Moral damages are awarded to compensate the claimant for his or her actual injury, and
not to penalize the wrongdoer. Moral damages enable the injured party to alleviate the
GR No. 170631 | February 10, 2016 | Moral damages | Yiela edited by Sha moral suffering resulting from the defendant's actions. It aims to restore — to the extent
Petitioner: Caravan Travel and Tours International, Inc. possible — "the spiritual status quo ante[.]"
Respondents: Ermilinda R. Abejar
Given the policy underlying Articles 216 and 220 of the Family Code as well as the
Recit-Ready: purposes for awarding moral damages, a person exercising substitute parental authority is
A Mitsubishi L-300 van, driven by Jimmy Bautista (Bautista), swerved to its left to avoid an rightly considered an ascendant of the deceased, within the meaning of Article 2206 (3) of
incoming vehicle and hit Jesmariane Reyes (Reyes) who eventually died. The registered the Civil Code. Hence, respondent is entitled to moral damages.
owner of the van was Caravan, a corporation engaged in the business of organizing
travels and tours. Respondent Ermilinda Abejar (Abejar), Reyes' paternal aunt and the
person who raised her since she was 9 years old, filed before the RTC a Complaint for FACTS:
damages against Bautista and Caravan.
1. Jesmariane Reyes (Reyes) was walking along the westbound lane of
Caravan avers that Abejar has no personality to bring the suit because she is not a real Sampaguita Street, UPS IV, Parañaque City.
party in interest (PII); that there is no documentary or testimonial evidence to prove that 2. A Mitsubishi L-300 van was travelling along the eastbound lane, opposite
Bautista acted "within the scope of his assigned tasks" when the accident occurred; and Reyes.
that it exercised the diligence of a good father of a family in the selection and supervision • To avoid an incoming vehicle, the van swerved to its left and hit Reyes.
of its employees; hence, it should not be held liable. 3. Alex Espinosa (Espinosa), a witness to the accident told the driver of the van,
Jimmy Bautista (Bautista), to bring Reyes to the hospital but he appeared to
have left the van parked inside a nearby subdivision with Reyes still in the van.
The issue is WON Abejar entitled to moral damages. (YES) 4. Upon investigation, it was found that the registered owner of the van was
The award of moral damages is proper. Caravan, a corporation engaged in the business of organizing travels and tours.
• Bautista was Caravan's employee assigned to drive the van as its service
ARTICLE 2206. The amount of damages for death caused by a crime or quasi-delict driver.
shall be at least three thousand pesos, even though there may have been mitigating • Caravan shouldered the hospitalization expenses of Reyes.
circumstances. In addition: 5. Despite medical attendance, Reyes died 2 days after the accident.
xxx xxx xxx
6. Respondent Ermilinda Abejar (Abejar), Reyes' paternal aunt and the person
(3) The spouse, legitimate and illegitimate descendants and ascendants of the
who raised her since she was 9 years old, filed before the RTC of Parañaque a
deceased may demand moral damages for mental anguish by reason of the death of
the deceased. Complaint for damages against Bautista and Caravan.
• In her Complaint, Abejar alleged that Bautista was an employee of
• For deaths caused by quasi-delict, the recovery of moral damages is limited to Caravan and that Caravan is the registered owner of the van that hit
the spouse, legitimate and illegitimate descendants, and ascendants of the Reyes.
deceased. 7. RTC found that Bautista was grossly negligent in driving the vehicle. It awarded
• Persons exercising substitute parental authority are to be considered ascendants damages in favor of Abejar, which the CA affirmed with modifications.
for the purpose of awarding moral damages. Like natural parents, persons
exercising substitute parental authority are required to, among others, keep Caravan Abejar
their wards in their company, provide for their upbringing, show them love and That Abejar has no personality to bring That Caravan failed to provide proof that it
affection, give them advice and counsel, and provide them with companionship this suit because she is not a real party in exercised the requisite diligence in the
and understanding. interest (PII) selection and supervision of Bautista.
• For their part, wards shall always observe respect and obedience towards the - No exercise of legal or substitute
person exercising parental authority. The law forges a relationship between the parental authority; not the judicially Since Caravan is the registered owner of
ward and the person exercising substitute parental authority such that the death appointed guardian or the only living the van, it is directly, primarily, and
or injury of one results in the damage or prejudice of the other. relative of the deceased; not the solidarily liable for the tortious acts of its
executor or administrator of the driver.
estate; only the victim herself or her • Respondent's capacity to file a complaint against petitioner stems from her
heirs can enforce an action based on having exercised substitute parental authority over Reyes. Abejar suffered
culpa aquiliana such as Abejar's actual loss and is, thus, a real PII.1
action for damages. • Article 2162 of the Family Code (FC) identifies the persons who exercise
substitute parental authority, whose extent of authority is the same as those of
That Abejar offered no documentary or actual parents (Article 233, FC).3
testimonial evidence to prove that o Both of Reyes' parents are already deceased.
Bautista acted "within the scope of his o Reyes' paternal grandparents are also both deceased.
assigned tasks" when the accident o The whereabouts of Reyes' maternal grandparents are unknown.
occurred. o There is also no record that Reyes has brothers or sister.
- Bautista's tasks only pertained to the
transport of company personnel or • It was under these circumstances that respondent took custody of Reyes when
products, and when the accident she was a child, assumed the role of Reyes' parents, and thus, exercised
occurred, he had not been substitute parental authority over her. As Reyes' custodian, respondent
transporting personnel or delivering exercised the full extent of the statutorily recognized rights and duties of a
products of and for the company. parent.
That "it exercised the diligence of a good Abejar’s right to proceed against Caravan is based on two grounds:
father of a family in the selection and
supervision of its employees." 1. Respondent suffered actual personal loss. With her affinity for Reyes, it stands
to reason that when Reyes died, respondent suffered the same anguish that a
That Abejar should not have been natural parent would have felt upon the loss of one's child. It is for this injury
— as authentic and personal as that of a natural parent — that respondent
awarded moral damages, actual damages,
death indemnity, exemplary damages, and seeks to be indemnified.
attorney's fees since Caravan acted in GF 2. Respondent is capacitated to do what Reyes' actual parents would have been
capacitated to do.
That it should not be held solidarily liable • Jurisprudence allowed parents of victims to recover damages for the
with Bautista since Bautista was already death of their children. Inasmuch as persons exercising substitute parental
dropped as a party.
1 RULE 3. Parties to Civil Actions (1997 RoC)
ISSUES: xxx xxx xxx
1. WON Abejar is a real PII who may bring an action for damages against Caravan SECTION 2. Parties in Interest. — A real party in interest is the party who stands to be benefited or
on account of Reyes' death – YES, Abejar, exercising substitute parental injured by the judgment in the suit, or the party entitled to the avails of the suit. Unless otherwise
authority, appears to be the present real owner of the right sought to be authorized by law or these Rules, every action must be prosecuted or defended in the name of the real
enforced. party in interest.
2. WON petitioner should be held liable as an employer – YES, the registered- 2Art. 216. In default of parents or a judicially appointed guardian, the following persons shall exercise
owner rule provides that registered owners are liable for death or injuries substitute parental authority over the child in the order indicated:
caused by the operation of their vehicles.
(1) The surviving grandparent, as provided in Art. 214;
RATIO: [skip to page 4 for discussion on damages] (2) The oldest brother or sister, over twenty-one years of age, unless unfit or disqualified; and
(3) The child's actual custodian, over twenty-one years of age, unless unfit or disqualified.
Abejar is a real PII
Whenever the appointment or a judicial guardian over the property of the child becomes necessary, the
Abejar properly filed an action based on quasi-delict. To qualify a person to be a real PII same order of preference shall be observed.
in whose name an action must be prosecuted, he [or she] must appear to be the
present real owner of the right sought to be enforced. Art. 233. The person exercising substitute parental authority shall have the same authority over the
person of the child as the parents.
authority have the full range of competencies of a child's actual parents, The responsibility treated of in this article shall cease when the persons herein mentioned
nothing prevents persons exercising substitute parental authority from prove that they observed all the diligence of a good father of a family to prevent damage.
similarly possessing the right to be indemnified for their ward's death.
It was sufficient that Abejar proved that Caravan was the registered owner of the van
• In interpreting Article 1902 of the CC which is substantially similar to the that hit Reyes.
1st sentence of Article 2176 of the CC, this court previously ruled that
brothers and sisters may recover damages, except moral damages, for the • The registered-owner rule provides that registered owners are liable for death
death of their sibling. Article 1902, CC (now Article 2176) is broad enough or injuries caused by the operation of their vehicles.
to accommodate even plaintiffs who are not relatives of the deceased. o These rules appear to be in conflict when it comes to cases in which the
employer is also the registered owner of a vehicle.
. . . any person who by an act or omission, characterized by fault or
• Article 2180 requires proof of two things: 1) an employment relationship
negligence, causes damage to another shall be liable for the damage done
. . . a person is liable for damage done to another by any culpable act; and
between the driver and the owner; and 2) that the driver acted within the scope
by any culpable act is meant any act which is blameworthy when judged of his or her assigned tasks.
by accepted legal standards. The idea thus expressed is undoubtedly • On the other hand, the registered-owner rule only requires the plaintiff to
broad enough to include any rational conception of liability for the prove that the defendant-employer is the registered owner of the vehicle.
tortious acts likely to be developed in any society." The word "damage" in • Jurisprudence
said article, comprehending as it does all that are embraced in its a. The registration of motor vehicles, as required by Section 5 (a) of
meaning, includes any and all damages that a human being may suffer in Republic Act No. 4136, the Land Transportation and Traffic Code, was
any and all the manifestations of his life: physical or material, moral or
necessary "not to make said registration the operative act by which
psychological, mental or spiritual, financial, economic, social, political, and
religious. ownership in vehicles is transferred, . . . but to permit the use and
operation of the vehicle upon any public highway. Its main aim … is
It is particularly noticeable that Article 1902 stresses the passive subject to identify the owner so that if any accident happens, or that any
of the obligation to pay damages caused by his fault or negligence. The damage or injury is caused by the vehicle on the public highways,
article does not limit or specify the active subjects, much less the responsibility therefor can be fixed on a definite individual, the
relation that must exist between the victim of the culpa aquiliana and registered owner (Erezo, et al. v. Jepte).
the person who may recover damages, thus warranting the inference b. Erezo notwithstanding, Castilex v. Vasquez, Jr. relied on Article 2180
that, in principle, anybody who suffers any damage from culpa aquiliana, even though the employer was also the registered owner of the
whether a relative or not of the victim, may recover damages from the
vehicle. SC ruled that it was incumbent upon the plaintiff to prove
person responsible therefor.
that the negligent employee was acting within the scope of his
Caravan is liable as an employer assigned tasks.
i. Article 2180 (5): WON engaged in any business or industry,
Abejar’s Complaint is anchored on an employer's liability for quasi-delict provided in
an employer is liable for the torts committed by employees
Article 2180, in relation to Article 2176 CC. Articles 2176 and 2180 read:
within the scope of his assigned tasks. But it is necessary to
ARTICLE 2176. Whoever by act or omission causes damage to another, there being fault or establish the employer-employee relationship; once this is
negligence, is obliged to pay for the damage done. Such fault or negligence, if there is no done, the plaintiff must show, to hold the employer liable,
pre-existing contractual relation between the parties, is called a quasi-delict and is that the employee was acting within the scope of his
governed by the provisions of this Chapter. assigned task when the tort complained of was committed.
xxx xxx xxx It is only then that the employer may find it necessary to
interpose the defense of due diligence in the selection and
ARTICLE 2180. The obligation imposed by article 2176 is demandable not only for one's supervision of the employee.
own acts or omissions, but also for those of persons for whom one is responsible.
o A victim of recklessness on the public highways is usually without
means to discover or identify the person actually causing the injury or
Employers shall be liable for the damages caused by their employees and household
helpers acting within the scope of their assigned tasks, even though the former are not damage. He has no means other than by recourse to the registration
engaged in any business or industry . in the Motor Vehicles Office to determine who is the owner. The
xxx protection that the law aims to extend to him would become illusory
were the registered owner is given the opportunity to escape liability Employing a person holding a non-professional driver's license to
by disproving his ownership (Aguilar, Sr. v. Commercial Savings Bank). operate another's motor vehicle violates Section 24 of the Land
o Instances are numerous where vehicles running on public highways Transportation and Traffic Code.
caused accidents or injuries to pedestrians or other vehicles without Due diligence in the supervision of employees includes the
positive identification of the owner or drivers, or with very scant formulation of suitable rules and regulations for the guidance of
means of identification. It is to forestall these circumstances, so employees and the issuance of proper instructions intended for the
inconvenient or prejudicial to the public, that the motor vehicle protection of the public and persons with whom the employer has
registration is primarily ordained, in the interest of the determination relations through his or its employees and the imposition of
of persons responsible for damages or injuries caused on public necessary disciplinary measures upon employees in case of breach or
highways (Del Carmen, Jr. v. Bacoy). as may be warranted to ensure the performance of acts
o The motor vehicle registration law, to a certain extent, modified indispensable to the business of and beneficial to their employer.
Article 2180 CC by making these defenses unavailable to the As the negligence of the employee gives rise to the presumption of
registered owner of the motor vehicle. However Article 2180 CC negligence on the part of the employer, the latter has the burden of
should not be completely discarded in cases where the registered- proving that it has been diligent not only in the selection of
owner rule finds application. The source of a registered owner's employees but also in the actual supervision of their work.
liability is not a distinct statutory provision, but remains to be Articles The mere allegation of the existence of hiring procedures and
2176 and 2180 of the CC: It is imperative to apply the registered- supervisory policies, without anything more, is decidedly not
owner rule in a manner that harmonizes it with Articles 2176 and sufficient to overcome presumption.
2180 of the CC (Filcar Transport Services v. Espinas).
IMPT: Damages properly awarded
• The appropriate approach is that in cases where both the registered-owner
rule and Article 2180 apply, the plaintiff must first establish that the employer The CA committed no reversible error when it awarded actual damages to respondent.
is the registered owner of the vehicle in question. Once the plaintiff
• Abejar’s claim for actual damages was based on the Certificate issued and
successfully proves ownership, there arises a disputable presumption that the
signed by a certain Peñaloza showing that respondent paid Peñaloza
requirements of Article 2180 have been proven. As a consequence, the burden
P35,000.00 for funeral expenses.
of proof shifts to the defendant to show that no liability under Article 2180
has arisen. The CA likewise did not err in awarding civil indemnity and exemplary damages.
• The victim is, in many cases, a hapless pedestrian or motorist with hardly any
ARTICLE 2206. The amount of damages for death caused by a crime or quasi-delict shall
means to uncover the employment relationship of the owner and the driver, or be at least three thousand pesos, even though there may have been mitigating
any act that the owner may have done in relation to that employment. circumstances[.]
• The registration of the vehicle, on the other hand, is accessible to the public.
Here, Abejar presented a copy of the Certificate of Registration of the van that ARTICLE 2231. In quasi-delicts, exemplary damages may be granted if the defendant
hit Reyes, which attests to petitioner's ownership of the van. acted with gross negligence.
• It is now up to Caravan to establish that it incurred no liability under Article
2180. This it can do by presenting proof of any of the following: • Both the CA & RTC found Bautista grossly negligent in driving the van and
o 1st: that it had no employment relationship with Bautista - Caravan concluded that Bautista's gross negligence was the proximate cause of Reyes'
admitted that Bautista was its employee at the time of the accident. death.
o 2nd: that Bautista acted outside the scope of his assigned tasks - Caravan For the same reasons, the award of P50,000.00 by way of civil indemnity is justified. The
was unable to prove that Bautista was not acting within the scope of his award of moral damages is likewise proper.
assigned tasks at the time of the accident; or
o 3rd: that it exercised the diligence of a good father of a family in the ARTICLE 2206. The amount of damages for death caused by a crime or quasi-delict
selection and supervision of Bautista - Caravan likewise failed to prove shall be at least three thousand pesos, even though there may have been
mitigating circumstances. In addition:
that it exercised the requisite diligence in the selection and supervision of
xxx xxx xxx
(3) The spouse, legitimate and illegitimate descendants and ascendants of the
deceased may demand moral damages for mental anguish by reason of the death
of the deceased.
• For deaths caused by quasi-delict, the recovery of moral damages is limited to
the spouse, legitimate and illegitimate descendants, and ascendants of the
• Persons exercising substitute parental authority are to be considered
ascendants for the purpose of awarding moral damages. Like natural parents,
persons exercising substitute parental authority are required to, among others,
keep their wards in their company, provide for their upbringing, show them
love and affection, give them advice and counsel, and provide them with
companionship and understanding.
• For their part, wards shall always observe respect and obedience towards the
person exercising parental authority. The law forges a relationship between
the ward and the person exercising substitute parental authority such that the
death or injury of one results in the damage or prejudice of the other.
Moral damages are awarded to compensate the claimant for his or her actual injury,
and not to penalize the wrongdoer. Moral damages enable the injured party to alleviate
the moral suffering resulting from the defendant's actions. It aims to restore — to the
extent possible — "the spiritual status quo ante[.]"
Given the policy underlying Articles 216 and 220 of the Family Code as well as the
purposes for awarding moral damages, a person exercising substitute parental authority
is rightly considered an ascendant of the deceased, within the meaning of Article 2206
(3) of the Civil Code. Hence, respondent is entitled to moral damages.
WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Court of Appeals dated October 3, 2005 is
AFFIRMED with the following MODIFICATIONS:
(a) actual damages in the amount of P35,000.00 shall earn interest at the rate of 6% per
annum from the time it was judicially or extrajudicially demanded from petitioner
Caravan Travel and Tours International, Inc. until full satisfaction;
(b) moral damages, exemplary damages, and attorney's fees shall earn interest at the
rate of 6% per annum from the date of the Regional Trial Court Decision until full
satisfaction; and
(c) civil indemnity shall earn interest at the rate of 6% per annum from the date of the
Court of Appeals Decision until full satisfaction.