Management Unit 5 MCQ Test (Legislative Acts)

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Management Unit 5 MCQ Test

(Legislative Acts)
Unit 5: Legislative Acts
Subject: Management Subject
code: 22509
Class: All Branches Third Year

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14. Industrial Acts are useful for * 1 point

A. Guarantee of employee welfare

B. Provision of Legal Platform

C. Removes Extortion of Workers

D. All the above 1/7
4/22/23, 11:28 PM Management Unit 5 MCQ Test (Legislative Acts).pdf
17. AA 8 tyeisaa
rsperson of the age between * 1 point

B. 18 – 21 years
15. Indian Factory Act is passed in * 1 point
C. 21 – 25 years

D. 58 – 61 years

A. 1935

B. 1947 18. Day as per Factory Act is * 1 point

C. 1948 A. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

B. Period of 12 hours
D. 1991
C. 24 Hours

D. None of the above

16. Major amendments done in Factory act in * 1 point

A. 1948

B. 1952

C. 1976

D. 1991

19. A Labour Welfare Officer is appointed in the factory as per Factory Acts 1 point

when there are minimum workers. *

A. 100

B. 300

C. 500

D. 1000

20. As per Factory Act, one box of First Aid is provided for 1 point

workers. *

A. 100

B. 200

C. 150

D. 500

21. Workman’s Compensation Acts is passed in * 1 point

A. 1924

B. 1948

C. 1950

D. 1934

22. Employer has to give compensation under which case. * 1 point 2/7
4/22/23, 11:28 PM Management Unit 5 MCQ Test (Legislative Acts).pdf
B. M
A. Injury casedD. dAlul ring employment

B. Injury caused by accident

25. Factory using power as per factory act is premise of minimum * 1 point

C. Any disableAm e nt/ death after accident

. 40 workers

D. All the abovBe. 20 workers

C. 30 workers

D. 10 workers

28. Work permit is issued by . * 1 point

A. the department where maintenance activity is going to take place

B. the department which is going to do the repairs

23. Minimum Wages Act was passed in * 1 point
C. the general manager

D. the government safety officer

A. 1924

B. 1935

C. 1948

D. 1952

24. Minimum Wages which are fixed are declared by Government through * 1 point

A. Newspaper

29. "A document that authorizes one to carry out a specific job is * 1 point

A. factory act

B. safety schedule

C. work permit

D. lethargy

30. An adult worker can work up to ....... hrs in a day as per factories Act, 1 point

1948. *

A. 8

B. 9

C. 10

D. 12

35. If affected worker is recovered within 10 hours, then which type of 1 point

accident is it? *

A. Minor

B. Reportable 3/7
4/22/23, 11:28 PM Management Unit 5 MCQ Test (Legislative Acts).pdf
D. Fatal
C. Major
40. No adult working shall be required or allowed to work in a factory on * 1 point

D. Fatal
A. Monday

B. Weekly holiday

C. Tuesday

D. None of these

18. Day as per Factory Act is * 1 point

A. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

B. Period of 12 hours

C. 24 Hours

D. None of the above

19. A Labour Welfare Officer is appointed in the factory as per Factory Acts 1 point

when there are minimum workers. *

A. 100

B. 300

C. 500
36. If affected worker is not recovered within 48 hours, then which type of 1 point
D. 1000
accident is it? *

A. Minor

B. Reportable

C. Major

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