Reconstruct Lower-Dimensional Crack Paths From Phase-Field Point Cloud
Reconstruct Lower-Dimensional Crack Paths From Phase-Field Point Cloud
Reconstruct Lower-Dimensional Crack Paths From Phase-Field Point Cloud
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3 authors:
Qizhi Zhu
Hohai University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Tao You on 08 April 2023.
DOI: xxx/xxxx
Phase-field method; Crack reconstruction; Fault friction; Point cloud; Normal direction; Discrete fracture
The precise prediction of fractures and coupling processes in fractures are of great significance for ensuring safety, produc-
tivity and durability during the exploitation of geo-energy reservoirs. Continuum damage method, as a common mathematical
approach, especially the non-local damage [35, 34], has been widely used to describe the fracture phenomena characterized
by a fracture process zone (FPZ)[41, 6]. This method produces a smeared representation of a sharp crack, which is favorable
for numerical implementation and incorporation of complex constitutive relationships. As a special gradient damage model
[14, 25], the phase-field method has become a powerful tool for modeling fracture and coupling problems with multiphysics,
e.g., thermal[29, 4], hydraulic[22], and chemical[39, 43] couplings. Nevertheless, such a smeared approximation of fracture
gives rise to the difficulty in reconstructing a lower-dimensional crack path and complex discrete fracture network (DFN), which
may hinder the further application of the phase-field model for fluid flow and fault friction.
Taking the hydraulic phase-field model as an example, the fluid flow in the fracture is distinct from that in the reservoir domain
where the former may follow lubricant law or Navier-Stokes equations, as considered in [37, 16, 11, 12]. As a result, the sharp
crack topology that is the solution domain of the fluid flow equation should be explicitly presented. Meanwhile, the normal
direction of this sharp crack is required for calculating the fracture aperture [28, 26, 45]. When considering the fault friction, on
the other hand, the sharp crack topology is also required to enable accurate calculation of the normal and tangential stresses on
the crack surface for specific friction criteria[18, 10].
Several hybrid phase-field models have been proposed to circumvent the above-mentioned issues in reconstructing sharp crack
topology, for example by hybridizing with extended finite element method (XFEM) [20, 47] and embedded discrete fracture
method (EDFM) [12]. These hybrid models naturally guarantee the sharp crack topology, but also inherit the disadvantage of
these two discrete models (XFEM, EDFM), i.e., it is difficult to handle complex fracture networks in 3D . On the other hand,
the level-set method [32] is an attractive approach to identifying the crack domain and estimating normal vector on the level-set
boundary[26, 45, 42]. This method can provide a set of iso-surface describing the boundary of the crack domain, but cannot
identify the accurate lower-dimensional crack path. A point searching algorithm is still needed, for example in [18] . In addition,
the normal direction estimated by the level-set method is not feasible at the crack tip because of a blurred representation by the
phase-field model, and therefore requires ad hoc numerical treatment, as illustrated by [45].
Regarding directly reconstructing the sharp crack topology in the continuum finite element simulation, Bottoni et al. [9] pro-
posed a crack-tracking method in the post-processing stage by maximizing the damage variable in a given direction at a given
distance. Tamayo-Mas and Rodríguez-Ferran [40] used a medial-axis-based model to define the crack path in the gradient-
enhanced damage model. In the phase-field model, Ziaei-Rad et al. [48] and Rudy et al. [20] presented the optimization
algorithms to capture the path within the phase-field framework in two-dimensional conditions. Fan and Choo [18] proposed a
searching algorithm to identify the discrete crack path and corresponding normal directions in order for frictional slip simula-
tion. Recently, Yang et al. [44] proposed an identifying algorithm considering the phase-field value as the indicator and cutting
physical patches to get explicit cracks. Zeng et al. [46] developed a new identifying method for multi-branched crack tips which
searches paths in local regions and updates the regions automatically.
However, these crack reconstruction methods are based on point searching algorithms which are hard to tackle the crack band
problem, i.e., the material is fully damaged in a band [5, 30, 14]. Additionally, most of the above-mentioned approaches have not
been extended to tackle three-dimensional fracture problems due to the difficulties or even limitations of the tracking algorithm
in 3D. As a result, we propose a set of numerical approaches to identify discrete crack path (i.e., curve path for 2D fracture and
surface path for 3D fracture) and the corresponding normal direction of each segment on this crack path. A thorough evaluation
of the computational efficiency, robustness and bias will be provided. The proposed method has no dimension limitation and is
well suited to reconstructing the DFNs in real time. Furthermore, the mesh-caused bias will be greatly alleviated.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the basic formulations of the phase-field fracture model
are given first, and then the proposed methods for identification of single crack path and complex DFN follow. The estimation
approach of the normal direction is introduced. Section 3 gives several fitting results for investigating the effectiveness, sensitivity
and computational efficiency of the proposed optimization method. In Section 4, several numerical examples are presented in
which the proposed method will be used to address fracture, friction and fluid flow problems. The newly proposed method
will be compared with other existing methods in 2D fracture and friction problems (in view that 3D problems have not been
considered for other existing identification methods). The capability and advantages of the proposed method will be illustrated
with two typical benchmarks. Finally, the paper ends with a brief summary and prospect for future work.
We start with the formulations of the phase-field method for rock fracture and fault friction. Following that, an optimization
method for identifying a lower-dimensional crack path from the phase-field point cloud is proposed, and the corresponding
normal direction will be calculated by principal component analysis (PCA). Finally, the optimization method will be extended
from a single discrete crack to a complex fracture network by giving a set of classifying and clustering algorithms.
∇ ⋅ 𝝈 = 𝟎 in Ω, (2)
where the bracket operator is defined as ⟨⋅⟩− = (⋅ − | ⋅ |) ∕2 and 𝐈 is the second-order identity tensor. 𝑘0 and 𝜇0 are the bulk
modulus and shear modulus of the material respectively. Additionally, 𝑔(𝑑) is the damage degradation function which takes the
𝑔(𝑑) = (1 − 𝜅)(1 − 𝑑)2 + 𝜅 (7)
with ℂbulk = 3𝑘0 𝕁 + 2𝜇0 𝕂 being the stiffness tensor of the material. Additionally, 𝑝N, bulk and 𝜏bulk are respectively the normal
and tangential contact stresses based on the interface-oriented coordinate system in Fig. 1 , which take the forms
𝑝N, bulk = −𝝈bulk ∶ (𝒏 ⊗ 𝒏)
𝜏bulk = 𝝈bulk ∶ (𝒏 ⊗ 𝒕)
Accordingly, the stress-strain tangent tensor can be derived as
⎧ 𝑔(𝑑)ℂ no contact
⎪ bulk
ℂ = ⎨ ℂbulk stick (11)
( )
⎪ ℂbulk + [1 − 𝑔(𝑑)] ℂ𝑓 − ℂ𝜏 slip
{ ( )[ ]
ℂ𝑓 = −𝜇 sign 𝜏bulk (𝑘0 − 23 𝜇0 )(𝒏 ⊗ 𝒕 + 𝒕 ⊗ 𝒏) ⊗ 𝐈 + 2𝜇0 (𝒏 ⊗ 𝒕 + 𝒕 ⊗ 𝒏) ⊗ (𝒏 ⊗ 𝒏)
ℂ𝜏 = 𝜇0 (𝒏 ⊗ 𝒕 + 𝒕 ⊗ 𝒏) ⊗ (𝒏 ⊗ 𝒕 + 𝒕 ⊗ 𝒏)
It turns out that the normal direction of the existing crack is crucial for tackling the friction problem. One of the common
methods is using the gradient of phase-field, i.e., 𝒏 = ‖∇𝑑‖ . However, the accuracy of this approximation is insufficient due to (1)
a blunt approximation at crack tips and (2) an undesirable approximation when 𝑑 is very close to 1. In this paper, after identifying
the discrete crack path, the normal direction is readily estimated using principal component analysis and the above-mentioned
problems will be circumvented.
The numerical implementation of the above two-field (𝒖−𝑑) problem represented by Eq. (2) and (4) can be found in Appendix
A. It is noteworthy that when the volumetric-deviatoric strain decomposition is used to simulate brittle shear fracture under
compression i.e., trε < 0, the volumetric locking phenomenon will lead to instabilities when the fracture localizes, as has been
pointed out by [19]. During the numerical test of 2D single-edge notched shear fracture presented in Section 4.1, this instability
behavior will abort the computation when the fracture approaches the edge of the model. As a result, a mixed finite element
discretization is employed in this paper to satisfy the LBB condition[2, 3].
1 A coarse or fine mesh grid will be a potential factor that influences the quality of the approximation of a realistic sharp crack. Therefore, we will denote ℎ
̂ min as the
minimum space size of the mesh grid and investigate its effect in Appendix B
(a) Linear regression estimator Eq.(15) (b) Ridge regression estimator Eq.(18)
FIGURE 3 Comparison of discrete crack paths obtained from linear regression and ridge regression estimators.
As a result, according to the value of surface variation 𝑠𝑟 , the fracture joint can be distinguished from the fracture fragments
based on the phase-field point cloud. For example, in Fig. 6 , a Y-shaped phase-field point cloud is presented and the value of 𝑠𝑟
is higher in the intersection area. By giving a threshold 𝑠𝑐𝑟 = 0.11, we can divide the phase-field point cloud into two categories,
i.e., points belonging to fracture fragments and joints.
Subsequently, the algorithms proposed in Section 2.2 will be used to reconstruct each discrete fracture fragment. In the
intersection area, the discrete crack paths will be generated to bridge the three fracture fragments. Note that a twist 3D fracture
has not been considered in the present work, which means the crack surface is linear in its depth direction. Accordingly, the
discrete fracture paths which bridge the fracture fragments can be simplified by several intersecting planes.
Finally, we summarize the entire workflow for reconstructing complex discrete fracture networks as in Algorithm 2.
Algorithm 2 for reconstructing complex discrete fracture networks from the phase-field point cloud.
Input: Coordinates and phase-field values of finite element nodes;
1: Extract the point clouds whose phase-field value are greater than the damage threshold (e.g. 0.99) and denote them as set
𝑝𝑐 ;
2: Calculate the surface variation of each point based on Eq. (22);
3: Divide the point clouds into two categories, i.e., fracture fragments 𝑓 𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑠 and fracture joints 𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑠 , according to the value
of surface variation;
4: Perform DBSCAN clustering algorithm[17, 36] to distinguish different point cloud clusters in set 𝑓 𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑠 and set 𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑠 ;
5: Reconstruct the lower-dimensional paths for each fracture fragment and joint;
6: Estimate the normal direction of the discrete crack path using the method presented in Section 2.2.3;
Output: Discrete fracture networks and normal vectors;
In this section, we present two numerical examples to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed workflow. The first example
corresponds to a single discrete crack in 2D and 3D respectively. In the second example, a 3D discrete fracture network is
(a) Mesh and prescribed realistic crack curve (b) Phase-field (c) Point cloud and fitting crack curve
(a) Mesh and prescribed realistic crack surface (b) Phase-field (c) Point cloud and fitting crack surface
First, the realistic crack path, i.e., 2D curve in Fig. 7 (a) or 3D surface in Fig. 8 (a), is prescribed in the middle of the model
by constraining 𝑑 = 1 on the points of the realistic crack path. For a linear crack, our optimization method gives an almost
identical crack path compared with the realistic one. Therefore, we increase the curvature of the crack path to demonstrate the
robustness of our optimization method. The phase-field equation is then solved to give a smeared representation of the realistic
crack, as shown in Fig. 7 (b) and Fig. 8 (b). The phase-field point cloud is shown as red scattered paths in Fig. 7 (c) and Fig.
8 (c). The lower-dimensional crack paths represented by the green curve under a prescribed grid density are approximated by
using the proposed workflow.
It can be found that the discrete cracks are smooth even though the phase-field point cloud is unevenly distributed. Additionally,
the precision and efficiency of the proposed method are examined in Appendix B. The proposed workflow can reconstruct
discrete cracks in 2D and 3D conditions with satisfactory precision and few computational efforts.
(a) Mesh and prescribed discrete fracture network (b) Phase-field value of the volume
(c) Lower-dimensional crack paths (d) Lower-dimensional crack paths and normals
FIGURE 10 The evolution of lower-dimensional crack during the fracture of 2D single-edge notched specimen. (𝑑𝑐 =
0.95, ℎ̂ min = 0.2ℎmin )
We extract the phase field at different loading steps in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 for 2D and 3D cases respectively. The lower-
dimensional crack paths shown by the green curves in Fig. 10 are generated using the proposed reconstructing algorithm 2. The
damage threshold for extracting phase-field point cloud is taken as 𝑑𝑐 = 0.95, and the mesh grid size for sharp cracks is taken
as ℎ̂ min = 0.2ℎmin . As expected, the method proposed in this paper can effectively reconstruct the low-dimensional fracture in
real time during the fracture process.
FIGURE 11 The evolution of lower-dimensional crack during the fracture of 3D single-edge notched specimen.(𝑑𝑐 =
0.95, ℎ̂ min = 0.2ℎmin )
problem as proposed by Fan and Choo [18], as expressed in Section 2.1.3. The only difference lies in how to reconstruct the
lower-dimensional crack path and estimate its normal directions.
(a) Geometry and boundary con- (b) Step 57 (c) Step 58 (d) Step 59
FIGURE 12 The evolution of lower-dimensional crack during loading of frictional fracture test.
Although the fracture pattern does not show much difference compared with that in [18], the resulting sharp crack from the
proposed method is smoother and the normal directions are more continuously distributed. As shown in Fig. 13 , we apply
both the piece-wise approximation [18] and our proposed method to reconstruct the discrete crack curves and the corresponding
normal directions under the same mesh. Clearly, the piece-wise linear approximation method is heavily influenced by the mesh,
while the crack path obtained by the proposed method in Fig. 13 (b) is almost unaffected by the mesh. This characteristic is
more significant for the pure friction problem because the prediction of the normal direction directly affects the calculation of
the contact stress on the fracture, which gives rise to different mechanical responses.
FIGURE 13 Comparison of the discrete crack paths reconstructed by the piece-wise linear approximation [18] and the proposed
method. (𝑑𝑐 = 0.99, ℎ̂ min = 0.2ℎmin )
FIGURE 15 Comparison of discrete fractures reconstructed by the piece-wise linear approximation method [18] and the pro-
posed method respectively. (𝑑𝑐 = 0.99, ℎ̂ min = 0.2ℎmin )
(a) The relative displacement in 𝑥 direction (b) The relative displacement in 𝑦 direction
FIGURE 16 The relative displacements across the fault under two different discrete fractures reconstructed by the piece-wise
linear approximation method [18] and the proposed method respectively.
and 1 MPa respectively. The flow process is considered as the single-phase saturated incompressible flow (Richards equation
[24]) with permeability and fluid viscosity being 1 × 10−12 m2 and 1 × 10−3 Pa⋅s, respectively.
FIGURE 17 Procedures of modeling fluid flow in discrete fracture network in the phase-field model.
Fig. 17 (d) presents the resulting pressure field. The fracture flow problem in the phase-field model can be directly solved
after reconstructing the DFNs using the proposed method above. Benefiting from the accurate reconstruction of DFNs, this
method will be soon extended to tackle the hydro-mechanical coupled processes between the discrete fracture network and the
solid matrix.
In this work, we present a workflow for reconstructing low-dimensional fracture paths and estimating fracture normal direc-
tions based on the concept of phase-field point cloud. We provide several numerical examples in 2D and 3D to illustrate the
effectiveness of the proposed method. Several advantages are highlighted, such as (1) the proposed method is feasible for 2D
and 3D complex fracture networks with arbitrary structural or nonstructural finite element meshes, (2) the normal direction of
the phase-field crack can be correctly estimated, and (3) the lower-dimensional fracture paths can be reconstructed in real time
with high computational efficiency. The proposed method can contribute to addressing the challenge of phase-field modeling
for fault friction and fluid flow in DFNs. In our future work, a hydro-mechanical coupling model that explicitly represents the
discrete fracture network will be developed to simulate the coupled processes in fractures and reservoirs, and the DFNs will be
considered to be updated in real time during the evolution of the phase field.
Yue Xu: Investigation, Methodology, Software, Validation, Visualization, Writing - Original Draft. Tao You: Conceptualiza-
tion, Methodology, Investigation, Software, Visualization, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing. Qi-zhi Zhu:
Supervision, Resources, Investigation
The author Tao You would like to acknowledge the supports by the Helmholtz-OCPC Postdoc-Fellowship (No. 202) and the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 12202137).
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence that work reported in this paper.
The above 𝒖−𝑑 problem Eqs. (2) and (4) will be solved by finite element method. The weak form can be obtained by multiplying
the strong forms with wight function 𝒘𝑢 and 𝑤𝑑 , respectively, and then integrating the equations over the domain Ω, i.e.,
with the trail solution spaces 𝑢 for displacement and 𝑑 for the phase-field defined as
{ }
𝑢 ∶= 𝒖 ∣ 𝒖 ∈ 𝐻 1 , 𝒖 = 𝒖𝐷 on 𝜕Ω𝑢 (A3)
{ }
𝑑 ∶= 𝑑 ∣ 𝑑 ∈ 𝐻 1 (A4)
where 𝐻 1 means the first order Sobolev space.
The displacement 𝒖 and phase-field 𝑑 can be approximated by Galerkin’s method as follows
𝒖 = 𝑵𝑢 𝒖,
̂ 𝒘𝑢 = 𝑵𝑢 𝒘̂ 𝑢 , ∇𝒖 = 𝑩𝑢 𝒖,
̂ ∇𝒘𝑢 = 𝑩𝑢 𝒘̂ 𝑢 (A5)
̂ 𝑤𝑑 = 𝑵𝑑 𝑤̂ 𝑑 , ∇𝑑 = 𝑩𝑑 𝑑,
𝑑 = 𝑵𝑑 𝑑, ̂ ∇𝑤𝑑 = 𝑩𝑑 𝑤̂ 𝑑 (A6)
Phase‐field degree of freedom
Displacement degree of freedom
Gauss quadrature point
where the hatted variable denotes the value at nodes. 𝑵𝑢 and 𝑵𝑑 are the shape functions for displacement and phase-field sepa-
rately, and 𝑩𝑢 and 𝑩𝑑 are the corresponding derivatives of shape functions. In order to safisfy LBB conditions, the displacement
shape function is taken to correspond to the quadratic 8-node quadrilateral serendipity element (Q8), while the phase-field shape
function is taken as the bilinear 4-node quadrilateral element (C4). The schematic illustration of the mixed element formulation
is shown in Fig. A1 .
Accordingly, the displacement and the phase-field problems can be converted into the following linear system as
𝑲𝑢 𝒖̂ = 𝑭𝑢 (A7)
𝑲𝑑 𝑑̂ = 𝑭𝑑 (A8)
where the stress-strain tangent tensor ℂ has been defined in Eq. (8) for fracture problem and Eq .(11) for friction problem.
Additionally, for the phase-field problem, we have
{( ) }
𝑲𝑑 = 2 + T T
𝑵𝑑 𝑵𝑑 + 𝐺𝑐 𝓁𝑩𝑑 𝑩𝑑 dΩ (A11)
∫ 𝓁
𝑭𝑑 = 2𝑵𝑑T dΩ (A12)
After that, we use the staggered algorithm to solve Eqs. A7 and A8, namely the displacement 𝒖𝑖+1 is solved first with fixed
phase-field 𝑑 𝑖 and then the phase-field 𝑑 𝑖+1 is solved with fixed displacement 𝒖𝑖+1 until the global convergence criterion is
In this appendix, the precision and efficiency of the proposed method for reconstructing 2D and 3D discrete cracks will be
evaluated. Regarding the examples in Section 3, two parameters, i.e., damage threshold 𝑑𝑐 and minimum element size ℎ̂ min ,
are investigated to figure out how they affect the fitting result for the realistic crack path. For the quantitative evaluation of the
FIGURE B2 Crack path deviation from the realistic sharp crack path with large curvature.
FIGURE B3 Deviation ratios with different damage threshold 𝑑c and mesh grid size ℎ̂ min of the discrete crack path for the 2D
Julia language [8] and BenchmarkTools.jl ( is applied to record running time and
FIGURE B4 Computational costs with different damage threshold 𝑑𝑐 and mesh grid size ℎ̂ min of discrete crack path in the 2D
In Fig. 4 (a), the time consumption rises slightly with 𝑑c decreasing from 0.98 to 0.8. Given the same damage threshold, the
computation time increases gradually as the grid spacing gets smaller. In this case, the longest time consumption for the finest
mesh grid of the fitting crack path (i.e., ℎ̂ min ∕ℎmin = 0.1) is 2 milliseconds, which is almost imperceptible comparing to the
phase-field fracture modeling. In Fig. 4 (b), the memory occupation shows similar behaviors as the time consumption when
varying 𝑑𝑐 and ℎ̂ min ∕ℎmin .
Similar to the 2D case, we investigate the deviation ratio by varying the damage threshold and mesh grid. The range of ℎ̂ min
remains the same as that in 2D, while the damage threshold ranges from 0.7 to 0.9 with an interval of 0.02. The deviation
ratios under different damage thresholds and mesh grid sizes are presented in Fig. B5 where the deviation ratio shows a similar
variation with the 2D case and the mean value is under 50%.
FIGURE B5 Deviation ratios with different damage threshold 𝑑c and mesh grid size ℎ̂ min of the discrete crack path for the 3D
Regarding the computational efficiency in the 3D case, as shown in Fig. 6 (a), the time slightly increases with 𝑑c decreasing
from 0.9 to 0.7, and the calculation time increases more rapidly when the mesh grid size becomes smaller. For this 3D case,
the maximum time consumption is 1.5 seconds which is also acceptable in the phase-field modeling of 3D fracture. In Figure.
6 (b), the memory occupation shows as the time consumption when varying 𝑑𝑐 and ℎ̂ min ∕ℎmin .
FIGURE B6 Computational costs with different damage threshold 𝑑𝑐 and mesh grid size ℎ̂ min of discrete crack path in the 3D
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