DLL Math 6 Q3 W10
DLL Math 6 Q3 W10
DLL Math 6 Q3 W10
B. Performance Standards is able to apply knowledge of speed, area, and surface area of plane and solid/space figures in mathematical problems and real-life situations
C. Learning visualizes and describes surface visualizes and describes surface visualizes and describes surface area and visualizes and describes surface HOLIDAY
Competencies/Objectives area and names the unit of area and names the unit of names the unit of measure used for area and names the unit of
Write the LC code for each measure used for measuring measure used for measuring the measuring the surface area of cylinders measure used for measuring the
the surface area of cubes and surface area of cylinders and and pyramids surface area of cones and
prisms. pyramids M6ME-IIIi-9 spheres.
M6ME-IIIi-9 M6ME-IIIi-9 derives a formula for finding the surface M6ME-IIIi-9
derives a formula for finding derives a formula for finding the area of pyramids and cylinders. derives a formula for finding the
the surface area of cubes and surface area of pyramids and M6ME-IIIi-92 surface area of cones and
prisms cylinders. spheres.
M6ME-IIIi-92 M6ME-IIIi-92 M6ME-IIIi-92
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 21st Century Mathletes 6, p. 21st Century Mathletes 6, p. 272- 21st Century Mathletes 6, p. 272-285 21st Century Mathletes 6, p. 272-
272-285 285 285
2. Learner’s Material 21st Century Mathletes 6, p. 21st Century Mathletes 6, p. 272- 21st Century Mathletes 6, p. 272-285 21st Century Mathletes 6, p. 272-
pages 272-285 285 285
I. Textbook pages
3. Additional Materials Mathletes 6 textbook, power Mathletes 6 textbook, power Mathletes 6 textbook, power point Mathletes 6 textbook, power
from Learning Resource (LR) point presentation point presentation presentation point presentation
I. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Mental Computation Drill: Drill: Match the picture w/ the Drill: Match the picture w/ the formula Find the area of the ff.:
lesson or presenting the new Solving for Areas of Plane formula for the area: for the area:
lesson Figures
Play “Pass-It-On”
a)Teacher divides the class into
6 groups (per column).
b)Teacher instructs the pupils
in front to prepare a piece of
paper ( 4 sheet), which will be
the group’s answer sheet.
c)Teacher shows a picture of a
plane figure with given
dimensions. For example: 6m
10 cm 5m
6 dm 10 m
20 m
8m Review: Review:
Find the surface area of a cube Find the surface area of a cube with a
d)Pupils in front solve mentally
with a side of length 3 cm side of length 3 cm
for the area and write their
Solution: Solution:
answer on the piece of paper,
Given that s = 3 Given that s = 3
with the proper label.
Surface area of a cube = 6s2 = Surface area of a cube = 6s2 = 6(3)2 = 54
e)Teacher shows another
6(3)2 = 54 cm2 cm2
picture of a plane figure with
Calculate the surface area of the Calculate the surface area of the
given dimensions.
following prism. following prism. Review: Find the surface area of
f)The pupils in front pass the
Solution: Solution: the ff. cylinders and pyramids.
paper to the one behind them
There are 2 triangles with the There are 2 triangles with the base = 4
who, in turn, solve mentally for
base = 4 cm and height = 3 cm. cm and height = 3 cm.
the area.
Area of the 2 bases Area of the 2 bases
g)Continue this until everyone
= 12 cm2 = 12 cm2
in the group or column has
1 rectangle with length = 7 cm 1 rectangle with length = 7 cm and width
and width = 5 cm = 5 cm
h)Teacher gives the correct
Area = lw = 7 × 5 = 35 cm2 Area = lw = 7 × 5 = 35 cm2
1 rectangle with length =7cm 1 rectangle with length =7cm and width
i)The group with the correct
and width 3m 3m
answer and label gets 2 pts.
Area = lw = 7 × 3 = 21 cm2 Area = lw = 7 × 3 = 21 cm2
j)The group with the most
1 rectangle with length = 7 cm 1 rectangle with length = 7 cm and width
number of points wins.
and width 4m 4m
Review: Formulas in Solving for
Area = lw = 7 × 4 = 28 cm2 Area = lw = 7 × 4 = 28 cm2
the Areas of the Following:
The total surface area is 12 + 35 The total surface area is 12 + 35 + 21 +
Square, Rectangle,
+ 21 + 28 = 96 cm2 28 = 96 cm2
Parallelogram, Trapezoid,
We can also use the formula We can also use the formula
Give one example each for the Surface area of prism = 2 × area Surface area of prism = 2 × area of base +
above shapes. These may be in of base + perimeter of base × perimeter of base × height
the form of a word problem or height = 2 × 6 + (3 + 4 + 5) × 7 = 96 cm2
a picture with given = 2 × 6 + (3 + 4 + 5) × 7 = 96
dimensions. Let the class solve cm2
for the area of each.
Original File Submitted and Ans.: L.A. = 2340 units2;
Formatted by DepEd Club
Member - visit depedclub.com
for more
SA = 3240 units2
B. Establishing a purpose Show a cube. The teacher will show pictures The teacher will show pictures of a The teacher will show pictures of
for the lesson Ask: of a sardines can and a tent. Tell sardines can and a tent. Tell the pupils an ice cream cone and a ball. Tell
1)How many faces does it the pupils that these are that these are examples of space figures. the pupils that these are
have ? examples of space figures. examples of space figures.
2)What is the shape of each
3)Are the faces congruent?
4)What is the formula for the
area of square?
b)Show a rectangular prism.
1)How many faces does it
2)Which faces are congruent?
3)What is the shape of each
4)What is the formula for the
area of a rectangle?
c)Show a cylinder, cone,
pyramid, and sphere. Ask
questions similar to the ones
C. Presenting Present the ff. problem in the If we cut a label from a sardine If we cut a label from a sardine can, we Surface Area of a Cone:
examples/instances of the new class. can, we will see that the label is will see that the label is a rectangle. The Let us use a net to help see how
lesson 1. Mother is celebrating a rectangle. The height or width height or width of the rectangle is the the formula for the surface area
her birthday. Her of the rectangle is the height of height of the can. The base length of the of a right cone is derived. (See
children prepared a the can. The base length of the rectangle is the circumference of the page 2770
gift for her. They have rectangle is the circumference can.
a gift wrapping paper of the can.
that measures 900
square inches. Each
edge of the box is 12
inches. Do you think Surface Area of a Cylinder:
the children have Surface Area of a Cylinder: The lateral area of a cylinder is the the surface area of a cone is the
enough wrapping The lateral area of a cylinder is product of the circumference of the base sum of the lateral area (L.A.)) and
paper to cover the the product of the and the height of the cylinder. area of its base (B)
gift? circumference of the base and L.A. = 2πrh To find the L.A., imagine cutting
The pupils will investigate the the height of the cylinder. The surface area of a cylinder is the sum the lateral surface into wedges
ff. L.A. = 2πrh of the lateral areas of the 2 bases. and arranging the wedges to
a.Name of the solid The surface area of a cylinder is Surface Area = L.A. + 2B form a figure like a parallelogram.
b.Number of faces the sum of the lateral areas of Example: Find the surface area of the can Example: Find the surface area of
the 2 bases. of milk belowt. Use π= 3.14 the ice cream cone at the right.
c.Shapes of faces Surface Area = L.A. + 2B Use π= 3.14
Example: Find the surface area
of the can of milk belowt. Use
π= 3.14
D. Discussing new Ask the ff. questions: Surface Area of Pyramids: Surface Area of Pyramids: Surface area of a Sphere:
concepts and practicing new a. What is the name of The surface area of a pyramid is The surface area of a pyramid is the sum The area of the circle that
skills #1 the solid figure? (cube) the sum of the areas of all the of the areas of all the faces, including the contains the center of the sphere
b. How many faces does faces, including the base. We base. We can use the net to find a is πr2
it have?(6 faces) can use the net to find a general general formula that will help us find the
c. What is the shape of formula that will help us find the surface area of a pyramid.
the faces? (square) surface area of a pyramid.
d. How do we know that
the wrapping paper is
enough? Present to
It would take exactly 4 of these
the class the net of the
circles to wrap the sphere
Example:Find the surface area of the
Example:Find the surface area right square pyramid below. Example: Find the surface area of
of the right square pyramid the basketball at the right with a
below. radius 0f 4.89 dm. Round your
answer to the nearest tenths.
Find the area of each face.
Explain the solution.
Area of a square= s x s
= 12 x 12
=144 square inches
E. Discussing new Present the problem on page Group Activity: Group Activity: Discuss how to get the surface
concepts and practicing new 272. area of a cone and sphere. Let
skills #2 the group answer the ff.
Gerald owns an antique shop. activities:
He is refinishing a rectangular
jewelry box shown below. The
can of varnish he is using is
enough liquid left in it to cover
30 cm2 is there enough varnish
left in the can to refinish the
jewelry box?
= cm2
b) Find the area of the inner curved
surface of the pipe.
b) Find the area of the inner
curved surface of the pipe. Area of outer curved surface =
Area of outer curved surface cm2
c) Find the total surface area of the pipe.
= cm2
c) Find the total surface area of Total area = cm2
the pipe.
F. Developing mastery Activity (in groups of 5) Activity (in groups of 5) Activity (in groups of 5) Activity (in groups of 5)
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
1)Give each group a spatial 1)Give each group a spatial 1)Give each group a spatial figure. For 1)Give each group a spatial
figure. For example, a shoe figure. For example, a sardines example, a sardines can, a milk can, a figure. For example, cone , a ball,
box. can, a milk can, a paper weight paper weight shaped like a pyramid. a globe, etc.
2)Let each group measure the shaped like a pyramid. 2)Let each group measure the 2)Let each group measure the
dimensions of their spatial 2)Let each group measure the dimensions of their spatial figure and dimensions of their spatial figure
figure and solve for its surface dimensions of their spatial solve for its surface area. and solve for its surface area.
area. figure and solve for its surface 3.) write the correct unit of measure of 3.) write the correct unit of
3)Presentation for each group area. each object. measure of each object.
follows 3.) write the correct unit of 4)Presentation for each group follows 4)Presentation for each group
measure of each object. follows
4)Presentation for each group
G. Finding practical Group Activity: Write the Group Activity: Write the Group Activity: Write the formula then Group Activity: Write the formula
applications of concepts and formula then solve. Write the formula then solve. Write the solve. Write the unit of measure to be then solve. Write the unit of
skills in daily living unit of measure to be used in unit of measure to be used in used in each problem. measure to be used in each
each problem. each problem. problem.
1)a cube whose edge is 15 cm
2.)Cube: s=18cm
3.Rectangular Solid: l=18 cm,
w= 7 cm, h=9 cm
2. 1.
3. 6.
5.) 2.
H. Making generalizations What is surface area? What is surface area? What is surface area? What is surface area?
and abstractions about the The surface area of The surface area of The surface area of a solid object is a The surface area of a solid object
lesson a solid object is a measure of a solid object is a measure of measure of the total area that is a measure of the
the total area that the total area that the surface of the surface of the object occupies. total area that the surface of the
the surface of the object the object occupies. How do we find the surface area of a object occupies.
occupies. How do we find the surface cylinder? How do we find the surface area
How do we find the surface area of a cylinder? The surface area of a cylinder can be of a cone?
area of cubes? Prisms? The surface area of a cylinder found by breaking it down into three The first step in finding the
A cube is a can be found by breaking it parts: surface area of a cone is to
rectangular prism where all its down into three parts: The two circles that make up the ends of measure the radius of the circle
sides are the same. The The two circles that make up the the cylinder. part of the cone. The next step is
formula to find the surface ends of the cylinder. The side of the cylinder, which when to find the area of the circle, or
area of a rectangular prism is A The side of the cylinder, which "unrolled" is a rectangle base. The area of a circle is 3.14
= 2wl + 2lh + 2hw, where w is when "unrolled" is a rectangle Combining these parts we get the times the radius squared (πr2).
Combining these parts we get formula: Now, you will need to find the
the width, the l is the length,
the formula: area=2πr2 + 2πrh area of the cone itself. In order to
and the h is the height. To use
area=2πr2 + 2πrh where: do this, you must measure the
this formula, we plug in our where: π is Pi, approximately 3.142 side (slant height) of the cone.
values and then evaluate. π is Pi, approximately 3.142 r is the radius of the cylinder Make sure you use the same
r is the radius of the cylinder h height of the cylinder form of measurement as the
h height of the cylinder How do we find the surface area of a radius.
How do we find the surface pyramid? You can now use the
area of a pyramid? The area of the base is s . There is no measurement of the side to find
The area of the base is s . There formula for a surface area of a non- the area of the cone. The formula
is no formula for a surface regular pyramid since slant height is not for the area of a cone is 3.14
area of a non- defined. To find the area, find times the radius times the side
regular pyramid since slant the area of each face and the area of the (πrl).
height is not defined. To find base and add them. So the surface area of the cone
the area, find the area of each equals the area of the circle plus
the area of the cone and the final
face and the area of the base
formula is given by:
and add them.
SA = πr2 + πrl
How do we find the surface area
of a cone?
To find the surface area of a
sphere, use the formula (4πr2),
where r = the radius of the circle
I. Evaluating learning Evaluate item no. 1-12 on page Evaluate item no. 13-34 on page Evaluate item no. 13-34 on page 282-284 Evaluate item no. 35-40 on page
282-283 of Mathletes 282-284 of Mathletes Textbook of Mathletes Textbook 284 of Mathletes Textbook.
Textbook. 1.
J. Additional activities for Calculate the distance that you Solve each problem:
application or remediation would travel if you drove for: Mathletes p. 257-258
1. 2 hours at 30 km/h
2. 7 hours at 65 km/h
3. ½ hour at 46 km/h
4. 45 minutes at 80 km/h
1 ½ hours at 55 km/h