Film Terms
Film Terms
Film Terms
s Andre Bazin French Film Critic (1918 - 1958), co-founder of the film magazine Cahiers du cinma,
influential to the French New Wave
Luis Bunuel Spanish filmmaker (1900-1983) Razor blade slicing through an eye, symbolized destroying the way we watch cinema, Un chien andalou, surrealist
Cinema Novo Brazilian filmmakers in the 1950s and 1960s. In Portugal, Novo Cinema flourished after the 1960s, where it lasted, inspired by Italian Neo-Realism and the French movement of the New wave, the direct cinema techniques, and by the ideals the Carnation Revolution up to the early 1980s, Culture revolution Dogme 95 is an ultramodern, back to basics, filmmaking movement started in 1995 by the Danish directors Lars von Trier and Thomas Vinterberg Ex: Vow of Chastity, The Celebration The Chinese Fifth Generation Beginning in the mid-late 1980, increased popularity of Chinese cinema abroad, pictorial, culture revolution Ex: Zhang Yimou French New Wave long tracking shots, existential themes, lower budget, influenced by Italian Neo realism Ex: Werner Herzog German film director, part of New German Cinema, His films often feature heroes with impossible dreams, people with unique talents in obscure fields, or individuals who find themselves in conflict with nature. Ex: The HUAC hearings House Un-American Activities Committee, formed to find communist sympathizers in Hollywood, belief was Hollywood Films corrupted by Communist ideals, May 1947 Ex: Akira Kurosawa Japanese film director, samurai movies, popular in the west Ex: YOJIMBO! Seven Samurai Neorealism Italian, 1944 1952, on location, children as observant roles, un-trained actors, Ex: Bicycle thieves The New Hollywood Uses Synergy alongside a typical blockbuster schedule to maximize profits Ex: Started by JAWS Paramount Decrees In 1940, Paramount agreed to a government-instituted consent decree: block booking and "pre-selling" (the practice of collecting up-front money for films not yet in production) would end. Immediately Paramount cut back on production, from sixty-plus pictures to a more modest twenty annually in the war years. Still, with more new stars (like Bob Hope, Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake, Paulette Goddard, and Betty Hutton), and with war-time attendance at astronomical numbers, Paramount and the other integrated studio-theatre combines made more money than ever. At this, the Federal Trade Commission and the Justice Department decided to reopen their case against the five integrated studios. This led to the Supreme Court decision of 1948 that broke up Adolph Zukor's amazing creation and effectively brought an end to the classic Hollywood studio system.
Ousmane Sembene (1923 - 2007) "Father of African film." 1966 he produced his first feature fim, La Noire de..., based on one of his own short stories. Was an author but made film for larger audience Moolaad Female circumcision Spaghetti Westerns Mid 60s Italian westerns Ex: Sergio Leone, starring Clint Eastwood : A Fistful of Dollars (1964), For a Few Dollars More (1965), and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) The Wave Pattern Pattern where a film trend becomes popular due to a percfect storm of factors but then weakens due to certain factors to eventually be replaced by another wave Ex: French New Wave, Neo Realism Auteur theory a directors film reflects the director's personal creative vision, as if he or she were the primary author. Ex: Vertical Integration Owning all means of production and distribution. In the film world, this would be one studio owning the theaters, and all the means of making a film Ex: The Big 5 before the Paramount decree The social problem film Post-war context, instead of escapism the films focus on realism to bring attention to a social problem. Ex: Screwball Comedy Eccentric romantic comedies, set during depression, behaves unexpectedly Ex: In Happened One Night New Iranian Cinema Focused on children so that the government (FCF) would fund them. Started in 1970 with The Cow but gained wide acclaim in 1986 Where is my friends home Ex: Cinema Motefavet New German Cinema a period in German cinema which lasted from the late 1960s into the 1980s. It saw the emergence of a new generation of directors. Working with low budgets, and influenced by the French New Wave Ex: Method acting actors draw upon their own emotions and memories in their portrayals, the actors get into the head of their character and are suppose to become their character Ex: Marlon Brando as Terry Malloy in On the waterfront Kitchen sink cinema a British cultural movement which developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s, used a style of social realism, which often depicted the domestic situations of working class Britons living in rented accommodation and spending their off-hours drinking in grimy pubs, to explore social issues and political controversies. In short, it was Britians Neorealim. Ex: Look Back in Anger, ended by a Hard days Night / Beatles, Swingin. Hollywood Production code Rules to avoid censorship and gain mass appeal, fell apart and was replaced by rating system. 1930 to 1968 Jean-Luc Godard A god amongst men, French Director, challenge traditional Hollywood cinema French New wave, extreme Marxist, I share a birthday with him were practically best friends. Political radical, existentialist Ex: Breathless (Much How Godards works leave me, as they are so fantastic)
Film Noir Femme Fatal, Shadows, 1940-1950s, crime fiction Ex: Double Indemnity Classical Hollywood Cinema between roughly the 1910s and the 1960s, camera and sound recording should never draw attention to themselves. A + B = C Ex: Cinema Verite truthful cinema, a style of documentary filmmaking, combining naturalistic techniques with stylized cinematic devices of editing and camerawork, staged set-ups, and the use of the camera to provoke subjects. It is also known for taking a provocative stance toward its topics. Cahiers du cinema an influential French film magazine founded in 1951 meaning (Notebooks on Cinema) amongst its writers Jacques Rivette, Jean-Luc Godard, Claude Chabrol and Franois Truffaut. Ingmar Bergman (1918 2007) Swedish Director, later works allowed actors to improvise their lines and wrote only the main idea of the scene Ex: The seventh Seal, Wild Strawberries