Entrep (2) 1
Entrep (2) 1
Entrep (2) 1
of coming up with new vaccines to - Locational features such as parking
protect people from certain viruses spaces, foot access, creature comforts.
2. Differentiated products - tries to claim a
new space in the mind of the customer ★ The cost of buying or renting,
different from the spaces occupied by renovating, operation the location
existing products bu there would be ★ Customer volume, drop-in rate and
additional benefits on special aspects of sales conversion
the product ★ Revenues based on the volume and mix
3. Copycat products - offering more of goods and services expected to be
physical space in the shelves, lower sold at certain prices
prices, easier access, and promotional ★ Profits
4. Niche products- they are products with ➔ Image and location conditions
lower reach, lower visibility, low prices ➔ Exact fit to target customers
and lower top of mind/ They are content ➔ Clustering of competitor establishments
to play minor roles in specific and ➔ Future area development
smaller market segments ➔ Fiscal and Regulatory requirements
● Finding the right price for a product is,
therefore, not a simple matter of adding
a mark-up on the cost of a product or
service, as some companies do.
1. Profit maximization
2. Revenue maximization
3. Market share maximization
4. Attainment of the desired prestige or
quality of leadership
5. Penetration, survival, or liquidation
6. Scarcity pricing or market skimming
7. Cost recovery
8. Subsidy pricing
9. Marginal pricing
1. RECRUITMENT - which involves ● Intelligence quotient test
activities related to the development of a ● Aptitude test
pool of applicants for jobs in the ● Motor and physical abilities test
organization ● Personality test
2. SELECTION - which is related to ● Achievement test
decisions on who to hire from the pool ● Work sampling test
created by recruitment task; ● Background and Reference check
which involves the continuous BUSINESS ADVISERS
development of the workforce - Who provide their inputs and insights on
4. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL - the how to run the business
measurement of an employee’s - This allows the owners of the new
performance; and venture to draw upon these individuals
5. REWARD SYSTEM DESIGN - which expertise and extensive business and or
includes the plans for monetary and managerial experience
fringe benefits of employees - The business owners can engage their
adviser through face-to-face meeting or
JOB ANALYSIS through phone call
➢ Is the procedure through which the - Business advisers who are well-
duties of given job positions and the respected in the community might also
characteristics of people who should fill be able to rub on their goodwill on the
them are determined business venture that they are
1. The person to hire supporting, aside from linking then to
2. The compensation for the job reliable suppliers and prospective
3. Job standard as basis for actual performance markets
4. Training and development programs
5. Unassigned tasks and duplication of LESSON 1.8 FINANCIAL PLAN
JOB DESCRIPTION - A summary of the projected sales, the
➢ Is a list of what the job entails cost of goods sold, and general and
administrative expenses of the business
JOB SPECIFICATION - Cash inflows and outflows
➢ Is a list of the kind of the people for the - Assets, liabilities and the potential
job retained earnings
1. Work activities
3. Tools used - must make reasonable assumptions about
4. Performance Standards revenues, costs, and expenses.
5. Job context - must prepare a sales forecast and an operating
6. Human Requirements budget, which will feed into the projected income
Determine the job positions to be filled - build a - The sales forecast and operating budget
pool of job applicants - require the job applicants illustrated will then be transferred to the
to submit application forms - screen the projected income statement, which summarizes
applicants - call selected applications for tests, the profit or loss the company expects to
including medical and drug tests - shortlist generate within the year.
applicants for interview - interview applicants; - also includes an estimate of the cost of goods
make final choice - hire chosen applicants sold.
- Profit and cash flow are not the same LESSON 1.9 OPERATIONS PLAN AND
- income statement section of your business plan is where you
-depreciation explain - in detail - your companies’ objectives,
-accounts receivable goals, procedures, and timeline.
- inventory
- accounts payable TO ANSWER THE FF:
- capital expenditures
- debt payments WHO - the personnel or departments who are in
- dividends paid charge of completing specific tasks
- sale of stock WHAT - a description of what each department
is responsible for
PROJECTED BALANCE SHEET WHERE - the information on where daily
- Summarizes the assets, liabilities, and operations will be taking place
net worth of the business. WHEN - the deadlines for when the tasks and
goals are to be completed
KEY TERMS: HOW MUCH - the cost amount each department
needs to complete their tasks
ASSETS - refer to everything that the business
owns that can be used to create value 4 M’S OF OPERATION
1. MANPOWER - this refers to the
a. Current assets - include cash and other workforce, whom will help a business to
things that can be easily converted into produce more products.
cash or consumed in the operation of - An entrepreneur needs to hire good and
the business in less than a year competent people to produce quality
b. Fixed Assets - like land, building or products
equipment, which the business can use 2. MACHINE- refers to the devices and
over a long period of time. equipment used to perform specific type
of work and usually uses energy
LIABILITIES - represent everything that the (Electricity) to perform a task
business owes to banks and other creditors - For example: in food industries, food
processors are indispensable in
a. Current Liabilities - must be paid within producing products.
a year 3. METHOD - this refers to the ways of
b. Long-term Liabilities 0 must be paid producing a particular product from raw
beyond one year materials
- This may refer to tradition method such
OWNERS’ EQUITY/ SHAREHOLDERS’ as producing the product manually or it
EQUITY - excess of all assets over all liabilities, may be machine-assisted and
it is also known as the net of the worth of the automated
business 4. MATERIAL - pertains to anything used
as inputs to production or
BREAK EVEN ANALYSIS - refers to the volume manufacturing.
of sales at which the business neither makes a - It can be finished product or an
profit nor incurs a loss and indicates how many unprocessed raw material
units of the product the business must sell to - Raw materials are first harvested,
cover both variable and fixed costs and extracted and processed to produce
expenses. semi-finished materials.
Breakeven Quantity (BEQ)= Total fixed cost PRODUCTION - the economic process of
(TFC) divide Selling Price-Variable cost/unit converting raw materials into products suitable
(VC/U) for exchange.
- For starters, an effective product
description will boost sales on your site
or in your business plan.
- A good product description reflects your
brand and your target audience. It can
really help bridge the gap between what
your brand is and who your customers
➔ assesses the performance of production
in terms of effectiveness, efficiency,
quality, timeliness, dependability,
flexibility, cost and other criteria.
● Warehousing
● Maintenance
● Inventory
● Quality control: passed inspection
- refers to the various forms of OPERATIONS MANAGER
transformation that factor inputs - oversee the resources available to the
perform on the materials; and enterprise for production activities;
- determined by the type of commodity to - plans the structure of production by
be produced and identifying the output to be produced,
the technology being used in production. the resources needed, and the
procedures on how these resources are
OUTPUT mixed to produce a good or service;
❖ Outputs from physicals transformation - supervises the process of combining
❖ Outputs from locational transformation materials together with other inputs
❖ Outputs from information transformation according to the technology utilized to
❖ Outputs from exchange transformation produce the identified output; and
❖ Outputs from extractive transformation - assesses the performance of production
in terms of effectiveness, efficiency,
VALUE CHAIN APPROACH - traces the value quality, timeliness, dependability,
of a commodity in terms on how factor inputs are flexibility, cost, and other criteria.
adding value to the raw materials
Average productivity of labor: Value of
total production per unit of labor input
• Average productivity of capital: Value of
total production per unit of capital input
• Marginal productivity of labor:
Additional output per additional unit of
labor input
• Marginal productivity of capital:
Additional output per additional unit of
capital input
- A component of management
that deals with planning implementing
and monitoring the process of * Two Major Categories of Resource Inputs
producing goods and services. - Intermediate Inputs
(Raw materials)
- Factor Inputs
(Labor, capital, technology) MEASURES OF COST:
- total cost of production per unit of output
- cost of production per additional
unit of production
Purpose growth
• Entice partners, investors,
and bankers to fund a Use leadership techniques
business venture
• Communicate what the The role of leadership is vital in ensuring that
enterprise is all about, what new business
market it wants to serve plans and the implementation actions associated
• Show what financial returns with them
it could master. are:
definition of direct
I. PART 1: TRUE OR FALSE (1-15) overhead, fixed cost,
direct labor, and direct
II. “1.10” materials
1. Customers go through when 2. Formula of unit cost
purchasing a product 1-5
memorize VI. 1.8 Financial Plan
2. Eternal stimuli 1. Projected income
3. External stimuli statement
4. Cultivating Customer 2. 3 terms, assets,
relationships (true or false) clue liabilities, owners’ equity
words lang daw and revenues
5. Ways to build customer loyalty 3. Operating expenses
true or false Includes the ff except:
6. Building and managing your 4. Salaries, red tag,
brand appreciation
7. Definition of the Brand 5. Projected sales and
8. It is a category made by a breakeven quantity
particular company gross margin, profit
9. Brand: unique design, elements, 6. Account names no need
etc. to memorize all the staff
10. One major component
VII. 1.11
III. PART 2: Multiple Choice – 1. Operations Manager -
Organizational Chart overseeing…
1. CEO illustration chart 2. Includes the ff except:
2. Line of command or 3. Warehousing
authority tawag sa lines maintenance,
sa Organizational chart advertising (mali ung
3. Reporting function of advertising)
the management
4. Staffing - Memorize all VIII. “Resource inputs (IPO - Input Process
definition Output) 5ms:”
5. Recruitment 1. Materials - semi-
6. Performance appraisal processed goods that
7. Selection further transformed in
8. Training and the promotion process
development 2. Machinery - all man-
9. Job analysis made physical capital
10. Job description used in the production
11. Job specification process.
3. Manpower - human
IV. 1.6 Marketing Plan resource Input
1. Description of the 4. Method - process of
business combining raw materials
2. Memorize all the steps 5. Money - resource used
in preparing a marketing to purchase all the
plan 5 steps yun resources needed
3. 7ps, don’t need to 6. Physical Transformation
memorize just 3ps - processing of raw
4. Promotion, price and materials coverts/alter
people into new product
Ex: canned goods bread,
V. Pricing and Computation furniture
7. Locational - changes its 8. Intermediate - They are
location through various semi processed (raw)
means of transportation materials
or communication 9. Factor Inputs - siya ung
Ex: shipping lines, bus gumagawa ng
companies intermediate inputs/
8. Information - knowledge Transforming of
& specialized skills of productive inputs
providers are 10. Process - refers to the
transmitted to various parts of
costumers transformation
Ex: health services, legal 11. Average Cost - What is
services the total cost of
9. Exchange - when a production per unit of
commodity is being sold output?
to the buyer; engaged in
retail & wholesale trade. NO IDENTIFICATION NOR ENUMERATION.
10. Extractive - when a
natural resource is
taken out from its
Ex: mining, forestry
X. Part 3 of Exam
1. Sequencing - 5 stages
of the buying process
(recognizing of the etc.)