Miss Maxwell Lesson Plan
Miss Maxwell Lesson Plan
Miss Maxwell Lesson Plan
National / State Learning Math TEKS 6: Geometry and measurement. The student applies
Standard/s: mathematical process standards to analyze attributes of two-
dimensional shapes and three-dimensional solids to develop
generalizations about their properties. The student is expected to:
*TEK content area standard
(A) identify two-dimensional shapes, including circles, triangles,
*TEK technology applications rectangles, and squares as special rectangles
Technology Application TEKS 3: Creativity and innovation--
*ISTE standard innovative design process. The student takes an active role in
learning by using a design process to solve authentic problems for
a local or global audience, using a variety of technologies. The
student is expected to:
ISTE 1.5 b: Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use
digital tools to analyze them, and represent data in various ways
to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making.
Goal/s of the lesson Students should be able to identify the attributes of triangle
For example:
(C, A, B, D)
This is the body of the lesson plan. Here you explain the instructional and learning
activities/actions that will best ensure all learners will successfully achieve the objective/s.
****For this section only, you may use the format prescribed by your course instructor,
cooperating teacher, or what is required in your field placement. (e.g.: 5E, Madeline Hunter,
Inquiry Cycle, etc.)
A. Opening/Introduction We will start off class by watching this music video about
(also referred to as a “motivator”
or “hook”) This will get the kids engaged and hooked while getting to know
the shapes better.
Link to song
B. Procedures 1. First the teacher should review the shape. (Today we are
working on triangles)
** Include enough detail so that
someone else could replicate your 2. Give Students a Triangle Block so they have a visual
lesson. Unless your instructor
representation through out the lesson.
directs you otherwise, this section
should read almost like a script.
3. Make students connect their thumbs and index fingers to
6. After all the shapes are in the correct spot on the T chart
reflect with the whol class how the students knew if it was
a triangle or not. (Try to promote the students into
noticing they have 3 sides, 3 corners, every side is straight
not curved, and the shaped is closed)
10. Teacher read the letter out loud to the students (and
should be projected on the screen)
11. Hand students the triangle and tell them to glue it in the
top rectangle.
12. Then tell the students to write Triangle to the name line,
and ask students how many sides and corners a triangle
has. (Then have students write it on the line)
13. After they have done this allow students (5-10 minutes
(depending on how long t chart took) to color the triangle,
let them get creative)
17. (If time allows) Have students play the video during class.
C. Formative We will create a song showing that students know all attributed
assessment of triangles using FLIP.
We will use Khan Academcy to help make sure students
understand their shapes (Once all shapes are learned)
D. Grouping structure/s: First we will work as a full class then students will be put into
groups to create a song.
E. Accommodations/ Allow students extra time the next day to work on triangle again.
Allowing students to answer the questions in the language they are most
confident in.
Allowing students extra time the next day to work on the shape they learned
the previous day.
Reflection I really enjoy making lesson plans and getting ideas from other teachers/off
the internet and combining them all together. The accommodations aren’t
super hard for me since I have a specialization in Special Education. I think
the most challenging part is coming up with a specific learning objective. I
think once we go over it in class and review with our group it can help me get
ideas/know what they like and don’t like.