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Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 20 (2011) 323–334

14th EWGT & 26th MEC & 1st RH

Solving the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with

Environmental Criteria Based on Real Estimations in Road
Transportation: A Case Study
Javier Faulina,*, Angel Juanb, Fernando Leraa, Scott Grasmanc
Public University of Navarre, Campus Arrosadia, Pamplona 31006, Spain
Open University of Catalonia, Rambla del Poblenou, 156, Barcelona 08018, Spain
Missouri University of Science and Technology, 600 West 14th Street Rolla, MO 65409-0370, USA


One of the most important objectives in company logistics is the optimization of goods distribution considering the whole value
chain. There are many algorithms to optimise the capacitated vehicle routing problems (CVRP) associated to problems of road
transportation. The objective function of those problems usually involves distance, cost, number of vehicles, or profits, among
others. In this contribution we also take into account environmental costs. Here, we want to manage environmental costs
estimations based on surveys about road transportation crossing rural areas having valuable biological and natural stock. Thus,
we develop some variants (AWEC) to traditional heuristic algorithms, such as those of Clarke and Wright or Mole and Jameson,
in which we include environmental cost estimates in real scenarios in Spain. This raises the value of the global objective
function, but permits a more realistic cost estimate that includes not only the internal costs involved in the problem but also the
related externalities. Finally, we discuss several solutions to a real case in the agribusiness sector in Navarre (Spain).
© 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee.
Keywords: Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem; Environmental Criteria, Heuristics, Transport surveys.

1. Introduction

Nowadays, there is increasing concern across the world over the environmental impact of business management
decisions. Many of those decisions affect the transport and logistics sector and the agribusiness sector is not an
exception. This has led to detailed analysis of transport externalities, which has given rise to the sustainable mobility
concept (European Commission, 1998). This term covers all the various environmental and social impacts that are
generated by business logistic activities. This paper bases its theoretical foundation on the report written by the

Corresponding Author.
E-mail address: javier.faulin@unavarra.es
1877–0428 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee
324 Javier Faulin et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 20 (2011) 323–334

authors, among others, for the Spanish Ministry of Transport on the optimisation of routes incorporating safety and
environmental measures (ETMOL, Pintor et al., 2005)
The environmental externalities generated by transport activities in Europe have a tremendous impact on the
economy of every European country, with economic costs amounting to 8% of the Gross Domestic Product in 2000
in the EU-15 (INFRAS/IWW, 2000). The most important source of negative environmental externalities is road
transport, which generates 90% of the external costs of all forms of transport (Betancor and Nombela, 2003). Road
freight, moreover, causes 30% of the external costs generated by transport activities (European Environment
Agency, 2010). It is therefore important to incorporate these ideas and concerns in daily route management in
companies, by searching for good quality routes to offset the environmental costs. Such routes will be classed as
sustainable routes.
This paper analyses route-building using pertinent variants of traditional algorithms (Clarke and Wright, 1964;
Mole and Jameson, 1976) for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (Toth and Vigo, 2002), including the
implementation of new costs apart from the classic ones, such as distances or delivery expenses. These new costs are
related to the assessment of the environmental damage caused by logistic activities along with the introduction of
new safety rules in vehicle loading and unloading processes. Safety costs are easier to estimate than environmental
costs, because the former ones are closely related to very well-known safety measures, while the latter ones require
complex computations to obtain monetary estimates of the negative environmental impact of transport and logistics.
Safety cost estimations in Spanish transport focus on absenteeism and the workplace accident rate (Bayo, 2003). In
contrast, environmental cost estimation must be linked to specific geographical areas, and requires data on the exact
delivery policies for each vehicle (ECMT, 2003; Carlow, 2001). We are going to introduce both costs in our
optimisation model to solve logistic problems but the most important ones are the environmental costs (5% versus
28% roughly speaking, according to ETMOL project (Pintor et al., 2005)). For that reason, we have paid more
attention to environmental costs in the current paper.

1.1. Definition of the Problem

Algorithms with Environmental Criteria (AWEC) were constructed to address the need for solutions to real
problems in delivery companies or logistic carriers. First of all, the authors highlight the importance of designing an
algorithm which optimises distribution costs along with the costs associated to environmental impact. We outline
the costs involved in the current problem as follows:
Costs I: We define these costs as the traditional logistic costs associated to the usual delivery process in
transportation, i.e. the fuel cost, the vehicle maintenance cost and the staff cost, among others, are the main kinds of
costs included in this section.
Costs II: We define this cost as the added expenditure associated to environmental damage caused by logistic
activities. This environmental damage can be classified according to its origin: pollution, noise, congestion and wear
and tear on infrastructure. We will also consider in this section the safety cost as the added expenditure due to extra
voluntary safety measures carried out by the company manager in normal delivery activities. Such measures are
usually highly recommended but not compulsory and therefore not always applied. These measures are
painstakingly described in ETMOL project (Pintor et al., 2005) and include, among others, the following actions:
scheduled vehicle inspections, fuel and lubricant checks on vehicles, continuous maintenance policies, or good
driving practices.

2. Literature Review for the CVRP

The Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) (Table 1) has been described as the most common
management problem in food, fuel and retail goods distributors. Our literature review revealed several different
approaches to the CVRP. A good update of various heuristic methods appears in Van Breedam’s (2001) paper.
Other traditional papers about heuristic algorithms are Gaskell (1967), Golden, et al. (1977) and Bodin and Berman
(1979). The most interesting reference in the VRP bibliography is Toth and Vigo (2002) which provides a good list
of excellent algorithms to solve the CVRP. Other reviews of the VRP are the following: Golden and Assad (1991)
and Cordeau et al. (2007).
Javier Faulin et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 20 (2011) 323–334 325

We seek to design directly applicable algorithms to solve routing problems in real companies. Constructive
methods have been shown to be applicable in the solution of real problems in the logistic activities of many
companies (Guillén, 2003). These methods were thoroughly analyzed during the 1960s and 1970s, and found to give
satisfactory results for small-scale problems. The most important constructive method is Clarke and Wright’s (1964)
algorithm (CWS algorithm) which defines a saving function to decide which nodes should be incorporated to the
routes in construction. Some commercial applications generate routes, sequentially or simultaneously, using that
method. Nevertheless, sequential methods based on savings are quicker than other constructive algorithms, although
the total distance of their routes is much greater. Thus, alternative methods were devised: various procedures are
described in Wren and Holliday (1972), Gillet and Miller (1974) or Gaskell (1967). Finally, Mole and Jameson’s
(1976) algorithm appeared as a natural generalization of the CWS algorithm with good properties for the solution of
real cases.

Table 1. Characteristics of CVRP (it is called VRP-SE01 when environmental costs are also considered)

Characteristics of CVRP Options for the CVRP

Fleet size Multiple vehicles
Fleet composition Homogeneous or Heterogeneous
Vehicle origin Single Depot
Demand type Known Deterministic Demand
Demand location In each node
Network type Non-oriented
Maximum time per route None
Activities Deliveries only
Costs Fixed vehicle costs and variable route costs
Safety requirements
Time distribution constraints
Minimise distribution costs (Costs I)
and environmental costs (Costs II)

Similarly, the use of metaheuristics in VRP became popular during the nineties. Two of the most important
papers on the use of heuristics and metaheuristics were Gendreau, et al.’s (1994), which introduced the Tabu Route
algorithm, and Laporte et al. (2000), which includes a thorough discussion of classical and modern heuristics.
Nevertheless, the main source of current information about metaheuristics is Toth and Vigo (2002). Some ideas for
AWEC were taken from the previous references. Other algorithms that need to be taken into account in the
construction of our method are the GRASP procedures (Feo and Resende, 1989; Feo and Resende, 1995), which are
iterative randomized sampling techniques that provide a solution to the problem with each iteration.

3. Environmental Problems in Transportation

The consideration of environmental costs is essentially changing the transportation policy in developed countries,
especially those within the European Union. The new environmental sensitivity in today’s societies and
governments has been described in several studies, such as INFRAS/IWW and UNITE (INFRAS/IWW, 2004;
Betancor and Nombela, 2003; Sansom et al., 2001). The European Conference of Ministers of Transport (1998)
urged European Governments to develop new instruments to incorporate externalities and environmental costs in
transport management accounting. Similarly, Weintraub and Romero (2006) have also highlighted the need to use
environmental criteria in the development of OR models in Agriculture. Therefore, environmental concerns have
highlighted the importance of sustainable transport design.
326 Javier Faulin et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 20 (2011) 323–334

Amongst the gamut of environmental costs associated with mobility and transportation, we will focus our
attention on two; namely, noise and polluting emissions. One reason for selecting these particular causes of
environmental damage is because they are important components of the transportation cost function: near 60% of
the total average of cost freight in the EU. (INFRAS/IWW, 2004). Furthermore, they have widely been studied in
the European arena and we can use some of the findings in our study of road transport problems in Spain. Unlike
safety, which we analyzed in ETMOL project (Pintor et al., 2005) in the Spanish context, environmental studies
have often been conducted on a European level. We have therefore made use of these studies and applied them to
the Spanish transport setting. We will portray these environmental costs in the following subsections.

3.1. Road transport noise impact

The road transport noise is a topic that has been widely analyzed in many cases. Unfortunately, there are no
European standards to assess noise impact (Verhoef, 1994). Nevertheless, Quinet (2004) highlighted the importance
of external cost estimates for transport policy decisions. Furthermore, the quantification of environmental
externalities involves many uncertainties and heavily depends on the temporal and regional conditions. Thus, we
will adopt the main noise estimates in the INFRAS/IWW (2004) study to select the costs to be incorporated in the
design of our algorithms AWEC. This study was chosen for the reliability of the data and the richness of the results
and the fact that it is the most complete existing study of noise and polluting emissions (Tables 2 and 3). Thus, we
consider these to be reliable noise cost estimates (Table 2, shaded cells) and use INFRAS/IWW average costs for the
implementation of the AWEC algorithms.

Table 2. Comparison of noise cost estimates in the INFRAS and UNITE studies

Values INFRAS (2004) UNITE (2003)

Average costs (1)
€ /1,000 Tm-Km € /1000 Vehicle-Km
Lorry + Van 6.62 15.6 (1)
Van 20.40 N. A.
Lorry 2.93 N. A.
Marginal costs € /1000 Tm-Km € /1000 Vehicle-Km
Van 2.40 – 307 N. A
Lorry 0.25 – 32 N. A
Van (interurban vs urban transport) 0.71 – 92.10 N. A
Lorry (interurban vs urban transport) 1.31 – 169.47 N. A
Also includes cars and coaches. N.A.: Not Available.
Source: Own calculations on data supplied by INFRAS/IWW (2004) and Betancor and Nombela (2003)

3.2. Impact of road transport polluting emissions.

Air pollution is a serious transport externality, which is harmful to humans, and also to flora and fauna. Generally
speaking, transport vehicles release polluting agents as a consequence of fuel combustion. The increase in road
traffic has brought about a rise in transport pollution, despite a reduction in pollution rates due to technical
improvements in engines and fuels. Costs of air pollution are summarized in Table 3, along with the UNITE costs
(Betancor and Nombela, 2003). Following the same methodology described in the noise analysis, we will make use
of INFRAS/IWW (2004) to evaluate the environmental costs associated with pollution. We will employ average
costs following the INFRAS study to implement pollution costs in the AWEC algorithms (Table 3, shaded cells).
Javier Faulin et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 20 (2011) 323–334 327

Table 3. Comparison of pollution cost estimates in the INFRAS and UNITE studies

Values INFRAS (2004) UNITE (2003)

Vehicle Light Vehicle Heavy Vehicle Light Vehicle Heavy Vehicle
Average costs € /1,000 Tm-Km € /1,000 Vehicle-Km
Air Pollution 69.1 24.2 15.0 22.8
Global Warming 62.3 (1) 13.0 (1) 13.4 15.8
Nature, soils and water pollution 11.4 2.6 N. A. N. A.
Marginal costs € /1,000 Tm-Km € /1,000 Vehicle-Km
Air Pollution 15 - 100 33.5 N. A. N. A.
Global Warming 8.2 - 57.4 1.8 – 12.8 N. A. N. A.
Nature, soils and water pollution 10.9 0.8 N. A. N. A.
Global warming costs have been calculated with the shadow value of 140 €/Tm-CO2. N.A.: Not Available.
Source: Own calculations on data supplied by INFRAS/IWW (2004) and Betancor and Nombela (2003)

4. Algorithms with Environmental Criteria: AWEC

Having presented the main characteristics of the new goals to be considered in AWEC algorithms, we will now
describe its working philosophy. We will first of all select two families of routing algorithms to implement the cost
structure described in Tables 2 and 3. We will use the average costs obtained by the INFRAS (2000, 2004) study to
construct the algorithm because they provide a realistic estimation of the cost associated with environmental
externalities. In light of the above considerations, therefore, in our aim to design a new algorithm, we can identify
the following requisites:
x We need a constructive algorithm because it will provide an easy procedure to implement our external costs.
x We seek a versatile algorithm with a suitable number of tuning parameters.
x We seek an algorithm that is transparent in the sense that it will readily reveal the effects of the external costs

4.1. Selection of the baseline algorithms

Taking into account the need to find an appropriate constructive algorithm in which to test the implementation of
external costs, we chose the Mole and Jameson’s (1976) procedure because it satisfies the three prerequisites
described above. Viewing this algorithm as a generalization of Clarke and Wright’s (1964) procedure (CWS
algorithm), we will now describe it in the following way.
Mole and Jameson’s algorithm (MJ algorithm) (1976). This algorithm is based on the CWS algorithm and it is
described as a generalization of the savings algorithm. The CWS algorithm describes the savings function as
S ( A, B) d OA  d OB  d AB (1)
where point O is the depot and points A and B are any pair of nodes in network : corresponding to the set of
customers to be visited, and the variable d describes the distance between its two subindices which represent two
different points of : . Clearly S ( A, B) S ( B, A), with 1 d A, B d N , being N the total number of nodes of
: . The sequential MJ procedure will present the steps described below:

1) Choice of position for an additional node C.

i) Calculate the generalized extramileages starting from nodes A and B and aiming to add node C (we call this
function the modified strain):
MSTC ( A, B ) d AC  d BC  Od AB with Ot0 ( 2)
328 Javier Faulin et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 20 (2011) 323–334

If it is satisfied that strain STC ( A, B) is a feasible distance (it has a positive value), where strain is defined as
STC ( A, B) d AC  d BC  d AB (this strain is calculated for different nodes C having fixed nodes A
and B), then go to the next step. Otherwise, select a different pair of points A and B.

ii) Find the position (I, J) to add node C satisfying the following criterion:
MSTC ( I , J ) Min MSTC ( A, B) (3)
A, B where STC ( A, B ) is feasible

2) Selection of the next node to be added to the route in formation.

i) Calculate the modified savings function:

MSAVC ( A, B) Pd1C  MSTC ( A, B) Pd1C  Od AB  d AC  d BC (4)
ii) Find the node K to be included in the route in the next iteration, with C satisfying the vehicle capacity
MSAV K ( L, M ) Max MSAVC ( I , J ) (5)
C feasible
3) Use of r-opt methods. Once the nodes have been grouped, an appropriate method to re-sort nodes should be
implemented: r-opt procedures are the best (Laporte, 2007). We will use the 2-opt or 3-opt methods.

4.2. Implementation and parameters of the AWEC algorithms: the rationale.

Knowing the behavior and main characteristics of Mole and Jameson’s (1976) procedure (MJ algorithm), let us
describe the way in which we are going to implement the external costs due to noise and environmental damage.
Thus, the AWEC algorithms will proceed through in five phases.
1) Data introduction. The following data are required to implement the algorithm:
a. Number of nodes, apart from the depot
b. Coordinates x and y for each node, the real road network and the traveling times
c. Demand associated to each node, depot included
d. Capacity of each vehicle and number of vehicles. All vehicles have the same characteristics
(Homogeneous fleet)
e. Maximum speed of each vehicle according to road category of delivery route (urban, two-way
road, dual carriageway or motorway)
2) Calculation of nodes which are inserted in a new route. In this phase we calculate the insertion cost
functions D and E , when we try to insert node k between nodes i and j:

D (i, j, k ) d ik  d jk  Od ij (6)
E (i, j, k ) Pd1k  D (i, j, k ) (7)

These formulae are the functions (2) and (4) as depicted in Mole and Jameson’s algorithm where i and j are two
fixed nodes of the network : and k is a candidate node to be implemented in the current route. In fact, following
our notation D (i, j, k ) MSTk (i, j ) . These steps are undertaken to obtain estimates of the best values of the
parameters O and P for each iteration of the current procedure. This is also known as a parameter tuning process.
We will not take the traditional values recommended by Mole and Jameson; we will instead sweep the parameter
square at each iteration of the algorithm, using steps of 0.1 in each parameter interval [0,1]. We will therefore be
testing the parameter square using a representative network of 100 points. Since this test has no effect on problem
size, it does not increase the computational complexity of the algorithm.
3) Nodes introduction in the route created in the phase 2. Formulae (6) and (7) are used to add more nodes
to any existing route. This process is iterated as long as there are any unassigned nodes, any vehicles
with available loading space and any drivers with available driving time. After having distributed the
Javier Faulin et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 20 (2011) 323–334 329

load among the vehicles, the trucks with incomplete loads are checked to see if smaller vehicles can be
found to perform the same delivery task.
4) Optimization of route solution using 2-opt or 3-opt techniques. Once we have calculated a potential route
solution, we apply 2-opt or 3-opt optimization techniques. The choice of 2-opt or 3-opt depends on the
complexity or the size of the problem.
5) Solution display. Eventually, the algorithm displays the final route solutions along with the main
optimization values: distances and costs.

4.3. Main description of the structure of the AWEC algorithms.

The costs used to be implemented in the preceding steps are internal distance-related costs (including also costs
related to safety measures) and environmental costs. The first type of costs is usually calculated employing a logistic
software, such as Optrak (www.optrak.com), knowing previously the real data given by a company whose
distribution process we want to analyze. The second one is calculated using the INFRAS (2004) study which
provide different environmental costs according to a classification of roads or motorways, their characteristics
(slope, width, traffic intensity,…) and the typology of the surrounding landscapes (urban or rural areas, high or low
populated regions, national parks, …). Thus, the data provided by the INFRAS (2004) study and those provided by
the company to analyze, are used to calculate the final costs of the whole distribution process.
Thus, the construction of the AWEC algorithms is based in the selection of a baseline procedure (CWS or MJ
algorithms) to solve a distribution problem in a company. Later, an objective function which considers the distance-
related costs along the environmental costs (provided by INFRAS, 2004) is optimized using the selected baseline
procedure. It is really important to highlight that the environmental costs given by INFRAS depending strongly on
the geographical area in which they have been calculated. Therefore, the new objective function designed in this
way is really different to the objective function which does not consider environmental costs. That is the main
characteristics of our method.

5. Solving a Real Case in the Agribusiness Sector: Computational Results

We are going to use AWEC algorithms in order to solve the logistic problems related to a canning company
situated in Navarre (Spain), called Company H (this is the company nickname for discretion reasons). This firm cans
and delivers frozen food (mainly vegetables) around Spain and southern Europe. Traditionally, the food canning
industry breaks down vegetable canning into six categories: 1) Root Vegetables, 2) Leafy Vegetables, 3) String
Beans, 4) Fresh Pack, 5) Dry Pack, 6) Specialty Vegetables. Company H is devoted to production and distribution of
frozen vegetables, in a single or pooled way. The number of workers amounts to seven hundred during peak
production. Company H is sited in Pamplona, Navarre (Spain).
Having described the AWEC algorithms, we will now describe the delivery routing problem of Company H in its
plant in Pamplona. Company H has hired a logistic carrier LC1 to perform its delivery activities. We have obtained
the delivery data of the logistic carrier LC1 in the surroundings of Pamplona (Navarre, Spain). The carrier gave us
the option of optimizing ten different cases of final product delivery in cases P1-P10. We will show the outcomes
for the first case only for brevity reasons. We chose the P2 case for being one of the most representative.

5.1. Data collection for case P2

Case P2 involves a delivery activity for which Company H uses up to seven vehicles the characteristics of which
are described in Table 4, including their speed on urban streets, trunk roads and highways. Table 6 gives delivery
route data including the depot and customers to visit. These data for all customers include Cartesian coordinates,
demand, area (customer situated in the same town or village belongs to the same area), and road access (which takes
a value of 1 if there is a direct access, and 0 otherwise). We used Cartesian coordinates to find the Cartesian
distances and updated them using the circuity factors portrayed by Ballou et al. (2002). In this way we estimated the
real distances between customer nodes.
330 Javier Faulin et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 20 (2011) 323–334

5.2. Solving case P2

After the introduction of problem P2 in the AWEC algorithms using Mole and Jameson’s procedure as the
baseline method, we obtained the outcomes given in Table 5, in which we depict the final solution of the problem.
We then calculated the costs associated to that solution in Table 8 for case P2.
Thus, from Tables 6 and 7, we can observe the characteristics of the AWEC solutions and costs for problem P2.
In Table 7, we have calculated the internal costs (fixed, driver,…) according to the information and the data
provided by Company H using the Optrak software (www.optrak.com). Most of those costs are affected by the
structure and length of the provided route solution. We attained a good vehicle filling percentage with a large cost
increment due to environmental impact and a moderate increase in costs associated to the implementation of safety
Using the same procedure, we solved the complete list of ten cases P1-P10. The average costs associated to these
cases are portrayed in Table 8. Comparing the P2 problem with the overall outcome, it can be seen that the results
are similar for environmental costs and rather diverse for safety measures. We also compared the performance of the
AWEC algorithms with different baseline methods for ten instances drawn from Augerat (1995) with the best
known solutions (Faulin et al, 2011).
The solutions previously shown could be clearly improved, but they represent a first step towards routing
solutions including external costs in addition to traditional distance costs. Finally, the solutions to P2 were presented
to one of the managers of Company H, who considered the results very positive on the whole and in some cases
eligible for implementation in other real logistic activities.

Table 4. Vehicle characteristics for the test problem P2

Urban way speed Road speed Highway speed

Truck Capacity (kg)
(km/h) (km/h) (km/h)
1 5,000 40 70 90
2 5,000 40 70 90
3 5,000 40 70 90
4 3,500 45 75 95
5 3,500 45 75 95
6 3,500 45 75 95
7 2,000 50 80 100

Table 5. Results obtained with the AWEC algorithms using Mole and Jameson’s method as the baseline for test problem P2.

Filling Driving
Truck Class Time
Route Load (kg) percentage Distance time Destinations
(kg) (km) (min) (km)
(%) (min)

1 5,000 4,862 97.24 291 502 254 12 0

2 5,000 4,650 93.00 302 523 246 14 114
3 5,000 4,005 80.10 240 375 208 8 0
Total 15000 13517 90,11 833 1400 708 34 114

6. Conclusions and Recommendations

According to our previous discussion, we highlight the importance of the present analysis in routing optimization
in real companies. The following are the pooled conclusions based on an analysis of the outcomes in the above
section and in the EMTOL project (Pintor et al., 2005).
Javier Faulin et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 20 (2011) 323–334 331

6.1. Conclusions about the properties of the AWEC algorithms

i. The AWEC algorithms quickly yield a solution to routing problems with less than 100 nodes (maximum time: 2
ii. The AWEC algorithms calculate an average cost increase of 5% over the baseline cost when safety measures
are implemented. This percentage increase, estimated net of transport related environmental costs, can be easily
supported by logistics companies.
iii. When environmental costs are included and safety costs ignored, however, the AWEC estimates a 28% average
increase in relation to the baseline case. This is a very high cost for companies to afford without public funding.

Table 6. Characteristics of the depot and destinations for test problem P2

Node Destination Coord_X (km) Coord_Y (km) Area Highway Demand (kg)
1 Pamplona (Depot) 83 115 1 1 0
2 Tudela I 87 27 2 1 142
3 Tudela II 87 26 2 1 80
4 Tudela III 86 27 2 1 988
5 Tudela IV 86 25 2 1 564
6 Tudela V 86 26 2 1 233
7 Tudela VI 87 25 2 1 443
8 Tudela VII 86 24 2 1 67
9 Castejon I 78 54 3 0 456
10 Castejon II 79 53 3 0 67
11 Corella I 70 31 4 0 76
12 Corella II 70 32 4 0 24
13 Corella III 70 33 4 0 233
14 Corella IV 69 30 4 0 65
15 Corella V 71 29 4 0 1,234
16 Corella VI 71 30 4 0 1,254
17 Corella VII 72 31 4 0 1,157
18 Cintuenigo I 68 27 5 0 654
19 Cintuenigo II 66 26 5 0 67
20 Cascante I 79 17 6 0 56
21 Cascante II 80 16 6 0 23
22 Cascante III 81 18 6 0 345
23 Cascante IV 79 18 6 0 644
24 Cascante V 79 16 6 0 444
25 Cascante VI 78 16 6 0 1,078
26 Peralta I 69 58 7 0 1,868
27 Peralta II 70 58 7 0 78
28 Peralta III 70 57 7 0 87
29 Peralta IV 69 58 7 0 675
30 Peralta V 70 58 7 0 65
31 Peralta VI 70 28 7 0 123
32 Marcilla 74 56 8 0 654
33 Villatuerta I 52 96 9 0 56
34 Villatuerta II 53 98 9 0 456
35 Villatuerta III 52 96 9 0 564
332 Javier Faulin et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 20 (2011) 323–334

6.2. Conclusions regarding the use of the AWEC method in real companies

i. We foresee a promising outlook for optimization procedures to solve the VRP-SE01 problem (Table 1) in
many transport companies and logistic carriers. The initial cost increase resulting from the implementation of
safety measures is offset by a clear reduction in absenteeism, giving an average net cost in the region of 5%
higher than in the baseline case. If we compare the outcomes of the two applications of the AWEC method, first
using Clarke and Wright’s procedure and then Mole and Jameson’s algorithm, we find that the increment drops
from 5% to 4%. Therefore, our main result via the AWEC algorithms is the viability of safe routes for road
transport systems.
ii. However, our conclusions with respect to the incorporation of environmental criteria in route optimization are
utterly negative, taking into account only the strictly economic concern of the company, which is to optimize
deliveries. The inclusion of environmental costs (the sum of the noise impacts and the vehicle polluting
emissions) increases optimization costs by around 28% in relation to the baseline scenario. Thus, public policies
will be required in order to support the environmental impact of road transport. They could be based on some of
the following options:
a) Legislation requiring logistics companies to bear these costs, which could generate significant
negative impacts on firms’ competitiveness.
b) Subsidies to help companies internalize environmental externalities, which could cause an increase
of public expenditure.
c) A mix of the above strategies, which might be the most plausible in the mid and long term.

Table 7. Costs of the routes generated with the AWEC algorithms using Mole and Jameson’s method as the baseline for test problem P2.
Cost due to driven

Externalities Cost

externalities (%)
safety measures
Highway Cost

Cost increase

Cost increase
Driver Cost
Fixed Cost

Total Cost
km (€)








1 193.34 122.46 229.19 0.00 127.34 0.11 1.873 672.33 2.81 18.94
2 193.34 127.55 232.09 9.12 126.39 0.12 1.861 688.49 3.57 18.36
3 193.34 91.31 170.51 0.00 86.51 0.11 1.896 541.67 0.32 15.97
Total 580.02 341.32 631.78 9.12 340.23 0.12 1.875 1,902.47 2.81 17.88

Table 8. Average cost increases due to safety measures and environmental externalities: a comparison of AWEC algorithms with two baseline

Clarke & Wright’s Average increase due to safety measures

baseline algorithm Without including environmental costs Including environmental costs
Total cost 6.29 % 3.66 %

Mole & Jameson’s Average increase due to safety measures

baseline algorithm Without including environmental costs Including environmental costs
Total cost 4.77% 3.48%

Clarke & Wright’s Average increase due to inclusion of externality costs

baseline algorithm Without applying safety measures Applying safety measures
Total cost 29.84 % 25.98 %

Mole & Jameson’s Average increase due to inclusion of externality costs

baseline algorithm Without applying safety measures Applying safety measures
Total cost 29.12 % 26.99 %
Javier Faulin et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 20 (2011) 323–334 333

Similarly, these policies should encourage research in the abatement of noise and polluting emissions by means
of technical improvements in vehicles, the development of new fuels, or new tire designs.
iii. Another important implication of the implementation of the AWEC algorithms is the need for alternatives to
road transport. This means increased use of sea and rail in combination with road transportation; in other
words, the optimization and management of intermodal freight transportation.


We acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (Projects TRA2006-
2009-10639 and TRA2010-21644-C03), and the Government of Navarre under the research networks “Sustainable


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