Regular Session Agenda Rev
Regular Session Agenda Rev
Regular Session Agenda Rev
Sherley O'Brien
Ms. Teresa Tenorio, President Interim Superintendent
Madame Pamela Cort, Vice President Las Cruces Public Schools
Mr. Robert Wofford, Secretary 505 S. Main, Suite 249
Ms. Carol Cooper, Member Las Cruces, NM 88001
Mr. Patrick Nolan, Member 575-527-5800
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 • 6:00 PM
Dr. Karen M. Trujillo Administration Complex
Board Room
505 S. Main St., Ste 249
Las Cruces, NM 88001
The Las Cruces Public Schools provides an equitable student-centered learning environment that
cultivates civic engagement, promotes excellence, and celebrates diversity.
I. Introduction – President, Teresa Tenorio
A. Call to Order
B. Roll Call
C. Welcome New Board Member, Patrick Nolan
D. Welcome Student Advisor
E. Pledge of Allegiance
F. Performance by Centennial High School Jazz Band
G. Approval of Agenda
H. Approval of Minutes
I. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
J. Report on Closed Executive Session of April 25, 2023
II. Recognitions
A. Boys and Girls Club Youth of the Year
B. High School 2D and 3D Visual Art Exhibit Awards
C. All City Middle School Honor Band Scholarship Winner
D. Powerlifting State Winners
E. Centennial Media National Broadcast Award
F. FFA State Winners
H. Wrestling; Centennial, Mayfield, Las Cruces High
B. New Business
1. Adjustment of 2023-24 instructional calendar to make the last day of spring
and fall semesters full days for staff only and make April 1, 2024 a
holiday. Adjustment of 2024-25 instructional calendar to make Election
Day, November 5, 2024, a holiday to meet requirements of HB 4
*2. Discussion and Approval of Arrowhead Park Early College High School
Instructional Calendar
VI. Other Reports
Any individual attending a board meeting may ask to speak on any item after the individual is recognized by the President of the Board
and introduces himself/herself at the podium. It will be the practice of the Board of Education not to take action on any item presented
under Public Input.
Spanish interpretation is available at each meeting. Individuals in need of interpretation in a language other than Spanish or those with a
disability who are in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to
attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, may contact the superintendent at 575-527-5807 at least one week prior to the meeting or
as soon as possible to arrange for accommodation.
Interpretación simultánea en español estará disponible en la reunión. Las personas que necesitan interpretación en idiomas distintos del
español o personas con discapacidades que necesitan un lector, un amplificador, un intérprete de lenguaje de señas calificado, o cualquier
otra forma de ayuda o servicio auxiliar para asistir o participar en la audiencia o reunión, pueden comunicarse con el Superintendente al
575-527-5807 por lo menos una semana antes de la reunión o tan pronto como les sea posible para hacer los preparativos para la