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Exposing and destroying dream attacks.

©Pastor Hlompho Phamodi Copyright 2015

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Dreams according to Gods plan were designed to convey a divine message from
God to man via the supernatural. Job 33:15-16 explains this; In a dream, in a
vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their
beds. Then He opens their ears of men, and seal instruction.

God designed you and me to have godly dreams, but Satan took advantage of
this channel through the fall of man and brought corruption and manipulation.
Matt 13:25; while men slept his enemies came and sowed tares amongst the
wheat and went his way. The sole purpose of the devil is to sow destruction in
people’s lives through their dreams. He uses dreams to program man and to cage
them. Your dreams are your spiritual mirror.
I know for a fact that if I am dreaming bad or evil dreams I need to check myself
spiritually. Sometimes they are just attacks, but the best way to monitor your
walk of faith is to watch your dreams.

1. From God; the plan of God is for you and me to hear from him in our dreams.
There are certain instructions that God wants to give you, there are messages that
he needs to communicate with you, and the best time to do that is in your sleep.
Never under estimate the power of a dream,
It was through a dream that Joseph became a prime minister of Egypt, despite all
the bad things that took place along the way, but he held on to the dream God
gave him. It was through a dream that God gave Solomon wisdom and riches; it
was through a dream that God saved Jesus Christ from Herod when He spoke to
Joseph. The Lord uses dreams to warn, instruct and direct our lives.

2. From the devil; the enemy hates you and me, and will use dreams to corrupt
and manipulate man. Matthew 13:25 teaches us this; while men slept, his
enemies came and sowed tares amongst the wheat. Note the Bible say his
enemies, these were not outsiders but an in-house enemy, who knew exactly
when to attack and how. The devil is a cunning creature, and knows exactly what
to do. All spiritual dream attack is tailor made for an individual. In other
words you will dream what is relevant and specific to you. The devil comes
to kill, steal and destroy; we need to stand our ground. Every child of God need
to know they not immune to dream attacks, but by the grace of God through
prayer and covering the devil has no power to destroy your live. Declare this
prayer with me;

Every dream pollution from the kingdom of darkness, I reverse it now
in Jesus name.

3. From the Soul and mind: Ecclesiastes 5:3 says; for a dream comes through a
multitude of business; and a fool’s voice is known by multitude of words. As you
go about your lives events, you capture in your mind consciously or sub-
consciously a lot of information. This information gets stored in your soul or
mind, will and emotions. At night while you sleep these events play out in your
mind, sometimes dreams are natural and mean no harm. You can dream about a
good time you had with a friend or a long time memory. This dreams that do not
carry any thread should still be placed under the blood of Jesus, but no need to
worry about them.



“How the enemy uses dreams to corrupt and
manipulate your life!”

Are you having evil dreams that you cannot explain?

Are you feeling powerless over dream attacks?

Does the enemy have access into your dream life?

Are you tired of bondage?

While men slept, his enemies came and sowed tares amongst the wheat.
Matthew 13:25

The dream world is acknowledged by both the Bible and science. It is a
mysterious world that human beings have never mastered. There is a lot that
happens in the night. It is your responsibility as a child of God to know how to
monitor your dreams. To know the difference between when God speaks to you
or when the devil speaks to you through dreams. A lot of lives are targeted at
this time and the enemy unfortunately has access to the minds of both the saved
and unsaved. If discerned and prayed against dream attacks are powerless, but if
left unchecked they can destroy lives, marriages and even destinies. Pray your
way out of evil dream attacks and have victory in your life. This volume is an
extract from ‘Deliverance by Fire, by Force’.


Pastor Hlompho Phamodi is a born again, chosen vessel of God, a general and a
commander in the Kingdom of God, an anointed man of God who is called to
proclaim and demonstrate the Word of God. He is called to pastor, coach and
equip the saints in the area of Deliverance, Healing and Spiritual warfare. His
preaching’s and writings are backed up with signs and wonders to deliver, to
heal and set free the captives. He is a man under submission to spiritual
authority; he serves under the apostolic covering of Apostle M Oliphant at His
Grace Family Church in Cape Town. He is a married to ‘Makarabo Phamodi and
lives in Cape Town South Africa.


Firstly I will love to dedicate this work to the Most Important Person on this
planet and in my life, the Holy Spirit Himself, without Him I can do nothing.
Without His fire in my life this are just mere words.

This book is nothing but proof that with God all things are possible. Since
accepting Jesus Christ there has been many great mentors and people that God
has used and I will love to thank God for every person who contributed to my
spiritual life. I am a product of their prayers and service.

To my precious wife ‘Makabo Phamodi, your love and prayers continue to
inspire me to do more. I am grateful to the Lord for a suitable helper, may God
richly bless you.

I have been blessed to have a wonderful spiritual father Apostle Oliphant and
mother Mama Oliphant I want to give God all the glory for giving me such
parents. The apostolic covering upon my life through my spiritual father has
brought so much favor and blessings in my life. This book is an example of what
God can do when you meet your helpers of destiny.

To my amazing parents Mr. and Mrs. Phamodi, who continue to pray for me I
give God all the glory for keeping you faithful to end.

To my family in the Lord from His Grace family Church, and Fill the Gap
ministries back in Lesotho I bless the Lord for my parents Archbishop M
Kolisang and Mama Bishop Kolisang from Fill the Gap Ministries in Lesotho; I
am a product of their prayers and teachings.

To countless sons and daughters of the Most High God all over the world who
believe that Jesus has come to set the captives free. May your faith grow from
strength to strength.


Dreams will fall into these categories; 1. Instructive dreams; when God wants
to give you a breakthrough sometimes he will give you an instructions. (Psalms
32:8) 2. Predictive dreams; there is no time or barriers in the spirit, God can
show you the future through a dream. (Gen 41) 3. Corrective dream; God is a
father who loves His children and sometimes we need to be corrected and
showed the way. (1 Tim 3:16) 4. Warning dream; this is when God shows you
danger before you get to it, sometimes he uses this dream to expose wrong
5. Prophetic dreams; God reveals mysteries and prophetic messages through

Demonic attack; sometimes the devil will attack you, for a mere fact that you
are Gods child, there is war in the heavenlies to destroy you. I always encourage
the saints to be militant, the Bible says we are in war, it actually calls us soldiers.
So there will be attacks from time to time so the best way is to resist the devil
and he will flee from you, as James says. Or in full it reads this way; ‘Obey God,
resist the devil, and he will flee from you’ (James 4:7) So, James is teaching us a
two-part remedy. Firstly you obey God. Second, resist the devil.

Every dream attack sent to drain your anointing; I command it to
perish with its sender in Jesus name.

Family curse; unconfessed family curses bring demonic dreams and attacks. As
a born again Christian it’s very important that you go through deliverance from
any family curses. When I was born again I still had dream attacks especially
those of fear, I would be terrified in dream and subjected the spirit of fear. I
remember I will dream of being in our house and suddenly the house will be
pitch black with a demonic presence, it will be so terrifying that I will fight to
get up. There was a bedroom of my parents that I could never get into. I had this
dream for years even after being born again; I believe it was a family related
curse, perhaps of the spirit of fear and torment. I prayed about it and one day I
had this dream, and declared the word of the Lord that; I have not been given the
spirit of fear, but of power love and the sound mind. It was the end of the torture,
while in the dream I literally went into the dark evil presence, commanded it to
go in Jesus name, I went into my parents room, which I had feared for years in
this dream, when the spirit came to attack I remember shielding my whole
family against it. It was a remarkable breakthrough, since then I never had it.

Possession of cursed items. Cursed items are contact points for demons. A
preacher told a story of casting out a “demon of Karate” from a young man. He
had delivered him the previous year from the same spirit. The young man
repented and quit karate. However, the demon manifested a year later in extreme
outbursts of anger and displays of great strength. The root cause was that, he had
kept his training gear and black belt displayed in a glass case in his room. Once
these were discarded, and a second renunciation made, the man was set free.
Watch out for demonic items, pictures or items. Anything that resembles satanic
presence, get rid of it. Sometimes these cursed things are with our children, it
might be a video game, piece of clothing. Cover your house with the blood of
Jesus, and let your house be filled with godly items.

Wrong associations; Proverbs 13:20 "He that walketh with wise men shall be
wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed." There is power in fellowship
and soul-ties can impact positively or negatively in ones live. I am very
particular about who I befriend, there is no way you can walk with the fools and
expect to be wise. Show me your friends and I will show you who you are.
The Lord wants to free us from wrong associations, as born gain we are called to
influence to be the salt and light of the world and not to be influenced. Be
careful about wrong associations as the Lord, wants you to be wise.

Marine spirits; the marine kingdom is popular for recruiting people through
dreams. I know a girl who dreamed of a man who offered her a chocolate in a
dream and after she took it, she was told that tomorrow at such and such a time
the man will come and then she will be taken somewhere. She agreed and guess
what the following day the man came at the exact time as mentioned to her, and
she was taken to the city under the sea, where she was slowly introduced into
Satanism, promised wealth and riches for a her soul. She was there for the next
14 years of her life.

I declare every recruiting agent of darkness assigned over you and
your household, be roasted now by fire in Jesus name.

The devil is out to kill, steal and destroy; he is after your joy, blessings, health,
family and ministry. You need to pray violently if you having repeated
occurrences of the following; All forms of robbery attack in a dream, e.g.
House break-in or snatching or car hijack.
You dream of losing important documents, such as an Id.
Nakedness and seeing your clothing removed from you.
Living in house without roof.
Losing money.
Dreaming of lack etc.

Pray these prayers out loud; Evil arrows go back to your sender (x7) Holy
Ghost fire consume every dream robber assigned over my life.
(Hold your head) and apply the blood of Jesus Christ upon your mind
in Jesus name.
Every dream robber assigned to steal from me, I bind you in Jesus
name and command you to perish in your ways.
I command every stolen goods to be turned back to me in Jesus name.

The devil also uses dreams to lower our spiritual appetite, watch out for the
following dreams and pray accordingly: Eating heavy food.
Sexual intercourse.
Urinating uncontrollably.

Pray out Loud the following; All demonic caterers feeding me demonic food,
I command you to catch fire and die in Jesus name.
All injecting demons sent to poison me let your own poison destroy
you in Jesus name.
Arrows of infirmity sent into my body, I sent you back to your sender.
In the name of Jesus by fire, by force I recover all my lost appetite for
the things of God.
I take back every miracle that belongs to me in Jesus name.

Any death related dream is not good, and should not be entertained. The devil
kills not only physically but spiritually. There are things God has deposited in
you that should be born; there is an office in you that should be occupied. Just
as Herod wanted to kill Jesus at his infancy the devil knowing the office
Jesus was going to occupy tried to stop him before his time. Every spirit out
there out to kill you before your time, I bind it in the mighty name of Jesus; you
shall live and not die.

Some dream manifestations are; Seeing a grave.
Seeing a coffin.
Seeing being shot or stabbed to death.
A relative sent into a mortuary.
Singing burial songs.
Falling unconsciously.

Read psalms 118:17, and pray aggressively the following; In the Name of
Jesus spirit of death you shall not harvest my life (x7).
Arrows of death you shall not locate me or my family in Jesus name.
I break the covenant with death in Jesus name.
I bind the spirit of the grave in Jesus name.
Any dream of death I have ever heard, either of myself, my family or
anyone connected to me, I declare you shall not prosper in Jesus name.
Spirit of car accidents I declare you will not harvest my life.
Infirmities and inherited life threatening diseases, you are not my
portion in Jesus name.
Cycles of pain and death, BREAK in the name of Jesus.
Gates of death be shut upon my life and family in Jesus name.
I will live long, and enjoy the fruits of my labor in Jesus name.

Note: as a born-again Christian you are not supposed to dream of dead
people in any way. It’s a demonic channel that the devil is using to
introduce you to demonic practices such as psychics.

Pray this prayer and if needed take a 3 day fasting if the dreams still
persist; Every door, spiritual eye or third eye opened to see the dead spirits; I
command it to close now in Jesus name.
Lord I will only see what the Holy Spirit wants me to see and not
the evil spirits.
I cancel every initiation declared upon my life that is a result of
this dreams.
I renounce every involvement with the dead in any way.
I cleanse my dreams with the blood of Jesus and let go of any
sorrow, guilt or ill feelings for the departed loved once.
In Jesus name I receive deliverance in this area amen.

The devil ultimately wants to shame you. He wants you to lose confidence in
God; He wants you to be demoted so you can say there is no God, Here are some
dream manifestations; Seeing yourself doing a job below your standard.
Seeing yourself in a small house.
Seeing yourself being fired from work.
Seeing people conspiring about your demotion.
Seeing people plotting your demotion.
Begging for money in dream.

Pray these strategic prayers; Any demoting household spirits I command you
to bypass me in Jesus name.
Arrows of shame and disgrace; what are you waiting for, back to the
sender in Jesus name.
I blot out with the blood of Jesus every demoting dream in Jesus name.
Any garments of shame forced upon me, tear and catch fire now in
Jesus name.
Lord by your mercy, turn my demotion into promotion.
Lord turn my shame to fame.
Anointing of double honor, manifest in my life for all to see.
Dream of rise and fall projected against me be destroyed by fire in
Jesus name.

The devil uses family curses sometimes to try and cage people, even Christians.
Most of us come from backgrounds where our families or parents consulted
mediums, familiar spirits and sangomas (witch doctors). You have accepted the
Lord but never broke that generational curse, and in the spirit realm contracts
speak. As long as that contract is still tied to your name you will have

Some dream manifestations are; Seeing old dead relatives.
Contracts that bear your name.
Meetings where you are discussed.
Evil items in your possession.

Strategic prayers are; Confess all known and unknown generational curse,
cover everything under the Blood of Jesus.
You arrows of generational curses break now in Jesus name.
I command every evil spirit of generational curse in my life to be
broken now in Jesus name.
I release my destiny from any ancestral curse working against my
All dead relatives, familiar spirits in my family I block your
assignment in the name of Jesus.

You labor a lot, but reap nothing; Haggai 1: 6, 8-9, 11. The Lord wants me to tell
you that it’s time to break free out of poverty, out of debts, out of financial

Dream manifestation may include; Putting money in your pocket, filled with
Being robbed of money in dream.
Seeing yourself begging, in lack or destitute.
Exchanging money in dream.

Confession and Repentance; Confess every disobedience and unfaithfulness in
tithing and giving.
Pray; Spirit of poverty manifesting in my dreams I command you to be
destroyed in Jesus name.
Any curse that makes me to gather into a bag full of holes I cancel it
now in the name of Jesus.

You need to deal ruthlessly with evil monitoring spirits if you are experiencing
the following; Seeing strange bird following you in the natural or in a dream.
Seeing strange eyes in dream or natural.
Seeing a fly following you.
Hearing strange movements following you.
Dreaming of a house without windows or doors.
Prayers; Any witchcraft satellite erected to monitor my progress, collapse in
Jesus name.
I destroy every in-house monitoring spirits, planted by the enemy in
my house.

Have you ever gone to bed well and woke up sick, this is a sign of a dream
attack; Pray; Spirit of infirmity you are not my portion I bind you in Jesus
Demonic sickness I command you to leave my body with all your
possessions now in Jesus name.
I break the spirit of sickness in Jesus name.
By His stripes I am healed and delivered in Jesus name.

Yoke of evil family patterns is a uniform problem in a family linage; it is also
called a yoke of collective captivity. It is the battle your father or mother
fought and is now facing you.

Dream manifestation; Seeing yourself and your dead father/mother always
Seeing yourself divorced.
Seeing yourself back where you come from.
Always late for meetings.

Pray; Yoke of collective captivity and non-achievement in my life break and
release me in Jesus name.
Yoke of collective captivity of no promotion and late graduation break
and release me.
I declare I am a curse breaker and I will not be bound by what bound
my parents.

This is a terrible spirit, if the devil cannot stop you from getting to your
promised land, he will delay you, just as he did with Israel In the wilderness.
Deuteronomy 2: 1-3

Any dreams where you see the following; Going in circles, perhaps walking
or driving.
Seeing the same things over and over while you walk.
Feeling caged, or limited.
Your feet stuck in mud.
Pray; Spirit of stagnation, I command you to loose me and let me go.
Any agent of darkness assigned to delay my breakthrough catch fire
and die in Jesus name.
I receive total deliverance from dream attacks in Jesus name.

1. Close every evil open doors in your life, that are giving the enemy access
into your life. For example you can remove gossip from your life, for example,
if every time you hear some bad information on someone, you must insist on
praying for them. The next time a gossiper stops you at your doorstep and has
something to say, turn the gossip meeting into a prayer meeting “Oh, that devil
sure is hitting our friend hard. Let’s pray!” Start the prayer immediately. This is
super effective!

2. Break unhealthy relationships. Your friends who are leading you astray
must go. Those old friends who pull you down, they are a spiritual hindrance in
your life, get rid of them.

3. Search your home for demonic icons remember anything that a demon
would claim is unholy. Do these exercises prayerful as the Holy Spirit knows
best and He will direct you.

‘I pray that from today onwards that your dreams will be consecrated unto
God, I apply the blood of Jesus upon them now. I decree divine visitation,
prophetic dreams to be your lot. I prophecy elevation and advancement upon
your live. Every demotion is turned around to promotion. I prophecy health
and breakthrough in Jesus name. May your dreams be filled with angelic
activity, may you experience Gods divine instructions, guidance and revelation
through your dreams. I believe God is heard your prayers. The name of the
Lord be with you. Amen’

©Pastor Hlompho Phamodi
First Published 2015
ISBN: 9781517693206

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically,
mechanically, photocopy, recording or otherwise without prior written
permission of the publishers.

This book is a publication of HLOMPHO PHAMODI PUBLICATIONS
Cape Town, Western Cape
South Africa
Email: hlomph@hotmail.com
Contact No: +27(0) 21 839 4286 / (+27)0 83 754 1746

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For prayer requests or testimonies, sent us an email on
hlomph@hotmail.com, we will love to hear from you.

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