Jimb 0955
Jimb 0955
Jimb 0955
DOI 10.1007/s10295-010-0867-6
Abstract Sugarcane bagasse is used as a fuel in con- pentose fermentation to ethanol) in order for the integrated
ventional bioethanol production, providing heat and power process to be more economically competitive.
for the plant; therefore, the amount of surplus bagasse
available for use as raw material for second generation Keywords Simulation Sugarcane Sugarcane bagasse
bioethanol production is related to the energy consumption Ethanol Pretreatment Enzymatic hydrolysis
of the bioethanol production process. Pentoses and lignin,
byproducts of the second generation bioethanol production
process, may be used as fuels, increasing the amount of Introduction
surplus bagasse. In this work, simulations of the integrated
bioethanol production process from sugarcane, surplus Bioethanol has been produced from sugarcane in Brazil on
bagasse and trash were carried out. Selected pre-treatment a large scale for more than 30 years [14]. Until 2005,
methods followed, or not, by a delignification step were Brazil was the largest ethanol producer in the world, but
evaluated. The amount of lignocellulosic materials avail- international interest in ethanol as a fuel aroused and
able for hydrolysis in each configuration was calculated motivated an increase of ethanol production from corn in
assuming that 50% of sugarcane trash is recovered from the the USA. Nevertheless, sugarcane remains the most effi-
field. An economic risk analysis was carried out; the best cient raw material for bioethanol production, with lower
results for the integrated first and second generation etha- consumption of fossil energy for ethanol production, pro-
nol production process were obtained for steam explosion ducing an average of 9.3 units of renewable energy for one
pretreatment, high solids loading for hydrolysis and unit of fossil energy consumed [22].
24–48 h hydrolysis. The second generation ethanol pro- In the search for the expansion of bioethanol production
duction process must be improved (e.g., decreasing without compromising food security and assuring fuel
required investment, improving yields and developing supplies, the use of lignocellulosic materials such as sur-
plus bagasse, trash and other agricultural residues has been
encouraged; it is estimated that the use of these raw
This article is based on a presentation at the 32nd Symposium on
Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals.
materials for bioethanol production will improve process
efficiency as well as reduce environmental impacts [23,
M. O. S. Dias (&) M. P. da Cunha A. Bonomi 37]. Bioethanol production from lignocellulosic materials
C. D. F. Jesus C. E. V. Rossell (second generation (2G) bioethanol), including pretreat-
Laboratório Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia do Bioetanol
ment processes and enzymes technology for cellulose
(CTBE), Caixa Postal 6170, 13083-970 Campinas,
São Paulo, Brazil saccharification, has been investigated with increasing
e-mail: marina.dias@bioetanol.org.br; diasmos@feq.unicamp.br interest for the past few years [36], due to the growing
concerns about climate change, increased energy demand
M. O. S. Dias R. Maciel Filho C. E. V. Rossell
and the forecast depletion of fossil resources [10, 32].
Faculdade de Engenharia Quı́mica, Universidade Estadual
de Campinas (UNICAMP), Caixa Postal 6066, One of the major lignocellulosic materials that can be
CEP 13083-970 Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil employed for bioethanol production is sugarcane bagasse,
956 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 38:955–966
the fibrous lignocellulosic residue generated in large sugarcane trash is recovered from the field [7, 39] and used
amounts (approximately 140 kg/ton of sugarcane, dry either as fuel in the cogeneration system or as raw material
basis) during sugarcane processing for sugar and ethanol for bioethanol production, if the thermal requirements of
production [20]. Where bioethanol is produced from sug- the plant are low enough, resulting in surplus trash. Yields,
arcane (first generation (1G)), such as in Brazil, sugarcane process and conversion parameters were obtained in the
bagasse is already available at plant sites, and production literature and from the industry for the first generation
of second generation bioethanol can share part of the process, and bioethanol production was evaluated for each
infrastructure where first generation bioethanol is pro- process configuration.
duced, such as juice concentration, fermentation and dis- This work provides a basis for economic evaluations to
tillation [7], and the utilities sector (cogeneration and water determine the feasibility of integrated second generation
cooling systems). Another important residue that may be bioethanol production.
employed for bioethanol production in the sugarcane
industry is sugarcane trash, which includes sugarcane
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 38:955–966 957
field. Sugarcane cleaning is usually carried out using wash Table 2 Unit operation design: main parameters
water, which is recycled to the cleaning process after Parameter Value Unit
removal of dirt and other impurities.
Extraction of sugars is done using mills, where sugarcane Efficiency of dirt removal on sugarcane cleaning 90 %
juice and bagasse are separated. Water at a rate of 28 wt% of Sugar losses on sugarcane cleaning 0.8 kg/TC
sugarcane flow is used to improve sugars recovery. Sugar- Sugarcane wash water 2.2 m3/TC
cane juice contains water, sucrose and reducing sugars, Efficiency of sugars extraction on the mills 97.5 %
along with impurities such as minerals, salts, organic acids, Sugarcane bagasse moisture content 50 wt%
dirt and fiber particles which must be removed prior to Recovery of sugars on juice treatment 99.5 %
fermentation. First, screens are used to remove sand and fine Fermentation yield 92 %
particles of bagasse [5]. Juice then receives a chemical Ethanol recovery on distillation and dehydration 99.7 %
treatment to remove other impurities. In the process con- Pressure of steam produced in the boilers 90 bar
sidered in this work, juice undergoes heating from 30 to
958 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 38:955–966
SO2 catalyzed steam explosion of lignin from the pretreated material improves cellulose
accessibility to enzymes in the hydrolysis step.
Experimental results of the steam pretreatment process of
sugarcane bagasse and the subsequent enzymatic hydro- Cogeneration: co-production of heat and power
lysis were obtained by Carrasco et al. [3]. The authors
performed a series of experiments in which 300 g of Fibrous sugarcane residues (bagasse produced in the mills
bagasse (dry weight) was steam pretreated in a 10 L and trash recovered from the fields) are used as fuels for
steam-pretreatment reactor, using SO2 as a catalyst, fol- production of steam and electric energy in the cogeneration
lowed by enzymatic hydrolysis (1 L reactors) and system, supplying the entire thermal and electrical
fermentation. requirements of the ethanol production process.
The highest values for soluble xylose recovery were In the production of first generation bioethanol, all the
obtained for SO2 catalyzed steam pretreatment at 190°C for bagasse and trash available are used as fuel in boilers,
5 min, which also provided the highest overall sugar yields producing high pressure steam. Steam is fed to extraction-
Alkaline delignification
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 38:955–966 959
Process simulation The parameters adopted for the simulation of the cogene-
ration system are listed in Table 3.
Simulations were carried out using the SuperPro Designer Simulation was performed considering no thermal
process simulator from Intelligen, Inc. An autonomous integration of process streams. However, a reduction of
distillery with modern commercial technologies was con- 30.8% on the 2.5 bar steam consumption calculated by the
sidered for the first generation bioethanol production. A process simulator was taken into account; this reduction
simplified scheme of the simulation of the first generation was obtained after applying Pinch Analysis on the simu-
ethanol production is displayed in Fig. 2. lation of an autonomous distillery by Dias et al. [8].
In order to represent the process more accurately, sev- Simulation of the second generation production process
eral components that are part of sugarcane composition was carried out considering conversion parameters calcu-
(cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, aconitic acid, which rep- lated from the results published in Carrasco et al. [3] for the
resents the acids present in sugarcane structure, and steam explosion (SE), Garcia [13] for the hydrogen per-
potassium oxide, which represents all the minerals), oxide (H2O2) and Mesa et al. [24] for the organosolv
960 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 38:955–966
Table 4 Second generation pretreatment process design: steam in which the higher heating value (HHV, kJ/g) is calculated
explosion (SE), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and organosolv (OS): based on the lignin content of the lignocellulosic material
main parameters
(L, wt%). The value calculated using this correlation pre-
Parameter SE H2O2 OS sented a difference from the experimental value of less than
2% for materials such as tobacco leaf, corncob, corn straw
Conversion of xylan during pretreatment (%) 57 67 57
and wheat straw, among others [6]. Lower heating values
Conversion of cellulose during pretreatment (%) 5 0.7 0
(LHV) for unreacted cellulignin (moisture content around
Conversion of cellulose—24 h hydrolysis (%) 50 61 38
50% and varying composition according to the pretreat-
Conversion of cellulose—48 h hydrolysis (%) 70 70 NA
ment and hydrolysis yields) around 10,000 kJ/kg were
Conversion of cellulose—72 h hydrolysis (%) 72 77 NA
Enzymatic load—cellulase (FPU/g dry biomass) 15 10 15
Enzymatic load—b-glucosidase (IU/g dry biomass) 24 20 15
NA data not available Economic assumptions and parameters
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 38:955–966 961
Table 6 Average costs and prices adopted in the economic risk analysis
Parameter Lower Medium Higher
Overall investment x - 3r x x ? 3r
Sugarcane average cost (US$/TC)a 18.37 19.44 20.50
Sugarcane trash average cost (US$/t) 10.02 15.02 20.03
Electricity average price (US$/MWh)b 59.09 70.61 82.14
Ethanol average price (US$/L)c 0.46 0.50 0.54
Enzyme average cost (US$/t)d 40.27 118.44 196.61
Hydrogen peroxide average cost (US$/t)e 308.45 462.44 616.44
Sulfur average cost (US$/t)e 43.00 126.46 209.92
Sulfuric acid average cost (US$/t)e 32.24 65.79 99.35
Sodium hydroxide average cost (US$/t)e 104.08 189.24 274.40
6-year moving average of sugarcane prices (Dec 2009 values) in São Paulo state (SP), from July 2000 to December 2009 [38]
Minimum, medium and maximum prices on renewable energy auctions, values for 2009
6-year moving average of anhydrous ethanol prices paid to the producer (Dec 2009 values) in SP, from July 2000 to December 2009 [4]
Enzyme prices correspond to approximately between US$ 0.50 and US$ 1.25/gal 2G ethanol [25], for a steam explosion pretreatment with 5%
solids loading on hydrolysis
Catalyst average prices obtained from Brazilian average import and export prices from 2000 to 2009 [2]; the exchange rate of US$ 1.00 = R$
1.99 was adopted
962 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 38:955–966
Table 7 Investment data for an autonomous distillery The organosolv pretreatment presented the overall lowest
Parameter Value
ethanol production in the integrated process, due to the fact
that it requires a larger amount of energy during pretreat-
Overall investment (million US$) 150 ment, leading to lower amounts of surplus lignocellulosic
Investment on sugarcane reception and juice extraction (%) 15 material for 2G ethanol production.
Investment on juice treatment, fermentation 17 On the other hand, increasing the solids load during
and distillation (%) hydrolysis leads to a decrease in energy consumption of the
Investment on the cogeneration system (%) 30 process, and so has a significant impact on the amount of
Investment on other sectors (%) 38 lignocellulosic materials available for hydrolysis, thus
improving 2G ethanol production.
(24, 48 and 72 h) and different solids loading on hydrolysis
(5 and 15%). The amount of lignocellulosic material Equipment size
available for hydrolysis in each scenario was calculated.
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 38:955–966 963
964 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 38:955–966
production. A normal distribution of overall investment, are not presented. In addition, due to the massive installed
ethanol and electricity average prices, sugarcane, sugar- capacity of hydrolysis reactors required for the integrated
cane trash, chemicals and enzyme average costs, presented processes with 72 h of hydrolysis, their results of the
in Table 6, was assumed for each alternative, considering economic analyses are also omitted.
10,000 possible scenarios with random combinations of The results obtained for the average internal rate of
these variables. return (IRR) on each scenario is illustrated in Fig. 6, and in
It was verified that in order to achieve similar IRR Fig. 7 the IRR for a 99.7% confidence interval is presented.
values obtained for steam explosion or organosolv pre- Results in Figs. 6 and 7 for the steam explosion
treatments, the hydrogen peroxide pretreatment requires pretreatment with 5% solids load on hydrolysis (SE 5%
that the catalyst (H2O2) price be reduced to 5% of its ori- 24/48 h) present a decrease of the IRR value, in spite of an
ginal value, or the ethanol price paid to the producer must increase in hydrolysis time. This is due to the fact that, for
be raised extremely (at least double that of the other dilute solutions, an increase in hydrolysis time requires
alternatives). Thus, results for the economic evaluation of larger investments and provides few gains in overall
the integrated process with hydrogen peroxide pretreatment ethanol production. Thus, increasing hydrolysis time (and
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 38:955–966 965
consequently, its yields) does not necessarily lead to an different solids loading on hydrolysis (5 or 15%) and
increase in process profitability; other factors, such as hydrolysis length (24, 48 or 72 h). The amount of ligno-
solids loading on hydrolysis, must be addressed. cellulosic material available for hydrolysis was determined
Ethanol and surplus electricity production costs were for each configuration, considering that the thermal
evaluated, proportionally decreasing the prices of both requirements of the integrated plant are supplied by using
products until the internal rate of return is equal to zero. part of the lignocellulosic material as fuel in boilers. An
Results for calculated production costs are shown in Fig. 8. economic risk analysis was carried out, allowing evaluation
Several sensitivity analyses were performed as well. of the internal rate of return of each scenario. Similar
Sugarcane and enzyme costs have significant impact on the results for overall ethanol production for the integrated first
IRR of the integrated process. Results for these two sen- and second generation processes with both hydrogen per-
sitivity analyses are shown in Fig. 9. oxide and steam explosion pretreatments were obtained for
It can be observed that large (66%) changes in the the same process conditions (solids loading and hydrolysis
enzyme cost leads to similar impacts on the IRR as rela- time). Performing hydrolysis for long periods (72 h)
tively small (15%) changes on sugarcane costs. Therefore, requires extremely large hydrolysis reactors and provides
research towards development of sugarcane varieties that only small increments on yield; thus, the best conditions
lead to decreased sugarcane costs may eventually yield for 2G production integrated with the conventional 1G
greater economic gains than decreases in enzyme costs. process seems to be those that consider around 24–48 h of
hydrolysis and increased solids loading on the hydrolysis
reactor. The amount of catalyst used in the hydrogen per-
oxide pretreatment and its price must be reduced in order
for the process to become feasible. The 2G production
process must be improved (e.g. decreasing investment,
In this work, simulations of the integrated bioethanol
improving yields, developing pentose fermentation to eth-
production process from sugarcane, bagasse and trash were
anol) in order to improve competitiveness of 2G integrated
carried out using the SuperPro Designer process simulator.
with 1G production process, reaching higher forecasted
Selected pre-treatment methods (steam explosion, hydro-
IRR values.
gen peroxide and organosolv) followed, or not, by an
alkaline delignification step were evaluated, along with Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Dedini Indús-
the subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis step, considering trias de Base S/A for supplying investment data.
966 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 38:955–966