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Copyright International Society of Automation

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ISA-5.3-1983, Graphic Symbols for Distributed ControVShared Display Instrumentation, Logic and
Computer Systems

ISBN 0-87664-707-7

Copyright O 1983 by the Instrument Society of America. All rights reserved. Printed in the United
States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise), without the prior written permission of the publisher.

67 Alexander Drive
P.O. Box 12277
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709


Copyright International Society of Automation

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This preface is included for informational purposes and is not part of ISA-5.3-1983.
This Standard has been prepared as a part of the service of ISA toward a goal of uniformity in the
field of instrumentation. To be of real value, this document should not be static but should be
subject to periodic review. Towards this end, the Society welcomes all comments and criticisms
and asks that they be addressed to the Secretary, Standards and Practices Board, ISA, 67
Alexander Drive, P.O. Box 12277, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709, telephone 919-
549-841 1, e-mail: standards8isa.org.
The ISA Standards and Practices Department is aware of the growing need for attention to the
metric system of units in general, and the International System of Units (SI) in particular, in the
preparation of instrumentation standards. The Department is further aware of the benefits to
USA users of ISA Standards of incorporating suitable references to the SI (and the metric
system) in their business and professional dealings with other countries. Towards this end this
Department will endeavor to introduce SI and SI-acceptable metric units in all new and revised
standards to the greatest extent possible. The Metric Practice Guide, which has been published
by the American Society for Testing and Materials as ANSI designation 221 0.1 (ASTM E380-76.
IEEE Std. 268-1975), and future revisions, will be the reference guide for definitions, symbols,
abbreviations, and conversion factors.
The systems referenced in this Standard are based on advances in control systems technology
since the publication of ISA-33.1, "Instrumentation Symbols and Identification." During recent
years, technology has evolved in terms of microprocessor-based systems presently
manufactured by many companies as "Distributed Control Systems."
These systems may include components identified as "computers" as distinct from the integral
processor, which derives the various functions of the system. The computer component may be
integrated into the overall system, via the communication link, or it may be a stand-alone
In attempting to implement these systems, the need for supplementary symbolism has become
The symbols defined in ISA-S5.3 are intended to complement those of ISA-S5.1,
"Instrumentation Symbols and Identification," for use on flow diagrams. In this way, the
integration of distributed controllers and process computers into the more traditional instrument
systems - analog, binary, and digital - can be depicted clearly on flow diagrams and other
documents to give an overall and comprehensive picture of how process variables are measured
and controlled.
Distributed control systems appear to be similar to each other; however, they are so diverse in
philosophy that there must be a generic way to document their application.
The second printing of ISA-33.3, dated April 1983, was published to correct errors in the original
1982 edition. The definition for communication link, Section 3, has been corrected and an
omitted abbreviation, C.R.T., added. Minor clarifications were also made to the Appendix A
The ISA Standards Committee on Graphic Symbols for Distributed ControVShared Display
Instrumentation, Logic, and Computer Systems, SP5.3, operates within the ISA Standards and
Practices Department, Dr. Thomas J. Harrison, Vice President. The persons listed below served
as members of the SP5.3 Committee.

Copyright International Society of Automation ISA-S5.3-1983 3

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D. E. Rapley, Chairman Stearns-Roger Engineering Corporation

A. Bohnenberger, Secretary (deceased) Johns-Manville Sales Corporation
R. Barber Ralph M. Parsons Company
G. V. Barta Dow Corning Corporation
G. Bennett Bechtel Power Corporation
J. Biggs Dow Chemical USA
R. V. Bins Toledo Edison Company
M. A. Blaschke Weyerhaeuser Company
C. T. Carroll Foster Wheeler
W. Cohen M. W. Kellogg Co.
Gulf Science & Technology

W. M. Dillow
R. E. Dragoo Honeywell, Inc.
S. E. Gaertner Bechtel Inc.
L. K. Haberman Bailey Meter Company
E. Harrison Exxon Coal USA
T. Herrera Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation
C. Kenyon Amoco Oil
S. Keown Diamond Shamrock Corp.
T. H. King Ralph M. Parsons Company
P. Kramer Ralph M. Parsons Company
G. K. Kullberg Dow Corning Corporation
D. G. Leonard Aramco Services
G. Lind Sybron Taylor
W. M. Lydecker Carnation Co
R. E. Lynch Bechtel Petroleum
J. E. Macko Westinghouse
A. F. Marks Bechtel Petroleum
R. G. Martin A. E. Staley Manufacturing
T. C. McAvinew International Coal Refining Co.
J. M. McHenry Brown & Root
T. J. Myron, Jr. Foxboro Company
J. Nevelus Bechtel Power Corporation
R. L. Nicholson Sohio
H. C. Prendergast Coors Container Co.
W. A. Rock International Engineering
F. Sandt Pennsylvania Power & Light
R. Shearer Stone &Webster Engineering Corp
J. W. Stuckey Georgia Pacific Corporation
w. s u Stearns-Roger Engineering Corporation
R. C. von Brecht M. W. Kellogg Co.
S. W hitaker Tex-A-Mation
J. H. Young Bechtel Power Corporation

Copyright International Society of Automation
Provided by IHS under license with ISA Licensee=Instituto Mexicanos Del Petroleo/3139900001, User=Gutierrez, Miguel An
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This Standard was approved for publication by the ISA Standards and Practices Board in
June 1982.


T. J. Harrison, Chairman IBM Corporation

P. Bliss Consultant
W. Calder The Foxboro Company
N. Conger Continental Oil Co.
B. Feikle Bailey Controls Co.
R. T. Jones Philadelphia Electric Co.
R. Keller Boeing Company
O. P. Lovett, Jr. Isis Corp.
E. C. Magison Honeywell, Inc.
A. P. McCauley Diamond Shamrock Corp.
J. W. Mock EG&G Idaho, Inc.
E. M. Nesvig ERDCO Engineering Corp.
G. Platt Bechtel Power Corp.
R. Prescott Moore Products Company
W. C. Weidman Gilbert Associates
K. A. Whitman Allied Chemical Corp.
J. R. Williams Stearns-Roger, Inc.
B. A. Christensen*

L. N. Combs*
R. L. Galley*
R. G. Marvin*
W. B. Miller* Moore Products Company
R. L. Nickens*

*Director Emeritus

Copyright International Society of Automation

ISA-S5.3-1983 5
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Copyright International Society of Automation

Provided by IHS under license with ISA Licensee=Instituto Mexicanos Del Petroleo/3139900001, User=Gutierrez, Miguel An
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1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................. 9
2 Scape ................................................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Application to work activities .................................................................................... 9
2.2 Relationship to other ISA standards ...................................................................... 10
2.3 Relationship to other standards ............................................................................. 10
3 Definitisns and abbreviations ........................................................................................ 10

4 Symbols ........................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 General .................................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Distributed control/shared display symbols ........................................................... 11
4.3 Computer symbols ................................................................................................. 12
4.4 Logic and seqiiiential control syiwbols .................................................................... 12
4.5 Iriiternal systenii function symibols .......................................................................... 13
4.6 Cornmon syrnbols .................................................................................................. 13
4.7 Recorders and other historical data retention ........................................................ 13
5 Identification .................................................................................................................... 13
5.1 Software alarms ..................................................................................................... 13
5.2 Contigarity of symbols ............................................................................................ 14
6 Alarms .............................................................................................................................. 14
6.1 General .................................................................................................................. 14
6.2 Instrurnent system alarms ..................................................................................... 14

A ~ A - Examples
p ~........................................................................................
~ ~ ~ ~ 16


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Copyright International Society of Automation

Provided by IHS under license with ISA Licensee=Instituto Mexicanos Del Petroleo/3139900001, User=Gutierrez, Miguel An
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1 Purpose

The purpose of this standard is to establish documentation for that class of instrumentation
consisting of computers, programmable controllers, minicomputers and micro-processor based
systems that have shared control, shared display or other interface features. Symbols are
provided for interfacing field instrumentation, control room instrumentation and other hardware to
the above. Terminology is defined in the broadest generic form to describe the various
categories of these devices.
It is not the intent of this standard to mandate the use of each type symbol for each occurrence of
a generic device within the overall control system. Such usage could result in undue complexity
in the case of a Piping and Instrument Drawing (P&ID). If, for example, a computer component is
an integral part of a distributed control system, the use of the computer symbol would normally
be an undesirable redundancy. If, however, a separate general purpose computer is interfaced
with the system, the inclusion of the computer symbol may provide the degree of clarity needed
for control system understanding.
This standard attempts to provide the users with defined symbolism and rules for usage, which
may be applied as needed to provide sufficient clarity of intent. The extent to which these
symbols are applied to various types of drawings remains with the users. The symbols may be as
simple or complex as needed to define the process.

2 Scope

This standard satisfies the requirements for symbolically representing the functions of distributed
ControVshared display instrumentation, logic, and computer systems. The instrumentation is
generally composed of field hardware communication networks and control room operator
devices. This standard is applicable to all industries using process control and instrumentation
No effort will be made on the flow diagram to explain the internal construction, configuration, or
method of operation of this type of instrumentation, logic and computer systems. Personnel
needing to understand flow diagrams must have a basic understanding of the total system in
order to correctly interpret the diagram. The type of computation or the use of the process
variable within a program is not indicated except in those cases where the process variable is an
integral part of the control strategy. In applications where all instrument system data base
information is available to the computer via the communication link, the depiction of the computer
interconnections is optional in order to conserve space on flow diagrams.

2.1 Application to work activities

This standard is intended for use whenever any reference to an instrument is required. Such
references may be required for the following uses as well as others:
Flow diagrams, process and mechanical;
Instrumentation system diagrams;
Specifications, purchase orders, manifests, and other lists;

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Construction drawings;
Technical papers, literature, and discussions;
Tagging of instruments; and
Installation, operation, and maintenance instructions, drawings, and records.

2.2 Relationship to other ISA standards

This standard complements ISA-S5.1, "Instrumentation Symbols and Identification," for symbols
and formats representing functional identification codes. For clarification of examples, a limited
amount of ISA-S5.1 symbology has been included in this document.

2.3 Relationship to other standards

Where applicable, definitions not included in Section 3 are in accordance with ANSI X3/TR-1-77,
"American National Dictionary for Information Processing," and/or ISA-S5.1.

3 Definitions and abbreviations

Accessible-A system feature that is viewable by and interactive with the operator, and allows
the operator to perform user-permissible control actions, e.g., set point changes, auto-manual
transfers, or on-off actions.
Assignable-A system feature that permits an operator to channel (or direct) a signal from one
device to another, without the need for changes in wiring, either by means of switches or via
keyboard commands to the system.
Communication link-The physical hardware required to interconnect devices for the purpose
of transmitting and/or receiving data.
Computer control system-A system in which all control action takes place within the control
computer. Single or redundant computers may be used.
Configurable-A system feature that permits selection through entry of keyboard commands of
the basic structure and characteristics of a device or system, such as control algorithms, display
formats, or input/output terminations.
C.R.T.-Cathode Ray Tube
Distributed control system-That class of instrumentation (input/output devices, control
devices and operator interface devices) which in addition to executing the stated control functions
also permits transmission of control, measurement, and operating information to and from a
single or a plurality of user-specifiable locations, connected by a communication link.
Shared controller-A control device that contains a plurality of pre-programmed algorithms
which are user retrievable, configurable, and connectable, and allows user defined control
strategies or functions to be implemented. Control of multiple process variables can be
implemented by sharing the capabilities of a single device of this kind.


Copyright International Society of Automation ISA-S5.3-1983
Provided by IHS under license with ISA Licensee=Instituto Mexicanos Del Petroleo/3139900001, User=Gutierrez, Miguel An
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 03/14/2016 13:06:16 MDT
Shared display-The operator interface device used to display signals and/or data on a time
shared basis. The signals and/or data, ¡.e., alphanumeric and/or graphic, reside in a data base
from where selective accessibility for display is at the command of a user.
Software-Digital programs, procedures, rules, and associated documentation required for the
operation and/or maintenance of a digital system.
Software link-The interconnection of system components or functions via software or keyboard
Supervisory set point control system-The generation of set point and/or other control
information by a computer control system for use by shared control, shared display or other
regulatory control devices.

4 Symbols

4.1 General
Standard instrumentation symbols as shown in ISA-S5.1 are retained as much as possible for
flow diagram use, but are supplemented as necessary by the new symbols in Sections 4.2
through 4.6. Symbol size should be consistent with ISA-33.1, Section 3. The symbol descriptions
listed to the right of each symbol are intended as guidelines for applications, and are not intended
to be all inclusive. The symbol may be used if one or more of the descriptions apply. Shared
signal lines can be expressed by the symbol for a system link (See Section 4.6.1 "8.

4.2 Distributed controVshared display symbols

Advances in control systems brought about by microprocessor based instrumentation permit
shared functions such as display, control and signal lines. Therefore, the symbology defined here
should be "Shared Instruments," which means shared display and/or shared control. The square
portion of this symbol, as shown in paragraphs 4.2.1 through 4.2.3 has the meaning of shared
type instrument.

4.2.1 Normally accessible t o operator

Indicator/Controller/Recorder or Alarm Points-usually used to indicate video display.
1) Shared display.
2) Shared display and shared control.
3) Access limited to communication link.
4) Operator Interface on communication link.

4.2.2 Auxiliary operator's interface device

1) Panel mounted-normally having an analog faceplate-not

normally mounted on main operator console.
2) Can be a backup controller or manual station.
3) Access may be limited to communication link.
4) Operator interface via the communication link.

Copyright International Society of Automation ISA-S5.3-1983 11

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4.2.3 Not normally accessible to operator
1) Shared blind controller.
2) Shared display installed in field.
3) Computation, signal conditioning in shared controller
4) May be on communication link.
5) Normally blind operation.
6) May be altered by configuration

4.3 Computer symbols

The following symbols should be used where systems include components identified as
"computers," as distinct from an integral processor, which drive the various functions of a
"distributed control system." The computer component may be integrated with the system via the
data link, or it may be a stand-alone computer.

4.3.1 Normally accessible to operator

Indicator/Controller/Recorder or Alarm Point- usually used to indicate video display.

4.3.2 Not normally accessible to operator
1) Input/Output interface.

O 2) Computation/Signal conditioning within a computer.

3) May be used as a blind controller or a software calculation

4.4 Logic and sequential control symbols

4.4.1 General symbol-For undefined complex interconnecting logic or sequence control. (Also
see ISA-S5.1).

4.4.2 Distributed control interconnecting logic controller with binary or sequential logic functions.

1) Packaged programmable logic controller, or digital logic

controls integral to the distributed control equipment.
2) Not normally accessible by the operator.

Copyright International Society of Automation ISA-S5.3-1983
Provided by IHS under license with ISA Licensee=Instituto Mexicanos Del Petroleo/3139900001, User=Gutierrez, Miguel An
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4.4.3 Distributed control interconnecting logic controller with binary or sequential logic functions.
1) Packaged programmable logic controller, or digital logic
controls integral to the distributed control equipment.
2) Normally accessible to the operator.

4.5 Internal system function symbols

4.5.1 Computation/Signal conditioning
1) For block identification refer to ISA-33.1, Table 2 "Function
Desig nat¡o ns for ReIays

U 2) For extensive computational requirements, use designation

" C.
IIExpIa in o n su ppIe mentar y d ocument ation .
3) Used in conjunction with function relay bubbles per ISA-S5.1.

4.6 Common symbols

4.6.1 System link
1) Used to indicate either a software link or manufacturer's
system supplied connections between functions.
2) Alternatively, link can be implicitly shown by contiguous
3) May be used to indicate a communication link at the user's

4.7 Recorders and other historical data retention

4.7.1 Conventional hard-wired recording devices such as strip chart recorders shall be shown in
accordance with ISA-33.1. (Refer to Appendix A.2.2. of this standard.)

4.7.2 For assignable recording devices use Symbol 4.2.1.

4.7.3 Long term/mass storage of a process variable by digital memory means such as tape, disc,
etc., shall be depicted in accordance with 4.2 or 4.3 of this standard, depending on the location of
the device.

5 Identification

For purposes of this standard, identification codes shall be consistent with ISA-33.1, with the
following additions.

5.1 Software alarms

Software alarms may be identified by placing ISA-S5.1, Table 1, letter designators on the input or
output signal lines of the controls, or other specific integral system component. See Section 6
Alarms of this standard.

Copyright International Society of Automation 13
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5.2 Contiguity of symbols
Two or more symbols can adjoin to express the following means in addition to those shown in

1) Communication among the associated instruments, e. g.,

Hard wiring
Internal system link

2) Instrument integrated with multiple functions, e.g.,

Multipoint recorder
Control valve with integrally mounted controller.
The application of contiguous symbols is a user option.
If the intent is not absolutely clear, contiguous symbols should not be used.

6 Alarms

6.1 General
All hard-wired standard devices and alarms, as distinct from those devices and alarms
specifically covered in this standard, shall be shown in accordance with ISA-33.1, Table 1.
The examples in paragraph 6.2 illustrate principles of the methods of symbolization and
identification. Additional applications that adhere to these principles may be devised as required.
The location of the alarm identifiers is left to the discretion and convenience of the user.

6.2 Instrument system alarms

6.2.1 Multiple alarm capability is provided in most systems. Alarms covered by this standard
should be identified as shown by the examples in 6.2.2 and 6.2.3.

Copyright International Society of Automation 14 ISA-S5.3-1983

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6.2.2 Alarms on measured variables shall include the variable identifiers, ¡.e.:

Pressure: PAH (High)

PAL (Low)
d P/dt (Rate of change)
PDA (Deviation from set point)



Example 6.2.2

6.2.3 Alarms on controller output shall use the undefined variable identifier X, ¡.e.:

XAH (High)
XAL (Low)
d/dt (Rate of change)


@ 102

6.2.3 Example

Copyright International Society of Automation ISA-S5.3-1983 15

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Appendix A - Examples

A.l Examples of use

A.l .I The following figures illustrate some of the various combinations of symbols presented in
this standard and ISA-S5.1. These symbols may be combined as necessary to fulfill the needs of
the user.

A.1.2 Controllers located in the diagram main information line are to be considered the primary
controllers. All devices outside the main line provide a backup or secondary function.

m -----1 m
A i
r--- ’- 1


Backup - Shared Display @

Figure A I . Computer Control-No

Figure A2. Computer Control-With Analog Backup


Figure A3. Computer Control-Full Analog Backup Through

Set Point Tracking (SPT)
SA, I +5 *Usage oí suffix (KIis optional. &
Figure A4. Computer Control-Full Backup from Distribute
Control Instrumentation. Computer Uses Instri
ment System Communication Link

Copyright International Society of Automation 16 ISA-S5.3-1983

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r---- r---- - --1

Ei--- Q

I I I i


d a

Figure A5. Shared Display/Shared Control-No Backup Figure A6. Shared Display/Shared Control-With Auxilia
Operator’s Interface Device

B c204


Figure A7. Analog Control-Interfaced with Shared Display. Figure A8. Shared Display/Shared Control-With Analo
Shared Control Backup Controller Backup


I li- c207
_- -1


? 208

6 *
Figure AQ. Analog ControC-Blind Controller. Shared Display
d - 5
Figure Alo. Blind Shared Control-With Auxiliary Operator!
Interface Backup

Copyright International Society of Automation ISA-S5.3-1983 17

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r----- 8- S.P.
'-1 r-----
o I I

Figure Al 1. Supervisory Set Point Control-Analog Con- Figure A 1 2 Supervisory Set Point Control-Analog Con-
troller with Conventional Faceplate. Computer troller Complete with Conventional Faceplate.
Supervisory Set Point via Communication Link Computer Supervisory Set Point Hardwired.

@-- S.P.

Figure Al 3. Supervisory Set Point Control-Shared Dis-

play Shared Control with Full Computer Access
*User identification is optional via the Communication Link

A.2 Typical Flow Diagrams

A.2.1 Figure A. I4 combines the basic symbols of this standard in a simplified drawing. It is intended
to provide a hypothetical example and to stimulate the user's imagination in the application of
symbolism to this equipment. Figure A.14 is arranged in the following manner:
Volumetric fuel and air flows provide inputs for combustion system firing rate and fuel
air ratio via distributed control instrumentation. Set points for both rate and ratio can
be computer generated.
Combustion air and gas pressures are monitored by pressure switches which control
the gas safety shutoff valve via UC-600 "distributed control interconnecting logic."
Material moisture content is measured, dry weight of the input material is calculated,
and feed rate is controlled by MT-300 and WC-301. Discharged material moisture
content is read by MT-302. At this point, firing rate and/orfeed rate could be controlled
by the Distributed Control System (DCS) instrumentation or by the computer taking
other process variables into consideration.


Copyright International Society of Automation ISA-S5.3-1983
Provided by IHS under license with ISA Licensee=Instituto Mexicanos Del Petroleo/3139900001, User=Gutierrez, Miguel An
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4) British thermal unit (Btu) analysis (AT-97) is input to the computer system to generate
feed forward control adjusting firing rate, in Btu/hr. The set point is calculated by the
computer, based on feed rate, weight, and moisture content.

5) Internal system links are shown for selected computer input/output, while the firing
rate and ratio set points are implied. Shown in the same manner, the links between
the calculation modules and the controllers are implied by contiguous symbols, while
the wild flow to the ratio control is shown in the system link symbol.


-- --- -- - - -
@- - - _ - _ _ _ - @*----
97 97

Figure A.14 - Example - simplified drawing

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A.2.2 Figure A l 5 combines the symbols to depict a cascade loop with alarms. Notes are added
on the diagram itself for clarification purposes only.


79 t




(Sa RT. FUNCTION) ------- ---- 1


Notes: Shared Display

1. Display/adjustments on console. Communication via data link.
2. Located in console. Signal selected from instrument system data base.
3 . Field mounted.

Figure A.15 - Typical flow diagram-cascade control loop

Copyright International Society of Automation ISA-S5.3-1983
Provided by IHS under license with ISA Licensee=Instituto Mexicanos Del Petroleo/3139900001, User=Gutierrez, Miguel An
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 03/14/2016 13:06:16 MDT

Copyright International Society of Automation

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Developing and promulgating technically sound consensus standards,
recommended practices, and technical reports is one of ISA's primary
goals. To achieve this goal the Standards and Practices Department
relies on the technical expertise and efforts of volunteer committee
members, chairmen, and reviewers.
ISA is an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited
organization. ISA administers United States Technical Advisory
Groups (USTAGs) and provides secretariat support for International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) committees that develop process measurement
and control standards. To obtain additional information on the
Society's standards program, please write:

Attn: Standards Department
67 Alexander Drive
P.O. Box 12277
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

ISBN: 0-87664-707-7

Copyright International Society of Automation

Provided by IHS under license with ISA Licensee=Instituto Mexicanos Del Petroleo/3139900001, User=Gutierrez, Miguel An
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 03/14/2016 13:06:16 MDT

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