Gloria Copeland & Pastor George Pearsons: Study Notes
Gloria Copeland & Pastor George Pearsons: Study Notes
Gloria Copeland & Pastor George Pearsons: Study Notes
© 2015 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. aka Kenneth Copeland
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Unless otherwise noted, all scripture is from the King James Version of the Bible.
Scripture quotations marked AMPC are from The Amplified® Bible, Classic
Edition, © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman
Foundation. Used by permission.
Scripture quotations marked NKJV are from the New King James Version
© 1982 by Thomas Nelson Inc.
Scripture quotations marked NLT and NLT-95 are from the Holy Bible, New
Living Translation © 1996, 2004 by Tyndale Charitable Trust. Used by
permission of Tyndale House Publishers.
Scripture quotations marked NIV are from The Holy Bible, New International
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Scripture quotations marked MSG are from The Message © 1993, 1994,
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Scripture quotations marked ESV are from The Holy Bible, English Standard
Version® © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Day 1
Quote from Kenneth Copeland, The Laws of Prosperity (Fort Worth: Kenneth
Copeland Publications, 1974), pages 17, 26, 32.
Day 3
Quote from “The Goodness of God” article by Billye Brim, published in the
Summer 2000 edition of The Glory Watch magazine, paraphrasing quote by
David Baron, Zechariah: A Commentary on His Visions and Prophecies.
Quote from Kenneth Copeland, THE BLESSING of The LORD Makes Rich and
He Adds No Sorrow With It Proverbs 10:22 (Fort Worth: Kenneth Copeland
Publications, 2011), chapter 12, section “Plant the Seed and It Will Grow!”
pages 228-229.
Day 5
“21 Ways God Supplies” from George Pearsons, 50 Days of Prosperity
Vol. 1 (Fort Worth: Kenneth Copeland Publications), Day #30.
Day 6
Quote from Kenneth Copeland, The Laws of Prosperity (Fort Worth: Kenneth
Copeland Publications, 1974), pages 23, 20, 56.
Day 7
Quote from Kenneth Copeland, The Laws of Prosperity (Fort Worth: Kenneth
Copeland Publications, 1974), page 65.
Quotes from Gloria Copeland, God’s Will Is Prosperity (Fort Worth: Kenneth
Copeland Publications, 1978), pages 95-97.
Day 8
Quotes from the “God’s Great Storehouse” prophecy taken from the “What
About 2012” prophecy, © 2011 Kenneth Copeland. All rights reserved.
Quotes from Gloria Copeland, God’s Will Is Prosperity (Fort Worth: Kenneth
Copeland Publications, 1978), pages 98-100.
Day 9
Quote from Gloria Copeland, Faith School CD series, message #3 © 1997.
Step Up Your Faith
B. 1 Thessalonians 3:10—Paul’s Faith Challenge
1. Verse 10 (AMPC): “[And we] continue to pray especially and with most intense
earnestness night and day that we may see you face to face and mend and make good
whatever may be imperfect and lacking in your faith.”
2. NLT: “Night and day we pray earnestly for you, asking God to let us see you again to fill
the gaps in your faith.”
3. They were limited in their faith and needed to come up to the next level.
4. Paul knew exactly what to do to break through their limitations.
5. He had a strategic plan to help them enlarge their faith capacity.
The Spirit of Faith
C. Numbers 14:22-24—Caleb Had a Spirit of Faith
1. Verses 7-11—The “Limiters” wanted to stone him.
2. What set Caleb apart?
a. Why was it easier for Caleb to see himself taking the land?
b. Why does it seem easier for one person to believe and receive than another?
3. Verse 24: “But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath
followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereinto he went; and his seed shall
possess it.”
a. He had cultivated a spirit of faith.
b. He believed God and was ready to possess the land even before he went out to
spy the land.
4. 2 Corinthians 4:13: “We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I
believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak.”
5. Caleb removed the limits and enlarged his faith capacity to take what God had already
a. We must remove the limits and enlarge our faith capacity to take what God has
already promised.
b. Tomorrow we will begin to learn how to enlarge our capacity to believe and receive.
Total Immersion Part 1
4. The Lord took me back to the basics that Kenneth and Gloria taught me over the past 40
years concerning the development of my faith.
5. The Lord told me to implement a “total immersion” program that would help me break
through limitations and enlarge my capacity to receive.
Total Immersion Part 2
this day as on the day that Moses sent me; just as my strength was then, so now is my
strength for war, both for going out and for coming in.”
3. Verse 12 (NKJV): “Now therefore, give me this mountain of which the Lord spoke in
that day; for you heard in that day how the Anakim were there, and that the cities were
great and fortified. It may be that the Lord will be with me, and I shall be able to drive
them out as the Lord said.”
4. Verse 14 (NKJV): “Hebron therefore became the inheritance of Caleb the son of
Jephunneh the Kenizzite to this day, because he wholly followed the Lord God of Israel.”
5. Galatians 6:9 (AMPC): “And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting
nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do
not loosen and relax our courage and faint.”
Total Immersion Part 3
C. The Pearsons’ “New House/Debt-Freedom Immersion Plan”
1. The Lord led us to sow our house debt free.
a. The “What next?” pressure set in.
b. We knew we had to ramp up our faith for the next step (see “How to Develop
Your Faith for Debt-Free Living” on page 27).
2. The Lord led us to do three things to break the limits, enlarge our faith capacity and
receive a debt-free house.
3. We totally immersed ourselves in scriptures that removed the limits on God (see “How to
Develop Your Faith for Debt-Free Living” on page 27).
a. Genesis 18:14—Is anything too hard for the Lord? NO!
b. Numbers 11:23 (AMPC)—Has the Lord’s hand, ability and power become short,
thwarted and inadequate? NO!
c. Matthew 19:26—With men, this is impossible. But with God, all things are
4. We totally immersed ourselves in Dr. Leroy Thompson’s Money Cometh series and Brother
Copeland’s series, The Laws of Prosperity.
a. We listened to them all the time.
b. At home, in the car, on the plane—everywhere!
c. I preached a “debt freedom” series in church.
5. We totally immersed ourselves in God’s Word by locating and meditating on 191
scriptures that prove that God supplies (see “21 Ways God Supplies” on next page).
a. Our spirits were strengthened.
b. Our faith was growing.
c. Our minds were renewed.
d. Our lives were transformed.
e. Our capacity to believe for more enlarged.
f. We now live in a beautiful, debt-free home!
2 1 WAY S G O D S U P P L I E S
7. Our Relationship With God 11. Earth’s Resources
• Honoring and loving God—Proverbs • Psalm 24:1
3:9‑10, 8:17-21 • Deuteronomy 32:13
• God’s pleasure in us—Psalm 35:27; Luke • Psalm 33:5
12:32 • Genesis 14:19
• By seeking Him first—Matthew 6:33-34; • Psalm 67:5-6
Job 22:21 • Haggai 2:8
• Being taught by God—Isaiah 48:17 • Psalm 85:11-12
• Exodus 19:5
8. Provision Direct From the Throne • Psalm 104:24
• Seed for the sower—2 Corinthians 9:10 • Psalm 115:16
• The hand of God—1 Chronicles 29:14-16;
• Numbers 11:23 12. Hidden Treasures of Darkness
• God’s own ability for us—Ephesians 3:20; • Isaiah 45:3
2 Corinthians 9:8
• Come to the throne—Hebrews 4:16 13. Provision by Individuals
• Daily provision—Psalm 68:19; Exodus 16:4 • Men—Luke 6:38; Psalms 68:29, 72:10,
• His riches in glory—Philippians 4:19; 112:5; Matthew 7:12; 2 Samuel 23:14-17
Ephesians 3:16 • Kings—Proverbs 21:1; Ezra 6:3-4, 7-8;
• Your heavenly account—Philippians 4:17-20; 2 Chronicles 9:12; Esther 5:8
Matthew 6:19-21 • Inheritance from relatives—Proverbs 19:14;
• Wisdom—Proverbs 3:13-15, 4:5-9, 24:3-4 2 Corinthians 12:14
15. Witty Inventions • 1 Kings 17:4-6
• Proverbs 8:12 • Genesis 22:13-14
• Matthew 17:27
16. Simply the World’s System • Psalm 50:10
• The wicked and the sinner—Proverbs
13:22; Ecclesiastes 2:26; James 5:1-3 19. Because the Lord Needs It
• Stolen goods returned—Exodus 22:1; • Mark 14:13-16
Psalm 79:12; Proverbs 6:30-31, 22:22-23 • Mark 11:2-3
• Steal it back from the enemy—Exodus
3:21‑22, 12:36; 2 Chronicles 20:25; 2 Kings 20. Our Covenant Inheritance
7:8; Joshua 12:1, 13:1; Isaiah 53:12; 1 Samuel • The Blessing of Abraham—Galatians 3:13-14
30:19 • The righteous will never beg for bread—
• Other nations—Isaiah 61:5, 60:5 Psalm 37:25
• Through faith and patience—Hebrews
17. Angels 6:12; James 1:3-5
• Psalm 103:20-21 • Our prosperous lineage—Genesis 17:1-2
• 2 Kings 6:17 • Inheritance through being a joint heir with
• Hebrews 1:14 Jesus—Galatians 3:29; Ephesians 1:10-11;
Romans 8:16-17; Psalm 37:18
18. Wildlife
A man shared several years ago of how he 21. The Favor of God
spoke to the birds to bring him money. • Exodus 11:3
Based upon 1 Kings 17, he said he started • Esther 2:17
finding money outside around the house • Deuteronomy 33:23
after he went out and hollered at the birds. • Esther 5:8
They gathered around and listened to him. • Joshua 11:20
“People lose money every day. Go get it!” • Esther 8:5
• 1 Samuel 16:22
A 15-year-old was so impressed with
this story, he decided to try it. He asked
the Lord for $10 for missions and God
provided seed to the sower.
Day 1 $1.65
Day 2 $2.35
Day 3 $7
Day 4 $10
A. Brother Copeland asked, “You’ve heard me preach living debt free for as long as you’ve been
around me. Why then, did you borrow the money to get your new house?
1. “Your faith was not strong enough or big enough to receive a debt-free house.
2. “Your faith level was not up to where you could receive a debt-free house.
3. “You had enough faith developed to give a house, debt free. But your faith was not
developed enough at the time to receive a debt-free house. It takes time to develop your
faith. You don’t just jump off into this kind of thing.”
4. How do we strengthen our faith, get it big enough, up enough and developed enough to
5. Mark 9:23-24: “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him
that believeth. And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord,
I believe; help thou mine unbelief.”
6. 1 John 5:4: “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory
that overcometh the world, even our faith.”
c. Deuteronomy 28:12: “Thou shalt lend to many nations, and thou shalt not
d. Deuteronomy 15:6: “For the Lord thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee:
and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt
reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee.”
5. Romans 4:21: “And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also
to perform.”
C. I Had to Then Enlarge My Inner Perception of the Largeness of God’s Ability to Do This in My
Life to Break Through My Limitations.
1. “My people call Me King—but they don’t see Me as King-sized.”
2. I had to locate scriptures that would remove the limitations I had on God and on my
believing—the help I needed for my unbelief.
3. Psalm 119:32: “I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my
4. Genesis 18:14: “Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return
unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.”
a. “Nothing is too hard for my God.”
5. Numbers 11:23: “And the Lord said unto Moses, Is the Lord’s hand waxed short? thou
shalt see now whether my word shall come to pass unto thee or not.”
a. “God, Your hand is not short.”
b. “God, Your Word will come to pass.”
6. Psalm 78:41: “Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.”
a. “God, I’m not turning back.”
b. “God, I’m not tempting You.”
c. “God, I’m not going to limit You.”
7. Isaiah 59:1: “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear
heavy, that it cannot hear.”
a. “God, Your hand is not shortened.”
8. Matthew 19:26: “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is
impossible; but with God all things are possible.”
a. “God, my debt freedom is possible with You.”
9. Mark 9:23: “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that
a. “God, I believe that my debt freedom is possible with You.”
10. Ephesians 3:20 (AMPC): “Now to Him Who, by [in consequence of ] the [action of
His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do super
abundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our
highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams].”
a. “God, You are able to do superabundantly, far over and above all I can ask or
b. “God, You go infinitely beyond my highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or
D. Word From the Lord—Stretch Your Vision for Debt Freedom
“I am demanding you to break out of the religious, restricted, poverty, inferior, mediocre,
below standard, cut back, barely get by, small-minded, cheapskate mentality, limited box
you have been in concerning what I want to do in you, for you and through you. You have
been restrained by three things:
“It is a new day—a new time—a new hour. I am now commanding you to reach out
further with your faith—more than you ever have before. Stretch. Stretch. Stretch forth
and see it with your faith. That is the key—the ability to see. Only through the eye of faith
will you be able to see the exceeding, super abundant, above all you could ask or think.
“Call for it. Call for what you see with the eye of faith. Exceeding provision beyond
comprehension awaits My Body. But, you must come up over your limitations into a
realm yet untapped.
Feed on the Word
B. Romans 10:17 (NKJV)—Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.
1. Faith for greater prosperity comes by daily feeding on God’s Word.
2. God’s Word paints the inner image of how He wants us to live and what He wants us to have.
3. Whatever we keep before our eyes and take into our spirit is what we will eventually
4. The more of God’s Word we ingest, the more we are able to break through the limitations
and step over into a greater capacity to receive all that God desires us to have.
5. Proverbs 8:34-35: “Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates,
waiting at the posts of my doors. For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain
favour of the Lord.”
C. Acts 14:7-10—The Cripple at Lystra Healed
1. Verses 7-10: “And there they preached the gospel. And there sat a certain man at Lystra,
impotent in his feet, being a cripple from his mother’s womb, who never had walked: The
same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to
be healed, said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked.”
2. The more Word he heard, the more his inner image changed.
3. Limitations were being dissolved as his capacity for faith enlarged.
4. We can get the same results from feeding on the Word of prosperity.
a. The limited, lack, poverty mentality will dissolve.
b. The inner image of our prosperity will grow.
c. Our faith capacity to receive all that God has for us will enlarge exponentially.
5. Ephesians 3:20 (AMPC): “Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of ) the [action
of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do
superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our
highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams].”
Meditate on the Word
A. Romans 10:17 (NKJV)—Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.
1. How do we break through the limitations of a poverty mentality?
2. How do we come up to the next level of prosperity?
3. How do we enlarge our faith capacity to receive in a much greater way?
a. We must apply the principle of total immersion in God’s Word.
b. We must become single-minded on the Word.
c. We must feed on the Word every day.
4. The more Word we hear, the greater our capacity to receive.
5. The same principle applies to meditation in the Word.
3. Meditate (HEB) = Ponder, imagine, think about
a. It is fixing your mind on the Word.
b. It is setting your thoughts on the Lord.
c. It is spending time beholding Him in His Word.
4. Meditating the Word enlarges your capacity for faith.
a. It builds the image of prosperity in your heart.
b. It expands your ability to believe and receive.
c. It allows the Word to take root.
5. Isaiah 26:3: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: Because
he trusteth in thee.”
a. Perfect peace (HEB) = Shalom, Shalom—Prosperity, prosperity; completeness,
soundness, health, contentment, nothing missing and nothing broken.
b. Isaiah 26:3 (AMPC): “You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant
peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You,
because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You.”
Meditation in God’s Word is a necessity in God’s success formula. Keep His Word before you and
meditate: Dwell upon the Word in thought life day and night. Meditation is more than just reading.
Meditation is fixing your mind on the Word so that you do all that is written therein. You will gain
revelation and insight into the Word that you never could gain by only reading.
In meditating in the Word you are applying that Word to yourself personally. You are allowing the
Holy Spirit to make God’s Word a reality in your heart.
You are carefully pondering how this Word applies to your life. You are dwelling on how this Word
from the Lord changes your situation. Or perhaps you simply receive the quiet revelation of that
means me! You are placing yourself in agreement with what God says about you. You are seeing
yourself as He sees you!
As long as God’s Word is just a Book—even a Holy Book—you will not act on it. Until the Bible
becomes God dealing with you, it will not be active and powerful in your life.
Through meditation the integrity of God’s Word becomes a reality to you. As the truth is revealed in your
spirit, you will begin to do all that is written in it. Doing God’s Word is the end result of keeping God’s
words in your mouth and meditating on His Word. Only acting on God’s Word guarantees success.
One of the greatest enemies of faith is mental assent. Mental assent agrees that the Word is true.
Mental assent sounds good but enjoys no results because it only agrees that the Word is true—mental
assent does not act on the Word.
Mental assent says, “I believe the Bible is true from Genesis to Revelation.” But when it comes time
to apply that Word personally, mental assent then says, “I know the Bible says that by His stripes I am
healed, but I feel sick, so I must be sick.”
Mental assent does not act from faith in the Word but acts on what it sees and feels. People who just
agree that the Word is true do not walk by faith but by sight.
Beware of the trap of mental assent. It is subtle because it sounds good. A great deal of time mental
assent can be tagged by the words but and if. These two little words will rob you of your confession of
faith. Replace confessions of doubt with the Word of God.
Act on the Word
B. “God’s Great Storehouse”—Word From the Lord Through Kenneth Copeland, November 10, 2011
1. “…I have a great storehouse. Much more has been stored up in the storehouse of riches
beyond your wildest dream that I laid up for you before the foundation of the world.
2. “Much more is stored up there than what the Church has ever called for.
3. “I never have held back on the Church, saith The LORD God of plenty. I’ve made it
available to you. I put it in My WORD. I gave you a promise and stood behind it with the
blood—the precious blood of your Savior.
4. “But there has been a backwardness in My people about laying hold of the things that I
have provided for you.
5. “But I will say this: There is a people in the land. There is a people around the world.
There is a people strong and mighty, growing much stronger and much mightier and more
bold to lay hold and put their claim of faith on the things that I have laid up for you. And
it thrills Me, saith The LORD, because it’s been yours all the time.”
esus gives us an example of two men and the way they re-
sponded after hearing the Word. The wise man acted on the Word
and the foolish man mentally assented to the Word. You can be
either man.
“Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man,
which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and
beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these
sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the
sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it
fell: and great was the fall of it” (Matthew 7:24-27).
Knowing what the Word says is not enough. You must act on that knowledge to get results. Both men heard
the Word and both houses experienced the storm, but the results were different!
Acting on the Word put a foundation under the wise man’s house that could not be moved and his
house suffered no loss.
The foolish man, who heard the Word but did not do it, had no foundation when the floods came. His
house may have been easier to build, but it had no power to stand.
Because meditation makes God’s Word a reality to you, it shuts the door to mental assent and opens
the door wide to doing God’s Word. It not only gets your thoughts but also your actions in line with God’s
will for you. As truths are revealed to you in the Word, apply them to your circumstances and do them.
You be the wise man who acts on the Word. When the adversities of life come against your house, it will
stand because the foundation of doing God’s Word will make it stand.
You will learn to act on the Word of God just as you would the word of your doctor, lawyer or best friend.
To put this formula into action, find out what God
KNOWING WHAT THE WORD says in the Word about the need in your life. In His
Word you will find God’s answer to every problem
SAYS IS NOT ENOUGH. YOU MUST common to man. For every evil Satan can throw
ACT ON THAT KNOWLEDGE at mankind, our Father has provided the Word to
overcome that evil. Prosperity and good success are
TO GET RESULTS. yours through God’s Word. “If ye abide in me, and my
words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” ( John 15:7).
To receive from God, you must make your thoughts, actions and words be in agreement with what God
says belongs to you. You are the determining factor in receiving from God. God’s Word does not change.
God’s will does not change. If you want to receive from God, YOU must change your believing and saying
to agree with Him.
We receive by faith. Well, what is faith? It is so simple, yet many make it seem complex or unattainable.
Faith is believing what God says in His Word regardless of what you see with your eyes or hear with your ears or feel
with your senses. Faith believes God’s Word no matter what the circumstances say. The Amplified Bible, Classic
Edition in Hebrews 11:1 says that faith is perceiving as real fact what is not yet revealed to the senses.
Faith is trust. If I told you something but offered no proof to back my words, you would have to trust me
in order to believe it. If you said, “You will have to show me before I will believe it,” you put no confidence
in my integrity. When you receive or reject what God says in His Word concerning you, you are dealing
with His integrity.
God’s Word is good. The Bible says that God is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19).
You may think, I would never call God Almighty a liar, but that is exactly what you do every time you
allow your words and actions to contradict what you know God says about you in His Word. You are
acting in fear instead of in faith—fear that God will not perform His Word in your life. What an insult
to the Father!
God’s success formula has produced in our lives over and over and over again. It has never failed to produce.
We have personally used this formula to receive healing, airplanes, houses, office buildings, equipment,
clothes, cars, boats, wisdom, guidance, help with our children, and national radio and television coverage—
to name a few. We have used the Word to receive in every area of our lives. The Bible tells us that the just
shall live by faith. We have lived by faith and enjoyed tremendous blessings.
When you get ready to release your faith, use whatever scripture the Lord leads you to use. Don’t go to
God with the problem. Don’t pray the problem—pray the answer. Present to God the Word that covers
your need and say, “I believe it!”
Believe the Word
A. Isaiah 54:2-3—It’s Time to Step Up Our Faith
1. Verses 2-3: “Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine
habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes; for thou shalt break
forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make
the desolate cities to be inhabited.”
2. The Lord has challenged us to come up to the next level of faith to believe Him for a
greater manifestation of prosperity.
3. “God operates by faith. You are not going to come up to a new level of faith believing
what you believed on the old level. You are going to have to stretch your faith so that you
can come up into that place.” —Gloria Copeland
4. How do we break through the limitations and enlarge our faith?
a. We must apply the principle of total immersion.
b. We must become single-minded on the Word.
c. We must feed on the Word.
d. We must meditate on the Word.
e. We must act on the Word.
f. We must believe the Word.
5. Deuteronomy 30:9 (AMPC): “And the Lord your God will make you abundantly
prosperous in every work of your hand, in the fruit of your body, of your cattle, of your
land, for good; for the Lord will again delight in prospering you, as He took delight in
your fathers.”
a. “Don’t be asking me to live sparingly when the Bible says, ‘The Lord your God
will make you abundantly prosperous.’ Don’t expect me to drive an old, worn-
out car, fly an old, worn-out airplane or live in an old, worn-out house. I don’t
serve an old, worn-out God. He said He would make us abundantly prosperous.
That means more than just prosperous. That means abundantly prosperous.
Deuteronomy 28 says your storehouses will be blessed. ‘Storehouses’ is over and
above what you need. That’s abundance!” —Gloria Copeland from Faith School
b. Say out loud, “I believe I receive that word!”
B. Hebrews 10:38-39—We Are Believers
1. Verses 38-39: “Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall
have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of
them that believe to the saving of the soul.”
2. Romans 4:17-25: “(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before
him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things
which be not as though they were. Who against hope believed in hope, that he might
become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed
be. And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was
about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara’s womb: He staggered not
at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
and being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. And
therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. Now it was not written for his sake
alone, that it was imputed to him; but for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we
believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; who was delivered for our
offences, and was raised again for our justification.”
3. 2 Corinthians 4:13: “We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I
believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak.”
“You could just meditate on the phrase, ‘I’ve got the God kind of faith.’ I HAVE THE GOD
KIND OF FAITH! I—me—Gloria—I have the God kind of faith. I’ve got it! I don’t have to
let the devil run over me. I don’t have to let defeat take me over. I have the God kind of faith.
There has been given to me the measure of the God kind of faith. All things are possible to him
that believes. All things are possible to God. But, also, all things are possible to the one who
believes God. That’s me. I have the God kind of faith. The same faith that created this world
was put into my heart when I was born again.
“Now, I have to grow in faith. I have to be nourished in faith. I have to do what the Bible
plainly tells me, to increase my faith if I want to operate in the God kind of faith. But there is
no question about it. I have the God kind of faith if I am born again. And that makes me feel
good to know that I have that world-changing, world-creating, supernatural power that can
create a whole earth from words. I have that in me.” —Gloria Copeland, Faith School
A New Realm of Superprosperity
A. Word from the Lord to Pastor George, Saturday, April 25, 2015
1. Yesterday, Saturday, April 25, 2015, we were given an assignment by God through Brother
Copeland to release our faith for the second Citation X. We believe we have that aircraft
2. This morning [Sunday, April 26], I woke up with the Lord speaking to me about a
new level of giving and receiving that starts today. It is a new realm of superprosperity,
superharvest and superabundance.
3. He said, “As the congregation gives their tithes and sows seed today, they are to believe
for a new, supernatural, over and above degree of harvest and abundant return than they
ever have believed before.
4. “They are to believe for the glory realm of superprosperity, superharvest and
superabundance. This is a miraculous harvest of unprecedented return.
5. “They are to believe for this superharvest to come immediately—now!”
C. God Gave Me These Scriptures
1. Leviticus 26:10 (NLT-95): “You will have such a surplus of crops that you will need to get
rid of the leftovers from the previous year to make room for each new harvest.”
a. NIV: “You will still be eating last year’s harvest when you will have to move it out
to make room for the new.”
2. Amos 9:13 (NLT): “‘The time will come,’ says the Lord, ‘when the grain and grapes will
grow faster than they can be harvested.’”
a. The sower is overtaking the reaper.
3. Ephesians 3:20 (AMPC): “Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of ) the [action of His]
power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly,
far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers,
desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams].”
4. “Tell them, that whatever they need, to release their faith for the full amount, with much
left over.”
5. “Tell them to believe for it to come immediately—RIGHT NOW!”