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Definitions of Bearing Capacities (As Per IS Code-6403: 1981)

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Definitions of Bearing Capacities

( as per IS Code- 6403 : 1981 )

Submitted by :
Tamanna Sharma - CO20242
Yashik - CO20252
Dharuv Goyal - LCO20266
Terms relatied to Bearing Capacity of Soil

1. Ultimate bearing capacity (qu)

2. Net ultimate bearing capacity
3. Net Safe Bearing Capacity (qns)
4. Gross Safe Bearing Capacity (qs)
5. Allowable Bearing Pressure/

Ultimate bearing capacity (qu)

The maximun gross intensity of loading that the soil can support before
its fails in shear is called the ultimate bearing capacity.

Net Ultimate Bearing Capacity (qnu)
It is the maximum net pressure at the base of foundation that causes
before failure in shear of the soil. It is equal to the gross pressure minus
overburden pressure.
Thus Ultimate bearing capacity – over burden
◦ qu = ultimate bearing
◦ γ = unit weight of foundation soil
◦ Df = depth of foundation

Net Safe Bearing Capacity (qns)

It is the net soil pressure which can be safely applied to the soil
without shear failure. irrespective of any settlement that may occur.

It is obtained by dividing the net ultimate bearing capacity by a suitable

factor of safety.

Thus qns = qnu/F

where F= factor of safety, which is usually taken as 2.5 or 3.0

Gross Safe Bearing Capacity (qs)
It is the maximum gross pressure which the soil can carry safely
without shear failure.

It is equal to the net safe bearing capacity plus the original overburden
Thus qs = qns + γDf
qs= qnu/F + γDf ________(1)

Settlement Criterion
1. Allowable bearing Pressure – It is the amount of gross pressure ( wt.
due to super structure)that can be applied without settlement criteria.
(Settlement should not be more than given in IS Code

2. Net allowable bearing pressure – It is the amount of net pressure

that can be applied at the base of the footing without settlement criteria.


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