performance of the device.

The use of an NB IoT SoC can help to reduce the size and complexity of IoT devices, as
well as lower their cost. This makes it an attractive option for a range of industries and
applications, including smart homes, smart cities, and industrial automation.

Fig 4.2. NB IoT SoC

Overall, NB IoT SoCs are an important component of IoT devices that enable them to
connect to NB IoT networks and provide a range of benefits such as low power consumption,
improved coverage, and longer battery life.
A Narrowband Internet of Things (NB IoT) security module is a hardware component
designed to provide enhanced security for NB IoT networks and devices. It is typically integrated
into IoT devices to protect against unauthorized access, data interception, and other security

4.2.2 NB IoT security module:

This may include a range of features, such as encryption, authentication, and secure boot.
Encryption involves the use of secure communication protocols, such as Transport Layer
Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), to encrypt data and prevent it from being
intercepted or manipulated by hackers. Authentication involves verifying the identity of the user
or device before granting access to the network, and secure boot ensures that only authorized
software is loaded onto the device, protecting it from malware or other security threats.

Other features of NB IoT security modules may include tamper detection, which alerts
users if the device has been physically compromised, and secure key storage, which protects
sensitive data such as encryption keys from unauthorized access.

Fig 4.3. Representing advantages of NB-IoT

The use of an NB IoT security module is particularly important in industries such as
healthcare, finance, and transportation, where data security is critical. By enhancing the security
of NB IoT networks and devices, these modules can help to protect sensitive data and prevent

4.2.3. Data Terminal

Data terminal (DT) is an end instrument that converts user information into signals or
reconverts received signals. It is also called data processing terminal equipment. These can
also be called tail circuits. A DTE device communicates with the (DCE). The DTE/DCE
classification was introduced by IBM.

Fig 4.4. Data terminal
A DTE is the functional unit of a data station (station, terminal) that serves as a data
source or a data sink and provides for the data communication control function to be performed
in accordance with the link protocol.
Usually, the DTE device is the terminal (or a computer emulating a terminal), and the
DCE is a modem or another carrier-owned device. The data terminal equipment may be a single
piece of equipment or an interconnected subsystem of multiple pieces of equipment that perform
all the required functions necessary to permit users to communicate. A user interacts with the
DTE (e.g. the DTE may be the user.
4.3 Working of NB IoT SoC:
1. Modem:
The NB-IoT SoC contains a modem that communicates with the cellular network. The
modem uses the NB-IoT protocol to transmit and receive data over the cellular network.
2. Microcontroller:
The SoC also contains a microcontroller that manages the various functions of the IoT
device. The microcontroller processes the data received from the sensors and performs various
tasks such as data processing, data storage, and data transmission.
3. Memory:
The SoC includes both volatile and non-volatile memory. The volatile memory is used
for temporary storage, while the non-volatile memory stores the device's firmware and data.
4. Sensor Interface:
The NB-IoT SoC has interfaces to connect to different types of sensors and peripherals.
These sensors can include temperature sensors, humidity sensors, pressure sensors, and more.
5. Power Management:
The SoC has an integrated power management unit that manages power consumption to
ensure that the device operates efficiently and conserves energy.
6. Security:
The NB-IoT SoC has built-in security features, including encryption and authentication
to ensure that data transmitted over the network is secure.

4.4. Process of NB IoT Security module:

Process of NB IoT Security module:
The security module of an NB-IoT (Narrowband IoT) device is a crucial component that

ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the device and its data. Here's a brief
overview of the process of NB-IoT security module:
 Authentication: The NB-IoT device must authenticate itself to the cellular network
before it can establish a connection. The device sends its unique identity information
to the network, which verifies it and grants access if it's authorized.
 Encryption: The NB-IoT device uses encryption to protect the data transmitted over
the network. The encryption ensures that the data cannot be intercepted and read by
unauthorized parties.
 Key Management: The security module manages the encryption keys used to secure
the device and its data. The keys are stored securely on the device and are used to
encrypt and decrypt data.
 Secure Boot: The security module verifies the integrity of the device's firmware during
the boot-up process. It ensures that the firmware has not been tampered with or
compromised and only allows authenticated firmware to be loaded.
 Over-the-Air (OTA) updates: The security module ensures that any firmware
updates to the NB-IoT device are authenticated and secure. It verifies the integrity of
the firmware and only allows authenticated updates to be installed.
 Physical Security: The security module also ensures that the physical security of the
device is maintained. It prevents unauthorized access to the device's hardware and
protects it from tampering and theft.

Overall, the NB-IoT security module provides end-to-end security for the device and its data. It
ensures that the device is authenticated, data is encrypted, and the device's firmware is secure and

4.5 Working of Data Terminal:

In the context of NB-IoT (Narrowband IoT), a data terminal refers to an IoT device that
sends and receives data over the NB-IoT network. Here's a brief overview of how a data terminal
works in an NB-IoT module:

Data Collection: The data terminal collects data from various sensors or sources. The data can
include environmental data such as temperature, humidity, or air quality, or any other type of
data that is relevant to the IoT application.

Data Processing: The data terminal processes the collected data to prepare it for transmission
over the NB-IoT network. This may include data compression or other processing to reduce the
amount of data to be transmitted.

Data Transmission: The data terminal sends the processed data over the NB-IoT network to a
remote server or other destination. The transmission occurs using the NB-IoT protocol, which is
a low-power, wide-area network protocol designed for IoT devices.

Network Authentication: The data terminal must authenticate itself to the NB-IoT network
before it can establish a connection. The authentication process ensures that the device is

authorized to use the network and prevents unauthorized access.

Data Security: The data terminal uses encryption to secure the data transmitted over the NB-
IoT network. This ensures that the data cannot be intercepted and read by unauthorized parties.

Power Management: The data terminal uses power management techniques to conserve energy
and extend battery life. This is particularly important for IoT devices that may be deployed in
remote locations with limited access to power.


Secure Data Transmission using NB-IoT

5.1. Introduction:
The Secure Data Transmission Control Method of Electrical Equipment of Automobile
Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB IoT is a technical solution for ensuring
secure data transmission in automobiles. The method involves the use of 5G communication
technology and Narrowband Internet of Things (NB IoT) protocol to establish a reliable and
secure communication network between the various electrical equipment in the automobile.
This method ensures that data transmitted between different components in the automobile, such
as the engine control unit, infotainment system, and safety systems, is protected from
unauthorized access and interception. The use of 5G communication technology provides high-
speed and low-latency connectivity, allowing for real-time transmission of data and fast response
times in case of emergencies.
The NB IoT protocol, on the other hand, provides secure and reliable communication, even in
areas with poor network coverage. This ensures that the communication network remains robust
and reliable, even in remote or underground locations.
Overall, the Secure Data Transmission Control Method of Electrical Equipment of Automobile
Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB IoT is an advanced solution that
enhances the safety and security of automobiles by ensuring that critical data is transmitted
securely and efficiently.

5.1.1. Process of Data Transmission:

The Secure Data Transmission Control Method of Electrical Equipment of Automobile
Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB IoT is a complex system that operates
using the following steps:
 Data generation: Data is generated by various electrical equipment in the automobile,
such as the engine control unit, infotainment system, and safety systems.
 Data encryption: The data is encrypted using advanced encryption techniques, such
as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), to protect it from unauthorized access and
 Data transmission: The encrypted data is transmitted using the 5G communication
technology, which provides high-speed and low-latency connectivity for real-time
transmission of data.

 Data reception: The data is received by the receiver at the other end of the
communication network, which could be another electrical component in the
automobile or a remote server.

 Data decryption: The encrypted data is decrypted by the authorized receiver using a
decryption key, which is provided by the sender during the encryption process.

 Data processing: The received data is processed by the receiver to trigger appropriate
actions, such as adjusting engine performance, displaying information on the
infotainment system, or activating safety systems.

The NB IoT protocol provides an additional layer of security and reliability to this system
by ensuring that the communication network remains robust and reliable, even in areas with poor
network coverage.
Overall, the Secure Data Transmission Control Method of Electrical Equipment of Automobile
Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB IoT is a highly advanced system that
operates using advanced encryption and communication techniques to ensure the secure and
efficient transmission of data between different electrical components in the automobile. It
enhances the safety and functionality of automobiles and improves the driving experience for the
driver and passengers.

5.2 Block Diagram:

Fig 5.1: Block diagram for secure data transmission using NB - IoT module

5.2. 1. Electrical equipment:

In the Secure Data Transmission Control Method of Electrical Equipment of Automobile
Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB IoT, electrical equipment refers to
various components and systems within the automobile that are responsible for controlling its
operations, performance, and safety.

Some examples of electrical equipment that can be connected using this system include:

1. Engine Control Unit (ECU):
This is responsible for controlling the engine's performance, including fuel injection,
ignition timing, and emission controls.

2. Infotainment System:
This includes the audio and visual systems in the automobile, such as the radio, GPS,
and entertainment systems.
3. Safety Systems:
This includes systems such as airbags, seat belt tensioners, and anti-lock braking systems
(ABS) that are designed to enhance the safety of the automobile.
4. Climate Control System:
This includes the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems that control
the interior temperature and air quality of the automobile.
5. Lighting System:
This includes the headlights, taillights, and interior lighting systems that provide
illumination to the automobile.
All of these electrical equipment systems generate and transmit data, which is used by
other systems to make decisions and perform various operations. The Secure Data Transmission
Control Method of Electrical Equipment of Automobile Based on the 5G Communication
Technology using NB IoT provides a reliable and secure communication network between these
systems, enabling efficient data transmission and enhancing the overall functionality and safety
of the automobile.

Fig 5.2. Representing electrical equipment in vehicle

5.2.2. Sensors and Actuators:
Sensors and actuators play a critical role in the Secure Data Transmission Control Method
of Electrical Equipment of Automobile Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB
IoT. These components are responsible for collecting data and triggering actions based on the
received data.
Sensors are devices that detect changes in their environment and provide data on those changes.
In the context of automobiles, sensors can be used to detect a variety of conditions, such as:
1. Engine speed and temperature
2. Tire pressure
3. Fuel level
4. Ambient temperature
5. Distance to objects (for parking and collision avoidance)

Actuators, on the other hand, are devices that receive data and trigger physical actions
based on that data. Examples of actuators in automobiles include:
1. Fuel injectors
2. Engine valves
3. Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
4. Airbag deployment system
5. Windshield wipers
The Secure Data Transmission Control Method of Electrical Equipment of Automobile Based
on the 5G Communication Technology using NB IoT provides a communication network that
connects sensors and actuators in a reliable and secure manner, enabling efficient transmission
of data and timely triggering of actions. This enhances the overall functionality and safety of the
automobile by ensuring that critical data is communicated in real-time and acted upon quickly
and appropriately.

Fig 5.3. Sensors and Actuators in vehicles

For example,
We are considering an example of fuel level sensing and intimating or displaying to driver.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <avr/io.h>

#define F_CPU 16000000UL
#define BAUDRATE 9600
#define UBRR_VALUE ((F_CPU/(BAUDRATE*16UL))-1)

void UART_Init(void)
UBRR0H = (uint8_t)(UBRR_VALUE>>8);
UBRR0L = (uint8_t)UBRR_VALUE;
UCSR0B |= (1<<TXEN0)|(1<<RXEN0);
UCSR0C |= (1<<UCSZ00)|(1<<UCSZ01);

uint8_t readFuelLevel(void)
uint16_t adcValue;
uint8_t fuelLevel;

ADMUX |= (1<<REFS0); // Select Vref = AVCC

ADMUX &= ~(1<<ADLAR); // Right justify ADC result

ADCSRA |= (1<<ADEN); // Enable ADC

ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC); // Start conversion

while(ADCSRA & (1<<ADSC)); // Wait for conversion to complete

adcValue = ADC; // Read ADC value

fuelLevel = (uint8_t)(((float)adcValue / 1023.0) * 100.0); // Calculate fuel level percentage

return fuelLevel;

int main(void)
UART_Init(); // Initialize UART

uint8_t fuelLevel = readFuelLevel(); // Read fuel level

char str[10];
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%d%%\n", fuelLevel); // Convert fuel level to string

for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(str); i++)

while((UCSR0A & (1<<UDRE0)) == 0); // Wait for UART to be ready
UDR0 = str[i]; // Send character over UART

_delay_ms(5000); // Wait 5 seconds

Here the data of fuel level will be transmitted to the output device.

Fig 5.4. Fuel level sensor

5.2.3 5G Modem
The 5G modem plays a critical role in the Secure Data Transmission Control Method of
Electrical Equipment of Automobile Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB
IoT. It is a device that connects the automobile's internal systems to the external 5G
communication network, enabling high-speed and low-latency data transmission.

The 5G modem is responsible for:

1. Establishing a connection:
The modem establishes a connection between the automobile's internal systems and the
5G communication network. It handles the authentication and authorization process, ensuring
that only authorized systems can access the network.
2. Data transmission:
The modem transmits data between the automobile's internal systems and the 5G
communication network. It uses advanced communication protocols to ensure efficient data
transmission, such as the Narrowband Internet of Things (NB IoT) protocol, which is optimized
for low-power and low-bandwidth applications.

Fig 5.5. 5G Modem
3. Network management:
The modem manages the connection to the 5G communication network, ensuring that
the connection remains stable and reliable. It monitors network performance and adjusts its
parameters accordingly to maintain optimal performance.

5.2.4. Database:
A database is an important component in the Secure Data Transmission Control Method
of Electrical Equipment of Automobile Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB
IoT. It is used to store and manage large amounts of data generated by the automobile's internal
systems and sensors, allowing for efficient access and analysis of this data.

The database can store a variety of data types, including:

Sensor data: This includes data collected by various sensors installed in the automobile, such as
speed sensors, temperature sensors, and pressure sensors.

Vehicle data: This includes data related to the automobile itself, such as its make and model,
VIN number, and maintenance history.

Driver data: This includes data related to the driver of the automobile, such as their driving
habits, preferences, and biometric data.

Environmental data: This includes data related to the environment in which the automobile is
operating, such as weather conditions, traffic patterns, and road conditions.

Fig 5.6. Database

The database is typically designed to be scalable and secure, allowing for the storage and
management of large amounts of data in a reliable and efficient manner. It is typically integrated
with analytics tools and machine learning algorithms, allowing for the analysis of the data and
the identification of patterns and trends.
The use of a database in the Secure Data Transmission Control Method of Electrical
Equipment of Automobile Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB IoT allows
for the efficient management and analysis of large amounts of data generated by the automobile's
various systems, enabling enhanced functionality and safety. It can be used for real-time
monitoring of the automobile's performance, predictive maintenance, and improved driver
assistance and autonomous driving capabilities.

5.2.5. Micro Controller:

A microcontroller is a key component in the Secure Data Transmission Control Method
of Electrical Equipment of Automobile Based on the 5G Communication Technology using
NB IoT. It is a small computer on a single integrated circuit that is responsible for controlling
the operation of the automobile's electrical systems.

The microcontroller is responsible for:

Controlling the sensors and actuators:

The microcontroller receives data from the various sensors installed in the automobile and
triggers actions through the actuators based on that data. It controls the timing and duration of
these actions to ensure that they are executed in a timely and efficient manner.

Communication with the 5G modem:

The microcontroller communicates with the 5G modem to establish and maintain the
connection to the 5G communication network. It manages the data transmission between the
automobile's internal systems and the network, ensuring that the data is transmitted reliably
and efficiently.

Data processing:
The microcontroller processes the data received from the sensors and other systems in the

automobile, making decisions based on that data to trigger actions through the actuators.
Power management: The microcontroller manages the power consumption of the automobile's
electrical systems, ensuring that power is used efficiently and that the systems are not
overloaded or damaged.

Fig 5.7. Structure of Arduino Uno

Fig 5.8: Pin description of ATMEGA 328P

Table-0: Specifications of Arduino Uno
Specification Range
Operating Voltage (V) 5 Volts
I/P Recommended Voltage 7 – 12 Volts
I/P Voltage (limits) 6-20 Volts
Digital I/O Pins 14 Pins (6 PWM output
Analog I/O Pins 6 Pins
DC current (I/O Pin) 40 mA
DC current (3.3V Pin) 50 mA
Flash Memory 32 KB (ATmega328P)
Clock Speed 16 Hz

Specifications of Arduino Uno is mentioned in Table-1. Additionally, the board has a

built-in USB-to-Serial converter, which allows it to be easily connected to a computer to upload
and run sketches (programs). It also has a reset button and indicator LEDs for power and for data
transmission. Arduino Uno is compatible with a wide range of shields (expansion boards) that
can add functionality such as Ethernet connectivity, wireless communication, and motor control.
The use of a microcontroller in the Secure Data Transmission Control Method of Electrical
Equipment of Automobile Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB IoT enables
the reliable and efficient operation of the automobile's electrical systems. It allows for real-time
monitoring and control of the various systems, ensuring that the automobile operates safely and
efficiently. It also enables advanced features such as autonomous driving and remote diagnostics,
enhancing the functionality and safety of the automobile.

5.3 Process of Secure data transmission:

For electrical equipment of automobiles based on the5G communication technology is
proposed in this paper. Firstly, the wavelet feature decomposition was utilized to partition the
frequency spectrum, and thus the statistical characteristics of electrical equipment of automobiles
concerning the transmitted datawere obtained. Then, the high-order approximate distribution
method was adopted to construct a channel for a 5G network data transmission. Afterward, the
control logic structure of the data transmission was built, and the problem, called the conflict of
thedata transmission, was alleviated through concurrent data collection and processing methods.
On this basis, coding coefficients ofa constructed global coding matrix were selected to encode
and transmit source information. Also, the number of redundant data packets at each layer was
adjusted. Finally, the data transmission control of the electrical equipment of the automobile was
realized through the linear combination of the network nodes. The simulation results showed that
the throughput of the proposed methodwas always higher than 7.7 MB/s, the bit error rate was
around 0 when the signal-to-noise ratio was lower than 3, and the transmission delay was always
below 0.5 s, which could provide a reference for the efficient and safe operation of automobiles.
And here we are using NB-IoT technology for security purpose
The Secure Data Transmission Control Method of Electrical Equipment of Automobile
Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB IoT relies on a security module to ensure
the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data transmitted between the automobile and

the 5G network.
The security module consists of several components, including:
1. Authentication and authorization:
The security module verifies the identity of the automobile and the user before allowing
access to the network. This prevents unauthorized access and ensures that only authorized users
can control the automobile's systems and access its data.
2. Encryption:
The security module encrypts the data transmitted between the automobile and the 5G
network, ensuring that it cannot be intercepted or manipulated by unauthorized parties. This
protects the confidentiality and integrity of the data, ensuring that sensitive information such as
user credentials and personal data are kept secure.
3. Intrusion detection and prevention:
The security module includes intrusion detection and prevention systems that monitor the
automobile's systems for suspicious activity and alert the user or take action to prevent attacks.

The security module is critical to the Secure Data Transmission Control Method of Electrical
Equipment of Automobile Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB IoT, as it
protects the automobile and its users from a variety of security threats. It enables secure remote
control and monitoring of the automobile's systems, while ensuring that sensitive data is kept
confidential and that the systems are protected from unauthorized access and malicious attacks.

 Here The information or Data from electrical equipment is taken as input from sensors
 And then data is transmitted through 5G transmission system.
 Now, the data will be encrypted by using NB IoT security module for security purpose.
 Next the encrypted data will store in database by using data analysis techniques.
 Then the process will be vice versa
 The stored encrypted data is taken and decrypted here with NB IoT module.
 Next, The data here will be delivered to actuators and then the final decrypted data or
information will be received by Receiver or other electrical equipment.


Analysis and Discussion

6.1. Introduction:

In the context of secure data transmission control in automobiles, NB IoT can be used as a
complementary technology to 5G to provide additional security measures. Here are some
potential methods for using NB IoT to enhance the security of data transmission in automobiles:

 Redundancy: NB IoT can be used to provide redundant communication channels for

critical systems in the vehicle. For example, if the primary 5G connection is lost or
compromised, the NB IoT connection can be used as a backup to ensure that critical
systems such as brakes, steering, and engine control remain operational.

 Secure data storage and retrieval: NB IoT can be used to store and retrieve sensitive
data such as diagnostic information, maintenance logs, and driver profiles. This data
can be securely transmitted over the network and stored in the cloud or on a secure
server. Access to the data can be restricted through authentication and access control

6.2. Data transmission rate calculation

To prove the practicability of the proposed data transmissioncontrol method for electrical
equipment of automobiles based on the 5G communication technology, simulationexperiments
were carried out to investigate the effective throughput under different data transmission
conditions employing the proposed method, the compressed sensing method, and the packet
sequence method. The link capacityof each channel was set to 6 Mb, the round-trip delay of the
link was 45ms, and the average packet loss rate was set to 12%. The correlation between the
effective throughput and the number of channels is shown in Figure.
The range of packet loss rate was set to be 0–35%, and the other parameters are the same as
above. Figure compares the effective throughput of the three methods.
proposed method was always higher than 7.7 MB/s, which was significantly better than
the compressed sensing method and the packet sequence method when there was an increase in
the packet loss rate. Because the proposed method could accurately analyze the real-time
conditions of the internal channels of the 5G communication network, it ensured the effective
progress of the data transmission and maintained.

Fig 6.1. The calculation process of data rate
It ensured the effective progress of the data transmission and maintained a relatively
stable state. Table 1 presents the comparison of the bit error rates of the three methods concerning
the data transmission. Table 1 shows that the proposed method tended to have the smallest bit
error rate when the SNR ratio had a trend to decrease. Besides, when the signal-to-noise ratio
was lower than 3, the bit error rate converges to 0, which was significantly better than that of the
compressed sensing method and the data packet sequence method. Specifically, the compressed
sensing method had poor data collection capabilities, leading to low data authenticity. In the data
packet sequence method, the quality of the transmission control protocol could not be easily
controlled, and the method process was relatively ideal.
The proposed method employed the network coding technology to complete the linear
combination of data and reduce redundant data transmission. +us, relatively better performance
has been achieved. The experiment also presented and compared the results of the data
transmission delay extracted from the three methods by plotting them in Figure. Figure indicates
the data transmission delay of the proposed method that was below 0.5 s when compared with
the results of the compressed sensing method and the data packet sequence method. This
indicated that the transmission delay of the proposed method was shorter.

The method of this paper
Compressed sensing method
Packet sequence method
Fig 6.2. The comparison of the effective throughput of the three methods
The algorithm adjusts the number of redundant packets at each layer and improves the
packet transmission success rate through the linear combination of network nodes. Figure shows
the change of packet transmission success rate with packet ratio when the total number of packets
is constant. It can be seen that as the proportion of delay sensitive packets increases, the packet
transmission success rate of the algorithm in this paper increases gradually compared with the
other two methods. Figure demonstrates the change of packet transmission success rate with the
number of nodes. It can be seen that the transmission success rate of the three algorithms
increases gradually with the increase of the number of nodes. This is because as the number of
nodes increases, the connectivity of the network increases and the success rate of hop-by-hop
transmission between nodes increases. Figure shows the change of packet transmission success
rate with node speed. It can be seen that the packet transmission success rate of the three

algorithms is almost not affected by the node speed, and the performance of the proposed method
and compressed sensing method is better than that of the packet sequence method.

Figure demonstrates the change of packet transmission success rate with packet transmission
distance. It can be seen that when the packet transmission distance is less than 500 m, the packet
transmission success rate of the three algorithms is similar. Then, as the transmission distance
gradually increases, the data packets of the three algorithms are transmitted. The success rate
gradually declined. The proposed method achieves the best performance.

The data rate calculation in Secure Data Transmission Control Method of Electrical
Equipment of Automobile Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB IoT can be
estimated based on several factors, such as the amount of data to be transmitted, the frequency
of transmission, and the network conditions.
NB IoT is designed for low-power, low-data-rate applications, so the data rate for individual
transmissions is typically in the range of tens to hundreds of kilobits per second. However, the
actual data rate will depend on several factors, such as:
1. Network coverage: NB IoT is optimized for extended coverage, but the actual data rate will
depend on the strength of the network signal. If the vehicle is in an area with weak network
coverage, the data rate may be reduced or the connection may be lost.
2. Network congestion: If multiple devices are using the NB IoT network in the same area, the
network may become congested, which can reduce the data rate.
3. Transmission frequency: The frequency of data transmission will also affect the data rate.
If data is transmitted more frequently, the data rate will be higher, but this may also increase
the risk of network congestion and reduce battery life.


Transmission delay (s)


Number of experiments
Compressed sensing method
Packet sequence method
The method of this paper

FIg 6.3. The comparison of the data transmission delay of the

three methods.

1.2 1.2
Packet transmission success rate

Packet transmission success rate

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
1:4 1:3 1:2 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Packet ratio The number of nodes
Fig 6.4.The success rate of packet Fig 6.5.The success rate of packet transmission
transmission varying with the varying with thenumber of nodes.
proportion of packets.

6.3 Encryption and Decryption process:
 Encryption and decryption calculation: The cryptographic algorithms used for encryption
and decryption should be evaluated for their strength and performance. This analysis
should include the time required for encryption and decryption, the key length, and the
probability of a successful attack.
 The smart data secure transmission system consists of two parts, the NB-IoT encrypted
data terminal and the data transmission management system. The NB- IoT smart grid
encrypted data terminal hardware takes the NB-IoT security module as the core,
supplemented by peripheral circuits such as data acquisition and power management.
 The core of the smart grid demand-side data secure transmission system lies in the NB-IoT
security module, which consists of the highly integrated SoC of NB-IoT R16/R17, SE-SIM
(ESAM), and SE-SIM (eSIM). The software of the NB-IoT security module consists of
AES/3DES, SDK software, RTOS software, eSIM application software, and eSIM OS.
Among these, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and triple data encryption standard
(3DES) are two standards in present data encryption.
 Among these, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and triple data encryption standard
(3DES) are two standards in present data encryption. AES is a new encryption using an
alternative replacement network, while 3DES is only an adaptation of the old DES
encryption relying on a balanced Feistel network.

Encryption is an important component of the Secure Data Transmission Control Method

of Electrical Equipment of Automobile Based on the 5G Communication Technology using
NB IoT. Encryption is the process of converting plaintext data into a coded form that is
unintelligible to unauthorized users, making it more difficult for attackers to intercept and
understand sensitive information.
In the context of NB IoT, encryption can be used to secure data transmission between the
vehicle's electrical equipment and the cellular network. This can include encrypting data at rest
(e.g., data stored on the vehicle's onboard computer or in the cloud) and in transit (e.g., data
transmitted over the network).
There are several encryption techniques that can be used in NB IoT, including symmetric-
key encryption and public-key encryption.
Symmetric-key encryption uses a single key to both encrypt and decrypt the data. The
sender and receiver of the data must have access to the same key to encrypt and decrypt the
data. This type of encryption is typically faster than public-key encryption but requires that
both parties keep the key secret.
Public-key encryption uses two keys, a public key and a private key, to encrypt and decrypt
the data. The public key is shared widely, while the private key is kept secret. Any data
encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key, which
is held only by the intended recipient. This type of encryption is slower than symmetric-key
encryption but offers greater security because the private key is kept secret.
In the context of secure data transmission in automobiles, a combination of both
symmetric-key and public-key encryption may be used to provide both speed and security. For
example, symmetric-key encryption may be used to encrypt data at rest on the vehicle's
onboard computer, while public-key encryption may be used to encrypt data transmitted over

the network.
Overall, encryption is a crucial component of secure data transmission in automobiles using
NB IoT. By encrypting sensitive data, the risk of data breaches and cyberattacks can be
significantly reduced, helping to ensure the safety and security of both the vehicle and its
When the two parties communicate to each other to transfer the intelligible or sensible
message, referred to as plaintext, is converted into apparently random nonsense for security
purpose referred to as ciphertext.
The process of changing the plaintext into the ciphertext is referred to as encryption.
The encryption process consists of an algorithm and a key. The key is a value independent
of the plaintext.

The security of conventional encryption depends on the major two factors:

1. The Encryption algorithm
2. Secrecy of the key
Once the ciphertext is produced, it may be transmitted. The Encryption algorithm will
produce a different output depending on the specific key being used at the time. Changing
the key changes the output of the algorithm.
Once the ciphertext is produced, it may be transmitted. Upon reception, the ciphertext can
be transformed back to the original plaintext by using a decryption algorithm and the same
key that was used for encryption.
The process of changing the ciphertext to the plaintext that process is known as decryption.
Public Key Encryption:
Asymmetric is a form of Cryptosystem in which encryption and decryption are performed
using different keys-Public key (known to everyone) and Private key (Secret key). This is known
as Public Key Encryption.
Difference between Encryption and Public-key Encryption:
basis Required for Security:
Public-Key Encryption

Required for Work:

• Key must be kept secret.
• Same algorithm with the same key is • If the key is secret, it is very
used for encryption and decryption. impossible to decipher message.
• The sender and receiver must share • Knowledge of the algorithm plus
the algorithm and key. samples of ciphertext must be impractical to
• One algorithm is used for encryption determine the key.
and a related algorithm decryption with pair • One of the two keys must be kept
of keys, one for encryption and other for secret.
decryption. • If one of the key is kept secret, it is
• Receiver and Sender must each have very impossible to decipher message.
one of the matched pair of keys (not • Knowledge of the algorithm plus one
identical) . of the keys plus samples of ciphertext must

be impractical to determine the other key. users an easy and convenient method for
Characteristics of Public Encryption key: encrypting content and verifying digital
• Public key Encryption is important signatures, and private keys can be kept
because it is infeasible to determine the secret, ensuring only the owners of the
decryption key given only the knowledge of private keys can decrypt content and create
the cryptographic algorithm and encryption digital signatures.
key. • The most widely used public-key
• Either of the two keys (Public and cryptosystem is RSA (Rivest–Shamir–
Private key) can be used for encryption with Adleman). The difficulty of finding the
other key used for decryption. prime factors of a composite number is the
• Due to Public key cryptosystem, backbone of RSA.
public keys can be freely shared, allowing
Public keys of every user are present in the Public key Register. If B wants to send a confidential
message to C, then B encrypt the message using C Public key. When C receives the message
from B then C can decrypt it using its own Private key. No other recipient other than C can
decrypt the message because only C know C’s private key.

Components of Public Key Encryption:

• Plain Text:
This is the message which is readable or understandable. This message is given to the Encryption
algorithm as an input.
• Cipher Text:
The cipher text is produced as an output of Encryption algorithm. We cannot simply understand
this message.
• Encryption Algorithm:
The encryption algorithm is used to convert plain text into cipher text.
• Decryption Algorithm:
It accepts the cipher text as input and the matching key (Private Key or Public key) and produces
the original plain text.

Fig 6.6. Encryption and Decryption process
The Secure Data Transmission Control Method of Electrical Equipment of Automobile
Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB IoT is a promising approach to ensuring
secure communication between a vehicle's electrical equipment and the cellular network. This
method involves using NB IoT, which is optimized for low-power, low-data-rate applications, to
securely transmit data over the network.
One of the key features of this method is the use of encryption to secure data transmission.
By encrypting sensitive data, the risk of data breaches and cyberattacks can be significantly
reduced, helping to ensure the safety and security of both the vehicle and its occupants.
The data rate for individual transmissions using NB IoT is typically in the range of tens to
hundreds of kilobits per second, which is suitable for low-bandwidth applications such as
transmitting diagnostic data or status updates. However, the actual data rate will depend on
several factors, such as network coverage, network congestion, protocol overhead, and
transmission frequency.
The use of 5G communication technology also provides several benefits, including faster
data transfer speeds, lower latency, and improved network coverage. This can help to ensure that
data is transmitted quickly and reliably, even in areas with weak network coverage.
Overall, the Secure Data Transmission Control Method of Electrical Equipment of
Automobile Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB IoT is a promising approach
to ensuring secure communication between a vehicle's electrical equipment and the cellular
network. By using encryption and leveraging the benefits of 5G communication technology, this
method can help to improve the safety and security of vehicles and their occupants. However,
further research and development are needed to fully realize the potential of this approach,
particularly in the areas of network coverage and reliability.

Chapter – 7
Conclusion And Future scopes
7.1. Conclusion
In conclusion, the Secure Data Transmission Control Method of Electrical Equipment of
Automobile Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB IoT is a promising approach
to ensuring secure communication between a vehicle's electrical equipment and the cellular
network. By using NB IoT, which is optimized for low-power, low-data-rate applications, and
encryption, sensitive data can be transmitted securely over the network, reducing the risk of data
breaches and cyberattacks.

Moreover, the use of 5G communication technology provides several benefits, including faster
data transfer speeds, lower latency, and improved network coverage, which can help to ensure
that data is transmitted quickly and reliably, even in areas with weak network coverage.

However, further research and development are needed to fully realize the potential of this
approach, particularly in the areas of network coverage and reliability. In addition, the
implementation of this method must also consider the cost and practicality of integrating NB IoT
technology into existing vehicle electrical systems. Nevertheless, the Secure Data Transmission
Control Method of Electrical Equipment of Automobile Based on the 5G Communication
Technology using NB IoT represents a significant step forward in improving the safety and
security of vehicles and their occupants, and has the potential to become an important technology
in the future of automotive industry.

7.2. Future scope

The Secure Data Transmission Control Method of Electrical Equipment of Automobile
Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB IoT has significant potential for future
development and implementation. Here are some potential future scopes for this method:
• Further research and development can focus on improving network coverage and reliability
in areas with weak network signals. This will help to ensure seamless and uninterrupted
data transmission in any location.
• Integration of NB IoT technology into existing vehicle electrical systems can be explored
further to reduce the cost and complexity of implementation.
• The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms can be explored to detect
and present cyberattacks on the vehicle's electrical systems.
• The scope of applications of this method can be expanded to include other areas of the
automotive industry such as fleet management and autonomous vehicles.
• Integration of blockchain technology can be explored to enhance the security of the data
transmitted over the network.
• Collaborations between automotive manufacturers, network providers, and cybersecurity
experts can help to improve the overall safety and security of vehicles and their occupants.

In summary, the Secure Data Transmission Control Method of Electrical
Equipment of Automobile Based on the 5G Communication Technology using NB IoT has
significant potential for future development and implementation. Further research and
development in areas such as network coverage and reliability, cost reduction, and integration
of new technologies can enhance the safety and security of vehicles and their occupants, paving
the way for a more advanced and secure automotive industry.

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