Icici Bank: METRO BRANCH (13398)
Icici Bank: METRO BRANCH (13398)
Icici Bank: METRO BRANCH (13398)
e-Special Term Deposit Advice
(In lieu of term deposit receipt)
Date : 21-SEP-2020
Dear Sir/Madam
We have pleasure in confirming details of the following amount held in deposit with us. Please quote
the Account Number in all correspondence. Thank you for Banking with us.
Customer Number 86528972241
Number : Scheme :
1. The e-TDR/e-STDR in INR is generated in the same name(s) of the account holder(s) as in account from
which it is funded.
2. The interest on the Term Deposit (e-TDR), and the proceeds of the Term Deposit (e-TDR) or Special Term
Deposit (e-STDR) upon maturity, will be credited to the account from which the e-TDR/e-STDR was funded.
3. Bank will deduct the income tax as per the law applicable and in case no tax is to be deducted, form 15H/G
has to be submitted by the depositor to the branch just after opening the e-TDR/e-STDR and at the
beginning the Financial Year in the subsequent Financial Years.
4. e-TDR/e-STDR with additional rate of interest for Senior Citizens will be issued if option for "Senior Citizen "
is selected by the customer and age of customer is 60 Yrs or above, on the date of creating the fixed deposit,
as per date of birth recorded with the Bank. The minimum days and minimum amount applicable for
additional rate of interest for senior citizen will be as per Bank's policy.
5. e-TDR/e-STDR will be disposed of according to the Maturity Instruction given at the time of opening the
deposit. In case of auto renewal,the deposit will be renewed for the same duration for which it was originally
kept, at the rate of interest prevailing on the date of renewal for that duration.If auto renewal instructions are
given, the instructions will continue to executed till terminated by the account holder