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Public Health Faculty Publications School of Public Health


A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Concrete Biosand Filter and

its Impact on Diarrheal Disease in Bonao, Dominican Republic.
Christine E. Stauber
Georgia State University

Gloria M. Ortiz

Dana P. Loomis
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Mark Sobsey
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Recommended Citation
Stauber, C.E., G.M. Ortiz, D.P. Loomis, and M.D. Sobsey. 2009. A Randomized Controlled Trial of the
Concrete Biosand Filter and its Impact on Diarrheal Disease in Bonao, Dominican Republic. American
Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 80(2):286-293.

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Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 80(2), 2009, pp. 286–293
Copyright © 2009 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Concrete Biosand Filter

and Its Impact on Diarrheal Disease in Bonao, Dominican Republic
Christine E. Stauber,* Gloria M. Ortiz, Dana P. Loomis, and Mark D. Sobsey
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Public Health, The University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, North Carolina; School of Public Health, The University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada

Abstract. A number of household water treatment and safe storage technologies, such as chlorine disinfection, solar
disinfection, and ceramic filtration, have been documented for their ability to reduce diarrheal disease and improve
microbial water quality. The biosand filter (BSF) is a promising household water treatment technology in use by > 500,000
people globally. The purpose of this research was to document the ability of BSFs to improve water quality and to reduce
diarrheal disease in user compared with non-user households in a randomized controlled trial in Bonao, Dominican
Republic, during 2005–2006. During the 6-month intervention period, 75 BSF households had significantly improved
drinking water quality on average compared with 79 control households (P < 0.001). Based on random intercepts logis-
tic regression, BSF households had 0.53 times the odds of diarrheal disease as control households, indicating a significant
protective effect of the BSF against waterborne diarrheal disease.

INTRODUCTION of age suffered from diarrhea.10 The same survey reported

increased diarrheal disease burden above the national aver-
More than 1 million people die annually as a result of age (14%) in four provinces in the country: Bahoruco, 24%;
diarrheal diseases. Although mortality from diarrheal disease Barahona, 24%; Independencia, 29%; Monseñor Nouel, 22%.
is decreasing globally, morbidity is not. The average child in This study focused on the province of Monseñor Nouel.
developing countries experiences three or more cases of diar- Determining the microbiologic effectiveness and health
rheal disease each year, accounting for up to 4 billion cases impact of the BSF is a critical need in the DR because the
annually.1 Diarrheal diseases make up 4% of the global bur- concrete housing model is already being used by thousands of
den of disease. A recent review suggested that the environment people in the country. BSFs were first made in the DR in 2000,
and environmental risk factors play an important role in the and since then, almost 10,000 filters have been installed. As a
global burden of diseases. This review estimated that 94% of result of the higher diarrheal disease prevalence and limited
diarrheal diseases are attributed to a “reasonably modifiable implementation of the BSF in the area, Bonao, the capital of
environment” and suggested that interventions can be made the province, was selected as the study site. The purpose of this
in water, sanitation, and hygiene in an attempt to decrease the study was to perform a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of
burden of diarrheal disease.2 the concrete housing BSF. The study was designed to evaluate
Studies on household drinking water quality interventions the impact of newly installed BSF use on diarrheal disease and
have documented reductions in diarrheal disease by 31% and water quality.
significant improvements in drinking water quality.3 A pro-
mising household water treatment technology is the biosand
filter (BSF). The BSF is an intermittently operated slow sand MATERIALS AND METHODS
filter with a concrete, plastic, or metal housing. According
to current estimates, the BSF has been installed in > 80,000 Research setting and population. The study was performed in
homes around the world.4 Laboratory research has shown that two communities within Bonao: one semi-rural, called Jayaco;
the BSF reduces fecal microbe contamination by ~90% for the other urban, called Brisas del Yuna. Field data collection
viruses, 90–99% for bacteria, and > 99.9% for protozoan para- began on June 19, 2005 and was completed on July 27, 2006.
sites.5–7 The BSF, however, lacks rigorous scientific evidence of A cross-sectional study was performed from June to August
its ability to reduce diarrheal disease in users. The purpose of 2005 in the two communities. Before beginning the survey,
this study was to assess the ability of the BSF to improve water informed consent was obtained from all households for all par-
quality and reduce diarrheal disease in the field. ticipants in the household. Requirements for inclusion in the
According to recent estimates from the Joint Monitoring study were as follows: no BSF in the household, at least one
Program of the World Health Organization (WHO) and United child < 5 years of age, and willingness to participate. Because
Nations’ Children’s Fund (UNICEF), ~98% of the urban and diarrheal disease burden falls most heavily on children < 5
60% of the rural population have access to improved water in years old, all households with children < 5 years of age were
the Dominican Republic (DR).8 Although many in the popu- targeted for the cross-sectional recruitment interview. The
lation have access to a piped water source within 15 minutes of areas of the communities that already had BSFs were excluded.
the home, these sources provide only intermittent flow and are The purpose of the cross-sectional study was to collect data on
recognized to be of poor quality.9 In addition, diarrheal disease diarrheal disease prevalence in households and potential risk
continues to be a burden to the population; a recent national factors for diarrheal disease including socio-economic status
2-week survey reported that 14% of all children < 5 years and access to sanitation. The households were asked to partici-
pate in the longitudinal portion of the RCT of the BSF.
The intervention. Households were visited weekly for
* Address correspondence to Christine E. Stauber, Georgia State
4 months before randomization into BSF and control groups.
University, Institute of Public Health, P.O. Box 3995, Atlanta, GA The purpose of household visits before BSF intervention was
30302-3995. E-mail: to determine and compare diarrheal disease and water quality


in the BSF and control groups before installation of the BSF. weeks beginning on December 26, 2005, January 2, 2006, and
During this time period, interview staff collected informa- April 10, 2006 and was halted for the week beginning October
tion on drinking water sources, household water management 24, 2005. Sixteen full weeks of observation were conducted
practices, and diarrheal disease. In addition, staff collected before BSF installation and the period after BSF installation
drinking water samples every 2 weeks. consisted of 24 full weeks.
Households were unaware of whether they would be assigned Drinking water quality testing. In addition to weekly house-
to the BSF intervention or control (no BSF) group until 1 week hold surveys, interviewers asked households to provide sam-
before BSF installation. Households were assigned a unique ples of drinking water every 2–3 weeks. After initiating the
number; random numbers were generated to identify the 50% BSF intervention, households that received BSFs provided
of the participating households selected to receive the BSF. the following household water samples when available: stored
Eighty-one households were selected to receive the BSF, and source water before BSF treatment, drinking water directly
86 households were selected into the control group, which did from the BSF outlet, stored BSF-treated water, and stored BSF-
not receive any intervention during the study. Before installa- treated water that received any additional treatment. Before
tion of the BSF, three households selected to receive the BSF BSF installation, household drinking water was sampled seven
moved out of the neighborhood, and no replacement house- times. After BSF installation, it was sampled 11 times.
holds were selected. Households were allowed to leave at any Participants poured water samples directly out of house-
point but were not allowed to keep the filter if they left before hold drinking water storage containers or interviewers col-
the end of the study. lected it directly from the BSF into 500-mL sterile Whirlpak
During the first week of February 2006, 81 concrete BSFs bags. Samples, stored on ice, were processed within 8 hours
were installed in homes by a local filter technician from a at Dr. Mirna Peña’s Clinical Laboratory, Bonao, DR. They
national implementing organization. The technician explained were tested for total coliforms and E. coli using the IDEXX
use and operation of the BSF to a household participant and ColilertQuantitray system (IDEXX, Laboratories, Westbrook,
provided a brochure for reference. During the installation, the ME) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
technician instructed households to add water to the BSF for 5 In summary, 100-mL sample volumes were combined with
successive days before using the filtered water. The technician one packet of Colilert reagent medium in a sterile 120-mL
provided no additional educational messages on sanitation or capacity reagent bottled containing sodium thiosulfate to
hygiene. All households that received the BSF, however, also neutralize chlorine. Samples were mixed briefly, poured into
received a 5-gal narrow mouth bottle (no spigot) and base Quantitrays, sealed, and incubated 20–24 hours at 35 ± 1°C.
that allowed water to filter directly into the container for safe Quantitray wells that turned yellow were scored positive for
storage of the BSF-treated water. BSF and control house- total coliforms and those that fluoresced blue under a long
holds were followed weekly for 6 months after installation of wavelength UV light were scored positive for E. coli. The
the BSF. The Institutional Review Board of the University of numbers of positive Quantitray wells were used to obtain
North Carolina and the Provincial Health Sector of Monseñor most probable number (MPN) values from an MPN table
Nouel, Dominican Republic, approved the study. provided by IDEXX.
Diarrheal disease surveillance. A system for diarrheal dis- Average monthly rainfall. Information on rainfall was pro-
ease surveillance was established as part of weekly household vided by a mining company located in the Jayaco community.
interviews. Local members of the community were hired and The company collected rainfall data in mines surrounding the
trained to deliver the cross-sectional and weekly interviews. participating communities. Monthly average rainfall (mm/mo)
Native Spanish-speakers translated the English questionnaires, was provided for the entire study period (2005–2006).
and they were back-translated to ensure accurate translation Data analysis. An estimation of household wealth was
and interpretation of the questions. In addition, interview- made using principal components analysis (PCA) of house-
ers tested the questionnaires in the surrounding community hold assets. This is a technique that has recently been applied
before beginning the survey. All interviews were conducted at to data from the national demographic and health surveys to
the participant’s house. determine approximate categories of wealth when no house-
During the cross-sectional interview, household primary hold income data were collected.11 For this study, PCA was
respondents were identified (typically as the primary child used to evaluate and generate a household wealth score from
caregiver). At approximately 7-day intervals, the house- information collected during the cross-sectional survey for the
hold’s primary respondent was asked to verbally report cases following assets: car, motorcycle, refrigerator, television, fan,
of diarrheal disease for all participants in the household. If washer, cellular phone, floor construction materials, access to
the primary respondents reported a case of diarrhea in any latrines, use of gas for cooking, and primary and secondary
household member, they were asked the following: the date education. Based on the results of the PCA (using principal
the case began, the frequency of the evacuations, the dura- component 1), households were classified into quintiles of
tion and a description of stool consistency, and the presence wealth, and a dichotomous wealth variable was generated
of blood in stools. Interviewers recorded all cases that met based on the lowest 40% bracket and the remaining house-
the WHO definition of diarrheal disease: three or more loose holds that constituted the upper 60%.
stools or any stool with blood in it in a 24-hour period. If the Households that were not available to answer the initial cross-
case was on-going at the time of the interview, the interviewer sectional questionnaire during the 3-month period of household
determined the date the case was resolved on the following recruitment were classified as missing for these data (Table 1).
household visit. Additional households lacked wealth information because of the
Longitudinal diarrheal disease surveillance began on way the data were analyzed using PCA. If one of the included
September 19, 2005, and was completed on July 27, 2006. assets was missing, the household score was not computed, and
Diarrheal disease surveillance was not performed during the therefore, the household was classified as missing.

Table 1 risk of diarrheal disease (< 10%), the odds ratio from the logis-
Age (as of September 2005), household size, and sex of participants tic regression model can closely approximate the incidence
in randomized controlled trial of concrete biosand filter in Bonao,
Dominican Republic, in 2005–2006
rate ratio (IRR).12 To model the data, therefore, we used mul-
Control Intervention P values
tivariable logistic regression. Diarrheal disease at time of visit
(N = 460) (N = 447) (c2 test) comprised the outcome variable, and participant membership
Age N (%) N (%) in the BSF versus control group, as classified according to
Participants > 5 years old 332 (72%) 332 (74%) intention to treat, comprised the main exposure variable. The
Participants > 2 and < 5 76 (17%) 77 (17%) 0.94 following covariates were assessed as simple variables using
Participants < 2 years old 52 (11%) 38 (9%) 0.20 a backward stepwise elimination procedure: sex, access to
Household size N N
Range per household 2–12 3–15 latrines, education, and wealth from cross-sectional data and
(participants) age, water quality, and season from the longitudinal measure-
Average per household 5.3 5.5 ments. Selection criteria to keep covariates in the model were
Sex N N based on an a priori change in the coefficient of the exposure
Male (< 5) 69 (54%) 52 (45%) 0.22
Female (< 5) 59 (46%) 63 (55%)
(BSF or control household) by 10% or more.13 After initial
Male (> 5) 155 (47%) 160 (48%) 0.76 analysis as a confounder, season was included as an interaction
Female (> 5) 177 (53%) 172 (52%) variable in the final model.
Adjustment for clustering at the participant level and house-
hold level was performed by using a random intercepts logistic
The effect of the BSF on diarrheal disease rates was deter- regression model. Mixed models are increasingly being used to
mined by comparing diarrhea incidence of BSF users (inter- account for three level hierarchical structure.14 The data from
vention households) to that of BSF non-users (control this study were modeled with a three-level hierarchical model.
households) within respective age groups. If the participant This model worked well for the study because individual par-
reported diarrhea symptoms for > 1 consecutive week, a new ticipants were observed repeatedly, each belonging to a house-
case of diarrhea (based on the WHO definition) was assigned hold that was randomized into BSF or control household. The
only when the symptoms had been preceded by 3 or more suc- random intercepts logistic regression model can accommodate
cessive days free of diarrheal disease. Diarrheal disease inci- correlation that occurs as a result of following a subject longi-
dence rates were calculated by determining the number of tudinally and following multiple subjects within a household.
cases divided by the number of person-weeks for each group. All analyses were performed in Intercooled Stata 8.0 (Stata;
Diarrheal disease incidence rates were compared between the StataCorp, College Station, TX).
intervention and control groups for the study periods before The final model is described below:
and after the BSF intervention for three age groups: children
< 2 years of age, children 2–4 years of age, and those > 5 years Log E(Yij) = b0 j + b1j + b2 j + b3j + b1j* b3j + rij (1)
of age.
The effect of rainfall on diarrheal disease was examined where Yij = diarrheal disease in the ith person in the jth
using stratified analysis and a Mantel-Haenzel (MH) test for household, b0 j = household level factors, b1j = BSF exposure, b2 j
homogeneity of effect. Rainfall (average mm/mo) was com- = categorical age, b3j = season, b1j × b3j = interaction between
pared with diarrheal disease outcome each month. Rainfall season and BSF, and rij = within-household residual variation,
rates were also compared with diarrheal disease outcome where b0 j = g00 (average of household intercepts) + g01 (diarrheal
incorporating a 1-month lag. Based on the MH test for homo- disease status for the individual) + µ0 j (between household
geneity of effect, average rainfall from the previous month cor- variation).
related better with diarrheal disease (MH, P value decreased
from 0.06 to < 0.05 for rainfall groupings). As a result of the RESULTS
increase in heterogeneity of effect for a 1-month lag in rainfall,
the effect of the BSF in the wet and dry seasons was calculated Study enrollment and completion. At the start of the lon-
by classifying February, March, April, and July as dry season gitudinal study (September 2005), 187 of 210 households that
months and May and June as wet season months. Wet sea- participated in the cross-sectional interview were enrolled.
son was defined as the period of time when rainfall exceeded The major reasons for exclusion from the longitudinal study
400 mm/mo; dry season was < 400 mm/mo. were as follows: household had moved, no longer had children
Household drinking water quality was compared for BSF < 5 years of age living in the household, or did not want to par-
and control households both before and after filter installa- ticipate. A diagram of enrollment and participation in the lon-
tion using the two-sample t test. Because household drinking gitudinal study is shown in Figure 1. From September 2005 to
water quality was not sampled at each household visit, drink- February 2006, 20 households left the study. The primary rea-
ing water quality values for each month of observation were son for leaving was either the household moved or the child
averaged and that was used as the measure of drinking water < 5 years of age moved out of the household. After random-
quality later evaluated in modeling. In an attempt to better ization, 75 (93%) and 79 (92%) of BSF and control house-
characterize exposure to E. coli through drinking water, drink- holds, respectively, completed the study. Reasons for leaving
ing water quality was calculated by averaging the quality of the study are shown in Figure 1.
all water designated for consumption in both BSF and con- Baseline characteristics and group comparability. At the
trol households. This included untreated and treated drinking time of BSF installation, there were 907 participants, including
water in both BSF and control households. 243 children < 5 years of age (Table 1). During randomization,
Random intercepts logistic regression. Based on the rela- 447 were members of the BSF intervention group, and 460
tively short observation time (1-week intervals) and the low were in the control group. Data on household demographics

Figure 1. Diagram and timeline of household enrollment and participation in randomized controlled trial of the concrete biosand filter in
Bonao, Dominican Republic, 2005–2006.

and characteristics collected during the cross-sectional survey households. Based on these differences, this variable was eval-
are summarized in Table 2. uated during multivariate analysis.
On randomization, there were few differences between the BSF intervention and diarrheal disease. Before BSF inter-
groups, both reporting non-significant differences in access to vention, the BSF and control households had similar inci-
sanitation and water as shown in Tables 1 and 2. During the dence rates of diarrheal disease when compared overall. As
cross-sectional interview, ~20% of all households reported shown in Table 3, the unadjusted diarrheal disease IRR of
at least one household member having a case of diarrhea in BSF households to control households before BSF interven-
the 7 days before the cross-sectional survey; 80% of the cases tion was 1.03, with a 95% confidence interval (CI) of 0.83, 1.26.
occurred in children < 5 years of age. BSF households reported After BSF intervention, however, BSF households reported
a higher prevalence of diarrheal disease during the cross- 0.47 times the diarrheal disease of control households, with
sectional questionnaire, a difference that was not statistically an IRR of 0.47 (95% CI, 0.37, 0.59). Unadjusted diarrheal dis-
significant (P > 0.05). Household wealth distribution, based on ease rates were also examined by age group before and after
PCA of assets, was significantly different (P < 0.05 for c2 test) the BSF intervention (Table 3). The age-stratified IRRs sug-
between the two groups (Table 2). More control households gest that, before intervention, BSF households experienced
were in the lowest 40% wealth bracket than intervention higher rates of diarrheal disease for those > 2 years of age
compared with controls and lower rates for those < 2 years
of age compared with controls. After BSF intervention, BSF
Table 2
Selected characteristics regarding water, sanitation, hygiene, diarrheal households experienced reduced rates of diarrheal disease
disease, and wealth for households in randomized controlled trial of in all three age groups. As a result of the differences in age-
concrete biosand in Bonao, Dominican Republic, September 2005 stratified IRRs, a categorical age variable was included in the
Control Intervention multivariate analysis.
(N = 86) (N = 81) P values
[N (%)] [N (%)] (c2 test) The average monthly diarrheal disease incidence rates
Water collection frequency for BSF and control groups are shown in Figure 2. The diar-
1–2 times (per week) 18 (21) 18 (22) 0.98 rheal data are plotted against monthly average rainfall data
3–5 times (per week) 15 (17) 20 (25) 0.54 for the entire study. As shown in Figure 2, households showed
7 or more times (per week) 52 (61) 41 (51) 0.17 decreased diarrheal incidence rates with high rainfall peri-
Missing 1 (1) 2 (2)
ods. This occurred in both BSF and control groups before
Treat drinking water 36 (42) 29 (36) 0.52
Buy bottled/vended water 21 (24) 22 (27) 0.86 BSF intervention and only in the control group after BSF
Soap present 64 (75) 52 (65) 0.21 intervention.
Diarrhea in last 7 days 15 (17) 22 (27) 0.19 Use of rainwater during the intervention period fluctu-
Latrine/toilet at house 70 (81) 60 (74) 0.34 ated with monthly rainfall amounts. In control households,
Dichotomous wealth*
Lower 40% 42 (49) 22 (27) 0.006 it ranged from 2.3% in March 2006 to 13.5% in April 2006.
Upper 60% 41 (48) 56 (69) In BSF households, it ranged from as low as 4.9% in March
Missing 3 (3) 4 (5) to 14.3% in May. Large monthly rainfall amounts resulted in
* Significant difference between the two groups detected as P < 0.05 (c2 test). decreased rates of diarrheal disease in the control households.

Table 3
Unadjusted IRRs for diarrheal disease in biosand filter and control households before and after biosand filter intervention during randomized con-
trolled trial in Bonao, Dominican Republic, from September 2005 to July 2006
Data collection IRR* (95% CI)† IRR (95% CI) IRR (95% CI) IRR (95% CI)
period for all ages for < 2 year olds for 2–4 year olds for > 5 year olds

Before BSF 1.03 (0.83, 1.26) 0.71 (0.50, 0.99) 1.29 (0.95, 1.76) 1.74 (1.03, 2.95)
After BSF 0.47 (0.37, 0.59) 0.74 (0.51, 1.06) 0.36 (0.25, 0.52) 0.70 (0.43, 1.15)
* IRR with control as referent group.
† 95% CI = 95% confidence interval for the IRR.

As a result, the rainy season had a significant effect on diar- with 11 and 19 E. coli MPN/100 mL, respectively (P < 0.001).
rheal disease reduction by the BSF (MH test for homogeneity, Furthermore, average water quality concentrations before
P < 0.05). and after the BSF intervention were calculated for each
The reduction in diarrheal disease for the BSF households household and averaged for each group. BSF households
versus the control households was also estimated using multi- showed a significant 48% reduction in E. coli concentration
variate logistic regression models with and without an inter- (P < 0.05) compared with a 9.8% non-significant reduction in
action term for season. Potential covariates were assessed for control households (Table 5).
confounding during model formulation, and only a categorical Household drinking water E. coli concentrations were also
age variable was included in the model based on the a pri- categorized into five decimal levels, < 1, 1–10, 11–100, 101–
ori 10% change in effect criterion. A random intercepts logis- 1,000, and > 1,000 MPN/100 mL, for all samples that were
tic regression model was chosen to adjust for clustering (see reported to be drinking water for children (Table 6). More
equation 1). than 60% of drinking water from BSF households had > 10
The results from the random intercepts logistic regression E. coli MPN/100 mL compared with only 45% for control
model are shown in Table 4. The odds ratio (OR) and 95% CI households. Almost 20% of drinking water samples from con-
of the diarrheal disease of BSF households compared with the trol households were found to have > 100 E. coli MPN/100 mL
control households was 0.53 (0.36, 0.79). Based on the results compared with only 12% in BSF households. The difference
from the MH test for homogeneity of effect, an interaction in proportions of relatively clean (< 10 E. coli/100 mL) and
term for season was included in the final model. The OR and highly contaminated (> 1,000 E. coli/100 mL) water, as well
95% CI for BSF households versus control households was as the significantly different concentrations of E. coli, suggest
0.40 (0.25, 0.62) and 0.86 (0.50, 1.48) for dry and wet seasons, substantial improvements in drinking water quality in BSF
respectively (Table 4). households compared with control households over the inter-
Water quality analysis. Household drinking water quality vention period.
was compared over the entire study period for BSF and con-
trol households (including only households that completed DISCUSSION
the study). Six-month mean water quality concentrations of
E. coli per 100 mL were computed as geometric means. As Effect of BSF on diarrheal disease. This is the first known
shown in Table 5, before BSF intervention, BSF and con- RCT to determine the ability of the concrete housing BSF
trol households had similar mean MPN concentrations of to improve water quality and reduce diarrheal disease. The
E. coli per 100 mL in household drinking waters: 22 and 21, main findings of this study are that the presence of the BSF
respectively (P = 0.74, two-sample t test). After interven- in households in Bonao, DR, was associated with significantly
tion, BSF households had improved water quality compared lower E. coli concentrations in household drinking water and
with control households, based on E. coli concentrations, decreased diarrheal disease in BSF households compared with
control households during the 6-month intervention period.
BSF households reported 0.53 times as much diarrheal dis-
ease compared with control households when adjusted for par-
ticipant’s age and clustering. This finding of considerably less
diarrheal disease in households with the BSF as a point-of-use
(POU) water treatment compared with households without
such treatment is consistent with studies of other household
water treatment technologies such as solar disinfection, chlo-
rine disinfection, and ceramic microfiltration, all of which have
been found to reduce diarrheal disease from 30% to 70% in
various field trials like this one.3,15,16
The BSF intervention had the greatest impact on children
between 2 and 4 years of age. This may be explained by the
fact that children in that age group are no longer being breast-
fed. They are also eating solid food and drinking many drinks
in addition to milk that are prepared with water (such as
juice). Furthermore, it is also possible that households boiling
Figure 2. Monthly incidence rates of diarrheal disease in bio-
sand filter and control households for randomized controlled trial in
drinking water for very young children do not do so at all or
Bonao, Dominican Republic, and monthly rainfall, 2005–2006 (verti- consistently for children after age 2, leaving this age group less
cal line = BSF intervention). protected against diarrheal disease.9 The size of the impact of

Table 4 Table 6
Results from random intercepts logistic regression model with and Number (percentages) of samples by E. coli concentrations in house-
without the effect measure modification by season: odds ratios for hold drinking water during biosand filter intervention period* in
diarrheal disease for biosand filter intervention during randomized randomized controlled trial of the biosand filter in Bonao,
controlled trial in Bonao, Dominican Republic, February–July 2006 Dominican Republic, February–July 2006
OR* 95% CI E. coli < 1† 1–10 11–100 101–1,000 > 1,000 Total

February–July 2006 0.53 0.36–0.79 Control 250 (27.4) 170 (18.7) 311 (34.1) 123 (13.5) 57 (6.3) 911
Dry season 2006† 0.40 0.25–0.62 BSF 371 (31.3) 360 (30.4) 309 (26.1) 101 (8.5) 43 (3.6) 1184
Wet season 2006 0.86 0.50–1.48 * All samples listed were designated for consumption by household children.
* Odds ratio with control as referent group. † Concentration is MPN/100 mL.
† Dry season = months February, March, April, July; wet season = May and June.

the BSF on this age group deserves additional study both to in diarrheal disease during summer rains.18 Other diarrheal
determine whether it occurs in other locations and whether disease transmission patterns, however, are associated with
it is sustained over time or was an artifact of the population the dry season. For example, rotavirus transmission was more
studied and sample size. effective during the hot dry months in one study in Kenya.19
During the dry season, the diarrheal disease in BSF house- Diarrheal disease rates in Thailand were observed to decrease
holds was 0.40 times the diarrheal disease in the control house- after summer rains began, much like the effect in this study,
holds, a significant difference. During the wet season, diarrheal although the relationship was not highly correlated and prob-
disease in BSF households was 0.86 times the diarrheal disease ably influenced by other factors.20
in the control households (a non-significant difference). The In this study, diarrheal disease rates were reduced after
reduced protective effect of the BSF during the rainy season is the rainy season began. This happened twice in the control
likely caused by the decrease in diarrheal disease in the control households in the 10-month study period: once before BSF
group during the 2 months of observation of the wet season. intervention and once after BSF intervention. The observed
The lower rates of diarrheal disease in the control group during periodicity in diarrheal disease rates, with higher levels in the
the rainy season and the relatively short observation period (2 dry season and declines in the wet season, suggests that the
months) decreased the ability to resolve a statistically significant observed decrease in diarrheal disease in the BSF households
difference between the two groups during the rainy season. is not likely to be an artifact of study fatigue. Such fatigue
In the dry season, the microbiological quality of drink- results in households reporting fewer cases of diarrheal dis-
ing water may be worse than in the wet season. In this study, ease as study time increases, without a rebound to reporting
households relied more heavily on rain water as a source of higher cases again.
drinking water during periods of high rainfall. In the dry season, Possible reasons why increased rainfall could result in
households may turn to water sources that are more contam- decreased diarrheal disease rates include 1) switching to rain-
inated than rainwater such as surface water, wells, or inter- water for drinking water instead of other, more contaminated
mittent piped supplies. Furthermore, households may also be sources and 2) increased quantities of rainwater available for
forced to store drinking water for longer periods of time before other household needs, such as hand-washing, cleaning, or bath-
consumption during the dry season. Household drinking water ing. Numerous studies have shown significant reductions in diar-
quality has been shown to deteriorate significantly during stor- rheal disease as a result of increased water supply.3,21 Hence, the
age in the home, with such degradation being more substantial abundance of rainwater possibly decreases exposure to diar-
when the source water is relatively uncontaminated.17 rheal pathogens during the rainy season. The opposite effect,
Seasonal fluctuation in diarrheal disease. Seasonal trans- namely increased risk of diarrhea, may occur during periods of
mission of diarrheal diseases and fluctuations in diarrheal dis- decreased rainfall or dry seasons. Households relying on rain-
ease rates with season are not unique to this study. Increases water for drinking and other critical uses during the wet sea-
in diarrheal diseases are often seen during times of increased son may have to use other, more contaminated water sources
rainfall or during wet weather events. This phenomenon was during the dry season or store rainwater for extended periods,
documented in Gambia, where researchers found an increase increasing its risks of becoming contaminated with pathogens.
Increased water storage time can result in degradation of rain-
Table 5 water microbial quality.17 In addition, during the dry season,
Household drinking water quality in biosand filter and control there may be less water available overall for use in households
households before and after biosand filter intervention (based on relying on rainwater for a portion of their household water.
geometric mean E. coli concentrations during each period) dur-
ing randomized controlled trial in Bonao, Dominican Republic, Effect of the BSF on household drinking water quality.
2005–2006 Drinking water quality based on E. coli concentrations was
Control BSF P value* better for BSF households compared with control house-
holds, with geometric mean concentrations lower by nearly
Before BSF E. coli/100 mL 22 (18–26) 21 (17–25) 0.74
(95% CI) 50%. E. coli reductions in water of BSF households, how-
After BSF E. coli/100 mL 19 (16–22) 11 (9.3–13) < 0.001 ever, were less than previously documented in both labora-
(95% CI) tory and field studies—~83% in this study compared with
P value comparing 0.21 < 0.001 typically 90–99%.7,22 Unlike the water quality data of many
Average difference in 9.8% 48% 0.01
other household water studies, the microbial quality of water
E. coli/100 mL† was measured in all water designated for consumption in both
* Indicates result of two-sample t test of control and BSF mean values. All comparisons BSF and control households. In BSF households, this included
were made using two-sample t tests. water directly from the BSF outlet, stored BSF-treated water,
† Geometric mean log E. coli concentration was subtracted (before–after) for each house-
hold and averaged. and untreated sources, if households indicated untreated

water was being consumed. Likewise, drinking water from Guerra’s laboratory for all of their technical assistance. Thanks also
control households included both untreated water designated to Douglas Wait and the UNC Environmental Microbiology and
Health group.
for consumption as well as treated water (e.g., stored boiled,
stored chlorinated, and purchased bottled water). Therefore, Financial support: Laboratory supplies for water quality testing were
the estimates of E. coli reductions by BSF treatment are likely graciously donated by IDEXX Laboratories and Hach Company. We
are grateful to the many Rotary Districts and Clubs of Michigan and
to be underestimates of the actual reductions in filtrate water Colorado, the Canadian Embassy of The Dominican Republic, the
coming directly from the BSF treatment process. However, W. K. Kellogg Foundation, and the Fulbright Award for generous
the measured E. coli concentrations of the various waters con- financial support of this study.
sumed in the households more accurately estimate the actual Authors’ addresses: Christine E. Stauber, Georgia State University,
quality of the drinking water being consumed as a measure of Institute of Public Health, PO Box 3995, Atlanta, GA 30302-3995,
exposure in both groups of households. Clear links and consis- Tel: 404-413-1128, Fax: 404-413-1140. Gloria M. Ortiz, University of
tent relationships have not been established between house- North Carolina—Chapel Hill, School of Public Health, Department
of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, CB 7431 Rosenau
hold levels of E. coli in drinking water, and diarrheal disease Hall 148, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7431, Tel: 919-966-7316, Fax: 919-
risks and studies on household water treatment document 966-7911. Dana Loomis, School of Public Health/271, University of
decreases in diarrheal disease that are often difficult to link to Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV 89557-0036, Tel: 775-682-7103, Fax: 775-784-
improved microbial water quality.17 1340. Mark D. Sobsey, University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill,
School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Sciences and
Limitations of this study. It is important to note that, because
Engineering, CB 7431 Rosenau Hall, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7431, Tel:
of the lack of a placebo BSF, the ability to determine whether 919-966-7303, Fax: 919-966-7911.
the reduction of diarrheal disease was the result of under-report-
ing of diarrheal disease by BSF households is not possible. This
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