Fsn-Olf Iv-2023-Mmd-01
Fsn-Olf Iv-2023-Mmd-01
Fsn-Olf Iv-2023-Mmd-01
JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (to be filled out by Operations/Maintenance Staff or Group Leader together with JSA Team Members)
Job Description: Entry into confined space of 11TK30 for Abrasive JSA number : Requester name:
blasting, Painting and inspection. FSN-OLF-IV-2023-MMD-01
Area: OLF IV
Job Location: 11TK30 Mention Applicable Procedures: SHEM 08.10,SHEM 08.8,SHEM 08.09,SHEM 08.03,SMP-AB-01, SMP-OS-
Team Leader: Dept: Use additional sheets if necessary.
Attachments: Yes / No If Yes state number of pages:
Name & ID: Date:
Remaining Risk Level
No. Job Steps Potential Hazards Risk Level Steps to Reduce Hazard
1 Personnel Entry in 1.1 Atmospheric Hazard C3,L4 / MINOR 1.1.1 Verify decontamination /de pressurization/blinding and C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
Confined Space from top obtain LOTO/Equipment isolation certificate and refer SOP.
Side & Bottom side
manway using by
scaffolding access. 1.1.2 Oxygen level should be 20.8%, LEL 0%.
1.2 Unauthorized Entry C3,L4 / MINOR 1.2.1 Ensure that authorized standby man available with C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
additional log sheet.
1.3 Improper communication with 1.3.1 Ensure all entrants out of confined space if required C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
the entrants fueling of compressor supplying ventilation.
1.4 Slipping hazard C3,L4 / MINOR 1.4.1 Provide proper access way near the entrance of C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
confined space and do not stock material, use the strap
method to hold the required cables away from entrance.
1.5 Poor Illumination C3,L4 / MINOR 1.5.1 Adequate 24V lighting should be provided. Ensure not C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
exceed 110V. The lighting equipment (intrinsically & explosion
proof type) shall be used.
1.5.2 GFCI shall be protected from wet area to avoid trip light
inside confined space during activity.
1.6 Electrical Hazard C3,L4 / MINOR 1.6.1 Electrical cables should not contact with hot, sharp and C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
wet surfaces.
1.7 Un-organized materials that C4,L4 / 1.7.1 Provide proper access way near the entrance of C4,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
can cause slip, trip and falls INSIGNIFICANT confined space and do not stock material, use the strap
method to hold the required cables away from entrance.
1.7.3 Ensure all work crew knows the nearest safety shower /
eye wash station in case of emergency.
1.8 Combustible material / C4,L4 / MINOR 1.8.1 Remove all combustible un-needed material around the C4,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
flammable materials (like rags) confined space and specially near the light set-up area (stand
around confined space lighting set- light).
up may lead to fire.
2 Working at height 2.1 Falling personnel or objects C4,L4 / 2.1.1 Ensure the condition of scaffoding ladder before using. C4,L5 /
from scaffolding or ladder could INSIGNIFICANT INSIGNIFICANT
lead to personal Injury.
2.1.2 Use full body harness with 100% tie off and follow
LSR#03 .
3 Sand Blasting using Air 3.1 Fire Hazard (Due to Abrasive C3,L4 MINOR 3.1.1 Obtain valid confined space permit and ensure C3,L5 /
Compressor, Hoses, Sand material applying to the object LEL 0% INSIGNIFICANT
Pot,Air Reciver,Air Filter with high pressure)
and garnet or grit 3.1.2 Remove all flammable materials from inside confined
materials. space.
3.2 Whiplashing hazard C3,L4 MINOR 3.2.1 All hoses shall be secure with whiplash arrester and C3,L5 /
3.2.2 Job supervisor ensure that hoses are not twisted and
3.3 Static electricity C3,L4 / MINOR 3.3.1 Air compressor shall be properly grounded at proper C3,L5 /
grounding point. INSIGNIFICANT
3.4 High Pressure causing personal C3,L4 / MINOR 3.4.1 Ensure all hoses shall be inspected by 3rd party and C3,L5 /
injury due to hose rapture certificates will be readily available. INSIGNIFICANT
3.4.2 Ensure all of the hoses are free from any damages &
injury due to hose rapture INSIGNIFICANT
3.5.5 Job supervisor ensure that hoses are not twisted and
3.6 Accumulation & inhalation of C3,L4 / MINOR 3.6.1 Sandblaster shall wear blasting hood. All other workers C4,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
dust in the area shall wear dust mask.
Classification: Internal Use #
3.6 Accumulation & inhalation of C3,L4 / MINOR C4,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
3.6.3 Ensure breathing hoses are secured and properly
connected to Co monitor.
3.7 Air Pollution C3,L4 / MINOR 3.7.1 Selection of the garnet shall be done as per PK C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
Environmental regulation.
3.8 Enriching of carbon monoxide C3,L4 / MINOR 3.8.1 Sandblaster shall be informed to stop activity, if he has C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
difficulty in breathing and report to Execution Supervisor.
3.9 Noise C3,L4 / MINOR 3.9.1Wear earplug protection while doing sand blasting C3,L5 /
4 Removal of used abrasive 4.1 Falling of materials C3,L4 / MINOR 4.1.1 Use rope & bucket for shifting the waste garnet. C3,L5 /
materials/Housekeeping INSIGNIFICANT
using compressed air and 4.1.2Area shall be barricade with safety signs. The employee
manually. pulling the rope shall be away from the suspended
Classification: Internal Use #
4.1.3 At least 2 person should hold the rope and one end
should be tied off to secure point.
4.2 Inhalation of dust. C3,L4 / MINOR 4.2.1 Wear dust mask while removing garnet waste from the C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
confined space.
Classification: Internal Use #
4.4 High pressure C3,L4 / MINOR 4.4.2 The pressure shall be used as required. C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
C3,L4 / MINOR 4.4.3 Air supply valve shall be open after proper
communication and whenever required
4.5.1 Arrange all a materials in the work place and take out
unnecessary materials from the work place
C3,L4 / MINOR 4.5.2 Perform housekeeping before, during and after the work
4.5 Slips and Trips C3,L4 / MINOR 3.5.1 Arrange all a materials in the work place and take out C3,L5 /
unnecessary materials from the work place INSIGNIFICANT
3.5.2 Perform housekeeping before, during and after the work
5 Spray painting using by 5.1 Paints & Solvents vapors C3,L4 / MINOR 5.1.1 Provide adequate ventilation in the confined space. C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
Air compressor and causing difficulty in breathing due
Airless spray to improper ventilation. 5.1.2 Ensure provided awareness to the crew about safe
pump,manual painting handling of paints, health hazards, fire hazards and
using by hand tools. precautions from SDS and PDS data
5.3 Slipping /tripping hazard that C3,L4 / MINOR 5.3.1 Provide proper access way near the entrance of C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
could lead to personal injury. confined space and do not stock material, use the strap
method to hold the required cables away from entrance.
5.4 Using improper pressure using C3,L4 / MINOR 5.4.1 Inspect the hose before use. The pressure use shall be as C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
spray pump per approve by painting QC.
5.4.2 Execution area supervisor shall physically check the
connection of hose.
5.4.3 Spray pump, air compressor shall have valid thirty party
sticker, with certificates readily available.
5.4.4 Exicution area supervisor shall always check the
calibration gauge of the spray pump and their compressor.
5.5 Falling of person from height C3,L4 / MINOR 5.5.1 Visually inspect changing level, curves. and watch you C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
that could lead to personal injury. steps.
5.5.2 While working at height use full body Harness with
shock absorber (double lanyard) shall be used and hooked to
firm anchor points (100% tie off is required) assure full
compliance. Uses chin Strap with helmet.
5.6 Falling of objects / materials C3,L4 / MINOR 5.6.1 Secure materials/tools at height to avoid falling. Ensure C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
that could lead personal injury. toe board provided and don’t store above toe board level.
5.7 Skin or eye Irritation. C4,L3 / MINOR 5.7.1 Wear full body disposable coverall during spray painting C4,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
and mixing of paint,
5.7.2 Ensure the body is covered properly and that no body
part is exposed to paint material in case any paint splash.
5.9 Damaging of equipment’s C3,L4 / MINOR 5.9.1 Equipment’s shall be protected near by the work C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
nearby location like Trans meter, Pressure gages etc…
5.10 Ground contamination C3,L4 / MINOR 5.10.1 Use plastic sheet to prevent ground contamination
while mixing the paint.
6 Inspection for Painting 6.1 Uninspected tools or C3,L4 / MINOR 6.1.1 Ensure that elco meter inspected and calibrated prior to C3,L5 INSIGNIFICANT
and abrasive blasting equipment's lead to personal use by qualified person
work using battery injury
operated portable tools. 6.1.2 Ensure all portable/electronics tools are calibrated and
having valid inspection certificate which is using for inspection
6.2 Falling object 6.2.1 Use shoulder bag to bring the elco meter while using
C3,L4 / MINOR ladder and working at height.
6.3 Static electricity C3,L4 / MINOR 6.3.1Ensure proper grounding while using of holiday detector
to prevent static electricity
Classification: Internal Use #
1- Team Leader (PK maintenance / execution Supervisor): I have led the JSA team
during the preparation phase and I have agreed to the highlighted risks, mitigation 5-Approved by Maintenance \Technical Manager
actions and listed steps of this JSA
3-Operation Supervisor: I have reviewed and agreed with all steps of this JSA 8- Acknowledged by Director (Only required if any of the remaining risks is either Significant or Major).
4-EHSS representative: I have reviewed and agreed with all steps of this JSA 9- Approved by President: (Only required if any of the remaining risks is either Significant or Major).