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Project Report (17MBAPR407)



Submitted to


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Under the guidance of


Sandhya S Mr. K Suresh
Assitant Professor Manager
Department of MBA

Department of MBA
Acharya Institute of Technology, Soldevanahalli,
Hesaragatta Main Road, Bengaluru
March- 2019

I, NAGA MOHAN S, hereby declare that the Project report entitled "COST
Kartagi, prepared by me under the guidance of Prof. SANDRYA. S, faculty of
M.B .A Department, Acharya Institute of Technology and External assistance by
declare that this Project work is towards the partial fulfilment of the University
Regulations for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration by
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi. I have undergone a summer
project for a period of Six weeks. I further declare that this Project is based on the
original study undertaken by me and has not been submitted for the award of any
degree/diploma from any other University / Institution.

Place: Bengaluru
Signature of the student
Date: 04-04-2019
Regd . Off : H.No. 1-88/1/102, 102, Shanti Vanam , Kavuri Hills Extn .,
k o p pal
Madhapur, Hyderabad-500 081 . Ph : 040-65133344 , Fax: 040-40183344.
Email : koppalgreen@red ,

Date : 17/02/2019


This is to Certify that Mr Naga Mohan S , bearing Reg No:1AY17MBA30 student of

Second year MBA from Acharya lnstitue of Technology, Soldevanahalli , Bengalore has

completed 6 Weeks (3 rd Jan 2019 to 16th Feb 2019) internship in our organization .

During internship period he has conducted a project Title "A Study on Cost Control and

Cost Control techniques" at Koppal Green Power Ltd .

We wish him very best for his future endeavours .

For Koppal Green Power Ltd

K Suresh
PR Manager

POWER PLANT : Opp. 11 OKV KPTCL Substation R.G. Road , KARATAGI , Gangavathi Tq , Koppa\ District
KARNATAKA- 583 229, Ph : 08533 - 274663, 08533 - 274674, Fax : 08533 - 275286.
CIN No : U40109TG2000PLC034520
ISO 9001 :2008
(Affiliatedto Visvesvaraya Technolog ical University, Belagavi, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Accredited byN BA and NAAC)

Date: 26/03/2019


This is to certify that Mr. Naga :Mohan Sunkavalli bearing USN

lA Yl 7MBA30 is a bonafide student of Master of Business Administration
course of the Institute 2017-19 batch, affiliated to Visvesvaraya
Technological University, Belgaum. Project report on "A Study on Cost
Control and Cost Control Techniques of Material Management in
Koppal Green Power Ltd, Kartagi, Koppal" is prepared by him under the
guidance of Prof. Sandhya S, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration, Visvesvaraya
Technological University, Bclgaum, Kamataka.

Signature of Internal Guide Signatur HOD <J' Ily {\ ~

Head of the D
Departm epartment
c-- Acharya lnstitu~;t of MBA

Signature of Principal/Dean Academics
· ~.aevanahiii of Technotog ·
, 8 angatore-560 16,

Dr. Devarajaiah R.M .


! charya ~r Sarvepa lli Radhakri shnan Road ,_ Soladevanahall i, Acharya PO , B_engaluru 560 107, Karnataka , Ind ia • www .acha rya .ac .in/ait
Ph. +91 80-225 555 55 Extn .. 2102 • Fax. +91 -80-237 002 42 • E-ma il pri nc1pala 1t@acharya ac in

I wish to express my sincere thanks to our respected Principal, Dr. Prakash M

R, beloved Dean-Academics, Dr. Devarajaiah R M, and deep sense of
gratitude to Dr. M M Bagali, HOD, MBA, Acharya Institute of Technology,
Bengaluru for their kind support and encouragement in completion of the
Project Report.

I would like to thank internal guide Prof. Sandhya.S, Asst. Professor,

Department of MBA, Acharya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru and external
Kartagi, who gave me golden opportunity to do this wonderful Project in the
esteemed organization, which helped me to learn various concepts.

Finally, I express my sincere thanks to my Parents, Friends and all the Staff of
MBA department of AIT for their valuable suggestions in completing this
Project Report.

Place: Bangalore Naga Mohan S

Date: 04-04-2019 USN: 1AY17MBA30
Chapter no. Chapter name Page no.
Executive Summary
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 Industry profile 3
1.3 Company Profile 6
1.3.1 Promoters 11
1.3.2 Vision, Mission & Quality Policy 12
1.3.3 Products & Services profile 13
1.3.4 Areas of operations 14
1.3.5 Infrastructure facilities 14
1.3.6 Competitors Analysis 14
1.4 SWOT Analysis 15
1.5 Future growth and prospects 16
1.6 Financial statement 17
2 Conceptual background & Literature review 19
2.1 Theoretical background of the study 20
2.2 Literature review 27
3 Research Design 32
3.1 Statement of the problem 33
3.2 Need of the study 33
3.3 Objectives 34
3.4 Scope of the study 34
3.5 Research methodology 34
3.6 Limitations 35
3.7 Chapter Scheme 36
4 Analysis and Interpretation 37
4.1 Cost sheet can be analyse by using trend analysis 38
4.2 Ratio Analysis 42
5 Summary of Findings, Conclusion and suggestions 57
5.1 Findings 58
5.2 Conclusions 58
5.3 Suggestions 59
1 Chart showing the current ratio 43
2 Chart showing the quick ratio 45
3 Chart showing the net profit ratio 47
4 Chart showing the absolute liquid ratio 48
5 Chart showing the stock turnover ratio 50
6 Chart showing the raw-material consumption 51
7 Chart showing the labour cost 53
8 Chart showing the prime cost 54
9 Chart showing the factory expenses 55
10 Chart showing the works cost 56


1 Plant location of Koppal Green Power Limited 9

1 Table showing the current ratio 42
2 Table showing the quick ratio 44
3 Table showing the net profit ratio 46
4 Table showing the absolute liquid ratio 47
5 Table showing the stock turnover ratio 49
6 Table showing the raw-material consumption 51
7 Table showing the labour cost 52
8 Table showing the prime cost 53
9 Table showing the factory expenses 54
10 Table showing the works cost 56

The purpose of study is to understand the cost control and cost control techniques of
material management of the Koppal Green Power Limited, Kartagi, Koppal district, Karnataka.
To understand the financial aspects of various departments, to learn the concept of business
decision in the organization and to know the level at which employees are satisfied at

KOPPAL GREEN POWER LIMITED was incorporated on 29th May 2000 for setting
up of Power project with an installed capacity of 6 MW, at Kartagi. Total investment for the
company is 32 cores including land 23 Acres & 30 guntas. The profit of the company is
increasing year by year, last year profit of the company is Rs. 3,35,93,914.The company has
three functional departments namely, technical, financial and non-technical departments.

Learning in Koppal Green Power Limited was a wonderful experience. It helped me to

know how cost control techniques are applied practically in the organization. Whatever
theoretical information learned in the classes could be seen in practice in internship training and
it was good learning experience for me to understand various financial aspects of the

The company has adopted modern technology of plant and machinery which helps in achieving
fast production. It has only one customer i.e. KPTCL. If KPTCL becomes self-sufficient in
production of power, the company may lose the whole market. It is possible to distribute Bio-
power to the other private customers, the collection period is long. It is important to study the
whole company to get to know the activities of the company; each company is different from the
other and has its own unique way of managing its affairs.

1.1 Introduction about Project:

Project was undertaken in Koppal Green Power Ltd. Which is a financial service provider
company, in a span of six weeks of project, it provided good platform for me to experience the
actual working of an organization which help me to understand the application of knowledge I
gained through my classroom teaching. It also provides me a good exposure of interacting
resources persons like my manager which help me to understand how he is able to manage all his
responsibilities with very accuracy and on time. This was a period of knowledge addition for me
to understand the functioning of banks, its dealing and operations as well as the various
aspects relating to financial sector in the economy. I was given responsibility to analyze the
financial performance of the bank. The internship set a strong platform for me as in my
career ahead I would be able to take away the experience of the work and knowledge I
acquired to deliver successfully in whatever roles assigned and responsibility is entrusted on
me in future

1.2 Industry Profile in India:

Electricity is a distinguished boon to the Human Society from the Stone Age to current. In IT
Era, light plays a vital role in all aspects. As the civilization developed, many changes have taken
place. Even in the area of power, there are remarkable changes. Power is the most important
infrastructure input for the development and growth of economy of the country. With the
globalization and liberalization of the Indian economy, the potential for power sector growth has
substantially improved. The Government of India and its liberalized policy is allowing private
sectors to play a significant role in the power sector. Bharataratna Sir M.Vishweshwaraya the
genius who produced electricity by harnessing the Hydro potential, the engineer statesman who
fashioned the blue print for industrialization. The greatest Visionary and one of the makers of
modern India is of course the inspiration in the pursuit of excellence.

Mainly, Power can be generated through water, that is called Hydroelectricity, but due to the lack
of water resources, human Beings are using innovative new ideas to generate the power, like
using sunlight to generate power is called Solar Energy, using wind to generate power is called
Wind Energy, Using Cow dung to generate power is called Goober Power Energy and other
methods. Using wastage from Environment like, Rice Husk, Beggars’, Scrap of Plywood, Cotton
stalk, etc. to generate Power is called “Bio-Mass Power”.

The 1970’s: green power is born

Green power limited was established in United States. In the year 1978 US government has
taken an initiative for PURPA for expansion and capacity enhancement of energy in home
country. This institution has evaluated an enhanced there production work on renewing these
resources for implementation. In the year 2000 due to hyperinflation in international crude oil
prices there was an underutilization of energy in terms of barrels.

Few decades before biomass power came into picture. In 1982 infrastructure of this sector has
seen a vast development in converting wooden logs into electricity generation. This technique of
conversion of bio degradable resources into useful one was influenced in California two due to
rapid climatically change the natural resources are getting depleted resulting in declination of

saw-mills which put a big obstacle in contribution of solid waste disposal to a society. Now a
days developed cities generates a whole lot of waste along with increment in deforestation

In Karnataka More Than 60 Bio-mass Power generating plants are there and almost all plants
are adopting the same system of operation.

With Reference to Global scenario:

Humanity today faces the two urgent and daunting challenges those are: the pressing need for the
development in many parts of world; and desire to have more effective system in the
international security. Based on my opinion this two challenges are interlinked, but not always
understood. For the development of the country energy is necessary. Different aspects of
development from the improve health care to reducing the poverty requires the access to the
modern energy service. The above developments are unaddressed the result will be violence and
conflicts which effect the development efforts and it will have impact on global stability and on

While considering the global energy of imbalance. Roughly 1.7 billion people are living without
access to the electricity; and 2.3 billion rely on the due to no access to the other fuels. In African
countries the per capital electricity is consumed is very low as 50 kilowatt-hours / year. It
indicates that 6 watt of power is required is less than a normal bulb for everyone. To notice it the
countries which have developed make an economic cooperation and development organization.
An average, consumed electricity for the year as per capital is 8600 KW/H i.e. roughly 160 times

Power Sector in India:

Today India has installed the power sector of capacity of 102,000 Mega Watt of which 25% is
hyro-based and coal-based is 60% and other nuclear based and gas-based. Estimated power
shortages are 15% of the peak capacity and 11% of the total energy and which are increased in
future years. In the future years another 10,000 Mega-Watt of the capacity is given. The
hydroelectric plant and coal thermal stations are development. Coal-based power plant leads to
the pollution in the environment.

On the other side, hydro plants are leading to soil erosion and erosion, loss of forest areas,
wildlife habitat and diversity of species and most important are the displacement of the people.
The Indian government has made decisions to develop the countries renewable energy source.

India has made new contribution for both solar photovoltaic and solar thermal through
generation of power. In order to develop solar thermal technology within India, government has
allotted 35 Mega Watt solar thermal power plant in rajasthan and also increasing the private
sectors by providing the financial status from ministry.

The primary objective of demonstration project is to build through hands on design experience
and management of projects and operation under actual field conditions. In the field of energy
sector the various players such as operation contractors, local industries and private project
construction, central electricity authority, rajasthan energy development agency and rajasthan
state electricity board and others will help to increase the solar power in india

Government support:-
Indian government has estimated the potential of 50,000 Mega Watt of capacity of power can be
produced from new and the renewable energy source but due to high cost incurred in the past
these are not tapped as conventional. But nevertheless, development of the alternate energy has
been part of the India’s strategy for expanding the energy supply and meeting the decentralized
energy needs in the non-urban sector. This program is considered as one of the largest program
among developed program, considered one of the largest among the different developing
countries, is administered through the Indian ministry of non-conventional energy source and the
energy development agencies of the various States, and the Indian renewable energy
development agency Ltd.

Throughout the 1990's, there are several factors due to India's private sector interest invarious
renewable energy:
(i) In 1991 private sector participation i.e. India opened the power sector
(ii) For renewable energy system tax incentives are offered to developers

(iii) Awareness about the environment been heightened.

Conventional forms of renewable energy are environmental benefits and are short-gestation
period for alternative ways of energy development scheme. By grabbing the private sector
participation, in July 1993 Indian government reconsidered its priorities by giving the
technologies if renewable energy for the generation of power. Up to now wind farm capacity of
power generated is 1,500 Mega Watt and also small hydro installed capacity of 1,423 Mega
Watt. In the year 1995energy supply has grown from 0.4% to 34% by 2001.

1.3 Company Profile

KGPL has been established at Kartagi village, Gangavathi Taluk, Koppal District, Karnataka
State. It is located at a longitude of 760 40’ East and latitude of 150 37’ North.
It was incorporation on 29 May 2000 and the age of company is 19 years since
incorporated the activity is production of electricity, collection of electricity and distribution of
electricity. Koppal green power limited was incorporated on 29th May 2000 for setting up of
Power project with an installed capacity of 6 MW, at Kartagi. Total investment for the
company is 32 cores including land and 23 Acres & 30 guntas. The profit of the company is
increasing year by year, last year profit of the company is Rs. 3,35,93,914. The company has
three functional departments namely, Technical, Financial and Non-Technical Departments.

It is not classified under government Company and is registered at Hyderabad in Register of

companies. It has a share capital is Rs. 14,00,00,000 and has a paid up capital is Rs
9,23,63,560. It is involved in Production of electricity, collection and also distribution of
Koppal Green Power Limited’s annual general meeting was last held on 29 September 2017
and as per records from ministry of corporate affairs, its balance sheet was last filed on 31st
march 2018.

Fiscal Incentives Available for Biomass Power Generation
 Depreciation:
In the first year 100 % depreciation is claimed for the following biomass power
generation equipment.
 Tax Holiday:
10 year tax holiday
 Central Excise Duty:
Excuse for renewable energy devices, also including the raw materials, assemblies and
 General Sales Tax:
Exemption is available in certain States.

 In Karnataka More Than 60 Bio-mass Power generating plants are there and almost every
plants are adopting the same system.

 Organization Structure
An organization structure indicates concrete shape of the organization. Organizations hierarchy
and authority structure are also indicated. It provides stability to the organization in order to
An organization structure can be viewed as accomplishing four distinct functions:
 Dividing work into manageable segments.
 Recombining work in a logical and efficient manner.
 Distributing power to direct or coordinating work.
 Establishing channels of communication and the directive or non-directive nature of
information flow.

 Managing Director
Managing director is the head of the organization he looks all the activities of the
organization. Company has appointed one more General Manager under the Managing
director he is reporting daily all activities to him.

 General Manager
General Manager he is under the Managing director of the organization he is reporting
the day to day activities to organization and looking the all departments of the

 Finance Department
Finance Department is one of the main departments of Koppal Green Power Limited. For
maintaining the financial records of the company. Company has appointed three financial
employees and they are financial advisor, cashier and accountant.

 Human Resource Department
Human resource is other important departments in KGPL. Human resource Manager is
the head for the department and under him Manager Personnel & administration, and
labor welfare manager will be working.

 Production Department
Production department has great scope in KGPL. Plant manager is the head for the
production department under plant manager there are other departments like mechanical
department, safety & security department and also quality control departments.

 Marketing Department
Marketing manager Mr. Murali krishna is the head for this department. Here the main
thing is purchasing the waste raw products from the agriculture and producing the power
and supplying to KPTCL.

Fig No 1 : Plant location of KOPPAL GREEN POWER LIMITED

The koppal green power limited has gain the advantage of plant location due to which the
following facilities are available.

 Availability of Raw Material:
Rice Husk is sufficiently available to this Project because more than 53 Rice mills
running in near of this project. Beggars also be sufficiently available to this project
 Source of Power:
The Koppal Green Power Limited., have a plant with 6 MW Bio-Mass power exportable
capacity which is used in production process daily.
 Waste Disposal:
For purpose of cooling and waste disposal of water supply from the Chellur canal which
is near to the project site.
 Transport and Communication facility:
The transport facility enables existence of storage handling and service facilities.
Gangavathi city is distance of about 27 km from the project site. The project site well
connected to Hyderabad, Hubli, NH road.
 Banking and Credit facilities:
 UCO Bank
 Syndicate Bank
 State Bank of India
 Customer of KGPL
Koppal Green Power Ltd has single channel of distribution. KPTCL is Customer of this
organization. KGPL, directly sell their product to KPTCL.

1.3.1 Promoters

Brief Profile
 Mr. M. Chandra Mohan
Mr. M. Chandra Mohan is a managing director of KGPL and he is holding a degree in master
of business administration. He has 10years of experience in power projects, real estate and also
in the field of real-estate. He also becomes a CEO in KGPL, before joining in KGPL he has
worked in M/s power Nicks Limited. In the year 2005 he is appointed as managing director in

 Mr. M. Subbaiah,
M. Subbaiah is a whole time director and chairman in KGPL and also he has an experience of
32 plus in the field of trading and agriculture. He was a managing partner of vijay lakshmi
tobacco company, which is one of the leading trading houses in Andhra Pradesh. He is having a
very good experience in the fields of Real Estate, Construction and also maintaining bio mass
power projects. Presently he is running the business of tobacco and also doing trading in
biomass fuels. During the construction of KGPL he personally supervised. In 2007 he is
appointed as whole time director. Presently he is appointed as the chairman of the company.

 Mr. B. Sridhar Shetty

Mr. B. Sridhar Shetty is a Nominee Director in KGPL. In 1969 he was working in vijay bank as
direct officer and he got retired in 2002 as general manager. He worked in various posts – as
branch manager in different branches, and also chief manager, asst. manager and not but least
as general manager.

 Board of Directors:
S. Ravindra Babu Chairman
M. Chandra Mohan Managing Director
S. Anji Raju Director
S. Subba Rao Director

 Head of the Department:
Managing Director M.Chandra Mohan
General Manager Gopal Krishna
Manager K Suresh
Chief Account Officer Adhi Narayana

 Address:
Registered Office: Administrative Office and Plant Location:
H.No. 1-88/1/101, Koppal Green Power Ltd.
Shanti Vanam, State highway No. 23
Kauri Extension, Gangavathi Road
Hyderabad-500033 KARATAGI-583229

1.3.2 Vision, Mission and Quality Profile

 Vision:-
 Operating profit of 12%, 14% & 16% on production values during the next 3 years.
 KGPL will maximize the production power 6 megawatts to 11 mw during the next 2
 KGPL is planning to supply power to Rice industries & Small scale industries apart
from KPTCL, for next couple of years.

 Mission:-
 To prevent the effect of the climatic changes by using private and public investment in
the renewable energy projects.
 Technology leadership & qualitative growth. Providing greater value to the customer,
the employees, and the investors & to the communities where it operates.

 Quality Profile:-
 Encourage the new innovative ideas and business.

 There should be trust in our stakeholders and between employees.
 There should be a proper commitment between employees and manager.
 Non-stop product overview & improvement.
 To convey the spirit of satisfactory in each employee in the organization & sell

1.3.3 Product / Service Profile:

Bio-mass profile
Biomass is one of the renewable energy sources. It is a living and dead biological material which
is a carbon based material. In the Industrial biomass is converted into a bio-product and some
convert into a bio fuel. The different types of biomass are rice husk, wood, beggars, cotton stalk,
sunflower stalk, sugarcane, ground nut shell and so on.



BEGGARS 74 4.00 4200

RICE HUSK 235 22.20 3200

330 1.50 4400
- 3.01 4200
165 3.10 4500
167 7.71 4200
93 4.30 4300

Bio-Mass from Agriculture Raw Materials Contains

1.3.4 Area of Operation:
The plant has been located in the Gangavathi Taluk, Koppal District. It is producing 6megawatt
to the customers. Where power is generated by using bio-mass.

1.3.5 Infrastructure Facilities:

KGPL has been established at Kartagi village, Gangavathi Taluk, Koppal District, Karnataka
State. It is located at a longitude of 760 40’ East and latitude of 150 37’ North.
 Employees are given main priority towards healthcare.
 Safety precautions are instructed and to be followed.
 Rest rooms and wash rooms are provided.
 Mask equipment’s are given to employees.
 High quality drinking water is provided.
 Free Wi-Fi facility is there.

1.3.6 Competitors Information

 Direct Competitors

Direct competition means the plants are based on the Bio-mass power plant similar to

KGPL. The following companies are the competitors for the KGPL Locally:

 Indira Power Plant, Gangavathi

 Ravi Kirin Biomass Plant, Gangavathi

 Pottnaal (kogantti) Power Plant, Pottnaal

 Indirect competitors:-

Indirect competitors are companies producing power from other raw materials and for

their own captive use,

Some of the indirect competitors are

 Sirguppa Sugar Factory, Sirguppa

 Sovereign Distilleries , Kartagi

1.4 Swot Analysis
 Strength:
 The company has adopted modern technology of plant and machinery which helps in
achieving fast production.
 Credibility of the company among financial institutions and banks is very good.
 Gangavathi taluk has considerable population of livestock.
 Increasing focus on renewable sources of energy.
 Conducive environment to attract private investments.
 The taluk has 145 Rice mills.

 Weakness:
 It has only one customer i.e. KPTCL.
 Lack of skilled employees.
 Risk on shortage of fuel.
 Lengthy collection period.
 Lack of training programmes to the employees
 No export and import facilities.
 Lack of railway facility for the transportation of people and goods.

 Opportunities:
 The company can utilize the available resource to the optimum extent.
 It is possible to distribute Bio-power to other customer (other than KPTCL).
 In future electricity can be generated from different sources.
 Scope for the future modernization of rice mills.

 Threats:
 Frequent changes in the government policies.
 Many competitors are entering to the market.
 Unable to supply the power to other industries apart from KPTCL.
 If KPTCL becomes self-sufficient in production of power, the company may lose whole
of the market.

 Weather conditions also play a main role.
 Global warming is also threat.

1.5 Future Growth and Prospects:

In India there is a scope for the biomass power generation industries and as well as in global
economy. The company focus on the reducing the cost of the biomass so that in order to get
maximum efficiency by the effective utilization of the raw material.
 Adoption of modern technology so that there will be reducing the wastage.
 Expansion of the company in different areas where biomass is available.
 KGPL will maximize the production of power capacity from 6MW to 11MW during the
next 2 years.
 KGPL planning to supply power to other industries also.
 Planning to construct different biomass fuel equipment’s in order generate power through
different operations.

1.6 Financial Statement:


PARTICULARS 2017 2016 2015 2014
Equity Share Capital 3.79 3.79 3.79 3.79
Total Share Capital 3.79 3.79 3.79 3.79
Revaluation Reserve 0 2.81 2.82 2.86
Reserve and Surplus 62.28 66.71 68.4 57.08
Total Reserve and Surplus 62.28 69.52 71.22 59.94
Total Shareholders Fund 66.07 73.3 75.01 63.72
Long Term Borrowings 33.57 13.45 7.05 0.03
Deferred Tax Liabilities(Net) 0 1.77 2.58 2.83
Other Long Term Liabilities 0.3 0.34 0.54 0.34
Long Term Provision 7.72 7.78 6.97 6.27
Total Non-Current Liabilities 41.59 23.34 17.15 9.48
Short Term Borrowings 94.02 96.5 81.05 68.81
Trade Payables 156.88 161.82 164.34 131.58
Other Current Liabilities 32.28 26.19 27.47 21.41
Short Term Provision 0.05 0.1 1.69 8.23
Total Current Liabilities 283.23 284.61 274.55 230.03

TOTAL CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES 390.89 381.25 366.71 303.23

Tangible Assets 64.87 29.47 30.68 30.29

Intangible Assets 2.57 1.9 1.2 1.9

Capital Work-In-Progress 5.53 17.64 7.88 0.91

Fixed Assets 72.97 49 39.75 33.1

Non-Current Investment 0.85 0.85 0.81 0.8

Deferred Tax Assets(Net) 3.45 0 0 0

Long Term Loans and Advances 8.25 1.82 1.27 1.22

Total Non-Current Assets 85.53 51.68 41.83 35.11


Inventories 110.92 121.35 131.97 105.81

Trade Receivables 143.24 159.67 154.48 138.21

Cash and Cash Equivalents 8.96 4.46 15.16 13.26

Short Term Loans and Advances 9.62 13.31 11.95 5.72

Other Current Assets 32.62 30.79 11.32 5.12

Total Current Assets 305.36 329.58 324.88 268.12

TOTAL ASSETS 390.89 381.25 366.71 303.23


2.1 Conceptual Background
What is Cost Accounting?
It is the process of classifying, recording & suitable allocation of expenditure for the dedication
of the prices of merchandise/offerings, & for the presentation of suitability organized statistics
for the cause of control & steerage of management. It consists of the ascertainment of the cost of
every order, task settlement, system, service or unit as can be suitable and additionally offers
with the cost of manufacturing, promoting & distribution.
Why Cost Accounting developed?
Cost book-keeping is a division of accounting & it advanced for the reason that of the restrictions
of financial accounting. Financial accounting by and large concerned with the practice of profit
& loss account and balance sheet indicates that the financial position of the commercial
enterprise, however, details regarding operating efficiency of these divisions are lacking. Due to
the improvement of cost accounting, it’s beneficial for the management to evaluate the working
performance and to manual management decisions with the help of facts provided by the
financial accounting.
Advantages of Cost Accounting:
 It facilitates in growing profits
 Cost accounting helpful to clients.
 Profitable and unprofitable information are disclosed.
 It gives statistics upon which estimates and tenders are based totally.
 The accurate root of a decline or an raise in earnings or slaughter.

Cost Control:
According to management cost control is a search for best and completing each operation in
more economical ways. Cost control helps in prevention of wastage with in the environment.

Features of Cost Control:

 Costs are optimized earlier than they may be incurred.
 It is normally relevant near objects which cover requirements.
 It incorporates recommendations as well as dictates control, including the way to do
an issue.
 It pursuits next to achieving same old.
 It is a precautionary action.
 Control procedure of cost includes placing goals and requirements, ascertaining the
real performance, evaluating the actual performance with trendy, investigating the
variances and taking corrective action.

Aspects of Cost Control:

To start with a preparation or set of objectives is set up with the estimation of budgets &
The following stage is to speak the arrangement to the ones whose duty is to put into effect the
It is described because the manner with the intention of initiates courses in addition to continues
intention-oriented behaviors.

Assessment & Reporting:

Disparity has to be completed with the prearranged targets & definite overall presentation.
Deficiencies are mentioned and conversation is commenced towards achievement over

Ultimately, remedial actions & corrective process are occupied or the set of goals are revised,
relying ahead the management’s information of the setback.

Benefits of Cost Control:

 Cost control allows the company in lowering its charges & consequently reduces its
 It enables the firm to enhance its profitability and competitiveness.
 It’s indispensable for attaining greater productiveness.
 If the charge of the item for consumption is constant and realistic, it may preserve better
sales and hence service of exertion pressure.

Negative aspect of Cost Control:

 Requirement of skillful personnel to set requirements.
 Limit on innovation.

Necessities for the success of Cost Control:

 A arrangement and a set of well-distinct responsibilities to all executives are necessary.
 Obvious explanation of tasks for routine and cost to carry out those tasks.
 A set responsibility, in case of variation among targeted and real.
 Timely assortment of routine data from each section of an organization as the delay in
information equals to no information and the administration is not capable to take exact
decision due to lack of total information.
 Highlights of superior and horrific, both performances to enable the administration to
take remedial steps.
 Incentive for superior performances and penalty for the reduced ones.

Cost Control Techniques:

To permit managers successfully control the organizational activities, a large wide variety of
controlling techniques are available.
A manager must understand the costs manage techniques and in which situation it must be

 Inventory Control:
Stock control entails the procurement, care, and dispatch of materials. In line with a walker,
inventory isn't always simply a material management/warehouse problem. The shopping,
receiving, engineering, manufacturing and accounting departments all contribute to the accuracy
of the stock techniques and data.
There are 3 forms of stock which might be the subject to managers:
 Raw-material
 Semi-completed items
 Finished goods

Inventory control is the supervision of delivery, storage, and accessibility of items so that it will
ensure an ok deliver without immoderate/over deliver.
Techniques of inventory control:
1. Level Setting.
2. EOQ.
3. ABC Analysis.

Level Setting:
 Re-order level.

Re-order level is also known as ordering level or ordering limit or ordering point. Point at which
the order for the supply of materials should made. This level is somewhere fixed between
minimum level and maximum level. Re-order level mainly depends on order lead time and
maximum rate of consumption. Store keeper will initiate purchase requisition when the level is
 Maximum level.

Maximum level is also called as maximum stock or maximum limit. Maximum level is the level
above which the stock should never reach. Maximum level function is to avoid unnecessary
blocking up of capital in inventories, extra overheads, obsolescence of materials etc.
 Minimum level.

Minimum level represents lowest quantity of the particular materials below which fall in stock
should not be allowed. This level is to be maintained every time so that the production is not held
up due to the shortage of any material.

 Danger level.

A degree in which ordinary problems of material are stopped and the issues are made most
effective below unique commands. The acquisition person will make unique preparations to get
substances which attain at the danger degree in order that the production might not jump in
before because of the scarcity of materials.

The quantity of the material to be ordered only one time is referred to as EOQ. This quantity is
fixed in there sort of way as to the limit the cost of carrying and ordering the stock.

ABC Analysis:
In order to exercise the effective control over the materials, A.B.C method is of immense use.
Under which materials are classified into three different categories in accordance with those
respected values. Group A contains costly items which are 10-20% of the total items but account
for almost 50% of total value of the stores. Group B consists of 20-30% of the store items but
account for 30% of value of the store and group C consists of 70-80% of the items about 20% of
total value.

Labor Control:
Tough work is the second one important detail of cost and for standard cost control. Labor is the
most perishable commodity and such it should be efficaciously applied. Exertions cannot be
recouped and it’s certain to increase the value of manufacturing.
Control over Labor Cost:
labor price constitutes a prime portion of the whole cost of producing and it is able to be
immoderate due to excessive turnover, idle time, and inefficiency of hard paintings, greater
wastage of material with the resource of labor and absence of supervision. The inefficiency of

hard work is likewise a cause for excessive material and overhead price. Therefore, financial
utilization of exertions is a want of the present day industry to reduce the fee for producing the
products manufactured/carrier rendered.

Overhead control:
Overhead value manage is used by Small-enterprise owners to reveal, distribute and decrease
their overheads. An expense that cannot be with no trouble identified with a selected product or
pastime is called as overhead. Not like material and production exertions, overhead is indirect
and invisible part of generating product and carrier. Overhead cost can include administrative
and higher prices, delivery charges, subcontractors, utilities, office supplies, depreciation, and
marketing. And at the same time as some of these costs appear every day, it does now not mean
they're fundamental.
The control of overhead charges is mainly complicated. But, by way of determining direct labor
and material prices it becomes simpler consequently, managers generally tend to awareness on
those charges. The successful control of overhead charges desires ordinary attention. A few
managers do now not agree with overhead costs when formulating pricing strategies. This can
bring about some products or activities not fully recovering their overhead prices. In long time
duration, except different products are offsetting this insufficiency, this form of pricing method
will not provide profits to offer a go back to the capital, control, and risk involved. It's far
necessary to recognize the idea of overhead expenses while considering adjustments in the
production method.
It may be understood that overhead cost are prices which can't be directly diagnosed with a
product or production pastime. Overhead prices can be either constant or variable. A few
examples of constant manufacturing facility overhead prices consist of depreciation, interest,
hire, insurance, taxes, marketing, maintenance, and the manager's profits. Variable overhead fees
may encompass some classes of materials, utilities, communique expenses, receiving fees and
miscellaneous exertions prices. For the small enterprise operation, most overhead costs have a
tendency to be constant.
There are various strategies to decrease overhead expenses. Those include:
1. Decreasing running capital
2. Implementing overall fine management

3. Controlling sales expenses
4. Reading preservation expenses
5. Decreasing transportation charges
Control of Capital Expenditure:
Techniques to exercise control over Capital Expenditure
The universal decided on proposals may be obsolescence due to development in generation
inside the quick run. Therefore, funding made in constant property cannot be recovered very
easily despite the fact that the task is carried out after thinking about profitability. In other
phrases, the heavy investment in constant property affects the profitability of the firm in the long
run i.e. before stop of the financial existence of the venture. As a result, a cost accountant can
manage the capital expenditure with the assist of the following techniques.
1. Continuous look for new techniques and merchandise: A control can discover new
techniques, method, and merchandise by trial and error approach or thru studies and
development technique. In that case, the investment in constant property won't be affected the
long-term profitability to a degree.
2. Deliberate improvement: A valid organizational structure has to be established for reading,
screening and implementing numerous capital expenditure proposals. If so, there may be a
possibility of planned development of all of the departments of the firm thru capital budgeting.
3. Capital Budgeting: An anticipated resources and makes use of finances may be organized in
a declaration form. In that case, how a great deal amounts received and used for a selected
duration is thought to the control. In this way, capital expenditure managed through capital
budgeting. Consequently, capital budgeting needs to be perpetually followed the company.
4. Use of Rational methods of evaluation: The chosen evaluation technique should be the
rational one. It considers enter and output in conjunction with non-financial subjects also. The be
resources of the employer are well applied for wealth maximization. It is feasible most effective
via using of rational approach for undertaking assessment.
5. Progress record: A proper progress document ought to be maintained to demonstrate the
development made via a capital expenditure. A capital assignment sheet ought to be maintained
for each challenge for this purpose. The predicted expenditure and real expenditure have to be as
compared and variances have to be collected.

2.2 Literature Review:

Author/ researcher Title of the Objective Outcomes or Gaps identified

Article /Study Findings
R. Jayaraman Project cost Re-engineered method of Difficult in estimating
Department of control: a new cost control well worked resources requirement in
Operations method to plan and better than expected making available not at the
Management, SP Jain and control costs yield. right time.
Institute of in large projects
Management and
Research, Mumbai,
Hathaway, Bruce R. Controlling new Management control of Making maximum use of
Management facilities cost
construction projects are the cost control technique.
Montvale Vol. 56, Iss. initial planning through
10, (APR. 1975): 47.
job completing is key to
cost control.

Abdul-Rahman, Capturing the Design and construction Project needs and

Hamzah. The cost of quality caused failure. requirements are failure.
International Journal failures in civil Potential of using quality Minimize factor associated
of Quality & engineering in the civil engineering with risk and
Reliability construction. communication problem.
Vol. 10, Iss. 3,
(1993): 20.
Watson, R B. Construction Difficult to establish a Recognize the important
Cost Control
Cost Engineering; reliable index combined difference in between
Techniques in
Morgantown Vol. 30, the United for material and labor. engineering, design and
Iss. 4, (Apr 1988): actual construction

27 essential.
Ali Mohammed Simulation It reveals that usage of Many professors heard
Alashwal; Min Yi techniques for the cost simulation about similarities but they
Chew. Built cost technique in the do not have skill to how to
Environment Project management construction industry is use it.
and Asset and performance very low.
Management; in construction
Bingley Vol. 7, Iss. 5, projects in
(2017): 534- Malaysia
545. DOI:10.1108/BE
Christine, Brian. Risk Medical cost Several implications are Moderate popularity among
Management; New derived for the survey respondents.
York Vol. 40, Iss. 4, ( results. Cost control Implementation of stress
Apr 1993): 102. techniques are very reduction program.
popular among the
Kim, Yong-Woo. The implications Resource based costing Research deal with only
of a new
University of and volume based cost control process.
California, Berkeley, paradigm for allocations. Studies limited to
project cost
Pro-Quest Techniques based on implementation for project
Dissertations managed by results and management costs.
Publishing, 2002. transformation view.
Sudhakar, Samuel. Examining the Investment in IT has Control cost and generate
North central Potential of
helped many institutions new source of the revenue.
University, Pro Quest Information
Dissertations Technologies to go online enrollment,
Publishing, 2013. Improve Cost
improved productivity
3537687 Control in
Community and improved efficiency.

Mani, Nirajan. Impact of design It is to determine Unavailability of detailed
University of Nevada,
cost on project relationship of design data. Total design cost data
Las Vegas, Pro Quest
Dissertations performance of duration and design cost are not available.
Publishing, 2011.
design bid build with parameter of project
projects performance.
Zyskowski, Matthew Cost density- Fixed number of cost Lagrange multiplier theory
J. University of Notre shaping for
cumulates and target are applied.
Dame, Pro Quest stochastic
Dissertations optimal control cumulates.
Publishing, 2010.
Pannu, Aman. An economic Design of DMEWMA Economic statistical design
University of
statistical design control charts is using is needed.
Northern Colorado,
ProQuest of double economic criteria.
Publishing, 2013.
3589417. exponentially
moving average
control chart
Jagtap, Pankaj Structured Thesis should be applied Research was not applied
Anant.Michigan State methodology for
to all system or communicated in
University, Pro Quest developing
Dissertations construction development of efforts construction industry.
Publishing, 1998. management
with some changes based
1393528. cost control
system on the system variables
and project.
Sobie, Christopher E. Life cycle cost Life cycle cost analysis Need the user inputs and
Northern Arizona analysis of
provides an comparison equation used to calculate
University, Pro Quest vehicle
Dissertations detection between the different the results.
Publishing, 2016. technologies and
combination of the
10126247 their impact on
adaptive traffic vehicle detection
control systems
technology and ASCT

Rajiv, Joy. Stanford Computing Theoretical framework Exogenous parameters of
University, Pro Quest bounds via
for constructing a problem are restrictive.
Dissertations duality for
Publishing, 2007. singular sequence of increasing
3292407. stochastic
lower bounds.

Gamble, Geoffrey Biologically Techniques to uncover Results comparable to or

George .University of Plausible
the mathematical better than standard
California, San Diego, Control of Fast
Pro Quest Reaching principle which is been approach.
Dissertations Movements
observed regularity in
Publishing, 2016. Using Non-
10011428. Traditional Cost dynamics of the human

Åström, Investment Difference in investment Minimization of cost in

Stefan; Kiesewetter, perspectives on
perspectives. 2030.
Gregor; Schöpp, costs for air
Wolfgang; Sander, pollution control
Robert; Andersson, affect the
Sofia.Clean optimal use of
Technologies and emission control
Environmental measures
Policy; Berlin (Dec
2018): 1-
11. DOI:10.1007/s100
Khongja, Guaranteed cost Design of the state Non-linear system and the
Nuchira; Botmart, control for
feedback controllers mixed delays in time-
Thongchai; Niamsup, exponential
Piyapong; Weera, stability of a which stabilize the closed varying.
Wajaree.Advances in nonlinear
loop system.
Difference Equations; system with
New mixed time-
York Vol. 2018, Iss. 1 varying delays
, (Nov 2018): 1- in states and
23. DOI:10.1186/s136 controls

Mukherjee, Microcontroller The design of a low cost, Low cost micro controller
Alok; Ray, based speed
yet effective controllers for low power application.
Susanta; Das, control and
Arabinda.Acta speed regulation and efficient in system. No maximum speed

Technica Corviniensis scheme for regulation.
- Bulletin of BLDC motor
Engineering; under variable
Hunedoara Vol. 11, Is loading
s. 3, (Jul-Sep 2018): conditions
Baird, Kevin; Su, The association Additional analysis Interdependency between
Sophia. International between
suggests that use of different controls.
Journal of controls,
Productivity and performance financial and quality
Performance measures and
measure the associate
Management; performance
Bradford Vol. 67, Iss. between the cost
6, (2018): 967-
performance and
PM-03-2017-0059 intensity of cost.
Keng, Tan An Exploration Cost overrum in the Major causes of cost
Chin; Mansor, of Cost Overrun
building construction of overrum in the building
Norizzati; Ching, in Building
Yeoh Kah.Global Construction project is determined. construction projects.
Business and Projects
Strategies proposed to
Research, suppl. overcome the cost
Special Issue; Boca
Raton Vol. 10, Iss. 3,
(2018): 638.


Meaning of Research Design:
Research design is the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. It is the
map developed to guide the research. It is the part of the planning stage of research. A research
design is a set of methods and procedures used in the collecting and analyzing the measures of
the specified variables in the research problem of research.

Title of the Study:



3.1 Statement of the Problem:

The main problem of the company is increasing cost of production. If they are not using effective
cost techniques then it will become a huge problem for the company. In this project I tried to
investigate problems and practices associated with cost analysis of KOPPAL GREEN POWER
LIMITED. In this organization so many studies are grown on but only few has studied about
cost control techniques. So I tried to fill this gap of study beyond my best level.

3.2 Need for the Study:

The significance of cost control within a company cannot be overstated. Businesses are dropping
money, want to growth profits or should emerge as more competitive to cut charges in an effort
to prevail. Knowing a way to put into effective cost manage techniques can be the figuring out
component inside the survival of a commercial enterprise. When a company desires to generate
extra money as short as feasible, management will decide which expenses might be most
efficaciously controlled. If the control is wanted speedy, costs are cut first which might be
usually the ones which might be constant or immediately tied to production. It isn't always an
awesome concept to extensively control expenses that produce the agency service or product
without cautious evaluation. If the enterprise understands the significance of cost manages as a
tool to increase profitability, the company will have a much better hazard of ultimate worthwhile
regardless of what degree of the monetary cycle is happening. That is due to the fact cost control

is a powerful tool that may be attentive to an organization’s want. Coping with expenses is just
as critical as dealing with revenue. There for turn is a need to study the Cost Control and Cost
Control Techniques of Material Management adopted in the organization.

3.3 Objectives of the Study:

 To understand cost control techniques adopted by the koppal green power plant.
 To know the impact of cost control on productivity of the organization.
 To analyses the material management system adopted in the organization.
 To give the suggestions on the management of cost and its control.

3.4 Scope of the Study:

 This study helps in identifying, classifying and ascertaining cost overheads, which in turn
helps the management in fixing the selling price effectively and efficiently.
 The scope of this study is to cover the effect of cost control techniques.
 The areas of study are materials, labor, fixed overheads and sales.
 The study will not cover budgeting or budgetary control techniques.
3.5 Research Methodology:

Descriptive type of research is adopted. For the preparation of this report, essential data has been
collected from the secondary source i.e., company website, periodicals, magazines, journals, and
financial statement of the company.
The project mainly focuses on analysis of Cost Control and Cost Control Techniques of Material
Management. Trend analysis method has been chosen for the study purpose. The study implies
that, calculating the material cost required for period of one year. working of existing costing
system was clearly observed and additional data was collected. These data are collected through
informal interviews and observations. Data collected was analyzed and interpreted. Charts,
Tables, Graphs were used for analysis and interpretation.

Sources of Data:

 Primary Data

 Secondary Data

Primary Data

 Face to face interaction / Interview.

 Observation

Secondary Data

Secondary Data are the data which is already available and the same collected from the existing


Data collected from secondary sources are.

 Company’s web sites

 Periodicals

 Magazines

 Journals

 Financial statements of the company.

3.6 Limitations of the Study:

 No longer possible to have the in-depth observe because of restrained information

 Despite the fact that there are numerous different cost control techniques available, but
simplest the trend analysis has been decided on for the study due to the compatibility of
the facts provided by the company.

 Cost control cannot lessen the managerial feature to a method. It's far only a managerial
 The use of value can be to the restrained use of sources. Expenses are often taken as
 Trouble to attain the crucial corners of the records due to corporation’s confidentiality.

3.7 Chapter Scheme:

This report on “A study conducted on Cost Control and Cost Control techniques at KOPPAL
GREEN POWERLTD. is divided into five chapters and Annexure component. The info referring
to every five specific chapters are given underneath:

This chapter consists of the general introduction of the file, industry profile and organization
information concerning vision, mission, and quality polices, areas of operation, an infrastructure
facility, competitor’s data, SWOT evaluation, future boom and prospectus and financial statement.

Chapter two provides information regarding theoretical background of the study in addition to
literature evaluate.

This chapter consists of the information consisting of the title, assertion of the problem, need for
the study, objectives, scope of the study, study’s methodology, limitations and additionally an
overview of the project.

This chapter deals with analysis and interpretation of the various primary and secondary data

collected which has been collected in the organization for the study.


This chapter offers records about the findings, conclusion and some suggestions.


4.1 Financial Analysis

Cost sheet can be analyze by using Trend Analysis

Particulars 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Amount % Amount % Amount %

Material 1,31,45,54,895 100 91,94,89,121 69.94 1,16,72,41,064 88.79


Utilities 51,10,756 100 40,89,722 80.02 47,34,732 92.69

Direct 8,10,99,176 100 7,83,12,939 96.56 8,6863188 107.10



Consumable 91,302 100 94,935 103.9 1,09,642 120.0

Stores and


Repairs and 17,44,049 100 12,69,382 72.78 12,79,277 73.06


Depreciation/ 13,68,498 100 10,87,574 79.47 30,80,723 225.1


Other 2,30,74,061 100 1,91,79,417 83.12 2,96,16,073 128.3



Decrease in 2,20,82,705 100 21,90,687 9.92 2,93,56,860 132.94

Work in


Cost of 1,40,49,60,031 100 1,02,57,13,777 73.00 1,32,22,76,559 94.11



Increase / 2,00,78,172 100 5,49,04,314 273 1,93,17,900 96.21

Decrease in

Stock of



Cost of 1,38,48,81,859 100 97,08,04,463 70.10 1,34,18,94,459 96.89

Production /

Operation of

Product sold

Administration 2,58,66,146 100 2,58,99,990 100.13 2,99,58,662 115.8


Selling and 1,94,51,634 100 1,53,06,186 78.68 1,75,76,116 90.35



Cost of sales 1,43,01,99,639 100 1,01,20,15,639 70.76 1,38,91,29,237 97.13


Interest and 97,11,901 100 1,03,62,696 106.7 96,14,008 98.99



Cost of Sales 1,43,99,11,540 100 1,02,23,78,335 71.00 1,39,87,43,245 97.14

Net sales 1,56,68,17,047 100 1,09,19,81,070 69.69 1,60,34,39,300 102.33


Margin Profit 12,69,05,507 100 6,96,02,735 54.85 20,46,96,055 161.2

as per Cost



Prime Cost:

In the base year the prime cost is 100% i.e. 59,346.37, but in the next consecutive year the
prime cost is increased by 105.74% i.e. 62,750.47 and next following year it is very clear that
the decrease in prime cost is 95.23% i.e. 56,513.67 and this is due to the increase in the
effective use of the raw-material.

Factory Cost:

In base year the factory cost is 100% i.e. 58,505.42, but in the next consecutive year the factory
cost is increased by 107.05% due to increase in the prime cost during 2015-16 and the
following year it is very clear that the decrease in the factory cost is 98.88% i.e. 57,852.28 and
this is due to variation in prime cost.

Office and Administrative Cost:

In the base year the office and administrative cost is 100% i.e. 1,092.74, but in the next
consecutive year the office and administration cost is increased by 152.91% i.e.1, 670.97 and the
following year it is very clear that the increased in office and administration cost is 118.22% i.e.
1,291.88 and this is due to minimization of wastage.

Net Sales:
In the base year the net sales is 100% i.e. 66,191.42 but in the next consecutive year the net sales
is increased by 106.43% i.e. 70,450.39 due to decrease in the material consumed in 2015-16 and
the following year it is very clear that the increase in net sales is 104.46% i.e. 69,143.57 and this
is due to reduction in the cost of overhead and cost of sales also decrease.

Margin Profit:
In the base year the margin profit is 100% i.e. 5,361.22 but in the next consecutive year the
margin profit is decreased by 83.76% i.e. 4,490.50 due to decrease in sales during 2015-16 and
the following year it is very clear that the increase in margin profit is 164.64% i.e. 8,826.91 and
this is due to increase in sales.

Tool: - 1
4.2 Ratio Analysis:
1. Current ratio
Current ratio= Current assets to the Current liabilities

Table No 1: Chart showing the current ratio for the four year.

Year Current Assets Current Liabilities Current Ratio

2014 268.12 230.03 1.16 : 1
2015 324.88 274.55 1.18 : 1
2016 329.58 284.61 1.16 : 1
2017 305.36 283.23 1.08 : 1

The table above shows the position of current asset and current liabilities has been shown from
the year 2014 – 2017. Table indicates that the values of current asset and current liabilities
changes every year. As in the current assets the value is increased from 2014 to 2016 but at the
year 2017 the value decreased as shown in above table. And also the value of current liabilities
also increase for the year 2014 – 2017, but there is a slightly change in last year. At the end of
the 2017 there is a decrease in the values of current assets and increase in the values of the
current liabilities.

Chart No 1: Chart showing the current ratio for the four year.

Current Ratio







2014 2015 2016 2017

 Interpretation:
The standard current ratio of the firm should be 2:1.
From the table it is observed that the Current Ratio is instable and fluctuating. In 2014 the
ratio is 1.165 times, and in 2015 the ratio is 1.18 times. In 2016 the ratio is 1.16 times,
2017 the ratio is 1.078 times. But still it is not satisfactory.

2. Quick Ratio:
Quick Ratio =Quick assets to the Quick liabilities

Table No 2: Table showing the quick ratio for the four years.
Year Quick Assets Quick Liabilities Quick Ratio
2014 162.31 98.45 1.65 : 1
2015 192.91 110.21 1.75 : 1
2016 208.23 122.79 1.69 : 1
2017 194.44 126.35 1.54 : 1

The table above shows the position of quick asset and quick liabilities has been shown from the
year 2014 – 2017. Table indicates that the values of quick asset and quick liabilities changes
every year. As in the quick assets the value is increased from 2014 to 2016 but at the year 2017
the value increased as shown in above table. And also the value of quick liabilities also increases
for the year 2014 – 2017. At the end of the 2017 there is an increase in the current assets and also
increase in the current liabilities

Chart No 2: Chart showing the quick ratio for the four years.

Quick Ratio








2014 2015 2016 2017

The standard quick ratio of the firm should be 1:1. From the above table it is observed that the
Quick Ratio is instable and fluctuating. In the year 2014 the ratio 1.65 times, 2015 the ratio is
1.75 times. In the year 2016 the ratio is 1.69 times, 2017 the ratio is 1.54 times. But it is

3. Debt Equity Ratio
Debt equity ratio = debt/ shareholders fund

Table No 3: Table showing the debt equity ratio for the four years.

Year Debt(Long term funds) Equity(Shareholder funds) Debt Equity Ratio

2014 0.37 3.79 0.09
2015 7.59 3.79 2.00
2016 13.79 3.79 3.64
2017 33.87 3.79 8.94

The table above shows the position of long term funds and shareholders’ funds has been shown
from the year 2014 – 2017. Table indicates that the values of debt and equity changes every year.
As the values of debt got increased from 2014 to 2017. And also the value of equity remains
same for the year 2014 – 2017. At the end of the 2017 there is a decrease in debt and equity foe
the four years remain same

Chart No 3: Chart showing the debt equity ratio for four years.

Debt equity ratio

2014 2015 2016 2017

From the above table it is observed that it Debt Equity Ratio is instable and fluctuating.
In the year 2014 the ratio is 0.09 times, 2015 the ratio is 2.00 times, 2016 the ratio is
3.64 times, and 2017 the ratio is 8.93 times.

4. Absolute Liquid Ratio

Absolute liquid ratio= Marketable Investment+ cash to the Current Liabilities

Table no 4: The table showing the absolute liquid ratio for four years.
Year Marketable investment + cash Current liabilities Absolute liquid ratio
2014 13.26 230.03 0.0576
2015 15.16 274.55 0.0552
2016 4.46 284.61 0.0157
2017 8.96 283.23 0.0316

The table above shows the position of marketable investment and current liabilities has been
shown from the year 2014 – 2017. Table indicates that the values of marketable investment and
current liabilities changes every year. As in the marketable investment the value is decrease from
2014 to 2017. And also the value of current liabilities also increases for the year 2014 – 2017. At
the end of the 2017 there is a decrease in marketable investment and increase in current

Chart No 4: Chart showing the absolute liquid ratio for 4 years.

Absolute Liquid Ratio








2014 2015 2016 2017

From the above table it is observed that it Absolute Liquid Ratio is instable and fluctuating. In
the year 2014 the ratio is 0.057 times, 2015 the ratio is 0.055 times, 2016 the ratio is 0.015 times,
and 2017 the ratio is 0.0316 times.

5. Stock Turnover Ratio:
Stock Turnover Ratio = Cost of goods sold to the Average stock

Table No 5: Table showing the stock turnover ratio for the three years.
Year Cost of goods sold Average stock Stock turnover ratio
2014-15 26.16 118.89 0.22
2015-16 -10.62 126.66 -0.0838
2016-17 -10.43 116.23 -0.0898

The table above shows the cost of goods sold and average stock has been shown from the year
2014 – 2017. Table indicates that the values of the cost of goods sold and the average stock
changes every year. Cost of goods sold the value is decrease from 2014 to 2017. And also the
value of average stock also decreased for the year 2014 – 2017, but there is a slightly change in
last year. At the end of the 2017 there is a decrease in the values of cost of goods sold and there
is a decrease in the average stock.

Chart No 5: Chart showing the stock turnover ratio for three years.

Stock Turnover Ratio






2014-15 2015-16 2016-17



From the table it is observed that Stock Turn-over Ratio is instable and fluctuation. In the year
2014-15 the ratio is 0.22 times, 2015-16 the ratio is -0.0838, and 2016-17 the ratio is -0.0898

Tool: 2
Cost Sheet Ratios

1. Raw-Material Consumption:

Table No 6: Table showing Raw- Material Consumption for three years.

Year Rate per unit % Amount(Rs) %

2014-15 54,880.88 100 1,31,96,65,651 100

2015-16 56,623.06 103.17 92,35,78,843 69.99

2016-17 51,227.2 93.34 1,17,19,75,796 88.81

Chart No 6: Chart showing Raw-Material Consumption for three years.

Raw-material Consumption
100 103.17
100 93.34

Rate per unit %

40 Amount %


2014-15 2015-16 2016-17


We can observe, there is a fluctuation in the amount as well as in rate per unit compared to base
year 2014-15 in 2015-16 percentage amount has been decreased 30.01% and in the year 2016-17
it has been decreased to 11.19. While next coming to the percentages of rate per unit also has
variations compared to the base year in the year 2015-16 rate per unit increased up-to 3.17 and
during the year 2016-17 it’s again decreased to 6.66%.
Consequently there is a rise and fall in the amount and rate per unit in raw-material consumption.

2. Labor Cost:

Table No 7: Table showing Labor cost for three years.

Year Rate per unit % Amount(Rs) %

2014-15 3,372.67 100 8,10,99,176 100

2015-16 4,801.23 142.36 7,83,12,939 96.56

2016-17 3,796.80 112.58 8,68,63,188 107.11

Chart No 7:- Chart showing the labor cost for three years.

Labor Cost
100 100 96.56 107.11

80 Rate per unit %

60 Amount %


2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Labor cost amount increased in the year 2016-17 up-to 7.11% and in 2015-16 it has been
decreased to 3.44% compared to the base year. On the other side rate per unit in 2015-16
increased up-to 42.36 and in the year 2016-17 increased up-to 12.58%.
Therefore the amount and rate per unit of labor cost fluctuating from year to year.

3. Prime Cost:

Table No 8: Table showing Prime Cost for three years.

Year Rate per unit % Amount(Rs) %

2014-15 58,257.35 100 1,40,08,56,129 100

2015-16 61,430.11 105.45 1,00,19,86,717 71.53

2016-17 55,028.79 94.46 1,25,89,48,626 89.87

Chart No 8: Chart showing Prime Cost for three years.

Prime Cost
100 100 94.46


60 Rate per unit %

Amount %


2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

The amount of prime cost during the year 2015-16 decreased to 28.47% and in 2016-17 also
decreased to 10.13% compared to the base year, whereas percentage of rate per unit of prime
cost increased up-to 5.45%, and decreased to 5.54% respectively in the year 2015-16 and 2016-
17 compared to the base year.
We can interpret there is variation in the amount as well as in the rate per unit of prime cost.

4. Factory Expenses:
Table No 9: Table showing Factory Expenses for three years.

Year Rate per unit % Amount(Rs) %

2014-15 59,346.37 100 1,42,70,42,736 100

2015-16 62,750.47 105.74 1,02,35,23,090 71.72

2016-17 56,513.67 95.23 1,29,29,19,699 90.60

Chart No 9: Chart showing the Factory Expenses for three years.

Factory Expenses
100 100 95.23
100 90.6


Rate per unit %

40 Amount %


2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

The cost of factory expenses has been decreased to 28.28% & 9.4% in 2015-16 & 2016-17 while
comparing to the year 2014-15. On other hand rate per unit for factory expenses increased up-to
5.74% in year 2015-16 and again in year 2016-17 decreased by 4.77% comparatively to the
base year.
Amount and rate per unit of factory expenses has lot of difference over the period.

5. Expenses or Works Cost:

Table No 10: Table showing the Works Cost for three years.

Year Rate per unit % Amount(Rs) %

2014-15 65,258.44 100 1,56,92,04,437 100

2015-16 65,609.93 100.54 1,07,01,63,532 69.20

2016-17 68,151.16 104.43 1,55,91,62,311 99.36

Chart No 10: Chart showing the Works Cost for three years.

Works Cost
100 100 100.54 99.36


60 Rate per unit %

Amount %


2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

The amount of works cost decreased to 30.8% & 0.64% during the year 2015-16 as well as in the
year 2016-17 compared to the base year, whereas rate per unit for cost increased up-to 0.54% &
4.43% in the year 2015-16 and 2016-17 compared to the base year.
Rate per unit of works cost slowly increasing and amount of works cost has lot of difference
from year to year.


5.1 Findings:
In my study of cost control techniques at KGPL. I came to find the following information
 KGPL being Pvt. Ltd sector is continuously making profits over the year.
 KGPL supply 6megawatt of power to KPTCL.
 KGPL procures its required raw material from within and outside Karnataka.
 The company is paying salaries to employees a monthly basis. They maintain proper
attendance system and records and wages are paid on the basis of attendance records.
 The company has introduced voluntary retirement scheme and recruiting new employees
with good skills.
 The company's raw material consumption and expenditure on overhead and labour are
 Direct labour has increased year by year. Compared to base year because the labour
recruited every year production.

5.2 Conclusion:
This study helps to express clear opinion about the organization and it help the

management to hear the employee’s opinion & bring them in to action. So it is necessary to

study the organization” on whole, which intends to improve the organizational effectiveness. I

have learned a lot about the techniques to control the cost in varies aspect in material

management so that in order controls the cost of material for the financial growth of the


5.3 Suggestions:
 It is better to improved awareness in the minds of employee through systematic training.

 It is better if the company provide bus facility to its employee.

 Company should concentrate on systematic inventory management.

 Company should provide better welfare facilities to the employee’s like Canteen, Dust

Protection Glass, etc.

 The factory should make the arrangement of payments to the Middlemen at a proper


 The management should take care towards increasing the direct cost and indirect cost

through following the proper methods for controlling inventory.

 A proper implication of cost control would lead to increase financial status of KGPL

 Company should practice new technology methods to save Time, Money, and


 Biomass is not available if the basic crops are no longer grown.

 New techniques should be utilized to harvest the crops.

 Other biomass utilization projects are using animal wastes which are relatively small

and limited.

 Cost of production of the biomass fuel should be reduced by conducting research.

 Pollution of the environment is increasing day by day should be a major cause.


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LIMITED/U40109TG2000PLC034520 accessed done.
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R6BAgDEAE&biw=1344&bih=644 accessed done.

A cost sheet is a report on which is accumulated all of the costs associated with a product or
production job. A cost sheet is used to compile the margin earned on a product or job, and
can form the basis for the setting of prices on similar products in the future. It can also be
used as the basis for a variety of cost control measures. Despite the name, a cost sheet can
be compiled and viewed on a computer screen, as well as being manually developed on
paper. The costs listed on the report are usually aggregated into the following categories:

 Direct Material
 Direct Labor
 Allocated Factory Overhead.

COST SHEET AS ON 2014-17…..

S.N Particulars Amount (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
1 Material consumed (specify details as 1,31,45,54,895 91,94,89,121 1,16,72,41,064
per Para 2A)
2 Process Materials / chemicals
3 Utilities(specify details as per Para2B) 51,10,756 40,89,722 47,34,732
Power Charges
4 Direct Employees Cost 8,10,99,176 7,83,12,939 8,68,63,188
5 Direct Expenses
6 Consumable Stores & Spares 91,302 94,935 1,09,642
7 Repairs & Maintenance 17,44,049 12,69,382 12,74,277
8 Quality Control Expenses
9 R&D
10 Technical knowhow fee / Royalty
11 Depreciation / Amortization 13,68,498 10,87,574 30,80,723
12 Other Production Overheads 2,30,74,061 1,91,79,417 2,96,16,073
13 Total (1 to 12) 1,42,70,42,736 1,02,35,23,090 1292919699
14 Decrease in Work in Progress (2,20,82,705) 21,90,687 29356860
15 Less: Credit for Recoveries, if any
16 Primary Packing Cost
17 Cost of Production / Operations 1,40,49,60,031 1,02,57,13,777 1,32,22,76,559
(14+15 to 16)
18 Cost of Finished Goods Purchased
19 Total Cost of Production & 1,40,49,60,031 1,02,57,13,777 1,32,22,76,559
Purchases (17+18)
20 Increase /Decrease in stock of Finished (2,00,78,172) (5,49,04,314) 1,93,17,900
21 Less: Self/Captive Consumption (Incl.
Samples etc)
22 Cost of Production/Operation of 1,38,48,81,859 97,08,09,463 1,34,15,94,459
Product Sold (19+20 to 21)
23 Administrative Overheads 2,58,66,146 2,58,99,990 2,99,58,662
24 Secondary Packing Cost
25 Selling & Distribution Overheads 1,94,51,634 1,53,06,186 1,75,76,116
26 Cost of Sales before Interest (22 to 1,43,01,99,639 1,01,20,15,639 1,38,91,29,237
27 Interest & Financing Charges 97,11,901 1,03,62,696 96,14,008
28 Cost of Sales (26+27) 1,43,99,11,540 1,02,23,78,335 1,39,87,43,245
29 Net Sales Realization (Net of Taxes & 1,56,68,17,047 1,09,19,81,070 1,60,34,39,300
30 Margin Profit as per Cost Accounts 12,69,05,507 6,96,02,735 20,46,96,055
S.N Particulars Rate per unit Rate per unit Rate per unit
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
1 Material consumed (specify details as 54,668.34 56,372.33 51,020.24
per Para 2A)
2 Process Materials / chemicals
3 Utilities(specify details as per Para2B) 212.54 250.73 206.96
Power Charges
4 Direct Employees Cost 3,372.67 4,801.23 3,796.80
5 Direct Expenses
6 Consumable Stores & Spares 3.80 5.82 4.79
7 Repairs & Maintenance 72.53 77.82 55.70
8 Quality Control Expenses
9 R&D
10 Technical knowhow fee / Royalty
11 Depreciation / Amortization 56.91 66.68 134.66
12 Other Production Overheads 959.58 1,175.86 1,294.52
13 Total (1 to 12) 59346.37 62,750.47 56,513.67
14 Decrease in Work in Progress (918.36) 134.31 1,283.19
15 Less: Credit for Recoveries, if any
16 Primary Packing Cost
17 Cost of Production / Operations 58,428.01 62,884.78 57,796.86
(14+15 to 16)
18 Cost of Finished Goods Purchased
19 Total Cost of Production & 58,428.01 62,884.78 57,796.86
Purchases (17+18)
20 Increase /Decrease in stock of Finished 77.41 (251.92) 55.42
21 Less: Self/Captive Consumption (Incl.
Samples etc)
22 Cost of Production/Operation of 58,505.42 62,632.86 57,852.28
Product Sold (19+20 to 21)
23 Administrative Overheads 1,092.74 1,670.97 1,291.88
24 Secondary Packing Cost
25 Selling & Distribution Overheads 821.75 987.50 757.92
26 Cost of Sales before Interest (22 to 60,419.91 65,291.33 59,902.08
27 Interest & Financing Charges 410.29 668.56 414.58
28 Cost of Sales (26+27) 60,830.19 65,959.89 60,316.66
29 Net Sales Realization (Net of Taxes & 66,191.42 70,450.39 69,143.57
30 Margin Profit as per Cost Accounts 5,361.22 4,490.50 8,826.91




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3rd Jan 20} 9 - 9th Industry Profile and Company
Jan2019 Profile ~ ,-S.~~c:l"\ 1--

10th Jan 2019 -

}7th Jan 20} 9
Preparation of Research
instrument for data
~ s\,""'{,"1--~ 0 1 ~

18 th Jan 20}9-
25 th Jan 20 }~
Data collection <fv Sl\'YC,j, ~~ n~i--
~ ~v
26th Jan 20} 9 - 2nd Analysis and finalization
~ • ~lA"6"C..)l_t,
Feb 2019 of report

3rd Feb 2019 -9 th

Feb 2019
Findings and Suggestions ~ ~\-\"'&C..)(t., _ ct-~-~~~F.
10th Feb 2019-
16th Feb 2019
Conclusion and Final Report ~ •-\ \>-.YL7-1.-, L L -

l College Seal
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