Part A
Part A
Part A
1. Introduction:
This project is aimed at developing a movie theatre management system. The movie theatre management
system is an internet-based application that can be accessed through the net and accessed by anyone with a
net connection. The primary purpose of our system is to provide another way for the customer to buy a
cinema ticket. It is an automatic system. This application will automate the reservation of tickets and
inquiries about the availability of the tickets. There is a similar system on the internet, but no refund method
is found in the existing system Application type: It will be a web-based application. We think it will be more
efficient for the user to access and use the system quickly. Staff can use the system to insert and delete data,
which will update the webpage according to the data in the database. Also, staff can check the statistical
information from the system.
4. Literature Review:
The city of Huntsville have 2 major theater venues downtown, the Civic Center Playhouse
and the Civic Center Concert Hall, where many organizations book on a regular basis
during the year. The large a number of organizations interested in booking these halls, as
well as the growing number of shows performed in the area has prompted the need for a
single management system that manage these venues and the tickets for all performances
across different organizations. The Theater Ticket Management System is created to
provide a simple, reliable,
and user-friendly system that helps organization manage their performances on these two
Project Requirements
The main purpose of the application is for managing the tickets and their sales of several
non-profit organizations who book the Civic Center Playhouse and the Civic Center Concert
Hall. To make it possible for different organizations to manage their tickets using the same
applications, this application must have the following characteristics:
The software will make it easy for volunteers to manage the ticketing process.
A common software package shared by two or more groups makes it easier for volunteers to
help other groups without having to learn new procedures.
Changes in Civic Center seating or policies may be quickly incorporated into all
organization's procedure.
Tickets may be purchased by cash, check, or credit card. Prices may vary by section and for
special groups.
Season ticket holders' names addresses, and seat assignments are recorded.
Tickets are generally identified by section, row, and seat indicators. There may be special
indications for disabled persons.
Users shall be able to select seats for a performance by clicking on those seats in a display
showing all available seats for either the Playhouse or Concert Hall.
All information must be able to be displayed for a human user to view.
Users will receive timely feedback displaying the result of any operation.
Each season ticket holder's name, address and seat assignments will be retained by the
system for an indefinite period.
Each season ticket holder's information can be edited and/or exported.
Seats will be marked as they are sold to prevent their being sold again.
A season ticker holder's name address and seat number will be tracked by the system from
year to year to facilitate renewals. Season ticket holders often renew their tickets with the
same seat assignment.
A ticket may be exchanged for another ticket of equal or differing value. The new ticket
may be for the same or differing show or performance.
The address list and ticket assignment list may be exported for other programs to use.
The form of the exported information will be customizable by a user or by the organization.
The address list and ticket assignment list may be imported from other programs. The form
of the imported information will be customizable by a user or by the organization,
obviously subject to the presence or absence of any data item in the other program.
Application Architecture and Design
5. Proposed Methodology:
Theater Management System, we accept display search and update the data is given
Step 1:- Display the menu for Admin window , view movie and ticket price , book ticket ,
view ticket , cancel ticket , exit.
Step 3:-
If choice 1 then Edit the price of movie ticket , movie show and add no price.
Step 4 :- Stop
6. Resources Required:
Name of Resource/Material Specification Quantity Remark
2 Software 1 -
7. Action Plan:
Planned Planned Name of Responsible
No Details of Activity
Start Date Finish Date Team Members
1 Data Collection
2 Analysis
3 Design
5 Report Writing