Meekness - The Fruit of The Spirit
Meekness - The Fruit of The Spirit
Meekness - The Fruit of The Spirit
I. Introduction
A. There are NINE fruits placed in the life of the believer at salvation.
1. On the very day you got saved, the Holy Spirit indwelt you (1Cor 6:19).
2. On that day, God put His Holy Spirit in you and there He will remain.
3. But He doesn’t sit idly by. He does two things
a. Changes you from the inside out
b. Exchanges your old works, with something he calls FRUIT! The fruit of the Spirit
B. These are God’s replacements for the seventeen WORKS of the flesh as listed in Gal 5:19-21.
C. The fruit of the Spirit is a direct result of my personal walk and relationship with Jesus Christ in
His word – it’s not complicated. It just takes effort and focus (Gal 5:25) on your part! God help us ALL
to have personal love-life with the God of this Book!
D. So far, we have studied the fruits of Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, and
E. None of these are not natural in our lives – not like anything this world has to offer – but
completely supernatural!
F. This message will focus on the eighth fruit of the Holy Spirit: Meekness!
G. These 9 fruit are grouped into three directions
1. The first three are for the believer
2. The second three are given by God for others
3. The last three are given to me to use towards God! Meekness is vital for me to be able to have
the right attitude towards God when under trial!
II. Message
2. Lots of meaning to the word, Meekness. Whatever Meekness is, according to Mt 11:29, Jesus
says “HE IS IT!”
a. Softness of temper – a mildness (not just “softness, or wimpy”)
b. Submission to God’s will, without murmuring – it is a joyful resignation (no longer “the Boss” of
your life), to somebody more qualified!
c. Yielding, especially when you have every right not to, only because God says it will be alright!
d. Lowliness – taking the lower dinner place so that someone else can get a needed blessing by
sitting closer to an important person.
e. You yield, resign, submit, yield – not because the other person really IS better, but because of
f. Meekness simply is ME getting out of my life’s equation, so that Jesus can be ALL in ALL – that’s
the goal of the Christian!
1) Jesus could have called 12 legions (12,000) of angels to destroy His enemies
2) He was surrounded by a mob of armed thugs who had come to bind Him and drag Him to the
High priest and ultimately to Pilate. When they asked where jesus was, He replied “I Am He!” and just
those three 1 syllable words, the entire mob fell BACLKWARDS on their bums! AMEN What power,
that was yielded to God!
D. Checklist for Meekness – ask yourself, “Do I have…”
1. Concern for God’s honour at your job, or in your home? His name?
2. Concern that other’s see a consistent Christian attitude and godly testimony?
3. A yielding to God’s will? Even when it is harder that you think you can handle – knowing
however that God will never give you more than you can handle!
4. A holy boldness and courage at work, or in school as a Christian?
E. Hindrances to Meekness – Some things that stop you from yielding to God’s design for your life.
They include
1. A habit of pride about yourself, and rebellion (leftover from your teenage years) – “my way!”
2. Things that excite my flesh so that I concentrate on ITS feelings, and ITS needs instead of
a. When you are focusing your attention on your self, and your problems, and your needs, and
your failures, and your loss and your desires, and your work, and your accomplishments
b. If YOU are in view, you are not meek
3. Fear – not wanting to take a man’s stand for Jesus Christ in this day of bullies! Allowing the
world to drive you into the closets in fear, instead of for prayer and for boldness in being bright lights
in this dark world
3. The Spirit from that moment seeks to produce that fruit to its fullness
4. If you are hindering that, you are not right with God
5. If you have loads of hang-ups about your life, you can dump them totally, and completely at the
foot of the cross – by faith – and pick up meekness
6. It will change your life – guaranteed!