A Data Flow Analysis of The GIORP-5000

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A Data Flow Analysis of the GIORP-5000


Event ID Sub-system Event Description

E001 Kiosk Environment User select range of scent and sound

E002 Item Searching User searches for an item by keyword

E003 Item Searching User filters search results by category

E004 Item Inventory Level Item inventory level drops below a threshold

E005 Item Inventory Level Item inventory level reaches a restocking threshold

E006 Item Inventory Level Item is out of stock and cannot be ordered
Event ID Sub-system Event Description

E007 Item Ordering User places an order for an item

E008 Item Ordering User cancels an order for an item

E009 Item Mapping System updates the location of an item in the store map

E010 Item Mapping User searches for an item on the store map

The above event table includes 10 events that are meant to capture
various interactions and behaviours within the GIORP-5000 system.

E001 is an event within the Kiosk Environment sub-system that provides

range of sent and sound into the kiosk.

E002 and E003 are events within the Item Searching sub-system. E002
captures when a user searches for an item by keyword, while E003
captures when a user filters search results by category.

E004, E005, and E006 are events within the Item Inventory Level Tracking
sub-system. E004 captures when an item's inventory level drops below a
threshold, E005 captures when an item's inventory level reaches a
restocking threshold, and E006 captures when an item is out of stock
and cannot be ordered.

E007 and E008 are events within the Item Ordering sub-system. E007
captures when a user places an order for an item, while E008 captures
when a user cancels an order for an item.

Finally, E009 and E010 are events within the Item Mapping sub-system.
E009 captures when the system updates the location of an item in the
store map, while E010 captures when a user searches for an item on the
store map.


ID Event Name Sub-System Description

The event is triggered when the kiosk is powered on

E1 Kiosk Startup Kiosk Environment and the system is initialized.

Item Search The event is triggered when a user enters a search

E2 Request Item Searching query to find a specific item in the kiosk inventory.

Item Search The event is triggered when the search query returns
E3 Results Item Searching one or more items matching the user's search criteria.

E4 Inventory Level Item Inventory Level The event is triggered periodically to check the
ID Event Name Sub-System Description

Check Tracking inventory levels of all items in the kiosk.

Low Inventory Item Inventory Level The event is triggered when the inventory level of an
E5 Alert Tracking item falls below a pre-defined threshold.

Out of Stock Item Inventory Level The event is triggered when the inventory level of an
E6 Notification Tracking item reaches zero.

Order Placement The event is triggered when a user selects an item to

E7 Request Item Ordering purchase and initiates the checkout process.

Order The event is triggered when a user successfully

E8 Confirmation Item Ordering completes the checkout process and places an order.

Item Location The event is triggered when a user requests the location
E9 Request Item Mapping of a specific item within the kiosk.

Item Location The event is triggered when the system displays the
E10 Display Item Mapping location of the requested item on the kiosk map.
Event Table for Kiosk Environment Sub-System:

Event Name Description

Event triggered when a customer is detected on the pressure plate under the kiosk seat.
New Customer The kiosk software will flush the current scent and present the customer with a Kiosk-
Detected Customization screen.

Event triggered when the GIORP software determines that the RAFS-500 is not
RAFS-500 Not operational through return codes from the API calls. The GIORP software will continue to
Operational operate as usual and just not offer the customer a choice of scents or sounds.

Event triggered when the GIORP asks the customer if they would like to create a "GIORP-
Profile" for themselves. The GIORP will save off their preference on choice of scent and
Create GIORP- sound effect, their preference on the use of cameras, and store their contact information
Profile in the Customer Profile database.

Event triggered when the customer has not interacted with the system for a period of 5
minutes. The software will inform the customer that their session is over and they will
Session Over need to leave the kiosk.

Event Table for Item Searching Sub-System:

Event Name Description

Search by Event triggered when the customer enters a keyword to search for a product. The system
Keyword will display the products that match the keyword.
Event Name Description

Search by Event triggered when the customer scans a barcode of a product. The system will display
Barcode the information and availability of the product.

Event Table for Item Inventory Level Tracking Sub-System:

Event Name Description

Low Inventory Event triggered when the inventory level of a particular product falls below the
Alert specified threshold. The system will send an alert to the staff to replenish the stock.

Event triggered when the staff replenishes the inventory of a particular product. The
Restock system will update the inventory levels in the database and notify the staff that the
Notification product is back in stock.

Event triggered when the inventory level of a particular product reaches zero. The
Out of Stock system will display an out-of-stock message to the customer and update the inventory
Notification levels in the database.

Event Table for Item Ordering Sub-System:

Event Name Description

Add to Cart Event triggered when the customer selects a product to purchase. The system will add the
Event Name Description

product to the customer's cart.

Remove from Event triggered when the customer removes a product from their cart. The system will
Cart remove the product from the customer's cart.

Event Table for Item Mapping Sub-System:

Event Name Description

Event triggered when the customer selects a product to locate. The system will display
Locate Product the location of the product in the store.

Store Layout Event triggered when there is a change in the store layout. The system will update the
Update store map accordingly.
CRUD analysis for each event in the GIORP-5000 event

1. Kiosk Environment Failure

 Create: No create action
 Read: Users can read information about the failure and its impact on the
kiosk environment.
 Update: No update action
 Delete: No delete action
2. Item Search Query
 Create: No create action
 Read: Users can read the search query entered by the user to retrieve
search results.
 Update: No update action
 Delete: No delete action
3. Item Search Results
 Create: No create action
 Read: Users can read the search results based on the user's search query.
 Update: No update action
 Delete: No delete action
4. Item Low Inventory Alert
 Create: Users can create an alert when an item's inventory level falls below
a certain threshold.
 Read: Users can read the alert information, such as the item name, current
inventory level, and the threshold for triggering alerts.
 Update: Users can update the threshold for triggering alerts for a specific
 Delete: Users can delete an alert for a specific item.
5. Item Inventory Replenishment
 Create: Users can update the inventory level of a specific item to replenish
 Read: Users can read the current inventory level of an item to determine if
it needs replenishment.
 Update: Users can update the inventory level of an item to replenish it.
 Delete: No delete action
6. Item Out of Stock Alert
 Create: Users can create an alert when an item is completely out of stock.
 Read: Users can read the alert information, such as the item name and the
alert message.
 Update: No update action
 Delete: Users can delete an alert for a specific item.
7. Item Ordering Request
 Create: Users can create a request for a specific item to be ordered.
 Read: Users can read the item order request information, such as the item
name and the quantity requested.
 Update: Users can update the request information, such as the quantity
requested for a specific item.
 Delete: Users can delete an item order request for a specific item.
8. Item Ordering Confirmation
 Create: Users can create a confirmation for a specific item order.
 Read: Users can read the confirmation information, such as the item name
and the quantity ordered.
 Update: Users can update the confirmation information, such as the
estimated delivery date for a specific item.
 Delete: Users can delete an item order confirmation for a specific item.
9. Item Mapping Request
 Create: No create action
 Read: Users can read the mapping request for a specific item to locate it in
the store.
 Update: No update action
 Delete: No delete action
10. Item Mapping Assistance
 Create: No create action
 Read: Users can read the mapping assistance information, such as the item
location in the store.
 Update: No update action
 Delete: No delete action

Event Create Read Update Delete

Yes - read
Kiosk information about
Environment the failure and its
Failure No create action impact No update action No delete action

Item Search Yes - read the search

Query No create action query No update action No delete action
Event Create Read Update Delete

Item Search Yes - read the search

Results No create action results No update action No delete action

Yes - create an alert when

an item's inventory level Yes - update the
Item Low falls below a certain Yes - read the alert threshold for Yes - delete an
Inventory Alert threshold information triggering alerts alert

Yes - update the Yes - read the Yes - update the

Item Inventory inventory level of a current inventory inventory level of
Replenishment specific item level of an item an item No delete action

Yes - create an alert when

Item Out of Stock an item is completely out Yes - read the alert Yes - delete an
Alert of stock information No update action alert

Yes - update the Yes - delete an

Item Ordering Yes - create a request for Yes - read the item request item order
Request a specific item order request information request

Yes - create a Yes - read the Yes - update the Yes - delete an
Item Ordering confirmation for a specific confirmation confirmation item order
Confirmation item order information information confirmation

Item Mapping Yes - read the

Request No create action mapping request No update action No delete action
Event Create Read Update Delete

Yes - read the

Item Mapping mapping assistance
Assistance No create action information No update action No delete action


| Kiosk |

+-----------------------+ DATA FLOW DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM



| Kiosk Environment Sub- |

| System |



| Item Searching Sub- |

| System |



| Item Inventory Level Tracking|

| Sub-System |



| Item Ordering Sub- |

| System |



| Item Mapping Sub- |

| System |

DFD for item searching subsystem

Item Inventory Level Tracking sub-system
DFD for the Kiosk Environment subsystem
data flow diagram for the Item Searching sub-system
2nd level DFD for the Item Inventory Level Tracking sub-system
2 DFD for the Item Ordering subsystem


| Item Ordering System |



| Process Order |


| - Order details |

| - Customer information |

| - Item information |

| - Payment information |

| - Shipping information |

| |

| +-----------------------------------------+ |

|| Check Item Availability ||

| +-----------------------------------------+ |

| | - Item information ||

| | - Quantity requested ||

| | - Availability status ||

| | - Error message ||

| +-----------------------------------------+ |

| |

| +-----------------------------------------+ |

|| Update Inventory Levels ||

| +-----------------------------------------+ |

| | - Item information ||

| | - Quantity ordered ||

| +-----------------------------------------+ |

DFD for the Item Mapping subsystem

| |

| Item Mapping |

| Subsystem |

| |



| |

| EffectiveRoute |

| Database |

| |



| |

| Map Printing |

| and Generation |

| |



| |

| GPS Transponders |

| |



| |

| Store Map Data |

| |


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