B4 WEEK11 NOTES - Term 3
B4 WEEK11 NOTES - Term 3
B4 WEEK11 NOTES - Term 3
Fayol Inc.
Name of School………………………………………………………………………….…………………
Week Ending
Class Four
Reference English Language curriculum Page
Learning Indicator(s) B4. B4. B4. B4. B4. B4.
Performance Indicator A. Learners can support ideas and points with visual resources to convey meaning
appropriate to purpose and context
B. Learners can use recognition strategies to confirm understanding of level-
appropriate texts
C. Learners can use modals to express a variety of meanings:
D. Learners can write to friends about personal experiences using appropriate
letter formats
E. Learners can use invented spelling to increase fluency and free writing
F. Learners can read a variety of age-and level appropriate books and
present a-two-paragraph summary of each book read
Teaching/ Learning Resources Word cards, sentence cards, letter cards and a class library
Core Competencies: Reading and Writing Skills Personal Development and Leadership and Collaboration
Wednesday Can you put the digits 1 to 9 Put a chart with labelled axes on the Give learners task to
in a square so that every board; place several cut-outs card of the complete whiles you go
row, column and diagonal object. round to guide those who
add to 15? “ ”on the table. don’t understand.
Thursday Can you put the numbers 1 Give learners several graphs that have Give learners task to
to 7 in each circle so that the used one-to-one correspondence in complete whiles you go
total of every line is 12? displaying the same data. For instance, the round to guide those who
graph below shows the animals at Mr. don’t understand.
Wilmot’s farm. Ask children to explain
how they are the same and different Give remedial learning to
those who special help.
Friday Can you put the digits 1 to Give learners several graphs that have Give learners task to
11 in the circles do that used many-to-one correspondence in complete whiles you go
every line has the same total? displaying the same data. E.g. The graphs round to guide those who
below show the number of pupils in a KG don’t understand.
to P3 in a school and the time five pupils
can take to hold their breath. Ask Give remedial learning to
questions for children to read and those who special help.
interpret graphs
Use questions and answers to A constitutional referendum was Ask learners to tell the
review learners understanding held in ghana on 27 April 1960. class what they have learnt.
in the previous lesson The main issue was a change in the
country’s status from a Call learners to summarize
constitutional monarchy with the main points of the
Elizabeth II as head of state, to a lesson
republic with a presidential system
of government.