Lesson Plan in TVL Cookery Poultry

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Lesson Plan in TVL Cookery (4A’s Approach)

Grade 10

A. Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding basic
concepts and underlying theories in preparing poultry and game dishes.
B. Performance Standard: The learners prepare a variety of poultry and
game dishes found in different culture.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives: LO1: Perform Mise En Place

1. Identify the market forms of poultry.

2. Determine the poultry cuts in accordance with the prescribed dish.
3. Appreciate the importance of knowing the poultry cuts for
appropriate chicken recipe
Topic: Prepare poultry and Game dishes (PGD)
Subtopic: Identify the market forms of poultry and determine poultry cuts in accordance
with prescribed dish
Instructional materials: pictures, Video presentation, rubric
TLE Cookery 10 Learning Module P. 287-296
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
I. Preliminaries

a. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning, Ma’am.

How is your day so far? Ma’am. We are fine.

That’s good to hear! So can I expect a full

blast of energy and active participation from
you? Yes, ma’am.

b. Prayer
Before we begin our lesson this morning, let (The students will stand and pray)
us ask the guidance of almighty God and let
us enlighten our mind to completely
understand the lesson this morning through
AVP. Please stand.

c. Classroom Management

I would like to request everyone to arrange (The students will arrange their chairs and
your chairs properly and make sure there is no will pick up the trashes)
trashes around you.

d. Checking of the attendance

I think everyone is present. I’m so glad that

everyone understands the reasons of coming
to school regularly.

e. Motivation

The class will be divided in to 4.

Please count off 1-4.

Group yourselves according to your number.
Yes, Ma’am.
Each group will be given an envelope, inside
of it is a puzzle. As I say go, everyone should
participate to form the picture. Afterwards a
representative of each group will present and
posted your work in front.
Tell also the picture you’ve form.
Are you ready class?
Yes, Ma’am.

Same group together. You will be going to
Identify the different market forms and cuts of
Choose your answers from the box.

Drawn poultry drumsticks Yes, Ma’am.

Whole chicken live poultry
Ready-to-cook wings drummettes

1. it includes the lower portion of the

leg quarter the portion between the 1. Drumstick
knee joint and the hock. 2. Live poultry
2. It should be healthy, alert, and wee- 3. Wing drumettes
feathered. Avoid poultry which have 4. Ready to cook
bruises, blisters and broken bones. 5. Whole chicken
3. It refers to the first section between
the shoulder and the elbow.
4. It refers to the poultry parts such as
wings, breast, thighs, and drumstick
which have been separately packed in
a single container, frozen or chilled.
5. This can be either fresh or frozen.
Based on the activity that we had, what do
you think is our topic all about?

Where do we mostly see those forms of


Any idea about our topic for today?

- Ma’am, poultry
Almost there. Another who want to answer?

B. ANALYSIS -Ma’am, in the market

Precisely, our topic for today is all about the
Market Forms of poultry. -Ma’am, forms of poultry

Before that let’s unlock first the word

giblets- include liver, heart, neck / internal -Ma’am, it is all about the market forms of
organs Poultry.
Drumstick- this is the lower portion of the leg
Drummettes- this is the first section between
the shoulder and the elbow.
Flipper- wing tip
Dressed poultry- slaughtered poultry with the
head, blood, feet, feather and internal organs

But before we discuss the market forms of

poultry let’s define first the word poultry.

Who can define poultry?

Ok, that’s right.

Another definition of poultry is Poultry refers

to several kinds of fowl that are used as food -Ma’am, Poultry is one of the most popular
and the term includes chicken, turkey, duck, and useful types of meats that you can buy
pigeon, and quail. These are usually from a wet market.
domesticated raised mainly for meat and/or
eggs. Birds such as smites that are hunted for
food are games.

What are the classification of poultry and


Bird Uses
Chicken Meat, eggs
Duck Meat, eggs feathers
Turkey Meat, feather, eggs
Goose Meat, eggs
What are 5 market forms of poultry? Meat
Can you give one Miss____. Quail Meat
Pigeon Meat, feather
Guinea fowl Meat
What is live poultry? Wild duck

-Ma’am, live poultry.

-Ma’am, live poultry pertains to poultry that

Your answer is correct. Thank you. are still alive. In selecting live poultry, we
should choose those poultry that are alert,
Who can give another market forms of healthy and well- feathered.

Ok, very good

In these picture, what do you observed on the -Ma’am, whole poultry.

picture of whole poultry?
(The teacher flash the picture on screen)
Mr.______any idea?

-Ma’am, whole poultry are the same with live

poultry but the only difference is that birds or
chickens here are no longer alive.
Exactly, are same with live poultry but there
only difference is this form of poultry is no
longer alive.

Another forms of poultry, this forms of

poultry are what we usually buy at market
when we are too lazy to butcher chicken.
- Ma’am, dressed poultry.
Wonderful answer!

Who can give his/her idea on dressed poultry?

-Ma’am, dressed poultry are birds/ chickens

Ok, very good. Thank you. are being slaughtered with head, feet and
viscera intact but blood and feathers are
Are there more market forms of poultry that removed.
we did not mention?

Yes, that’s correct.

-Ma’am, drawn poultry.
Now, who can describe drawn poultry?

-Ma’am, drawn poultry dressed poultry with

That’s correct. They are the same with dress the visceral organs, feet and head removed.
poultry but in drawn poultry the visceral
organs, feet’s and head removed.

The last form of poultry is ready to cook

poultry. Are you familiar with that market
forms of poultry?

What is your idea on ready to cook poultry?

-Yes, ma’am.

-Ma’am, are slaughtered birds or chicken that

have been de- feathered, visceral organs, feet,
head removed and ready for cooking usually
in several pieces’ poultry parts that is packed
Ok, same group together. You will watch a
video then observe and do the following: separately and chilled. Examples wings,
drumsticks, breast, thighs, liver, gizzards.
1. Write down the different cuts of poultry.
2. How will you determine the cuts of
3. Examine the pictures posted on the board
and write your answer in the activity sheet
that I will give it to you?

The teacher will gather the work of the pupils - (The learners examine the pictures posted on
and she will check if each group got the the board and write their answer in the
correct answer. activity sheet given by the teacher).
What are the different cuts of poultry?
And how can we cut it? Can you give one.

Ok, very good.

Who can give another cuts of poultry and give

also the description? -Ma’am, Whole Chicken Whole Chickens are
marketed either fresh or frozen.

Wonderful, answer. -Ma’am, Halves The bird is split from front

to back through the backbone and keel to
produce 2 halves of approximately equal
What else? The same person? Give another
cuts of poultry.

That’s correct. Thank you.

- Ma’am, Breast Quarters Halves may be
further cut into which include the wing. A
What are other cuts of poultry? breast quarter, including portions of the back,
is all white meat.

Are there more cuts? Can you give one Ms.

Ana. -Ma’am, Split Breast A breast quarter with
the wing removed.

-Ma’am, Split Breast without Back A breast

quarter with wing and back portion removed

-Ma’am, Boneless, Skinless Breast Split

breast that has been skinned and deboned.

-Ma’am, 8-Piece Cut The whole bird is cut

into 2 breast halves with ribs and back
portion, 2 wings, 2 thighs with back portion
and 2 drumsticks. The parts may be packaged
Are there more cuts? The same people, how together and labelled as whole cut-up chicken.
about the others? These are usually sold without giblets.

-Ma’am, Whole Chicken Wing The whole

chicken wing is an all-white meat portion
composed of three sections; the drumette,
mid-section, and tip.

-Ma’am, Wing Drummettes The first section

between the shoulder and the elbow.

-Ma’am, Wing Mid-Section with Tip The

flat center section and the flipper (wing tip).

-Ma’am, Live poultry should be healthy, alert,

and well-feathered.

-Ma’am, Wing Mid-Section The section

Correct, another idea on different cuts of between the elbow and the tip, sometimes
poultry. There are 5 cuts didn’t mention. called the wing flat or mid-joint.
What are those cuts? - Ma’am, Whole Chicken Leg Whole
Chicken Leg The whole chicken leg is the
drumstick-thigh combination. The whole leg
differs from the leg quarter and does not
contain a portion of the back.

-Ma’am, Boneless, Skinless Leg Whole

chicken leg with skin and bone removed.

-Ma’am, Thigh The thigh is the portion of the

leg above the knee joint.

-Ma’am, Boneless, Skinless Thigh Thigh

with skin and bone removed.

-Ma’am, Drumsticks include the lower

portion of the leg quarter (the portion between
the knee joint and the hock).

- Ma’am, the giblets.

And the last one, these cuts includes the liver (Students answer may vary)
heart and liver.

Ok, so those are the market forms of poultry

and different cuts of poultry.

Do you understand the topic, class?

Ok, if you don’t have any question, I will be

the one to ask you.
-Ma’am, Live poultry should be healthy, alert,
and well-feathered.
What are the signs that the live poultry is
- Ma’am, dressed poultry are being
slaughtered with head, feet and viscera intact
but blood and feathers are removed while
How will you describe drawn and dressed drawn poultry are
poultry? with visceral intact but head and feet

-Ma’am, having knowledge of different slices

What is the important to know the cuts of of poultry you will be able to deal with it
poultry before cooking poultry dishes? when you cook different dishes, and
especially when we participate in cooking
contests and if we are instructed in such
things we know we will not be embarrassed.
Here is a map, you are going to write the
words that relate to the focal word. I will call
learners one at a time.


You will be group into two. Each group will be cut the picture of whole chicken into 6 parts
according to poultry cuts and name it. Each group will present their output to the class. You will
be given 5 minutes to finished the activity.
Presentation The students will be able to cut poultry
10 points properly and name it correctly. They explain
and elaborate their answers.
Cooperation All members of the group cooperate during
10 points their group
Speed/ Time They finished their activity before or on the
10 points time limit.
Total: 30 points


Direction: write the best answer on your sheet of paper.

Test I- Multiple choice test.

1. It is one of the market forms of poultry which is the most available form in the
a. live poultry b. dressed poultry c. drawn poultry d. ready-to cook
2. In selecting live poultry in market what should be observed?
a. healthy alert and well-feathered b. sluggish c. thin and stout d. broken bones
3. Which of the following of the market forms of poultry that are Chilled/frozen?
a. ready to cook b. live poultry c. drawn poultry d. whole poultry
4.These market forms of poultry which poultry parts are separately packed in a single container
and chilled.
a. Ready-to-cook b. drawn poultry c. live poultry d. dressed poultry
5. These market forms of poultry that is usually available in the groceries.
a. ready –to-cook b. drawn poultry c. live poultry d. dressed poultry

Test II- Enumeration

6-10 Give at least 5 different cut of poultry.
Answer key:
Test I.
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. B
Test II
1. Halves
2. Breast quarter
3. Giblets
4. Thighs
5. drumsticks

1. find your partner.
2. Visit a market or a store in your town and list down the market forms being sold.
3. Take note the appearance odor color and cuts
4. Write it in short bond paper.

Prepared by:

Checked and Observed by:

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