Chapter 2 Rrlss.
Chapter 2 Rrlss.
Chapter 2 Rrlss.
remote teaching”
The authors of this research are Lovely C. Corcuera & Abel V. Alvarez.
This research determines how the Covid-19 disrupts not only the health,
economic, and tourism sectors but it paralyzed the education sector as well. The
sudden shift of teaching and learning delivery continuously challenges not only
the students but also the teachers who are serving as educational front liners at
as of mid-September 2020, there are more than 800 million affected learners,
and only 49.9 percent are the total enrolled learners worldwide. In the
Philippines, the schools, universities, and colleges will remain close since there is
still an absence of a reliable vaccine/cure. The learners will still not be allowed to
come to school to keep safe from the public health emergency (Hodges et al.,
2020). It puts the educational leaders to adapt any alternative solution to deal
with the educational needs of the students even in the absence of face-to-face
Considering that the educators were trained to teach the learners in a traditional
mode of teaching and learning, however, due to the call for new modes of
teaching, they have to adapt alternative ways since the world is still in estate of
emergency and that education should still be delivered even in times of crisis.
and teachers need to act swiftly (Danjou, 2020; ILO, 2020) for the continuity of
et al.
psychological effects that lockdown can cause on people (Blendon et al., 2004).
it, and can involve uncertainty about the situation and boredom (Brooks et al.,
The majority of students in our sample reported that their academic development
worsened during online learning, and a high percentage considered that the
online teaching they received was of a bad quality. Therefore, students have
development and the quality of the teaching they have received. These findings
are consistent with some studies on university students during the COVID-19
pandemic regarding the quality of teaching received (Al-Balas et al., 2020;
Alnusairat et al., 2020; Amir et al., 2020; Linh & Trang, 2020) and the impact on
students’ learning outcomes (Aristovnik et al., 2020; Nassr et al., 2020; Son et
According to the study’s findings, the majority of students felt that the lockdown
professors and other students all have an impact on how well students perform
discouraged, bored, confused, and worried, and less calm and more confident.
The author of this study are Maria Aristeidou and Simon Cross.
to-face to online learning. In this study, they looked into the impact of the Covid-
(Marinoni et al., 2020, as cited in Maria & Simon, 2021). The sudden and
pedagogies for distance learning, and the requirements of specific fields of study
(Marinoni et al., 2020, as cited in Maria & Simon, 2021). Also according to them
several studies indicate the lack of ICT equipment (e. g printer) and the limited
knowledge on its use, Additionally a lack of quite place to study are also included
university) are on average older, and a greater portion belongs to more ‘at risk’
Simon, 2021). Distance learners have specific and established ways of using
The author of this study are Zohra Lassoued, Mohammed Alhendawi, and Raed
According to their that this study aims to reveal the obstacles to achieve quality in
distance learning during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The primary aim
of this research was to investigate the various ways in which students pursued
(Lassoued et al., 2020). for online learning only benefits courses with practical
components with courses such as English Language and History (George, 2018).
online discussions, and free lecture access, are needed. Internet connections
must be good, where instant feedback from students can be achieved and can
learning users face many technical difficulties that hinder the teaching and
learning system, such as time and location flexibility, students and learners being
the process requires extra efforts, in addition to several unusual obstacles for
schools and universities such as a lack of time, poor infrastructure, and
2020, the World Health Organization announced that it had categorized COVID-
global pandemic, discovered during December 2019 in the Chinese city Wuhan.