1tool Brochure

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Software and libraries

for HVAC/R applications

I n t e g r a t e d C o n t r o l S o l u t i o n s & E n e r g y S a v i n g s
Development, Simulation, Commissioning:
3 needs

1tool is the new development tool for the CAREL programmable

controller platform.
It features five different environments available to the developer for
managing all phases of the application program: from design to testing
and debugging and right up to commissioning in the field.
The fundamental aspect of this tool is integration. All the environments are
linked together to best support development of the application program.
Each environment is dedicated to the development of a specific function
and interacts with the other environments so as to ensure the developer:
• greater reliability, thanks to the real time error notification in the design
• a reduction in development times using the new functions available,
above all the new libraries of functional modules;
• flexibility in terms of software customisation.

All these features, new graphics and user-friendliness make 1tool

an excellent product that responds to a variety of needs for HVAC/R
Libraries for HVAC/R: the foundation of our

Compressor type
Atoms v1.0
Strategy Library View
Atoms v1.0 Macroblocks_ET v1.0 -User-

Ain_Mng Comp EVD400_Com EVD400_Spec Bitzer
Air_Qu...MOD_AIR_... Mod_Belim
Air_Qu Frascold
Mod_Check MOD_COOL...MOD_DAM... Mod_Defros... Mod_DST MOD_EXT... Mod_Fans Mod_Freeze Mod_Humid... Mod_HWS... Mod_M_Sto...Mod_MB_
Mod_MB_Cl Mod_MB_p...



Mod_MB_Pr...Mod_MB_S...Mod_MB_VFD Mod_OnOff. Mod_pCOe...MOD_POS... MOD_PRE

Off... Mod_pCOe
Off Mod_S_Stor...Mod_Set_S... Mod_Temp... Mod_Test_... Mod_Test_... Move_BT_10 Not_Zero PAD_PLAN

Turbocor Refcomp

Hanbell Copeland

Based on its expertise acquired in the market, CAREL can offer a vast library for HVAC/R
Indeed, the libraries of atoms, macroblocks and modules are the added value of 1tool. A
system of functions that can precisely respond to the different design needs.

The CAREL library of functional blocks includes:

• 80 atoms, the basic elements of 1tool;
• 121 macroblocks, complex algorithms based on consolidated and secure logic;
• 45 modules, functional blocks made up of control algorithms and corresponding user

During development, the different elements that make up the library can be used at the
same time. This allows the developer, depending on the level of complexity required by the
application, to use the right combination of functional blocks for the construction of the
application, from simple modifications to the development of highly complex algorithms.

CAREL can also supply a vast range of standard applications for its family of programmable
controllers, 12 different standard solutions for the HVAC/R market designed for developers who
need a solid starting point to create custom solutions.

multiple programming levels and
integrated user interface management

1tool offers different levels of programming. As well as the consolidated libraries of

atoms and macroblocks, new libraries of functional modules are now also available.
Modules are functional blocks made up of control algorithms and corresponding user
interfaces. The developer can thus, with a simple “click”, import the desired algorithm and
all the corresponding user interfaces into the application, saving a significant amount of
development time.
To best support its customers, CAREL provides libraries of functional modules designed for
the various different HVAC/R applications.
Users can also convert their own specific algorithms into reusable modules, making
the development of subsequent projects faster and more secure, being based on
consolidated logic.

Chiller Core
made to be customised

Chiller Core is the exclusive new application that includes all the essential functions for
managing the operation of chillers. It is a tool designed for 1tool developers who need a
solid base to start creating custom applications.
Chiller Core is arranged into modules, meaning the code is easy to follow and edit.
Each function of the “core” has been simplified for the purpose of making it readily
Thanks to this extreme flexibility, Chiller Core is the ideal tool for checking the operation
of chillers during testing and service.
The solution for managing all the steps in th
he application program

multiple programming levels and integrated user interface management

The integration of ST (Structured text) and Ladder Logic allow 1tool to

support two standard IEC 61131-3 languages.
The two new languages and CAREL libraries of functional blocks (atoms,
macroblocks and modules) can be used at the same time in the same
application program, allowing the developer to create control algorithms in
the simplest possible way. This system offers the following advantages:
• increased visibility of the code;
• greater reusability of the code;
• subdivision of the application into modules that can be developed in parallel
by different programmers.

integrated application for debugging the algorithms, user interface and network

Using the Simulation Editor, the applications developed can be tested

quickly and reliably, simulating the control algorithm and the corresponding
user interface in detail.
Firstly, the developer can apply different types of simulation, from
continuous execution of the application to step-by-step execution of the
various functional blocks making up the algorithm.
During simulation the input and output values of the various functional
blocks can be displayed in real time.
The use of break-points allows faster debugging of the application being developed.

simplified field setup, diagnostics and local and remote maintenance

pCO Manager is the new 1tool environment that assists the user in the
configuration and setup of the HVAC/R unit. Available in two versions
(integrated into 1tool and stand-alone), it allows the user to configure the
unit parameters quickly and safely, and then test the actual application
(using the serial connection between the controller on the unit and the PC).
Security in controlling the parameters is ensured by different access profiles,
each with different resrictions based on the type of user.
Remote monitoring is guaranteed by the connection via modem
(PSTN or GSM).
Headquarters ITALY

+302240511 - rel. 2.0 - 01.10.2008

Via dell’Industria, 11 - 35020 Brugine - Padova (Italy)
Tel. (+39) 0499 716611 - Fax (+39) 0499 716600
carel@carel.com - www.carel.com

Sales organization Affiliates

www.carel.com www.carel.co.kr

CAREL Australia CAREL Ireland

www.carel.com.au FarrahVale Controls & Electronics Ltd.
www.carel-china.com CAREL Czech & Slovakia
CAREL spol. s r.o.
CAREL South Africa www.carel-cz.cz
CAREL Controls S.A. (Pty)
www.carelcontrols.co.za CAREL Thailand
CAREL Deutschland
www.carel.de CAREL Turkey
CFM Sogutma ve Otomasyon San. Tic. Ltd.
CAREL France www.carel.com.tr

CAREL Ibérica
Automatización y Control ATROL S. L.

CAREL ACR Systems India (Pvt) Ltd.

CAREL Sud America




All trademarks hereby referenced are

the property of their respective owners.
CAREL is a registered trademark of
CAREL S.p.A. in Italy and/or other countries.

www.carel.com © CAREL S.p.A. 2008 all rights reserved

CAREL reserves the right to modify the features of its

products without prior notice.

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