Summative MIL Answer KEY (Midterm)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Ormoc City Division
Ormoc City District VIII



General Direction: Make your penmanship legible. Keep your answer sheet clean by avoiding many erasures.

Test I. Multiple Choice 5. _________________ is the ability to recognize when

Direction: Choose the letter of your best answer. information is needed, and to locate, evaluate, and
effectively communicate information in its various
1. When the receiver of your text message perceives your formats.
typing in all capitals as that you are shouting or angry, the
a. information literacy b. media literacy
situation falls under ______________.
a. decoding b. encoding c. feedback d. context c. media d. technology literacy

2.The following are the positive effect of media to 6. _________________ is the ability of an individual,
communication EXCEPT; either working independently or with others, to
a. used as tools for sharing information, ideas, and messages responsibly, appropriately, and effectively use
b. great ways to connect with friends and families technological tools. Using these tools an individual can
c. utilized to deceive, confuse and misinform people access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and
d. source of entertainment communicate information.
a. information literacy b. media literacy
3. The following are the negative effect of social media to
c. media d. technology literacy
communication EXCEPT;
a. become sources of misinformation and fake news
b. give confidence to the user to bully or harass individual 7. Which of the following shows a responsible use media
c. promote identity stealing and information?
d. used as a means of teaching and learning in this new a. bullying someone on twitter
normal b. leaking others personal information on social media
brought by COVID-19 c. using Facebook to promote campaign of forest conservation
d. cyberstalking someone
4. This picture is campaign on:
8. When did people discover fire and develop paper from
a. Pre-industrial Age b. Industrial Age
c. Electronic Age d. New/Information Age

9. Which of the following statements is TRUE about industrial

A. People developed paper from plants.
B. People used electronic devices as means of communication.
a. being careful with the people we meet online. C. Books were published through printing press.
b. trusting with friends online and offline. D. People used portable computer laptop to gather
c. opening to relationships in the virtual world.
d. being pleasing when dealing with acquaintances.
10. Which of the following medium is used during the
electronic age?
A. clay tablets B. cloud and big data
C. virtual reality D. LCD projectors 19. These are system of signs which create meaning to
the receiver.
11. It is where people are can share ideas, speculate, tell A. Codes B. Convention
stories and give information.
C. Language D. Message
A. Monitoring Function B. Opinion Function
C. Information Function D. Media as channel
20. It is a code used to tell the story.4
12. Jade browses the internet on how to cite references for A. Media B. Symbolic
her research paper so that she will not commit plagiarism. C. Technical D. Written
What function of media is this?
A. Monitoring Function B. Opinion Function 21. Body language, clothing, colors are examples of what
C. Information Function D. Media as channel code?
A. Media B. Symbolic
13. _______________ is a variety of media expression C. Technical D. Written
conceptualized, produced, and circulated by indigenous
people with information appropriate to their culture. 22. Information or data are stored. What do media
a. social media b. indigenous media practitioners use as communication channels through
c. internet d. literacy which they disseminate them?
A. Codes B. Convention
14. How does social media change our lives in a good C. Language D. Media
A. Facebook changed the definition of friend. 23. A graduate student of the country's premier state
B. Facebook created online jobs and opportunities. university submitted a photograph as his own and won a
C. Facebook created negative effects on culture as well contest sponsored by the Chilean ambassador. The
as society. photograph was copyrighted by Children at Risk
D. Facebook made us care less of our privacy. Foundation. What issue can be found here?
a. Cyber Bullying b. Plagiarism
15. Time spent online seems to displace which other c. Digital Divide d. Computer addiction
A. newspaper B. radio 24. Mr. Carabuena was caught on video harassing the
C. television D. all of the above MMDA. The Video was posted and netizens were very
angry about it that they commented harsh words on Mr.
16. Which of the following is an advantage of print Carabuena.
media? a. Cyber Bullying b. Plagiarism
A. Printed document is more valid and difficult to alter. c. Digital Divide d. Computer addiction
B. Printed document can be recycled.
C. Printed document can be put in your bag. 25. According to Laura Clark (2014), an Education
D. Printed media can be a scratch paper. Correspondent, Youngsters are increasingly displaying
signs of compulsion to use their tablets and
17. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of smartphones, including taking their devices to bed and
indigenous media. in some cases
A. oral tradition of communication even preferring the company of gadgets to people.
B. store information in memories a. Cyber Bullying b. Plagiarism
C. information acquired from Google c. Digital Divide d. Computer addiction
D. information is contained within the border of the
community 26. The Association of Filipino Franchisers, Inc. (AFFI)
appealed to Telecommunication Operators (TELCOS) a
18. Which of the following is NOT a form of indigenous Small-Medium Enterprises (SME)-friendly connectivity
media for a faster economic growth.
A. Folk or traditional media a. Cyber Bullying b. Plagiarism
B. Gatherings and social organizations c. Digital Divide d. Computer addiction
C. Direct observation
D. Facebook post 27. A copyright symbol
a. TM b. © 34. E-mail is the most popular online communication
c. @ d. None of the above technology. FALSE
35. There is growing evidence that heavy multitaskers—
28. Media and information technology is constantly people who have multiple screens open at once and who are
heavy users of social media—show less ability to concentrate
evolving and growing and continually offering new
and remember things than light multitaskers. FALSE
advances in the world. Along with this, individual must: 36. Communication is the process of sending and receiving
a. constantly educate oneself with the new trends. messages through verbal or nonverbal means, including
b. try to be updated in handling and manipulating the speech, or oral communication; writing and graphical
new technology. representations; and signs, signals, and behavior. TRUE
c. share knowledge and inculcate values to the next 37. In a public speaking situation, the source of the message is
generation. the person listening to the speech. FALSE
d. all of the above 38. The process of turning communication into thoughts is
encoding. FALSE
29. The act of transferring information from one place, 39. Infographics is a visual presentation of information
person or group to another is referred to as: and data. It comes in imagery, charts and minimal texts
a. context b. communication which allows the reader to have a quick overview of the
c. media d. noise concept or idea. Infographics use print media and online
media. TRUE
30. The means of communication, such as radio, 30. Broadcast media describes the traditional forms of
television, magazines, or the internet are referred to as: media that include television and radio. TRUE
a. media b. noise
c. context d. interference

Test I. Multiple Choice

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if
otherwise not.
Pass the test not because you want to prove
31. Social media goes back to some of the earliest internet something,
technologies and even predates the internet. TRUE Top the test not because you want to show off,
32. There has been a huge rise in creativity among the public But pass and top the test for the people who
since the advent of social media. FALSE sacrificed everything just for you to learn and
33. Microsoft and Apple are two examples of how open- grow.
source - Cejie G. Romo
companies can become global leaders in their industries.

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