Learning Task: Michael Bhobet B. Baluyot

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Technological University of the Philippines

San Marcelino Street cor. Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila 1000

College of Industrial Technology
Department of Food and Apparel Technology
Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management

HRM221 Supply Chain Management in Hospitality Industry

Week 7: Technology in SCM Operations

Name: King Robert S Montel

Year and Section: BSHRM 2B

Date Submitted: 04-26-22

Learning Task

Based on your acquired knowledge in this topic, discuss the

answer the following comprehensively. Discuss and share
your answer within the class. (50 Points)

1. Assess the importance of technology in supply chain

management system particularly in hospitality industry.
- the application innovation is being connected with the vast majority of business lives
have been impacted by versatile innovation nowadays the innovation is truly
noteworthy and network for correspondence, creation, conveying. for instance that
innovation framework you use. can screen your item who conveyed then you knowing
the ongoing where arrive the driver and do you execute where will you acquire the
item. Another model why significance the of innovation. assuming you have
purchased the items innovation gives genuine insights about the item additionally you
will know how long before the item shows up to you. Innovation is being involved a
regular schedule, for instance,ce, particularly in organizations, cafés, nd lodging this
innovation realizing what is as of now loading those stock he making, adjusts and
influence stays away from issues then, at that point, will be effective simpler
exchange installment guide to costumer she just by your item and she wanted more
than supply. Provider before the release of the item through customer installment first.
has been innovation simpler to conduct

Michael Bhobet B. Baluyot

Instructor 1, Hotel and Restaurant Management
2. Enumerate and discuss the technology used in production, operation and delivery
in supply chain.

the innovation coordinated part to the business arising store network the board here
are the principle access innovation we have first is following of merchandise in
transport calculated utilizing cell phones productively lead screen and following we
ready to convey the driver subtleties then the time plan. next is versatile field further
developing coordination between costumer expanded recognizing item breakdown in
light of this you really want to reaction naturally fixing in view of that this innovation
characterized the maintenance need and what time would you like to take. Web
portable things this one are taking benefit knowing extraordinarily to further develop
area offices give stable versatile systems administration. Portable inventory network
the executives consider quicker correspondence , information access , continuous
we might lot the all staff and seeing what request to at any point be sent as far as
helpful likewise utilizing scanner tag to examining refreshed item generally more
straightforward put into records. Last one is stock administration progressing to
sensor checking of unrefined substances deficient products or not before execute to
the purchaser

Michael Bhobet B. Baluyot

Instructor 1, Hotel and Restaurant Management

Exemplary Proficient Intermediate Marginal Novice TOTAL

(10 points) (8 points) (6 points) (4 points) (2 points) SCORE

Outstanding Well-developed Adequate points Marginal points

points were points were were noted. were noted. Poor points were
noted. Contains noted. Contains Contains Contains noted. Contains
-Focus and
detailed analysis detailed analysis detailed analysis analysis with little or no
with high level of with high level of with good level average level of analysis.
synthesis. synthesis. of synthesis. synthesis.
Excellent flow Good flow and
Very good flow
and structural structural
and structural Evident flow and Lacks flow and
Organization composition. composition.
composition. structural structural
Transitions are Transitions are
Transitions are composition. composition.
-Structure well-made and evident and
well-made and Transitions are Poor Transitions
-Transitions follow follow an
follow appropriate evident. are evident.
appropriate acceptable
sequence. sequence.
Correct spelling Acceptable Acceptable
Correct spelling Poor spelling and
Mechanics and grammar spelling and spelling and
and grammar grammar were
were evident. grammar were grammar were
were evident. evident. With
-Spelling With few errors evident. With evident. With
With no errors many major
-Grammar found. few errors many errors
found. errors found.
found. found.
Breadth Commendable Average Acceptable
Few illustrations No illustrations
illustrations and illustrations and illustrations and
and with few and no abstracts
-Illustrations and appropriate appropriate with abstracts
abstracts about about the
examples abstracts about abstracts about about the
the question. question.
-Models the question. the question. question.
Excellent output Very good output Good output Evident output Lack of output
shows that the shows that the shows that the shows that the shows that the
student has student has student has student has student has
reflected with reflected with reflected with reflected with reflected with
Reflection on
substantial depth substantial depth substantial substantial lack of
upon how the upon how the depth upon how depth upon how substantial depth
prior learning prior learning the prior the prior upon how the
-Aligned with
experience is experience is learning learning prior learning
course learning
aligned to the aligned to the experience is experience is experience is
course learning course learning aligned to the aligned to the aligned to the
outcomes for outcomes for course learning course learning course learning
which credit is which credit is outcomes for outcomes for outcomes for
being sought being sought which credit is which credit is which credit is
being sought being sought being sought

Michael Bhobet B. Baluyot

Instructor 1, Hotel and Restaurant Management

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