Choose at Least 5 Basis For Your Enterprise Guidelines Among The 17 Un SDG'S
Choose at Least 5 Basis For Your Enterprise Guidelines Among The 17 Un SDG'S
Choose at Least 5 Basis For Your Enterprise Guidelines Among The 17 Un SDG'S
Eliminating poverty is not a charitable endeavor; rather, it is a matter of justice and the key
to releasing a vast amount of human potential. Despite this, nearly half of the world's population
lives in poverty, and every day of the year, hunger and a lack of access to clean water claim
thousands of lives. Together, we can end global sickness, feed the hungry, and ensure that everyone
has the opportunity to succeed and lead fulfilling lives.
SDG 1 aspires to eradicate all types of poverty worldwide. Its goals include ensuring that
everyone has equitable access to economic resources, basic services, property and land control,
natural resources, and innovative technology, with a focus on the poorest and most vulnerable
members of society.
The leading cause of death in the world is hunger. Our earth has given us a wealth of
resources, but millions of people are starving due to unequal access and ineffective management.
With the use of cutting-edge technologies and equitable distribution methods, we can support the
global population and ensure that no one will ever again be hungry.
End hunger and make sure that everyone has access to enough safe, nourishing food
throughout the year, with a focus on the underprivileged and those in vulnerable situations, such
as infants.
The epidemic has severely interrupted vital health services, increased anxiety and
depression prevalence, decreased life expectancy globally, stalled efforts to end HIV, TB, and
malaria, and put an end to two decades of efforts to make health coverage universal.
Additionally, it seeks to provide universal health care and give everyone access to
medications and vaccinations that are both safe and effective. A crucial component of this
procedure is enhancing access to reasonably priced medications as well as funding vaccine
research and development.
Education is essential for self-respect because it liberates the mind, frees the imagination, and
fosters intellectual freedom. It is the secret to wealth and unlocks a world of possibilities, enabling
each of us to contribute to a forward-thinking, healthy society. Everyone should have access to
education since it is beneficial to all beings.
• Make sure that every boy and girl receives a primary and secondary education that is free,
equitable, and of high quality.
• Make sure that all men and women have equal access to affordable, high-quality tertiary
education, including university.
2. Zero Hunger
•Reduce Food Waste & Food Loss by:
*shopping smart-buying in bulk may be convenient, research has shown that this shopping method
leads to more food waste.
* Save Leftovers- Storing leftovers in a clear glass container, rather than in an opaque container,
helps ensure you don't forget the food. Also, designate a day to use up any that have accumulated
in the fridge. It's a great way to avoid throwing away food.
* Always check Expiration Dates- don’t buy products if you can’t consume it in the date before it