Admas University Masters of Business Administration Article Review

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Admas University

Masters of Business Administration

Article Review

The Effect of Occupational Health and Safety, Work Environment and Discipline on Employee
Performance in a Consumer Goods Company.

Reviewed by:
Maha Kamal Ismail.
D O Putri¹*
, B Triatmanto², and S Setiyadi²
¹Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Merdeka, Malang, Indonesia
²Department of Economy and Business, University of Merdeka, Malang, Indonesia
The use of human resources is important in any firm. If there is a positive relationship between
the company and its employees, the organization as a whole can improve its performance.
Employees are a valuable resource in a business and they contribute to every activity. When
faced with a challenge while working, individuals may perform less effectively. The
performance of the organization may be supported by the performance of the employees.
The data was collected from 47 respondents was used in this study. Using a questionnaire, the
data was gathered. Multiple linear regression using SPSS software are methods used in data
analysis. The findings demonstrate how important workplace discipline, occupational health and
safety, and work environment are to employee performance. Employee performance is largely
impacted by discipline.
This study aims to identify the dominant variable that most significantly influences employee
performance by analyzing the impact of work environment, discipline, and occupational health
and safety on employee performance in the PPIC Thermo division of a consumer products firm.
Article Summary:
An employee's performance may be impacted by a variety of circumstances; for example, if they
feel secure at work, enjoy their surroundings, and are treated fairly, they will provide their best
effort. Several things can have an impact on how well a job is done. It's crucial that an employee
feel secure and at ease in their workplace while they're working. If there is health and safety
insurance, it may alter how secure and comfortable a workplace feels. Other elements outside
health and safety can influence how well a work is done. One of the criteria that can be used to
determine work performance is discipline. The discipline level of an employee can be
determined by their attendance records.
At research framework the authors/researcher defines job performance which is a person's
accomplishment of work in completing the tasks allotted to him based on his abilities,
experience, sincerity, and time, Furthermore the researcher used four indicators: job quality, job
quantity, work attitude, and work interest for the variable of work performance.
Under the Occupational health and safety the researches indicated five variables: they include
understanding of occupational health and safety, health issues, these factors, the completeness of
work equipment, and the availability of protective clothing.
Working environment is the physical setting in which people conduct their jobs, which has an
impact on their efficiency, security, and general well-being. Workplace environment elements
that are within the organizations and the operations manager's control include lighting, noise and
vibration, temperature, humidity, and air quality. Conditions in the workplace, job security,
relationships between peers, and relationships between superiors and subordinates are the
indicators for this variable.
Being disciplined means being aware of and ready to follow all company policies and accepted
social norms. The attitude of someone who voluntarily follows all rules and is aware of their
duties and obligations is known as consciousness. The indicators of regulatory compliance,
obedience to work schedules, usage of office resources and infrastructure, and work performed
in accordance with procedures were employed by the researcher.
According to the research, both the work environment and work discipline have a major impact
on how well a person performs at their job. Of these two factors, work discipline has the
strongest effect. The author discovered that both directly and indirectly, through the motivational
factor to employee performance, occupational health and safety have a major impact on the job.
Based on these arguments, the hypotheses that can be prepared are as follows:
H₁: Occupational health and safety, work environment and discipline has simultaneous partial
effect on the employee performance.
H₂: Occupational health and safety have dominant effect on employee performance
When it comes to methodology the researcher used survey of 47 employee, 11 of the questions
were about occupational health and safety, 8 question were about working environment, another
8 were about discipline, and lastly 8 questions for employee performance. All these 35 questions
were answered alongside with each indicate variable. Variables used in this research are
dependent variable employee performance, and independent variables occupational health &
safety, working environment, and discipline. Five point Likert was used for all questions, and
SPSS software to analyses the instrument test that consists of validity and reliability analysis.
Based on the results Independent variables have a dominant effect on the dependent variable if
they have the greatest standardized coefficient. Discipline has the highest standardized
coefficient, suggesting it has a greater impact on employee performance than other independent
In conclusion following analysis using multiple linear regressions, it was found that work
environment, discipline, and occupational safety all had a simultaneous partial impact on
employee performance. The dominant test demonstrates that discipline has a dominant impact on
employee performance. Making sure employees have health and safety insurance at work, as
well as a positive working environment (including their relationships with peers, superiors, and
subordinates), can all help to improve employee performance. Good employee performance can
enhance company performance.
Critiques of the article:
This research paper explains well the effect of occupational health and safety, work environment
and discipline on employee performance in PPIC Thermo section in a consumer goods company.
It identified the dominant variable which primarily affects employee performance. Overall the
authors provided a clear methodology and explains how data is collected. As well as
demonstrating the objective of this research.
The researcher emphasized the effect of employee performance, but there are other factors that
strengthen other than those he mentioned like motivation/ reward and employee relation with
their managers. Also the distance between the organization and where employee lives should be
considered. – It would be a good idea if the company covered the transportation - it’s going to
have an impact of the employee performance and its relations with the organization in the long
run. Therefore, the researcher didn’t consider those factors/points when they ware explaining the
effect of Independent variables and the dependent variables.
Closing statement:
In my view of this research paper, despite of the fact that the researchers explained well the
importance of keeping the working environment healthy & safe for the employees, yet it doesn’t
demonstrate it in-depth about the three main topic. Only a person who have a basic knowledge
about these main points - (occupation of health and safety, working environment, and discipline)
– would understand.
In conclusion, , the researchers explained well the results of the hypothesis that has been tested
and analyzed for better understanding on the impact of occupational health and safety, work
environment and discipline on employee performance in a consumer goods company

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