A2 Poster Topic
A2 Poster Topic
A2 Poster Topic
Sem 2 AY22-23
Please produce a 500-word argumentative poster using the template provided responding
to this question.
Do you agree with this statement? Provide justification for your stance, along with
suggestions as to how this issue can be addressed (i.e. at national, societal or individual
levels). In presenting your arguments, refer to at least one ethical theory or principle
covered in this course. You may also refer to specific or a few forms of contemporary slavery
to support your response.
The assessment criteria for the poster can be found in Appendix 1 of the CC0003 course
You may use the research material from your panel discussion. However, the poster is an
independent piece of work, so you may not discuss, co-plan, co-write or collude in any way
with your panel team mates or anyone, to do this assignment. Collusion is academic
dishonesty and students will be subject to penalties if found colluding or plagiarising. Please
note the university’s policy on academic dishonesty.
Please also note the use of software like ChatGPT is strictly prohibited as it is a serious form
of academic dishonesty. Student essays will be very carefully monitored by instructors and
plagiarism (including ChatGPT) monitoring software will be extensively used. Quite apart
from this being dishonest and unethical, penalties for plagiarism and use of software like
ChatGPT can be severe, and in some cases result in student expulsion.
Word count policy:
Your poster should not be more than 500 words long, not counting the title, footnotes, and
bibliography. If the main text is more than 500 words long, your instructor will not read
more than 500 words in the main text of the poster.
Your poster should include references and a bibliography. The APA referencing style must
be used. Please see the template below for further instructions on referencing.
Extensions will be granted only for students who present valid reasons for not submitting
the poster by the deadline. Valid reasons include falling sick, a family tragedy, and special
learning needs. All such requests for extensions must be supported by documentation, such
as a medical certificate, a record of the family tragedy, or a letter from the NTU Accessible
Education Unit.
There will be a grade penalty for students who submit their posters after the deadline
without a valid reason. The penalty will be one half of a letter grade for every calendar day
the poster is submitted after the due date (less than one day late will be counted as a full
day late).
(To cite material you’ve used/adapted (eg: quotes, statistics, arguments, concepts etc) in
any of the above boxes (Main argument, Rebuttal, Counter-Argument) please label the
material you’ve cited/used/adapted by numbering them (1), (2), (3) etc at the end of the
relevant sentences. Then please label the corresponding citation here in the “Poster
Citation” box with the same number (1), (2), (3) etc before you list the reference. This is so
we know exactly which material you’re referring to. Please use the APA style format.)
If in the Main Argument box a student writes this: In his paper Rachels writes, “To many
thinkers, this observation—”Different cultures have different moral codes”— has seemed
to be the key to understanding morality.”(1)
Then in the Poster Citation box the student should type this: (1) Rachels, 1999, p.16
Then in the Bibliography box, the student should type this : Rachels, J. (1999) The
Challenge of Cultural Relativism in The Elements of Moral Philosophy. McGraw-Hill. (The
use of italics in this particular reference follows the APA convention.)
(Should be ordered alphabetically)