MAP Law Will Intake Form 2015
MAP Law Will Intake Form 2015
MAP Law Will Intake Form 2015
Name in full (first, middle, last) Other Names You May Be Known By
( ) ( )
Any other Residence or Future Residence Street Address City Province Postal Code
( ) ( )
We refer to the term “spouse” throughout this form. “Spouse” includes current married and common-law partners.
“Former spouse” includes former common-law partners and anyone from whom you are currently separated or
Other Previous Marriages? Yes No If Yes, Provide Details as above for each previous
marriage on back.
Spouse Ever Previously Married? Yes No If Yes, Provide Details as above for each previous
marriage on back.
Any Continuing Support Obligations, Obligations on Death (ie. Life Insurance, Pension obligations)? Yes No
If Yes, Provide Details of Obligations on Back
Does Spouse have any Continuing Support Obligations, Obligations on Death? Yes No
If Yes, Provide Details of Obligations on Back
(Please provide copies of any Separation Agreements, Court Orders, Marriage Contracts or Cohabitation
Created for Morgan and Phillips LLP by Anita Phillips LLB, in 2015
Draft Will for Spouse?
Yes No
Name in full (first, middle, last) Other Names Spouse May Be Known By
( ) ( )
Occupation Employer Telephone No. Fax No.
( ) ( )
CHILDREN indicate if any children are not Canadian citizens and if any children are from a previous
relationship, if any are stepchildren, adopted or handicapped, and indicate which children are being supported
Name and Address D.O.B. Married &/or Have Children? Notes (see above for info
(provide names) needed):
Provide details of anything that you think might be important regarding your will or estate. For
example is there anyone who you think might challenge your will or make a claim against your
estate. Provide details of any family members or other potential beneficiaries with disabilities,
and advise whether they receive any government or other assistance. Provide details of any
family members or other potential beneficiaries who are subject to bankruptcy issues, legal claims
or have difficulty handling money. Provide details about relevant matters concerning your health
or the health of potential beneficiaries or executors.
Financial Advisor:
Insurance Advisor:
Family Doctor:
(Name of Institution & Account Number) Self Spouse Joint* Beneficiary(ies) Value
1. Name, Address and Nature of Primary Business:
(Provide Copies of All Agreements Related to Business, ie. Partnership Agreement, Shareholder Agreement,
Buy/Sell Agreement)
2. Name, Address and Nature of Any Other Business:
(Provide Copies of All Agreements Related to Business, ie. Partnership Agreement, Shareholder Agreement, Buy/Sell Agreement)
Company Name/ Owner of Life Insured Death Cash-In
Policy Number Policy Self Spouse Other Beneficiary Benefit Value
1. $ $
2. $ $
3. $ $
4. $ $
5. $ $
Employer or Company Name and Pension Administrator: Employer or Company Name and Pension Administrator:
Type of Loan Ownership
Person Owing You Money & Terms of Repayment Self Spouse Joint Amount Owed
ie. Jewellery, Antiques, Cars, Boats, Collections etc. of Ownership
Significant value or that may be dealt with in Will Self Spouse Joint* Value
Type of Property Self Spouse Joint* Value
LIABILITIES: (Not including Mortgages)
Type of Loan Person or Institution Responsibility for Debt Amount
(ie. Bank Loan, LOC, IOU, Tax) Debt is Owed To Self Spouse Joint * Owed
: $
If yes, do you have more than 1 will each (ie. a Primary and a Secondary Will)? Yes No
You can revoke or change the beneficiary of your life insurance policy(ies) in your will. You can also establish a trust
for the proceeds of your life insurance policies in your will.
If yes, do you want the beneficiary(ies) to receive the proceeds of your life insurance outright? Yes No
Alternatively, do you want to provide for your life insurance proceeds to be held in trust? Yes No
(ie. insurance trust for your children)
Like life insurance, you can change the beneficiary of your RRSPs, and RRIFs and certain other registered plans in
your will. You can also establish a trust for the proceeds of these plans in your will.
I want to change the beneficiary designation on my registered plans (ie RRSPs) Yes No
Often people want to leave certain items of property – which can have either monetary or sentimental value to family or
friends. There are many ways this can be done. Please indicate by checking below all the boxes that may apply to
your will.
I have a few items that I know I want to give to certain people. I want to specify the gift of these items in my Will:
Please describe the item and name the beneficiary for each item.
I plan to make a memorandum some time in the future setting out how I want certain items of personal property
distributed, and I may want to change this memo from time to time.
I have or will make a memorandum of how I want certain items of personal property distributed. I don’t expect to
make any changes to this memo over time.
I want all of my personal property to go to my spouse if alive – but, if my spouse is not alive then:
I want my Trustees to divide my personal property equally among my children as my Trustees decide is appropriate
I want my Trustees to divide my personal property among my children as my children agree. Provided that if my
children are unable to agree then:
I want any personal items going to my minor children to be held for each child until they are 18.
For most people their interest in their home will form part of their general estate or will be transferred directly to a
beneficiary as it can be complicated to hold real estate in trust. If you want your interest in your home to be treated
separately from the rest of your estate and either given to a beneficiary or held in a trust for the use of a beneficiary,
please provide instructions below:
If you do want your home to be treated differently from your general estate, please confirm the ownership of the
If you want to leave your interest in your home to a beneficiary(ies), other than the beneficiaries of the rest of your
estate, provide name of beneficiary(ies), and alternate(s):
If you want your home to be held in trust for the use of a beneficiary, please provide beneficiary’s name(s) and age(s):
If your home is to be held in trust, please consider the following questions, which will need to be dealt with in your
will: Who is to pay for repairs to the home? Who is to pay for its maintenance? Does the estate trustee have the
ability to substitute property? When is the property to be sold? If the property can be sold during beneficiary’s (ies’)
lifetime – what is to happen to the proceeds of sale?
If you want to leave your interest in this property to a beneficiary, other than the beneficiary of the rest of your estate,
provide name of beneficiary(ies), and alternate(s):
If you want your interest in this property to be held in trust for the use of a beneficiary (ies), please provide
beneficiary’s(ies’) name(s) and age(s):
If your interest in this property is to be held in trust, please consider the following questions, which will need to be
dealt with in your will: Who is to pay for repairs to the property? Who is to pay for its maintenance? Does the estate
trustee have the ability to substitute property? When is the property to be sold? If the property can be sold during
beneficiary’s(ies’) lifetime – what is to happen to the proceeds of sale?
BUSINESS INTERESTS (Proprietorships, partnerships and private corporations)
Do you want your interest in your business(es) to form part of your general estate, or transferred to particular
Please provide details of your wishes and instructions:
(Cash Gifts)
When is the legacy to be
Amount Name, Relationship & Address of Individual or Charitable paid? On your death or
Beneficiary on the death of the last of
(If a beneficiary predeceases, do you want the legacy to be paid to you and your spouse to
another person or persons ie. the beneficiary’s children or spouse?) die?
(Defined Amount Held in Trust and Paid Out over Time)
Amount or Name, Relationship & Address of Purpose of Trust (ie. When is the legacy trust
Percentage of Beneficiary(ies) Education), if any to be established? On
Estate (If a beneficiary predeceases, do you your death or on the
want the legacy to be paid to death of the last of you
another person or persons ie. the and your spouse to die?
beneficiary’s children or spouse?)
(Residue is what remains after debts, taxes and legacies and other gifts paid)
Residue is either left to beneficiaries outright or in trust. The details of any trusts will be discussed in person, however
it would be helpful for you to check any boxes which may apply and provide further information below.
Equally to your children, but if any of your children predecease you leaving children of their own then alive
the deceased child’s share is divided among their issue (their children) OR
Other – specify:
Spouse is entitled to all of income from trust for his or her lifetime.
Other – specify:
Child and their issue (children) are to be beneficiaries of each trust - if other beneficiaries provide details:
Child and Spouse and their issue are to be the beneficiaries of the trust – provide details:
Trust for other beneficiary(ies). Provide names, relationship to you, and purpose of trust:
We suggest that inheritances to young people are spread out over a number of years, in 3 or more distributions.
Age(s) of Distributions and Amount of Capital Share given at each Distribution period:
Names and Relationships of Beneficiaries and Instructions for Division amongst Beneficiaries. For example: all to be
divided between 2 named persons; all to named charity; all to be divided into 2 parts, 1 part for each spouse’s family
equally divided among siblings …
18 21 25
Spouse Yes No . If No, provide name and relationship and contact info for each executor:
Provide name and relationship and contact info for each executor:
Provide details of all Conditions, and Restrictions for Executors ie. majority rules, minimum number of executors:
GUARDIAN(S) (Your guardian is the person or people you name to take care of your
children until they turn 18).
Guardian(s) of First Choice (Provide Name, Relationship, City of Residence)
Provide Names, Relationship & Addresses of Attorneys Provide Names, Relationship & Addresses of Attorneys
Continuing Power of Attorney for Property: Continuing Power of Attorney for Property:
Name of Attorney(s) __________________________ Name of Attorney(s) __________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Substitute_____________________________ Substitute_____________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
If more than 1 Attorney is Named, are Attorneys to act If more than 1 Attorney is Named, are Attorneys to act
together, or can either Attorney act?: together, or can either Attorney act?:
If more than 2 Attorneys are Named, are Decisions to be If more than 2 Attorneys are Named, are Decisionsto be
made unanimously or by majority rule?: made unanimously or by majority rule?:
Are there to be restrictions in Power of Attorney ie. Are there to be restrictions in Power of Attorney ie.
only to be used if you are proven to be incapable? If yes, only to be used if you are proven to be incapable? If yes,
how is incapacity to be determined?: how is incapacity to be determined?:
Power of Attorney for Personal Care: Power of Attorney for Personal Care:
Name of Attorney(s) __________________________ Name of Attorney(s) __________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Substitute_____________________________ Substitute_____________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
If more than 1 Attorney is Named, are Attorneys to act If more than 1 Attorney is Named, are Attorneys to act
together, or can either Attorney act?: together, or can either Attorney act?:
If more than 2 Attorneys are Named, are Actions to be If more than 2 Attorneys are Named, are Actions to be
made unanimously or by majority rule?: made unanimously or by majority rule?:
Do you want to include specific instructions in Power Do you want to include specific instructions in Power
of Attorney? If yes, do you want to say that you don’t of Attorney? If yes, do you want to say that you don’t
want life support if you are terminally ill ?: want life support if you are terminally ill ?:
Include “No Life Support” clause Include “No Life Support” clause
Provide details of any other specific instructions: Provide details of any other specific instructions: